Rating:  Summary: Bad...(* 1/2) Review: There is not much to say about this film except that it is bad, bad, bad. The only other thing I can say about it is that Paul Rudds performance was ridiculous. Also that the box art is too good for this crappy film, so don't be fooled by how good it looks. However, im still interested in seeing the uncut version. NOT reccomended.
Rating:  Summary: The Makings of a Great Sequel, what a shame... Review: Let's get started by saying that I personally liked the "thorn"-related Halloween movies (4 and 5 to be specific), but this was very disappointing. Halloween 4 was a solid movie. H5 was somewhat weaker, but was still OK, as it presented the mysterious "man in black". Why was this movie so terrible? This is a long story but, first of all, it was somewhat doomed from the start. Mid-way through production, director Joe Chappelle viewed the currently shot footage and found it to be horrible. He went to Dimension Films and asked to reshoot the ending as well as various additional scenes, all of which Dimension greenlighted. At the same time, Halloween 6 had its budget slashed by two million dollars, which is something it definitely did not need. Chappelle reshot the scenes, but this "alternate" version of the film was not what was eventually sent to theaters. Instead, was a film that many found confusing. And, it truly was. Many of the connecting plot lines had been cut out. The film ended up being a box-office failure. One can blame it on many things, but I point it to a loosely-connected plot, poor script, and poor use of Donald Pleasance. And yet, he was the best thing about the movie. His performance is solid, as it always is. Pleasance, who was ill during filming, died before the film's release. Coincidentally, his last film would be a sequel to the one that made him famous. After hearing about why this film ended up being one of the poorer Halloween sequels, you may now want to know what it was about. H6 is the most intensely thorn plot-centered movie of them all, and starts off with an adult Jamie giving birth to a baby. Jamie and the baby escape, but Michael quickly shows up and murders Jamie. Tommy Doyl, whom you may remember from the original Halloween, is now an adult, an is devoted to tracking down Michael Myers. He and Dr. Loomis team up in an effort to protect the baby from Michael. My advice would be to avoid this movie. If you are one of those people who are interested in seeing "what could have been", track down the famous "Producer's Cut" DVD, which is available on many online auction sites and containes 43 minutes of alternate footage.
Rating:  Summary: i hate moustapha akkad Review: DO NOT see this. it sucks. it is wretched. it has no suspense, all the characters suck, and the thorn thing, what the F@$#! it was scarier when michael just killed his family for no apparent reason. just skip this trash along with 4,5,6 and ressurection. stick with the first two and you can't go wrong. H2O wasn't bad either. and season of the witch is good, just don't expect myers to be in it. watch it as if it was NOT part of the halloween series and you will have fun.
Rating:  Summary: one of the worst Review: this film is such a mess it had too many story lines coliding together lots and lots of errors to the halloween series plot it did not even feel like a halloween film it kind of felt like a cheap si fi film. you basically are put back in the town after six years introduced to completley new charecters and the worst part is that they made a thing callled the thorn to try to explain why michael myeres kills but failed. in all the halloween films they never gave the smallest clue about this thorn group only halloween 5(which was the last halloween before this one) gave verry litle hints but even the producers of halloween 5 did not know what it was. thank god three years later they decited to make halloween h20(which was the halloween movie that came after this one)which completley ignored this one and went to the laurie plot line although i wish they did not ignore halloween 4 and halloween 5 but still a good movie. Skip this one and part three which both almost ruined the series. watch the rest ecpecailly the original classic the first halloween.
Rating:  Summary: Puh-lease! It's not bad. Review: I've been reading some of these reviews, and felt I needed to speak up!
The story takes place many years after the events of H5. Jamie and Michael are thought to be dead. But then murders start to occur. Plus, Jamie's body is found. And her alive baby, too. Can the now retired Dr. Loomis solve this mystery?
Hell, even Tom Keogh, the editorial reviewer, bashed this, calling the series "thin" and saying crap like, "Donald Pleasence acts like he would rather be anywhere then in this film." I didn't think that. DP did a great job.
Plus, this movie's scary! I jumped a few times, and gazed in awe at the awesome deaths. Plus the story's fine, makes you think.
A lot of people are talking about this "producer's cut" that is hard to find. They say to watch it instead of the regular version. [...]
So, don't listen to the naysayers. Follow your own instincts, like I did!
PS: RIP Donald Pleasence
Rating:  Summary: 5 stars for the Producers Cut,2 stars for the theatrical cut Review: Michael Myers returns in this extremely poorly-directed film where he easily tracks down Jamie Lloyd and then proceeds on to the other members of his family living in the old Myers house. Lucky for them, though, Tommy Doyle, the kid from the first movie who Laurie Strode babysat, finds Jamie Lloyd's baby and saves the day. At the end, he physically beats Michael to the ground, but the scene at there still made me laugh because of the fact that it has copied that pattern of Michael leaving the crime scene with no mask before, and it was worse with the person laughing at the end.
Unfortunately, this is Donald Pleasance's last film, due to the sad fact that our Halloween hero died shortly before it was released. I don't think that Tommy Doyle will come back as a replacement hero, so other than Halloween H2O, the series goes downhill from here.
Oh well, I suppose you can't miss it since it has all the classic Michael effects in it. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best out the series Review: This was one of the best out of the series. Even though it was weird. It was quite good. Donald Pleasence gave a really great preformance in this film. He was a true credit to the series.
Rating:  Summary: Michal Myers is Back,and he`s ready for more...... Review: I`ve seen all the Halloween films from 1 to 5. This one is definetly the third best (next to #1 & H2O). This one has a different story line, in which Michael has to sacrafice a whole family related to the myers. Th deaths are more elborate (just like any sequil) and the characters are different. We figure out the reason Michal kills, which is due to an allignment in the stars, which only appears on Halloween night. There are also these weird government agents, who want a baby, also related to Michael. (You might even be related to Micheal, everyone else is.) Overall, this is a really good movie that you should see with the lights out.
Rating:  Summary: Worst Halloween Film To Date! Review: There is nothing remotely interesting about this film! One reviewer said the script is stretched and this is very true. It complicates itself with stupid subplots that don't belong in the film. Waste of a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Donald Pleasence last time as "Dr. Sam Loomis". Review: Warning: This film contains subliminal quick shots.
Donald Pleasence returns again to play "Dr. Sam Loomis". The character of "Jamie Lloyds" is now played by J.C. Brandy. The boy who was terrorized by "Michael" in the first "Halloween" (1978) film, the character of "Tommy Doyle" is now being played by Paul Stephen Rudd.
Jamie is now a woman and is having a baby boy in an undisclosed location. A satanic rite tries to keep the child, but a scared blonde lady tries to help Jamie escape with her baby. Michael is after Jamie again. She calls a radio station to warn Haddonfield about Michael. Tommy Doyle is also listening to the radio station. He called them earlier to warn that Michael is not through with Haddonfield. Tommy was also voyueristically looking through a telescopic camera lens at Kara Strode (Marianne Hagan), perhaps for her own saftey. Danny Strode (Devin Gardner) is a child that can also see visions of Michael Myers.
Tommy happens to find the baby he calls "Stephen" and reconnects with Dr. Sam Loomis who he hasn't seen since that horrid Halloween night in 1978. Together they will try to kill Michael Myers and the curse of him.
Also in the cast: Mitch Ryan, Kim Darby, bradford English, Keith Bogart, Mariah O'Brien and Janice Knickrehm. George P. Wilbur gets to be "Michael Myers" again (Halloween 4).
A. Michael Lerner palyed "The Shape". In other words, he played "Michael Myers" in a few scenes.
Donald Pleasence died on February 2, 1995 in France from complications from heart valve replacement surgery.
The next "Halloween" films are:
Halloween H2O: 20 years later (1998) where Jamie Lee Curtis returns in her original role of "Laurie Strode" and briefly in Halloween: Resurrection (2002).
Halloween 9 will be released on October 31, 2005.