Rating:  Summary: Warning! Beware of Spoilers! Review: First off, nothing compares to seeing these movies in a packed, sold out theater! Tons of fun! Lots of screaming teenagers! Goodtimes! God, how do I keep this short? There is so much to say about these great movies! I'll just break it down movie by movie. Scream: Instant classic! The scariest movies are the ones that could happen in real life. Theres no reason why some kids couldn't just go out, buy a Scream costume, and start carving up their friends. Billy and Stu have grown up watching the same scary movies we all have, Halloween, Elm Street, etc. The only difference is they took it too far and wanted to know what its like to be a killer! So they terrorize the small, isolated town of Woodsboro by stalking and gutting unsuspecting teens. This movie, however bloody, is much more than that. We meet people we can actually relate to and care about. Like Sidney Prescott, our heroin, Randy, nerdish horror film buff, Dewey, the town deputy, Tatum, Sidneys best friend, and of course Billy and Stu! Throw into the mix the t.v. anchor Gale Weathers and you've got a fresh whodunit! Easily one of my all time favorite scary movies! The best scenes: Tatum in the garage, Billy and Stu at the end of the movie. The soundtrack is just OK. I would've liked the score better than just a bunch of cut n paste, 90's, one hit wonders. Scream 2: Sidney goes to college. Gail writes a book about the Woodsboro murders, which is made into a movie. Someone decides to copy the movie and go after Sid. But, theres a twist. Billys mom is very upset at Sid for offing her son so she hires some kid to go after Sidney. The "mom comes back for revenge" is a great homage to the first Friday the 13th, but Laurie Metcalf (from Rosanne.) is sooo weak as Billys mom. She really ruins the end. Picture her charechtor on Rosanne, but just really mad. Laurie is a one dimensional actress. This movie had to grow on me, but I love it now. I'm still upset that they killed Randy! Why? He's essential to the entire trilogy! All he wanted was for Sid to love him. Dewey and Gail are back as well. Dewey is just a human pin cushion! In Friday the 13th, Halloween, and Elm St. the killers always come back no matter what you do to them, but Dewey is the victim who always comes back no matter what the killers do to him! Best scenes: Trapped in the cop car! Randy getting the call from the killer! Soundtrack completely blows! Features more forgettable 90's acts. Once again, I want the score! Scream 3: This time their making a sequel to the Woodsboro murders and Sid finds herself on the set. This is the weakest of the 3 by far! What a rip off ending! Sid has a long lost brother? Whatever...I do like how intense the killer chases everyone around in this one. He stops at nothing to get his prey. The dead mom in the window thing is very scary. Sidney is more of an emotional wreck in this one, locking herself in her house. She does'nt really show up in the movie for almost an hour though. But, this is a Scream movie so I do like it. I'll watch the first two a couple of times before I watch this one, but I still watch it. Pincushion Dewey is back for more as is Gail and Randys sister? Weak! That whole scene, w/that tore up from the floor up girl who plays Randys sister is lame. Best scene: Sids dead mom scraping the window with her bloody fingers! Great stuff. Soundtrack: The worst one ever! Featuring 90's cover bands Creed (doing their best Pearl Jam. Oh, Scotty you're such a rock star!) and Godsmack (such a rip off of Alice in Chains they named their band after one of their songs!) Slipknot is cool though, but buy their album for the song. This one actually has a score cd that you can buy. You can buy the Scream/Scream2 score as well, but they are on one cd and very editted. Well, the one thing you will notice about these movies is Courtney Cox looks progressivly worse from the first to last. Scream one shes a hotty, Scream 2 shes starting to slip, but still ok, Scream 3, you can tell shes married because her looks are gone, finito, bye-bye! If you're a huge Scream buff, like me, you can buy the "Stab" movie posters on Ebay! Theres a few different types though, so check for them all. Just type in Scream Stab and search. Well, gotta go, enjoy, my cell phones ringing...... ;)
Rating:  Summary: As Good As It Gets Review: This boxed set is a wonderful gift considering its beautiful script and spectacular cast. This really was a great trilogy and its a perfect gift with its unique thriller genre to the cast that makes you hollar and cry. Neve Campbell, David Arquette, and Courteney Cox Arquette are wonderful actors who are the only people who fit the roles of these movies at their cinematic best. The Scream Trilogy boxed set is as good as it gets.
Rating:  Summary: SCREAM TRILOGY Review: As soon as I heard that there was a Scream Trilogy DVD Box Set, I shot out the door and rushed to the store. And I wasn't dissapointed. Neve Campbell gives a very believable performance in all 3 movies, although the final film focoused alot on David and Courtney Cox- Arquette's characters. All of the films are horrifyingly scary and offer tons of laughs. And the special feature DVD has tons of extra stuff to check out for your viewing pleasure. All toghther, the Scream DVD Box Set was awsome!
Rating:  Summary: Perfect Horror, Grade A DvD Review: Scream gave us the motives and the major storyline, Scream 2 lengthened the storyline, and Scream 3 settled the motives and the storyline. That's how the trilogy went, and it was a fun ride. And in the third and final Scream, we see that Sidney is in hiding in the California hills and is ultimately paranoid. But who can blame her? She's only had 4 psychos kill almost 15 of her friends or people close to her. Meanwhile, Stab 3 is currently in production, with a now successful Cotton making a cameo in the movie and Dewey being a technical advisor on the movie. Suddenly, bodies began to turn up, and the killer leaves pictures of a young Sidney's mother with every victim. Now Sidney, Dewey, and Gale (who thinks she's hot on the case) and the remaining cast and crew of Stab 3 must try to survive, and Sidney must try to discover who the killer is, and why the pictures of her mother are turning up. With another all star cast, and great writing, Scream 3 ended the Scream trilogy in a way that combined all three Screams with a very surprising plot twist. Neve Campbell, David Arquette, and Courtney Cox-Arquette give their characters their usual moods and tones, and do it well. I personally love Courtney's character, Gale Weathers. New additions in Scream 3 are Parker Posey, Patrick Dempsey, Lance Henricksen, Jenny McCarthy, and many more talented actors. Parker Posey was certainly there for comedic relief. She was hilarious. There are also some surprise cameos. Ehren Kruger took over as writer, and did very well. As Scream movies do, they poke fun at the horror genre. Specifically a scene with Jenny McCarthy's character in which she complains about being having to die naked in Stab 3. And as with Scream and Scream 2, the horror-meister Wes Craven was in the director's chair. Wes' directing style is perfect for horror movies, and is very respectable to the genre. I love the Scream Trilogy, but I would NOT want another Scream. It ended the way it was supposed to, and if there is another, it would totally ruin the whole thing. As for the DVD, I thank Dimension Home Video for it. The video and audio transfers are great. We are TREATED with an assortment of deleted scenes or alternate takes, including an alternate ending. Although there really isn't much difference, it was still fun to watch. The commentary given by Wes and some of the crew is very interesting and they never quit talking, which is a good thing in this commentary's case because they always have something interesting to say. Other features include the Creed video "What If", theatrical trailer, outtakes from all Screams (Very funny), and a lot of TV Spots. No dissapointment is in this disc, nor the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Scream = **** Scream 2=***** Scream 3=Zero Stars Review: Scream was a masterful reworking of the original Halloween. And Scream 2 managed to twist the cliches around a little more. But Scream 3 was a lie. They could have waited for Kevin Williamson to write it his way. If you guess who the killer is in #3, then you must have written the screenplay. And the plot twist...bad! It sounds like what Williamson would do, but does not work here because--well, the wrong person was the killer.
Rating:  Summary: The ULTIMATE "Scream" doesn't mean the BEST "Scream." Review: In the third slasher installment to the SCREAM trilogy, a new murderous killer in a ghost mask is on the loose, stalking the cast and crew of the new "STAB 3" film. Now DEWEY (David Arquette) and GALE (Courtney Cox Arquette) return to get the story behind these killings, and to protect SYDNEY (Neve Campbell). Yet, killing this one might be harder than they think, considering he is supposed to be "superhuman" and more gruesome. Leaving behind pictures of Maurie Prescott, SID knows that it's time to end it with the third and final Stab of the Woodsborough Murders. MY REVIEW: "This shockingly fun thriller really knows how to end the trilogy, but it's nothing more than I expected. The end is satisfying, some of the twists were fun, but some of the acting was just too outdone. The one problem I had with the end, is that the killer always comes back for one more scare. THAT IS TOO EXPECTED! They do that in all horror movies! Especially the SCREAM movies, they really point it out! Wouldn't WES CRAVEN figure out that we've gotten passed that???? Who knows. Yet I was satisfied with NEVE CAMPBELL, DAVID ARQUETTE, and COUTNEY COX ARQUETTE's performances. The film was overall, chilling- but not scary. There were some laughs, but a lot of the humor was just dumb. The ending was a fine way to really END it. The trilogy idea was great and original. The main performances were pretty good. Yet the film was rather expected and typical- until the end- it was still a fun film to see and try to guess who the killer is. SCREAM III is just a fun, super-charged thrill-fest!"- MJV & the Movies.
Rating:  Summary: Lord knows I tried........ Review: I tried. I swear I did. I tried to watch this film but I could not get more than halfway through it. I have to know, what film are you people watching? This film was terrible. The acting was terrible. ONE BIG CLICHE. Wes Craven should be ashamed of himself. With his age and experience I expected more. Also, I hate to sound crude but could someone explain the appeal of Courtney Cox. Not only is she very unattracitve but she is an average actress at best. I'm all for films getting the royal treatment on DVD (and this one got it) but I'll be damned if I am going to abuse myself with this garbage anymore than I have.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect Ending!!!!!! Review: I thought this movie ended the trilogy perfectly. I loved the tape that Randy left for them explaining the rules to a trilogy. I also think that this should be the end now because I really hope Billy's grandmother or another brother doesn't come back to terrorize Sidney for a 4th time. I would definitely recommend this movie if you had the pleasure of viewing the first 2 films.
Rating:  Summary: Decent Review: *As with all my DVD review I do not review the content of the movie, yet the quality of the DVD* The Scream Boxed Set comes in an attractive package from Dimension and is a steal ... . Each film has its own DVD, with an extra bonus disc thrown in the mix. While the picture and sound transfers are excellent, there are some notable problems. The Dual Layer switch in Scream 2 is so distracting I wondered if it was a skip in the disc. Also the sound is very loud and basserific, (especially in Scream 3) which kinda scared my cat. It's not a problem, but somewhat annoying. The most annnoying feature is that you cannot switch from the commentary to regular audio using the AUDIO button on any of the discs. The commentary tracks are excellent, yet hidden away in the Bonus Features menu selection. The menu design on discs 2 and 3 is very clunky. But the features are stellar, especially the plethora of outtakes on Scream 2. All in all it's a worthy buy if you're a fan like me.. _cameron_
Rating:  Summary: What a show! Review: A friend and I went to the theater to watch this movie. And to my suprise, Courtney Cox has lost so much weight. What is that all about? "Gale Weathers" is my favorite character in all three movies, but why does Courtney look so sick? I can't believe the pressure that producers and directors put on actresses these days. People in Fairyland in need to loosen up and let the actresses take a bite of a doughnut sometime. Regardless, Scream 3 is the best!