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Where Eagles Dare

Where Eagles Dare

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Book is Better
Review: MacLean's amusing heroes, who killed maybe three people in the whole book, turn into grim-faced terminators here as things get way, way out of hand after a promising first hour. One might even think of this as the forerunner of all those Stallone and Schwarzenegger 1980's action pictures, because of the enormous bodycount and bulletproof heroes. I mean, if you know anything about submachine guns, you'd know the barrels would literally melt if you fired them that much. Even the producers thought the endless violence excessive, cutting a bridge-blowing sequence at the end for the initial release (later restored to the TV versions.) You almost start to feel sorry for the Germans and wonder if any of them can shoot straight. It is fun, but certainly no classic like Guns of Navarone. Read the book FIRST.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the BEST War movies ever made!
Review: I am so happy to learn that they are FINALLY releasing Where Eagles Dare on DVD. I grew up as a kid watching this movie with my Dad and it has always been my favorite war / action movie. It has a great storyline about a misfit group of British Commandos and an American Ranger (Eastwood) being sent behind enemy lines into Austria to rescue a downed American General who has the plans for the Allied invasion of Europe....the twist is great.
This is a great story, awesome locations in the mountains with authentic castles, good acting from Burton (a real classic British actor) and great action.
This hasn't been shown on network TV for a long time unfortunately, so I found this on VHS a couple of years ago. I will be one of the first to preorder this one. Try it out, you will not be dissapointed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Killer action thriller
Review: Where Eagles Dare is, quite simply, the best piece of WWII Nazi action ever made. The Allistair Maclean plots are generally excellent, but only came out well on film in Where Eagles Dare and the Guns of Navarone. Don't waste your time with Force 10 or Bear Island, they just don't live up to expectations. But Where Eagles Dare sports an unbelievably good performance by Richard Burton. Just look at his expression in the pub when he says "is that understood". He threw in an all-time performance. Clint Eastwood's presence added to the film, but I didn't like the way he didn't show nerves. He walks into a bunch of life-threatening scenes for Lieutenant Schaeffer, and acts like its just like ordering a burger at Mickey-Dees. For the purists, the helicopter scene might be unsettling, but overall, the quality of the soundtrack, scenery, costumes, and vehicles used was top-notch. There are plenty of great twists in the storyline, and a wide range of scenes that keep you on the edge of your seat. It is one of those rare movies you can watch over and over again. This film is the best kept secret around, astound your friends by showing them this - it will not dissapoint; it's a must-have!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Turn Off Your Brain and Have Fun
Review: This is not a story about sensitive people. It's about good guys shooting up bad guys during World War II. Where Eagles Dare is the ultimate guy movie.
The story doesn't stand up to analytical scrutiny at all -- 20 minutes into the thing you have to wonder where Clint Eastwood is getting this seemingly endless stream of ammunition as he mowes down platoons of Nazis. You begin to wonder why D-Day was necessary. Clint seems to single handedly kill about a third of the German army, so who is left to fight Tom Hanks?
The acting? Well, you do have Richard Burton in the lead. But that doesn't mean much. Clark Gable used to work in a tie store. He wasn't committing art there, anymore than Burton is here.
But so what? This is fun. A war romp, the way the last 20 minutes of the Dirty Dozen was. It's not realistic, not historically accurate. This is not a documentary. This is not one of those small films that appears at art houses decorated with posters of Emma Thompson in the lobby, next to the antique espresso machine. THIS IS A KRAUT-KILLING CLINT EASTWOOD ACTION MOVIE.
I've waited for this one since I bought a DVD player. I loved it in the theaters, taped it from TV and owned it on laser disc. It's great fun.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Broadsword calling Warner Brothers - It's about time!
Review: "Where Eagles Dare" is the bastard brother of "The Guns of Navarone". Both born of the mind of Alistair MacLean, "Where Eagles Dare" does not have the pedigree or nuance of "The Guns of Navarone" but it sure as hell has a lot more fun with itself. "The Guns of Navarone" has been available on DVD for years. Finally, "Where Eagles Dare" is coming home to roost as well.

The lofty presence of Gregory Peck, David Niven, and Anthony Quinn in "Navarone" gives way to the laconic figures of Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood, enough smoldering intensity combined between the two that half the fun of the film (if not more) is just watching how they react to the twists and turns of MacLean's plot. The other half of the fun is split amongst a variety of points. There is the story, impressive in its twists and turns (even by MacLean standards). There are the locations, topped off by the imposing mountain fortress Scloss Adler (in reality an Austrian chateau). There is the action, with just about every type of cliffhanger sequence you could think of.

The film has acquired a decent following through the years, and while people enjoy it for various reasons, any fan of the film will tell you that it is worth seeing it simply for the Burton and Eastwood performances alone. They would be right, and the rest of the film's charms simply add to the experience. "Where Eagles Dare" may not be as accomplished or well-known as its older brother "Navarone", but as Han Solo would say, "She's got it where it counts."

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Movie!
Review: This is a classic war movie in every sense. Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood star as two commando's who parachute into a German castle to rescue a captured American General. Burton's sophisticated British manner and Eastwood's gruff American demeanor really play off one another throughout the movie. Not a movie with a lot of dialogue but that does not detract from the entertainment factor. I cannot recommend this movie enough. Simply watch it one time and you will agree this movie is great.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Could this have taken any longer?
Review: I hope the DVD is cleaner than the VHS. I'll probably buy it anyway though, I just love this movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The most entertaining war movie ever!
Review: Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood play characters envisioned by Alistair MacLean, and the result is the most entertaining war movie ever.
A group of commandos led by Richard Burton infiltrate a German castle to free a captured American General before he spills his guts under the influence of scopolamine. But, actually the purpose of the mission is completely different.
Burton is cool and calm as ever and Eastwood as the assassin is brilliant. There are no emotions usually associated with a war movie and it's action all the way. To put it simply, this is an excellent war movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's about time!!!!
Review: I'm hoping it will be widescreen! I don't think it's ever been available on video in widescreen. I've been holding off buying the videotape for about 2 years, waiting for this thing to reach DVD, and it's finally here!!

Slam bang action all the way through this over 2 hour long war flick. This had to be one of the first non-stop action films and no doubt inspired many more which followed. Great tense scenes on the mountain hideout and the mountain lift. Clint doesn't have a heck of a lot of dialogue considering it's so long a movie, but I didn't mind a bit, as the scenery, plot, and action just take you over and hold on throughout.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: wow !! finally the eagle has landed- on dvd.
Review: I have waited a long long long time for this start to finish non stop action and excitement film to be released on DVD. The story by Alistair Maclean, the acting by Sir Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood plus the direction of Brian Hutton, is simply beyond words; despite being trashed by film critics. Hope it contains everything plus one expects in a great DVD version - good audio and video remastering,interviews with the film creators and leads, making of the film and tons of extras to go with a masterpiece. That is the way to honor a magnificent war epic which created ripples and box office success all over the english and non-english speaking world.... for the film craftsmanship more than made up for the limited dialogues. An ideal lilfetime addition to one's personal library.

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