Rating:  Summary: The Curse of Michael Myers Review: I thought this one was a good adaptian to the trilogy. This one brings back old characters and sets a front a good storyline. The acting isnt bad and in a way scary. The story of this one is based all in the name. This one is about the Curse of Michael Myers of hime returning to Haddonfield, Illinois and killing a plethora amount of people and searching for jaime Loyd and her baby. The movie is well worth to buy and is scary and freakish and i must say pretty gory. I think this one is one of the bests in the series and lives on the legend and curse of Michael Myers.
Rating:  Summary: Halloween: The worst of Michael Myers Review: This movie is so blloody and stupid. The plot of the movie is dumb, Theres way too much blood. The only good Halloween mopvies were Halloween,Halloween 2, Halloween H20 and Halloween ressurection. Halloween the curse of michael myers is the dumbest and worst movie is ever saw. Listen to me dont rent ro buy his movie! Ive seen alot of good movies in my lide but this is terrible.
Rating:  Summary: Halloween 6 Can Trick and Treat Review: I like this movie. It's not that bad! Everyone says it is the worst in the series. I am not going to tell you the story line because it is very confusing. You have to watch it a few times. I will say things that were good in this movie and what were bad - Good! 1) the man in black was finally unmasked 2) the death scenes were cool (my ex-girlfriend thinks that the gore was very high, she was right, this was the goriest one yet) 3) the story was actually complex (I was looking for a different story and I got one) 4) The acting is good (Paul Rudd, whose credits "Clueless" was very creepy as Tommy Doyle) Bad 1) I hated the ending! After reading this, write an online review explaining the end. The ending is bad because we just hear a man screaming and we see the mask on the ground! Who was screaming? What happened to Loomis? Wynn? Myers? That is my review! Hope you enjoyed it. Rated R for extreme violence, disturbing images, gore splattered everywhere, some harsh profanity, and brief nudity (nothing too bad, sexual-wise)
Rating:  Summary: Dumb! Review: The Curse is the follow-up to #5. Although it did have its scary I thought the plot was too hard to follow.I think they should of just left out that cult guy in the 5th one and never made this one. This and Halloween 3 are the worst to me. I would suggest all of the other Halloweens.
Rating:  Summary: Very Very Scary! Review: "Halloween The Curse of Michael Myers" is the 6th movie of the series. This is my favorite one so far; although I can't decide about it or "Halloween Resurrection"? This time Michael Myers is back to kill Jamie, and his very very angry!
Rating:  Summary: good movie Review: Even though I'm not old enough to watch this movie, I still think this movie's awesome! Now this movie is scary(not to me) so if one of your kids is oing to watch this movie just make sure they don't get nightmares. I like this movie a lot because I like scary movies and because I'm a huge fan of the Halloween movies.
Rating:  Summary: Don't hate on this one, H2O is the bad one! Review: How retarted are these reviewers? 3 stars to a sequel this good? The last installment released (I discount the terrible H2O) since Resurrection, Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers takes place 6 years after part 5. Although I would have liked to see a back to normal, mature Danielle Harris playing Jamie again, this time facing her fears and telling people what happened, it takes a dark turn. Jamie, played by the ever-stupid airhead (J.C. Brandy) was actually a pretty good performance by her. She is usually a bimbo. This Halloween eve, she has been impregnated exactly 9 months before October 30th, and so the baby delivers hours before Halloween. Jamie's nurse grabs the baby from a sacrifice ritual and helps Jamie escape. Why didn't the nurse go too? She just sits there as Michael walks up from behind and [kills] her in a rudimentary fashion. Jamie freaks out and bails. She drives out to a gas station to get help, everyone is gone, except one person'After a few chases Michael (the one person) gets to Jamie, but he finds her precious baby nowhere in sight. The next day, (Halloween) Kara (Michael's niece) and Laurie Strode's uncle (Kara's dad) and family move into the Myers house. 'The reason you moved us here, you're brother from strode realty could never sell it because of what happened here could he?' But by the time the mom finds out, she's toast. The dad, retartedly and not aware of what's going on gets killed too. The kids and parents who die in this movie are so unaware and annoying, except Beth, she was slightly annoying and ignorant but cute and she did try to listen when Kara explained it to her. Anyway, Michael is in a 'thorn' cult that makes you kill off you're family every 31st of October, which explains Michael's madness. So Kara is related to Jamie Loyd, but unaware that she just died, because she hasn't seen her since she was a baby. Michael and his crew (the cult and the man in black) come to capture the Strodes, the family living in his house, also the same family that adopted Laurie Strode. I know it's complicated, but if you watch parts 1, 2, 4 and 6, it will click. Anyway, so Kara, Tommy Doyle, whom is the guy from part 1 who survives, and Danny run to Tommy's house. Tommy knows Michael is coming. Jamie's baby was found by Tommy, thanks to Tommy's investigation with Doctor Loomis and Doctor Wynn. So which character turns out to be unmasked as the man in black? You will find out after the middle. Anyway, Kara is taken to the local Sanitarium, in which Michael hacks his victims. Can Kara and Tommy, plus 6 year old Danny who hears the voices of Michael, Doctor Loomis and Jamie's baby all make it through? Probably not. See it and find out. Halloween 6 was good and overall a very solid entry to the series. Although I wish the DVD would have had a 5.1 surround sound instead of 2.O and if the widescreen transfer was a 2.35:1 instead of a 1.85:1, and there were no extras! There are over 20 minutes of bonus footage on the bootleg director's cut (never released officially) and there are 3 different trailers, none of it was put on this poorly coated DVD. The only actual supplements were 2 trailers, for Scream box set and H2O. Overall' Movie: B Image: B+ Sound: B+ Extras: D+
Rating:  Summary: Halloween 6 versus the Producer Cut Review: Halloween - The Curse of Michael Myers (also known as Hallowen 666: The Origin of Michael Myers) is one of the most dissapointing movies in the serie (except H5). The storyline is really really weak, and the ending is incredible stupid. Halloween 6 is, unfortantly, also Donald Pleasence's last film before he went into the forever long sleep... As a Halloween fan, i'll truly miss his charachter. I doubt no one could have played the part as good as himself. Over to the movie again. As i said, this movie is a really downer. But, however, if you can get your hands on the famous Producer Cut of the movie, then grab the chance. It's a whole different movie, plus it's 5 times better than the released version of the film...
Rating:  Summary: Abysmal sequel, even for fans of the series (like myself). Review: The "Halloween" series can best be described as a cinematic tragedy, with the first (and best) movie being tainted by bad sequels. "Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers" is the final nail in the coffin of this mothball-festooned series that should have stopped at part 2. What is most inexplicable about this, the sixth, installment is that it attempts to inject a story into the outing, running on the false assumption that it would make the movie better. Michael Myers is making up for lost time, killing a fresh group of people in the search for the baby daughter of his niece, whom he murdered at the beginning of the movie. The story links Michael's lineage to the druids, and suggests that his appearance on Halloween night coincides with a special alignment of stars. Not bad, unless you notice that much of the story contradicts what was earlier laid out in parts 1 and 2. The script was written by a fan of the series, and his attempt to explain Michael's motivations only serve as a distraction from the brutal killings. Like "Friday the 13th", the "Halloween" series has become progressively bloodier. But with that, the quality degenerates over time as well. Here are the three reasons why the Halloween sequels have failed: A) The stories contradict each other. B) The writing becomes more standard slasher fodder with every installment. And C) Michael's mask changes with each movie, and they look goofier every time. I was a fan of the series, up until part 5. The DVD is nothing short of unremarkable. Fans hoping to get the much-rumored "Producer's Cut" will be sadly disappointed, since this is the theatrical cut. The DVD features such "Special Features" as interactive menus, scene selection, and a widescreen transfer. Other than that, there is nothing. The picture quality is actually very well done, and the sound is kicked up in the transfer. DVD quality is always reliable, even on movies where it is wasted. Am I being to hard on "Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers"? I don't think so. I loved parts 1 and 2 (especially part 1), but after that, it all went downhill. As a longtime fan of horror movies, I am picker than most. But I cannot totally blame the filmmakers, considering what they were left to work with after part 5. While the abysmal part 5 damaged the series, part 6 finally killed it.
Rating:  Summary: Deserves its reputation as worst in series Review: This sequel has a well-deserved reputation as the worst sequel in the Halloween films (Halloween 3, of course, notwithstanding, because it does not merit the title at all). There are unexplained "voices", unexplained villains (Mrs. Blankenship, Dr. Wynn), Jamie Lloyd's sudden death, and Michael Myers hanging out in a government faclity for years - without killing anybody - and this is just the premise. Add in some sort of "nod" in the direction of Halloween 3 in the form of a mystery cult, Celtic origins of the holiday, human sacrifice, and you don't have mystery or intrigue or even an intelligent plot, you just have an excuse for Michael to go after his family. Usually these films have a tenseness to them, a sense of suspence, and usually a very intriguing moment or two that provide tiny glimpses of the man behind the mask. In this film, however, he seems an empty puppet and the loathesome people in his town are simply awful. Still, please note I gave it three stars despite all my grousing! For it is, after all, still a Halloween film and each one is worth viewing simply for the mythos presented.