Rating:  Summary: I could watch it over and over Review: Well made, and for the most part unpredictable. Normally I am not a John Goodman fan, but his character was pretty funny. Bridges gives a bill murray style nonchalance performance and pulls it off very nicely. When the germans are breaking into his house and he says "this is a private residence" I'm not sure why, but I died laughing. Other parts have a genius flair as well, like the pederest bowler Jesus and the guy who stepped over the bowling lane line and wouldn't forfeit his score of pins. Things that hold no particular component of the story but are just there because they are funny. The person who wrote the story may have just been waiting for a movie like this to give them an outlet for some extremely bright material. Definitely worth owning, The Big Lebowski is an overlooked GEM.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: I _really_ enjoyed this movie the first time I saw it. It has extremely likeable characters and a very perculiar plotline (Which I usually enjoy.) The only reason I had to give it 4/5 stars was because I simply didn't enjoy myself all that much on second wieving. But it is still a brilliant movie.
Rating:  Summary: Dude, this is how to make a movie Review: To give away the plot to THE BIG LEBOWSKI would be criminal bordering on cruel. Having said that, the plot is of almost secondary importance to one's enjoyment of this film. What's most interesting is the way the story is told. This is the movie your stoned roommate could've written, if only he knew a damn thing about dialogue, casting, and, oh yes, directing. The characters here are rich, complex, and finely balanced against one another. Watching them work off each other is to invite yourself to see the movie countless times to catch every nuance of their performance. This is no accident of good lighting, nor happenstance of the editing room. It is the explicit design of the brothers Cohen, who must now surely be considered auteur. Just as in FARGO and RAISING ARIZONA, they here continue to prove their ability to create not just a story but an environment. Theirs is direction by immersion, not merely by camera angle. Anyone looking for lessons on how to write mesmerizing dialogue, how to create whole worlds without delving into the realm of fantasy or science fiction, would do well to start here. But then again so would anyone just wishing to have a great time at the movies. [PARENTAL NOTES: Take the "not-for-sale to persons under 18" seriously. The entire basis of the film is not likely to be one many parents will want their children to enjoy without supervision. It's not that it glorifies a particular drug-based lifestyle, really. But many parents would want to discuss the film with their children just to reinforce the fact that this *is* a work of fiction.] [DVD NOTES: There's not as much on this DVD as there should be, really. But the 30-minute making-of featurette makes it well worth purchasing over the VHS edition.]
Rating:  Summary: Qurky Mistaken Identity Flick Review: The plot of this Raymond Chandler-esque comedy crime caper from the Coen Brothers pivots around a case of mistaken identity complicated by extortion, double-crosses, deception, embezzlement, sex, pot, and gallons of White Russians (made with fresh cream, please). In 1991, unemployed '60s refugee Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski (Jeff Bridges) grooves into his laid-back Los Angeles lifestyle. One of the laziest men in LA, he enjoys hanging with his bowling buddies, pompous security-store owner Walter Sobchak (John Goodman) and mild-mannered ex-surfer Donny (Steve Buscemi). However, the Dude's life takes an alternate route the afternoon two goons break into his threadbare Venice, California, bungalow, rough him up, and urinate on his living room rug. Why? Because Jackie Treehorn (Ben Gazzara) is owed money by the wife of a certain Jeff Lebowski. However, the goons grabbed the wrong Jeff Lebowski. With the right info, they would have invaded the home of philanthropic Pasadena millionaire Jeffrey Lebowski (David Huddleston). The Dude looks up his wealthy namesake, manages to get a replacement for his rug, and meets the millionaire's sexy young wife Bunny (Tara Reid). Later, Jeffrey ("The Big") Lebowski calls in the Dude to deliver a $1 million ransom for the return of his kidnapped wife. Fine -- except that Walter intrudes and botches the ransom drop. As events unravel, the Dude gets caught up in the schemes of Lebowski's daughter, erotic artist Maude (Julianne Moore), encounters both cops and bad guys, and drifts through an elaborate bowling fantasy sequence titled Gutterballs. The soundtrack includes Bob Dylan, Yma Sumac, Moondog, Captain Beefheart, and the Sons of the Pioneers. A quirky flick not to be missed.
Rating:  Summary: "El Dudarino", if you're not hip to the whole brevity thing. Review: For some strange reason, I wasn't completely blown away the first time I saw this film. After repeated viewings, however, I realized how incredibly funny it really is. Bridges and Goodman are outstanding, the dialogue is hysterical, and the music fits in perfectly (unless you happen to be a huge Eagles fan). The characters and story truly grow on you. One minor criticism : The brilliant Steve Buscemi is somewhat wasted as Donnie. Overall a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Funny but structurally weak Review: The acting is terrific, and the film has some extremely funny moments. (Jon Goodman's turn is hysterical). Overall , though, the film individual moments are stronger than the movie overall. The Coen's are emotionally distant filmmakers, and their style works better in their "serious" films like "Fargo" and "Blood Simple" and "Millers Crossing" {still their best, I believe} than in some of their comedy. On the whole, I don't think the film sucesully competes with "Raising Arizona" in terms of sustaning absurdist lunacy for the course of the film. Its much much better than the Hudsucker Proxy. Make no mistake, it is absolutely worth seeing, and probaly deserves more than one viewing.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie on DVD Review: You already know about the movie, I want to talk about the DVD. It looks great. It sounds great. The 30 minute interview with the Coen Brothers was interesting to say the least. Those two can really come up with some great characters to tell a story. That's why I bought this movie... because the characters were so great and the actors did such a good job portraying them. The dialogue in this movie was well written. I wish I could write like these guys. Which brings me to my only complaint about the DVD. It dosen't come with english subtitles! It has closed captioning but I like subtitles better. I thought this was "very undude" for them to do. Still a great one for your collection.
Rating:  Summary: one of the best Review: This is probably the most rewatchable movie i've ever seen.Excellent performances by everyone involved,especially The Dude as the lazy slob and Walter as the Vietnam vet with a short temper.The movie is very laid-back and moves at it's own pace,it usually doesn't worry about falling away from any plot-structure.The plot (which involves mistaken identity and and ransom) isn't the reason for watching this movie,the reason is for the perfectly casted characters and the hilarious dialogue.I also recommend watching it more than once before judging it,the first time i watched it i thought it was dull,now i'm addicted to it and know every line.So basically this review is just to prepare you for what to expect when watching this so.....just buy the movie
Rating:  Summary: IF YOU WANNA LAUGH, PURCHES "THE DUDE" TODAY! Review: I have seen a lot of hysterical things in my life, but this movie will put you on the floor! Bridges and Goodman come out swinging and it will take you until the movie ends to catch your breath! It starts with someone "messing up" the Dude's carpet that just sort of "tied the room together" and it keeps going from there! The picture and sound quality is incredible. If you buy one movie for straight up laughs, BUY THIS MOVIE TODAY!
Rating:  Summary: This is a great movie. Review: I like to use this movie as a "getting to know you" tool. When I meet someone, I will bring up this movie and see if they like it. Generally, if they dislike it, they are idiots. Possibly the movie I have rewatched more than any other, the Big Lebowski is a convoluted romp that showcases the genius of the Coen Brothers and a solid solid cast. John Goodman fans know that the Coen Brothers do him right, and this film is my favorite Goodman performance yet. John Turturro puts in a spectacular cameo as a bowling pervert, and Jeff Bridges is perfect as the pot-laden anchor of relative sanity that the insane plot revolves around. There is so much that is so good about this movie, that I think I will stop here, and just urge you to check it out. It's not for everybody, but the world would be a better place if it was.