Rating:  Summary: Series is still suffering. Review: Though this film is a bit more original than its predecessor, the series, at this point, needs a "shot in the arm". And, that's exactly what it gets in the next film of the series, Halloween: H20!Rental only. A must have for series fans.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Review: They continue this thing no matter how bad it gets. Here they try to link Michael to some kind of witchcraft cult. I guess they got desperate.
Rating:  Summary: One of the lesser entries into the halloween series... Review: Halloween 6 isn't nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. You'll only hate this film if you don't take it for what it's worth. Honestly. Having said that, it's one of the worst halloween movies. There's probably not alot more i can say about this that hasn't been said, but i'll try. The plot is, in a nutshell, that the mysterious Dr. Wynn from the last film (the mysterious man in black) is a druid who is the head of a cult that believes that it can control Myers. He tries to use him to kill of his family members. Having killed most of his family anyway, Myers tries to kill one of the last of the surviving Myers bloodline, Jamie. **SPOILER** After Jamie is killed early on in the movie, Myers then chases her abandoned baby. But Tommy Doyle, one of the original children from the first movie, is protecting him, along with Dr. Loomis (Donald Pleasance). Can they stop Myers from another one of his vile rampages? OK, the plot is stupid, messy, convoluted, and sometimes utterly incomprehensible. Some things don't make much sense, such as why does Wynn believe he can control Myers, when he obviously can't? However, i know what i was let in for when watching this, so i expect things like that. What i don't expect is dumb, pop-video style action sequences, with blurry, squewed images and loud rambling music, which you get several times in this film. And it isn't clever or original, just annoying. The film is, very unlike the original, very low on suspense. Instead, it tries to compensate with a very high body count. Some of the stuff you get in this movie is sick, even for this type of thing. It's the most violent and gory halloween adventure by far, take it from me. Even people who aren't really sensitive to gore will probably be repulsed. Pleasance sadly made his last apperance in this one, and he doesn't get alot of screen time. Most of the action centres around people who really can't act, which is a pity. However, it's not a total travesty. This film does have it's plus points. It has a lot of style, and does have some scary moments, and some shocking bits. Plus, Myers' mask looks it's coolest in this one. Living in the UK, i should really think myself lucky to see this one, although somehow i don't. It's just a routine slasher routinely handled. It's only real saving grace is that it's not the worst of the series. Halloween 5 takes that dubious honour, though i've heard really bad things about 3, which i probably won't waste my time watching. So, this one's not a keeper, though it's worth a rent to genre fans. Best advice i can give is to be open-minded when watching.
Rating:  Summary: goods Review: i hate the thorn thing too but i loved irt the firstr time isaw it cause of the gore and i was alone babysiting and i even got a little scared sadly the greatest halloween character dr.loomis is dead cause donald pleasence sadly died i still miss him this is the goriest in the series ore the bloodiest if you like halloeen scary movies gore or just looking for a good time this is a good idea
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good, all things considered. Review: "Halloween 6 - The Curse of Michael Myers" is not that bad, I promise. Don't get me wrong, it isn't perfect. It still has a few problems like acting and not very suspenseful. In this movie, it was six years since Michael and his niece disappered, and interest has died down. The exception is Dr. Lomis (in Donald Pleasent's last role) and Tommy Doyle, the kid from the first movie. Jamie Lloyd escapes from the Druid cult and gets away with her new born baby. Tommy hears about this and finds the baby. Then Michael focuses his efforts on attacking the new family living in the old Myers house. I liked that they tried to explain why Myers acts the way he dose, even if it is dumb. And the thing with Tommy Doyle was interesting, kind of coming full circle.
Rating:  Summary: For those who already own this, SEEK OUT THE PRODUCER'S CUT! Review: I reviewed this movie earlier and called it a "stinker" giving it 1 star. I recently got a copy of the producer's cut of the film. It was 10 times better. It's now my favorite Halloween movie. It made the continuity between 5 and 6 clearer, the whole Jaime story a lot sadder and Michael a fully developed character. I always thought that making Michael's indestructability a mystery was a cheap cop out. The P-Cut takes all the questions you had full on! If you already seen this movie and were disappointed hoping for better things from it the P-Cut is what you really want to see.
Rating:  Summary: How long will they drag this series on!!! Review: Story: I am going to be breif and say that Michael again comes to town to slaughter more stupid teens! Its a complicated story and I don't see why they keep draging this on! No EXTRAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the fans they should have some Extras!!!
Rating:  Summary: Only a FAN of the series would stand for this Review: Only a true fan of the series would buy into this chapter of the series. It really is difficult to follow in the beginning. Too bad they couldn't bring back cute Danielle Harris as Jamie Lloyd. And why in the dickens did the writers go out into left field with Mitchell Ryan as the man in black. I am still a fan of the series although I am beginning to wonder why. My own particular highlight was to see Kim Darby play the part of Mrs. Strode. Where has Kim Darby been all these years? I'm sure someone will know.
Rating:  Summary: The franchise takes a beating Review: Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers falls flat in the middle of the 1990s, right before Scream would turn the tired genre on its head. Therefore, it's bankrupt of new ideas and is generally regarded as the worst flick in the series. On the one hand, we have a desire to bring back old characters with connections to the murderous Myers. On the other hand, we have a total disregard for scares, suspense, gore and too much focus on a ridiculous plot that I stopped following closely, preferring to just watch the cast get offed. The sad part is that this took about six years to appear after the fiery chaos of Part 5 where Myers, locked in a police jail, was captured by a mysterious, steel-toe-boot-wearing man. Unfortunately, we get to find out that whole story line. Where to begin? Keep in mind: In Halloween H20 (1998) the producers decided to disregard the events of Halloween 4, 5, and the Curse (the whole Jamie Lloyd storyline). Wise decision and further proof that Mustapha Akkad is a genius at resurrecting the franchise in the name of the almighty dollar. It seems that Michael Myers is connected to some ancient Runic / Celtic mumbo jumbo about pure evil, hence the strange markings on his hand in Part 5, blah blah blah. It took years to come up with this? It's all a bit of a shame. The plot is just too complicated for its own good as it tries to explain the origin of Michael Myers and work in all types of angles from previous films. Here's a case where they go for something different and wind up with a completely muddled work. We get the neat idea of having Tommy Doyle, the little boy terrorized in the original film, returning as a slightly nutty adult who is obsessed with Myers. Now, years after Part 5, Michael is back, and naturally, he's returning to Haddonfield to kill off the rest of his family. And, of course, Dr. Loomis is back, this time lured out of retirement to come back to Smith's Grove Sanitarium. Had he lived, I'm sure Donald Pleasance would have been in every Halloween since, but alas, this was his swan song. The plot is a mess. The movie is a mess. Michael Myers, played by George Wilbur, looks physically larger than ever, and the mask is easily the worst in the whole series, as if they didn't even bother watching the previous flicks. Myers also resembles Jason of Friday the 13th fame in this one. He displays incredible feats of strength and Jason-esque employment of power tools. He rips someone's head nearly completely off, breaks down a steel barred door by using some poor fool's head as a crude battering ram, and goes to town on an entire operating room staff in a sequence mangled by 100 MTV cuts in what looks like strobe lighting complete with jangling music. Instead of trying to figure out what the heck was going on, I just shook my head and yawned. Some very long, long sequences of people looking for other people ('Mom, are you there'?) have no payoff. I think the director thought it was supposed to be suspenseful, but it's plain bad. And boring! If you think it doesn't take any talent to make a slasher film, let this film show you that it does, because when you see one that's so bad, you begin to really appreciate the better ones. Consider Halloween II, by far one of the best in the series, and then look at Curse, which shamelessly tries to ape every Halloween flick before it, right down to the hospital setting. The gore isn't too bad, but it looks like a good bit of it was cut, particularly the manic operating room massacre. There is a good Tom Savini-esque exploding head though. But overall, the film just feels like going through the motions, and while I know it's a slasher, there is none of the style that usually salvages such forays into this old genre from being boring. Even Part 5 had a nice visual look that felt like Halloween in the Midwest. This time, it's just cheese, and Alan Howarth's tuned-up score is very hokey. At one point, in what I expect is some kind of homage to John Carpenter (who wisely stopped having anything to do with this series long ago) there's a complete lift of the famous theme from The Thing (dun dun...dun dun...etc.) Recommended for Halloween addicts who love hearing Donald Pleasance go on about 'pure evil'. But you've been warned. NOTE: There is an unofficial, significantly different 'Producer's Cut' that is floating in bootleg form...somewhere. The official Halloween movie website has a lot of info on it. There are substantial plot differences, including many scenes that don't appear in the original. Something tells me that it isn't much of an improvement, and the mere fact that there is a 'Producer's Cut' tells you this was a problem plagued production.
Rating:  Summary: Very good movie! Review: I think these so called credits and thier reviews are nonsense! What makes one persons definition of a good movie relate to anothers anyway? I don't go by someone else's opinion. I go by my own and although alot of these Micheal Myers, Jason and Freddy movies aren't what the kids of today are into, I LOVE them! Who cares if some of the actors can't act worth crap. It's the whole feel and excitment of a movie that I judge! I'm not looking for reality in a movie. If I wanted that,I'd watch "Fear Factor" I like the classic 80's scary movies. They are somewhat cheesy but still heartpounding and fun to watch! This movie and all the rest of the Halloween movies were awesome! A must see!!!!A+++++