Rating:  Summary: A Little Perspective Review: Being a movie geek and a horror geek AND a literature major, certain things tend to interest me that would not interest normal people. I watched this film after watching "Suspiria," a classic Italian horror flick, and so I noticed some interesting things that I might not have noticed under different circumstances. Namely: check out the lighting in this film-particularly during the climax, when Michael is slaughtering a room full of cultists who thought he was on their side. The red and blue flashing lights make this scene particularly creepy, and it's difficult to tell who's dead and who's survived until you see the characters running away, chased by Michael. The red lighting in the chase scene is very effective, and it's clear that this director did his homework and knew the effect that proper lighting can have on mood and suspense. Ok, so we all know that the plot isn't great, and it would have been nice to be able to see the deleted scenes that established the stronger plot. But the lead characters "the good guys" are likable (Paul Rudd in particular stands out), and Michael is as frightening as ever. The gore is there, the acting is above average, and the lighting/staging adds to the creepieness of the film. All in all, I was surprised at how good this movie was, especially for a sixth installment. So give this film a break! It's not perfect, but it gets the job done-and does some interesting things in the process.
Rating:  Summary: well i loved it Review: well i don't know why so many people had such a problem with this one but i think it's one of the scariest and best.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good entry in series... Review: Most people don't seem to realize that Michael was linked to the Druids in Halloween II, when he wrote that Druid message on the chalkboard. This movie just expanded upon that idea, explaining it more than Dr Loomis originally did in the second movie. Other than that, this movie does have some suspenseful moments and is fairly well-crafted.
Rating:  Summary: I Have Lost All Hope In The Human Race Review: This is smelly. Smelly like poo.
Rating:  Summary: Michael Myers, Scream, and Jason. Review: All the killers in these titles wear masks: Friday the 13th, scream, Halloween. But hey if you want some suspense, chills and shocking parts, Halloween:curse of Michael Myers has all of it! John Carpenter's best slasher thriller, over Wes Craven's scream! I like Michael Myers better! heed my word horror buffs, Michael Myers is the coolest over scream, Mikey myers has been trying to slash his sister since Halloween 1!!! you know after sluaghtering his first sis he wants more! I'm telling you It's a damn good movie!!! I like it better than Bloody Murder!
Rating:  Summary: The DVD that should be LOADED with bonuses, but isn't! Review: Okay, so where do you go from Halloween 5? Unfortunately, someone *cough* Moustapha *cough* Akkad *cough* thought that Halloween: Curse of MM was the right direction to go. Halloween 5 left some unresolved issues hanging, and part 6 tries to answer those questions, which in returns attempts to explain why Michael does what he does.The flaws with this movie: -Ultimately, the movie raises even more un-answered questions that Halloween 5 ever had! -Sound effects are used to try to scare the audience way too often. While this may work the first viewing, repeated viewings show that the sounds are corney and unessary. -The acting. May Donald Pleasance(?) R.I.P. for sticking by the Halloween series, but other than him and Paul Rudd, most every one else is pretty bad. -The story itself. One of the reasons I found Halloween terrifying when I originally saw it, was the fact that Myers killed without reason or motive. In Halloween: Curse of MM, the origin/motive behind Myers is corny and rediculous. The good aspects of Halloween 6: -Not much. I will give this movie credit for at least trying to do something different in a genre where sequels so often repeat it's processor. -It's Donald Pleasance's(?) last Tango with Myers. Pleasance is the heart and soul of these movies, and to see him after Myers again is great, but unfortunately, we never see Loomis onscreen with Myers. Now the DVD: -The reason I give this DVD 2 stars is souly because of the film itself. The DVD only has a few trailors, and that's about it. This is [not good], because there actually is another cut of Halloween 6, which is often called "The Producer's Cut" or "The Origin of Michael Myers". Does this cut make it on the DVD? No. In fact, we don't even get to see the scenes that were cut from the alternate version of the film on this DVD. Fans are being burned by this, because we all how DVD's are capable of cramming special features on their discs. Overall, the movie it'self is pretty dry. While it may be a breath of fresh air to those looking for something different in slasher flicks, its bad script and ending are what ultimately ruins this film. The DVD is an insult, because there is mystery surrounding this flick, and a few DVD bounuses could have helped. But instead, the producers of this DVD thought the fans wouldn't be interested.
Rating:  Summary: Certianly a big improvement from "Halloween 5" Review: Althought at times the plot is a bit dense and the characters are also. This is a big improvment from the boring "Halloween 5", but the director does take a big chance of making this sequal much more gory but I think at times it does pay off. Because at least (unlike "Hallowen 5") it revoles around its storyline smoothly, the sub-plot of Jamie's baby is o.k. and the scenes with the mother and son are a bit shallow. But th lighter points are yet again Alan Howarth's spine - tingling mix of the trademark score and that the continuity errors in micheal mask have corrected. Certianly worth watching if you like "Friday the 13th" movies
Rating:  Summary: Not the Best Review: Halloween the Curse of Michael Meyers, the sixth installlment of the series, is a turn in the wrong direction. When they start bringing in occultism and all into it, they are getting to far away from the scary aspect of the story. The part where Tommy Doyle is brought back was neat. Also, I loved the part that explores Laurie Strodes family members. Michael doesn't want anyone to live in his house. I did'nt like the D.J. part, they could have done without him completly. All in all, the movie was extremely scary but I wish they had gone into a different direction. Fourtunatley Halloween 7 did get the series back on track. There is a lot of places it can go now, with a lot of great story lines to come up with.
Rating:  Summary: Contrived Review: Some people, a minority, claim this to be the best in the series. They either watched the trailer to it and liked it, or were seriously wasted when they saw it. This film is a mess of overly gory and ambitious murders, furious MTV style editing, and one of the most contrived subplots ever in motion picture history. This time around, Michael Myers is being "controlled" by some sort of pagan cult (!) and so, in turn, is not the actual murderer of the film. The whole halloween cult plot makes less than no sense, and it ties up none of the numerous loose ends set up in #5. It's kind of sad to see that this was Donald Pleasence's last film. Such a great actor gone to waste. Also, there is no character development set up on the tens and tens of people Michael slaughters his way through, thereby making it plainly predictable as who are the survivors and who are the Michael meat. The only three things that save this movie are 1) the Halloween theme 2) a fairly realistic image of what a family moving into a new town is like 3) even if he's just a pawn in some hokey conspiracy against trick-or-treaters, Michael is back! Turn off the lights. Make some popcorn. Lock the doors. Pity poor John Carpenter.
Rating:  Summary: A good Halloween - Très bon film Review: Bonjour, chez moi en france Michael Myers fait parti des grand "serial-killer" des film d'horreur tel Jason Vorrhies ou encore Freddy Krugger mais Michael Myers est celui qui me touche le plus avec sa recherche perpetuelle de l'mour de sa soeur Laurie. Cette série de films est l'une des plus grande et des plus intérressante et surtout la première du genre écrite par un maitre du fantastique Mister John Carpenter. Un must à posséder absolument.