Rating:  Summary: ...You have no frame of reference here. Review: After renting it twice, I'm buying this DVD to save money in the long run. The Dude is one of my all time favorite movie characters, seeming more real than many people. He's the kind of guy that if you were his brother or sister, every conversation about him would end with "...but he's a great guy and I love him". The people who give this movie a bad review would be his poor parents that just don't understand him or his friends. This movie is solid proof that box office reciepts are meaningless.And remember, if you want a toe? There are ways, I can get ya a toe.
Rating:  Summary: A Movie That Takes More Than One Viewing To Love Review: The Big Lebowski is definitly a movie that you have to see once, just to break yourself in. Then, the next time you watch it, enjoy. From Goodman's "I don't f---ing roll!" Walter, to Buscemi's "Phone's ringing dude," Donnie to Bridges' "The rug brought the room together." Dude, The Big Lebowski is the best cult movie since The Rocky Horror Picture Show. You really have to see it a few times to genuinely appreciate it's vulgar and profane humor. An instant classic in the Coen Brothers vein of weird cinema. "Shomer shabbaz!"
Rating:  Summary: The Dude Is Truly A Hero For Our Times! Review: This is IMHO the best movie the Coen brothers have ever done. I like all of their movies except "Barton Fink" which was a real stinkburger. Jeff Bridges is positively brilliant as "The Dude", and John Goodman as a whacked out Vietnam vet made my sides ache from laughing so hard. Julianne Moore was also quite good as a pretentious performance artist. My only complaint about this movie would be that Steve Buscemi was underused. We also see brief but effective appearances by Sam Elliott (as the narrator), Peter Stormare (as an empty-headed German nihilist), John Turturro (as a hotheaded Latino Bowler with purple shoes),and Ben Gazzarra (as a porn producer). Particularly noteworthy in this movie is the Busby Berkelyesque "Gutterballs" sequence which is The Dude's dream of starring in a bowling porno flick with Moore. Set to the tune of "Just Checked In To See What Condition My Condition Was In", it is the funniest scene in the movie and alone merits the purchase of this video. As one of the previous customer reviewers said: "The Dude abides, and so do I". It just doesn't get any better or funnier than this!
Rating:  Summary: Beyond Pacifism Review: I was glad to see so many glowing reviews of this film. The fact is, this is one of the greatest and wittiest comedies of all time. Those that dislike this movie probably just don't appreciate the humor. I must say that this movie definitely requires more than one viewing to be appreciated. I am adhering to a strict viewing regiment to keep my mind limber. Every character, even Brandt, gives a stellar performance. The DVD version has a short interview with the Coen brothers and allows one to understand how the idea was conceived. This is an outstanding movie and there are many hilarious incidents, but the true humor is in the dialogue. You can apply a quote from the movie to just about any life situation.
Rating:  Summary: Bigger Than Big Review: With his portrayal of Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski in the Coen brothers psycho romp The Big Lebowski, Jeff Bridges has attained the rank of acting god. He's been cult (see Lebowski or American Heart), mainstream (The Fisher King or The Mirror has Two Streisands-eek!), but as an aging stoner caught up in world peopled by those even weirder than he is, Bridges has reached a sort of character nirvana. How can you not just love the guy? The brilliant Coens again display a kaleidoscopic range of genres, themes, techniques, and plot lines. Lebowski's a wonder to behold. Here, the bleakness of Fargo is replaced with a dazzling colorwheel showcased particularly in The Dude's hilarious dreams. If there's a point to this whole affair, I missed it. And I couldn't care less.
Rating:  Summary: The Dude Abides and so do I Review: If I was stranded on a desert island with an AC power outlet, a vcr and one movie - well this is it. Irrespective of all of the long winded pseudo technical "oh this nailed the early 90's right on the head" flashback praise that you may find from viewers here at Amazon, the bottom line is this: If you are a "dude" than you will succumb to this flick and enjoy it more than any other "dude" film ever produced - period. Are you a dude? Yes? ... than get this movie dammit!
Rating:  Summary: Makes 8MM look like The Godfather. Review: Yeah, 8MM was a horrible movie. With that out of the way, let me say that The Big Lebowski was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. People are gonna write negative things about my review. Yeah, well, get over it or get a life. Either one. Fargo was so much more superior to this film (not to mention so many other films). I popped this into my VCR with such high hopes. Turns out I couldn't even watch the entire thing; it was about 3 in the afternoon and I didn't feel like napping. It's a movie about a guy who takes ransom money. It was a good idea, but presented in a sloppy, over-stylish fashion. The only reason I give it two stars is because of John Goodman's gun-toting character. Hehe. I guess it's worth a look if you liked the Coen's previous movies just to see that every master has their one failure. A drag, to say the least.
Rating:  Summary: not a good movie. Review: I had no expectations for this movie, as I did not know anything about it beforehand, but it was still a disappointment. It just seemed to go on forever. I guess with movies that have no real plot, there can't actually be much of a natural ending. It had pointless obscene language and drug use. The dialogue was not funny, in fact the characters were so stupid with their back-and-forth it was frustrating. Maybe all the pot-smokers out there will think it's trippy, but if you aren't into that, don't waste your time on this one.
Rating:  Summary: Over the Line! Review: I have to admit that the first time I saw this movie, I hated it. Like a lot of people, I thought it was silly and outright weird. However, I must say that a second viewing changed my opinion entirely and this is one of my all time favorites now. The dialogue is absolutely hilarious, and the whole absurdity of the plot makes the conversations even funnier. All of the characters are extremely funny in their own little ways. John Goodman is excellent as Walter, and Julianne Moore plays Maude better than anyone else could. Yes, the F-bomb is dropped a lot during the film, but what other movie features German Nihilists with nine-toed women toting around wild marmots? I could go on about this film for hours, but the bottom line is, give it a chance, and even a second chance or you will be missing out on a great one. But hey, that's just like, my opinion man.
Rating:  Summary: You got it all wrong, I'm the dude. Review: Most people do not understand this film for the genius that it is. This a period piece written for 1990. An unusual idea, I know, but who said the Coen Brothers are your usual film fare. The film's interwoven and dense script starts from the beginning; for example when they show "the dude" watching George Bush saying his famous, "this agression will not stand." Then you hear later in the bowling alley "the dude" trying to use this quote like it is in his subconscious, but of course he screws up the line. I love John Goodman as the guy who has to make everything connect with his Vietnam experiences and the way he tries to take control of every situation, but he always ends up losing it. The film though is a modern interpretation of a Dashiell Hammett novel. "The dude" is the reluctant snoop who never actually does anything, but ends up solving the case. The only time "the dude" actually does any investigative work, he gets dick... literally... he gets the picture drawn by porn tycoon Jackie Treehorn. The characters are unforgetable, the dialog "is good to beat the bad," the direction and script are genius, and the story's "in English too."