Rating:  Summary: Pure Genious, Every Detail worked out to perfection WOW!!! Review: A masterpiece that should be looked on for a long time to come. This is the great world of Literary Genious J.R. Token and the amazing life he lived that imspired him to creat such a world. Amazing!!
Rating:  Summary: Don't judge on small errors Review: I read the books & went to watch the movie with my friends who read the books too.When it was over,a few parts were left out.Tom Bombadil, but I thought that part was so slow of a part and agreed that skipping it was a good idea. The singing and melody making I expected in the movie would've made me nervous and embarrassed. Luckily it was left out.I had no problem with Arwen's part but the gift giving part from Galadriel being left out irritated me. All in all,it was a great movie and didn't really care about the special effects.
Rating:  Summary: never read the books... Review: I've never read Tolkien so this review is based purely on the movie. Although a very solid storyline, the plot was nothing-special going by today's standards. There were a number of holes in the storyline but overall it's a solid movie and easy to understand. Most of the fight scenes were ridiculous though...a few heroes killing hundreds of bad guys. When one of the heroes was killed towards the end of the movie, I was actually surprised and even then it took him a real long time die. The special effects were fantastic but somewhat less dramatic on the TV screen. There were a lot of wide-angle shots making the characters look like ants on the TV. Overall I'm sure Tolkien fans will love the adaptation due to it's high production values. For people who have not read the books and just wanted to see the movie, the movie is really long and the end really stinks because there isn't one in this movie. It was sort of like turning off your DVD player in the middle of a movie. Unless your a hardcore fan of the series, rent this one.
Rating:  Summary: Lord of the Rings Review: Frodo Baggins, the hobbit, inbarks in a quest to destroy The One Ring before Sarumon, the dark lord, gets it. He meets a wide variety of creatures such as hobbits, elves, dwarfs, and other things. See if he can destroy the ring before Sarumon gets it.
Rating:  Summary: Excelent Review: Best fantasy movie ever made. Rivals the Star War Pictures.
Rating:  Summary: Masterpiece Review: One word sums up the DVD. Excellent. This movie had a larger than life story to live up to and did an excellent job. I am a huge tolkien and have read all his books. I watched the movie with a critical eye. This movie had some slight changes in comparsion to the book but overall stayed true to the story line and charecter development. A MUST SEE.
Rating:  Summary: Better than what the critics have said! Review: Though three hours is a bit excessive for a film about midget wrestling, this film manages to retain a sense of fun amidst all the backbiting going on in the cutthroat world of "sports entertainment". High points include an homage to "Raging Bull" wherein Elijah Wood asks Sir Ian Mckellan (as his trainer) to hit him in the face as hard as he can, and The Rock's cameo as the Masked Balrog.
Rating:  Summary: they stole it...my precioussss.... and we wantssss it back! Review: Okay....lets set things straight. I read the hobbit in 6th grade. Later in junior high i realized there were "sequals" to the hobbit. The next day i went out and bought the LOTR trilogy, and read them all in a month. Since then i have read them all about 4 or 5 times. When this movie came out, i saw it opening day, and since then i couldnt wait untill it came out on DVD, and that day is near. Even though some of my favorite parts (aka Tom Bombadil) were left out of the film, it is still one of my favorite movies to this day. I recommend this DVD to people who loved the movie, or loved the books. The only reason i am getting this and not the November Special Edition Release is because 3 months is too long of a wait just for a few hours of special features, the movie itself is more important to me. So if you are like me, and liked this movie for itself, and not its "extra features", buy this DVD, and dont wait for the November Release
Rating:  Summary: FOTR - August 6 DVD Release Review: That Tolkien's LORD OF THE RINGS is indeed the Greatest Fantasy Story Ever Written is not in dispute. That Peter Jackson has passionately managed to do the unthinkable - translate Tolkien's unequaled imagination, the book's literary wonders, tension and tenderness, to a movie masterpiece - is an incredible achievement. Thank you, Mr. Jackson, for your great talent - we are privileged to enjoy the great beauty you have created. While most LOTR fans will not care much about the marketing blitz surrounding the first VHS/DVD release of the Fellowship of The Rings - Book/Movie 1 of 3 - some fans able to control their natural inclination to buy anything LOTR-related (fine for many of us) may want to read between the lines of the marketing onslaught. So here's a brief comparison of the DVD Aug 6 release vs. the DVD Nov 12 release to help. Aug 6 DVD --- Disc1 has a good, crisp image and sound of film, in its original theatre release length, translated exceptionally well to small screen. Disc2 contains all the "special features": 3 Documentaries, Enya Video, FOTR Theatrical Trailers (now someone tell me: why are these here when you have the full movie on Disc1 ???) - all these, I would say, rather weak. The best part, of course, is the Two Towers Preview (feeding our impatience to see Movie 2 of 3 come December 18), and an inside look at the "Extended DVD Edition" due Nov 12 - a teaser to go out and buy the Nov 12 DVD as well. Nov 12 DVD --- aka "Extended Edition" in widescreen format --- has 30 minutes added footage to the original film length, including: extended Shire sequence (with a hobbit musical number of sorts); extended Moria battle has Aragorn saving Boromir's life; fleshed out backstory on Aragorn, visiting his mother's grave at Rivendell; the complete Lothlorien gift-giving scene with Galadriel; a second Gollum cameo as "log with eyes"; and a fuller, zippier battle scene with the Uruk-Hai. The studio's marketing plan seems to be: "skim" all fans ready to buy the VHS/DVD on Aug 6, then upgrade them again to buy the Nov 12 release (which is a must-have). A classic business case, and, of course, most of us will fall for it; but if you are both a VHS and a DVD buyer, as I am, and you will get both formats anyhow, you will do best to buy the VHS on Aug 6 - after all, who can wait until Nov? ;o) - then buy your DVD "keeper" on Nov 12 - DVD's hold out much better in the long-run, and the Extended Edition is so much better.
Rating:  Summary: Lord Of The Movies Review: I just wanted to start out saying I am getting the theatrical version 'cause I don't really like changed or added scenes in movies. I prefer the theatrical version for myself. And I also reserved it at Suncoast so I'm getting it next Tuesday. And BTW, the first version is the only one which has the ten minute preview of 'The Two Towers' (which I'm really excited to see). If you want the new platinum edition version, go ahead, buy it. I don't care. But I'm still getting the theatrical version.