Rating:  Summary: The Curse Of Michael Myers Is A Curse Indeed Review: Halloween 6 is, plain and simple, a mess. There are so many things wrong with this horrid, slapped together monstrosity. First of all, the movie was way too short to have that many murders in it. It suffers from a major case of overkill. The flimsy, over the top, and plain stupid plot has Michael terrorizing a new family(the father is the brother of the man that adopted Jamie Lee Curtis' character Laurie Strode)that have moved into his old home. Dr. Loomis is pulled out of retirement one more time. A silly plot has Michael's niece Jamie giving birth to his baby. Huh?. Eww!. Michael's mission is to find that baby. The baby, however, has fallen into the hands of Tommy Doyle(the solid Paul Rudd), who was the little boy Jamie Lee babysat in the original. Many scenes are very, very quick and pretty much uneeded. You see too much of Michael, which is always a bad thing. The ending was horrible and pretty confusing. What in the world was it supposed to mean?. And, sadly, the great Donald Pleasence was wasted in this film given nothing to do. He spouts dialogue that, at times, are awful, and other times, the same rehash that he says in every film since the original. It is obvious that the man(then 75)was not in the best of shape. God bless him for sticking with it and doing the best he can with the pathetic material. He was a trooper and a true gentleman tll the end. This wonderful man deserved so much better. So do the fans of these movies. Not to say that there aren't things in it that I liked. I liked Tommy Doyle being back from the original, as well as George Wilbur(from Part 4)giving another great turn as Michael. He is a bulkier man and a more hulking, dangerous presence than other Michael's. The mask was also better than the last two. A good Michael performance. There were scenes that were nicely shot and really looked and felt like Halloween. Like something sinister was going on. That's always important to me with a 'Halloween' film. That it looks and feels like fall. It is a major character in these movies for me. That's about it. There is very little else to recommend about this movie. It's too bad. There are parts that looked like it was once an interesting movie in it's early stages, but producers and the director got in the way and didn't know how to make a Halloween movie. The revelation of the man in black was a horrible disappointment. This is it?. This is the answer to this guy's identity that fans have been waiting for for six long years?. What a letdown. The whole storyline for that character was stupid anyways. The writer could of at least given us a decent conclusion to that character to make up for the idiodicy of the whole thing. Sadly, that doesn't happen. The score in this film isn't good either.This is a horrid, slapped together, by the numbers pile of crud that ruins everything there is about the Halloween movie series. Nothing good can be said about this mess of a film at all. We should be thankful that H20 came along and saved the franchise. Ignoring this film the better. A travesty.
Rating:  Summary: Who Better than Michael Myers? Review: Halloween, the quentisential slasher franchise, often forgotten by mainstream movie fans due to the fame of such franchises as Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th, yet so much better. Halloween 6 is by far the best of the later Halloweens (the ones proceeding 3) The acting is very well done, the cinematography is good as well as the storyline. This one brings Halloween back to it's roots, with the return of Tommy Doyle( the boy from the first one) and Dr. Loomis as the main heroes. Plus it brings Michael Back to being a killer period, no lovey dovey like in 5 with his niece, just straight out killing people, the way we love it. Granted the movie isn't that scary but it's a Halloween so it's great. It beats the living hell out of H20 and that's for sure. So my advice for you is to buy this movie because it is actually a movie that can be watched and rewatched many times over.
Rating:  Summary: This gruel shows blatant hatred for Halloween fans Review: This dreck is cynical and unredeeming - not even entertaining in a slasher-flick sense. The problem arises when producers wish to keep the Michael Myers gravytrain rolling but have no course on which to set it. John Carpenter established that Myers was pure evil - and that worked within the relentless context of the first film. But as time goes by (and movies get made), the excuses for bringing back Myers become not only silly, but so unimaginative as to show a complete disregard for the money-paying public. "Curse of MM" has no creative core - only producers and distributers after a quick buck. It's a shame, because Michael Myers started out a pretty good kid. Now look what he's turned into. Beware this movie and return to the source. "Halloween" is still the scariest movie you can put into your VCR.
Rating:  Summary: Die hard fans should enjoy, others would despise. . . Review: Of 147 reviews of this title (goodness!) this is by far the most recent (hehe). First off, this is a B-movie, and therefore there are a completely different set of rules by which to judge this film. This isn't Citizen Freakingkane, it's Halloween part 6 for the love of celluloid! Reading some of the antagonistic diatribes against this flick bring a rise of sad laughter. . .in other words, get over it. A B-grade horror film has two primary goals, and anything beyond that is trivial and silly; 1) Entertain: did you escape your life while watching this film? If you answer "yes" then you were entertained, if you answered "no" then you were not, for "entertainment" is amusement is escapism, escape from your life. 2) (the second of the two primary goals) is to scare you: this is a very open term, "to scare," to some it means to make you jump, to others it means to make you feel fear, to others in means to impose upon you the persitant feeling of dread, and to others it simply means to maintain a feeling of sinister surreality in the viewer. So, to get to the mission of these words, the "review" what is my take; this film Entertains and Scares and so fullfills its two primary goals and so is a film I think any horror fan would enjoy. And if you're a die hard Halloween fan this film should satisfy your constant craving for more twists in the Myers Mythos (much moreso than that failure of a travesty of a dry unoriginal piece of [deleted by author] Halloween H:20 which, in my humble opinion, put the final nail in this series' coffin to no small degree from the insistance of Curtis that the film ignore the other 5 films of the series and disregard any supernatural elements that the first one hinted at, the second one confirmed (with all the Samhain stuff) and the others continued to use to differing degrees (sometimes bolstered by genetic experiment themes). Halloween (the holliday) is about ghosts and demons, Halloween (the orginal film) took those beliefs/fears and updated them with the current suburban/mythological demon of the serial killer on such a level of genius that the film remains a classic (and will probably go down in history as such). And the purpose of sequals is (aside from the comercial misson to milk more money from the masses) on an artistic level to try to revist and maintain this mythos to be relived by fans and to initiate the newbies into this amazing mythos. Does The Curse of Michael Myers do this? Does it maintain the mythos? Does it expand on the supernatural subtext and hints of genetic experiments (and post WWII superman/ubermensch man-machines)? Yes yes yes. Does it compare to the original, or it's first sequal? No. Does it compare to A-grade horror like Jacob's Ladder or Sixth Sense? No. There and back again, that's not its mission. What's my point! Hehe, if you like horror movies see this film. If you like the Halloween movies, see this film. But if you enjoy niether, go rent The Big Chill and leave us alone! The acting is on spot, the directing is a bit spotty, and the screenplay was obviously edited with a very messy and bloody butcher knife (as evidenced by the synopsis of the "producer's cut" which I read). But Marianne Hagan is instantly likeable, as is that dude from Clueless (hehe), and Donald Pleasance maintains his Shakspearian cool throughout his last ever peformance. Did this review help you? Hehe, I hope so. . .
Rating:  Summary: Halloween or Friday the 13th? Review: This was the "Halloween" flick that fans of the franchise waited 8 years for. Sadly it did not live up to expectations. After the very stupid ending of "H5", how could the producers bring back Michael? Easy, by ignoring the other films and adding a hokey plot about Michael being in some stupid cult. Realy believable huh? The film starts with Jamie (this time not played by Danielle Harris)having Michael's baby, don't ask I'm confused as well. She escapes her captors with the baby and runs away. She is killed eventually, and the baby is found by Tommy Doyle (Played By Paul Rudd-"Clueless"). Michael goes back to "Haddonfield" poor town, to wreak some more havoc. He now goes after the people living in the old Strode house. I know guys my head hurts too. Michael starts knocking people off "Jason" style. Hacking without any suspense. He kills a woman who eeriely resembles the main character of the mom from the defunct TV show "Mama's Family" with an axe. Since when our old pal Mikey went the savage route? He electrocutes another until his head explodes, and he even decimates a room full of doctors with a knife so big it could have been the "Green Destiny" sword from "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." This is all a bit much for me. Not because it's gory, but because it is so out of character for Michael Myers. Michael was very calm and watched you for a while before he actually attacked. Here he just slices and dices away. Also he is so fat in this movie, what was he eating while he was away? Twinkies? The movie gets points for the way the mask looks, it looks pretty scary. But the film is too resemblant of the silly splatter flicks that pretty much ruined the horror genre. Donald Pleasance in his last film role, trys his best to bring some credibility to the film. Sadly it did not help. The ending is such a bore, we all know you cant beat Michael with a metal pipe and expect him to stay down. This flick is pretty bad, but not as bad as "Halloween 3: Season Of The Witch." By now the premise is just tired. The filmmakers have ignored the previous storyline. I hear there is some special "Producers Cut" of the film but I doubt that it would have added much to this convoluted story any way.
Rating:  Summary: "The story behind Michael: Haloween 6" Review: This movie is an excellent explanation on why Michael Meyers wanted to kill his family. He was tormented by some cult to kill his family. They put a modern day replacement for (laurie strode JAMIE LEE CURTIS) Kara Strode. The movie takes off from no. 5. The bootleg version of the film is much more better. A cut out scene shows that Michael Meyers escaped from his cell in 5 and police caught him again but then there is an explosion suposibly killing off Jamie and Michael but Jamie and Michael were actually kidnapped from the people who control Michael. They take Jamie to kill her to make she dies so Michael can stop. But they dissapeer and Jamie is taken and put into a cult. As they prepare to kill Jamie she escapes just after she had her child. Michael escapes and follows Jamie and ends up killing her off. Now the cult are after her baby who falls into the hands of Tommy Doyle (Paul Stephen Rudd) the original Haloween survivor from no.1 Michael has come back to Haddonfield to kill . . . again.
Rating:  Summary: Average Review: Its no doubt that the Halloween trilogy has gone downward after the sequel, and this one, though making some attempt, just doesn't cut it. Picking up some years after the ending of part 5, The Curse of Michael Myers has our buddy Mike going after his neice's son. Whats good about the flick is that it gives some explanation as to why he has the nerve to wipe his family off the planet. Its not too good of a reason, but it sheds some light on some previously unexplainable things. Myers goes all out in this one, taking bloody murders to a whole new level as he breaks necks, slices juglars, and makes heads explode (literally). The violence in the movie is kinda too much, but when you think about it, how many scary films don't have blood and gore? Not much. Still though, the movie is overall just average and doesn't live up to this once oh so great series. At the most, its a weekend rental.
Rating:  Summary: THE PRODUCER'S CUT WILL DO THIS FILM JUSTICE!--*** Review: Since the Producer's Cut has never officially been released (bootleg copies are available), and this page is for the theatrical release, I'll have to review that one. As it stands, the Theatrical Cut is a rather odd film. The film was heavily dissected by director Joe Chappelle during post-production: many scenes were trimmed, rearranged, or entirely cut out, gruesome deaths were added, the music was changed, and the final 15 minutes or so (virtually the entire final act of the film) was completely reshot. After a six year disappearance, Jamie Lloyd suddenly appears Halloween Eve on a radio talk show, frantically calling for Dr. Loomis. Michael is back, looking for Jamie's baby after he kills her. The baby is found by the know-grown up Tommy Doyle from the original film, played by Paul Stephen Rudd, who has become obsessed with Michael over the years. And he thinks he's uncovered the reason behind Michael's madness. (The explanation is too long and complicated to go into here). THE CURSE OF MICHAEL MYERS was probably the least successful HALLOWEEN film, but a lot of series fan consider it one of the best. A lot of things in the film are confusing and left unexplained, as a result of Chappelle's meddling with things before it's release, but the film has a great sense of atmosphere and suspense. And Rudd is great as Tommy Doyle, a character that would be a worthy replacement for Dr. Loomis, now that the great Donald Pleasence is, sadly, no longer with us. And as Kara Strode, the lovely Marianne Hagan makes a great modern-day replacement for Jamie Lee Curtis's Laurie Strode in the original. The bootleg Producer's Cut is virtually a different film, with a stronger story and more answers to the questions raised by the film, with a surprise ending that is lightyears from the ending seen in theaters and on video. The theatrical version of the film is still an ok film, but the original version is great, possibly even the best since the original. Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 Grade:(Procucer's Cut) B Grade:(theatrical Cut) C
Rating:  Summary: The worst of them all Review: The series should have been dead by now.