Rating:  Summary: Great movie, or rather one-third of a great movie Review: Occasionally, a controversy arises in advance over whether Hollywood can do a book justice in the movie version. In the case of Lord of the Rings, make that three movies. New Line Cinema gave New Zealand director Peter Jackson hundreds of millions of dollars to film the entire J.R.R. Tolkien trilogy. These were shot simultaneously in Jackson's native New Zealand. The first, The Fellowship of the Rings, was released last Christmas and is now on video and DVD. The second will open in theaters in December, the third in December 2003. So far, Jackson has triumphed. While some purists have complained about certain elements of the movie (for example, about the lessening of the Hobbits' roles in fighting the forces of evil), most fans seem quite pleased. The movie has been a huge hit both here and abroad, which indicates its appeal goes far beyond the books' rabid supporters. The Lord of the Rings is an epic tale about courage and the dangers of power. It takes place in a time long ago in a place called Middle Earth, which both is and is not of our earth. It is peopled by far more than mere humans beings. There are hobbits and dwarfs, elves and goblins, wizards and assorted strange creatures. Once upon a time, a great but evil wizard forged powerful rings in the fires of the Mountain of Doom. The mightiest of these he kept for himself, but he lost it during a great battle. One day, a hobbit named Bilbo [Ian Holm] found it and kept it. Now he has decided to pass it on to his favorite nephew, Frodo [Elijah Wood]. There is great danger for Frodo because the wizard will stop at nothing to get it back. With the help of another wizard, Gandolf [Ian McKellan], and others, Frodo begins a long and treacherous journey to where the ring was created, for that is the only place where it can be destroyed. The movie is a visual feast. Computer generated imagery techniques have truly come of age. When you mix these cinematic tricks with the naturally awesome and exotic landscapes of New Zealand, the effect is magical. Some, but not all, of this is lost on the small screen, for The Lord of the Rings is designed to be seen larger than life. One of the movie's great accomplishments is the way it seamlessly matches the small and large characters. You would swear that Elijah Wood is a midget in real life, and Ian McKellan a giant. The cast is superb. Especially notable are McKellan as Gandolf, Holm as Bilbo, and Wood as Frodo. These actors will forever be known for these roles. Also mesmerizing is Kate Blanchett in her fairly small role as Queen Galadriel. The Lord of the Rings will not please all viewers. It runs three hours. The characters travel on and on and on, in much the same way Peter O'Toole was forever trooping across the desert in the 1962 classic, Lawrence of Arabia. Also, because this is the first in a trilogy, it doesn't have a true climax. It simply ends with the main characters planning their next moves. I personally can't wait to find out what they are.
Rating:  Summary: WOW Review: I dont want to sit down a write a huge review like some of the other fans so il simply say. BEST MOVIE EVER. hope that helps!
Rating:  Summary: Beware Defective Discs! Review: This is the worst audio I've ever encountered on a DVD, and what a shame that it should happen to such a fine film. The audio on the 2nd, special features, disc, is spotty all the way through, with some of the features being entirely unintelligible. I had hoped that the film itself would be unaffected, but in the 27th chapter, the audio suddenly went bad, and you would need subtitles to understand the dialogue. The ambient sound was still fine, but the dialogue had faded to a whisper in the background. I will be returning my disc and hoping for one without defects.
Rating:  Summary: Same sound problem -- caused because of clipping... Review: I had the same problem with the sound, and fixed it by sending it through my television and turning the volume down a bit. The only explanation I have is that the DVD was recorded with very high gains on the battle scenes, and some stereo systems can't handle the full signal. Tempering it by sending it through an intermediary source helps it not to clip. It does tell me that I need to go out and get a new receiver before the next films come out on DVD :D. Awesome, and every bit as thrilling as it was in the theatres (though I miss the big screen). All Hail Jackson!
Rating:  Summary: Magnificent Review: This movie is a masterpiece. Combining intense action shots, rolling landscapes, and well-developed characters, this movie is the archetypal adventure. But the wonder of this movie is that it is not limited merely to the surface level of action and adventure; it conveys deeper themes about life. In allegorical form, it shows the epic distinction between good and evil, the utter corruption of sin, and the sovereign care of God. It shows the joys of simple living, and the beauty of culture in middle-earth. All of this lifts you upward to the climax of emotion and gratefulness for the life God gave both the hobbits and us humans. Though I missed seeing the Lord of the Rings in the theatre, this DVD made up for that tragic blunder. All the same, you may wish to wait for the extended edition, containing an extra 30 minutes of footage over 4 DVDs, to come out in November. It sounds very good.
Rating:  Summary: Sadness in the heart of happiness Review: Ohh my god I never have cryed so much in my entire life. this is the saddest movie. The action is awsome and the story is better than anything i have ever seen before. i love this movie. Elijah wood is a realy good actor in this movie,but i pictured the hobbits fatter. Gandolf the wizard was the perfect gandolph. It is a scary movie. you love the characters so much that when they are fighting you get sad and can realy feel their emotions
Rating:  Summary: True To The Book Review: The Movie -The Fellowship Of The Ring is true to the book. I love the books but the film felt just right! It will be appealing to most readers and certainly to those who never read the book. If you have seen this film and loved it and have not yet read the book please do read them. The books will give you an even richer experience. They will also help you enjoy the films even more. I do miss the poetry which had to be left out of the movie because of length most likely. Also parents use caution!! Do not bring anyone under the age of eleven to see this movie. As an eight year old the imagery here would have given me nightmares for months!!
Rating:  Summary: The real LORD of the Rings.... Review: This movie is such a masterpiece,you cannot explain how great it is in words....Peter Jackson has made a classic book,into movie magic.Great casting,excellent special effects,and just a magnific' job!Peter Jackson(PJ) brought the story to life!This is a movie everybody should own!It has some violence that parents of younger children should look out for.But,if you are mature enough,you should bring this masterpiece into your household!SO buy Lord of the Rings(LOTR)today!
Rating:  Summary: Superb movie -- very good DVD. Review: If you only want to buy one Lord of the Rings: Fellowship DVD, you might want to get the Extended DVD edition to be released in November 2002. That DVD will have an extra half an hour of new footage inserted into the film, and lots of original supplementary features. But me, I'm a sap. I want both versions of the film. I saw this film in theatres more than twice as much as I've seen any film since my pre-teen years. Why? Well, aside from the possibility that I have the geek gene -- LOTR: FOTR is the best fantasy movie ever made. There's action, great visuals, but most importantly (and this is something that's sadly lacking in modern Star Wars films) heart. The title of the film is "Fellowship", and that's also the theme. A bond of Fellowship or friendship which allows for some very intimate and heart-wrenching moments. Sam and Frodo's friendship. Merry and Pippin. Gandalf and everyone. Superb chemistry brought forth by great writing and dead on casting. For the unfeeling among you, there's a few beheadings. (g) And visually, this film is stunning. Wonderfully detailed and intelligent designs that require multiple viewings, pauses, zooms to appreciate it all. The DVD transfer is superb, making the visuals even better. In particular, I think the Balrog looks at lot better on the DVD than he did on the screen. There's some very sharp colours on this DVD. As for special features, this August version has mostly recycled TV and internet specials. But there's also a ten-minute preview of the Two Towers, the next LOTR film. And a preview of the extended DVD. The previews have me eagerly awaiting the next releases in this franchise. I highly recommend this movie. (And for the record, I've read the books, but I actually think the film adaptation improves on some things. The characters are more developed.)
Rating:  Summary: I didn't think they'd ever do a good movie of this Review: I first read 'Lord Of the Rings' as an undergrad during the Turbulent Sixties, when it gained a cult following among several of us who considered the world to be Armageddon-bound by next semester, what with my country's and the Soviet Union's reckless nuclear buildup, as well as both nations' interventionist adventures in the Third World. There was saying back then, frequently appearing as graffiti: 'Frodo Lives'. As potential cannon fodder in Vietnam, we weren't at all sure we would be doing so for very long. In retrospect, using this story as an escapist allegory to a less-desirable 'real world' beat hell out of following the example of the late Jim Morrison; 'I don't know what's gonna happen, man, but I aim to get my kicks before the whole thing goes up in flames.' That philosophy knocked him off at age 27. Wishing that they could put this story on the screen, I was vastly let down by the animated feature of it during the 1970s, which modern-day Disney fare blows away in terms of imaginativeness. I don't know if you can even get that one on VHS and frankly I could care less. This film is a sprawling, mighty epic meant for big-screen TV tied into your stereo so that the rumbling subsonics in the soundtrack can give you the proper sense of vastness. It's very well cast as well. Viggo Morgensten as the laconic Eastwoodian drifter Aragorn. The booming, Falstaffian John Rhys-Davies as Gimli the Dwarf. Sean Bean as the emotional Boromir, a man too wrapped up in his own nationalism to see the big picture. I go along with one other reviewer who sees Cate Blanchett as a far too austere Galadriel, though. In the book, I saw Galadriel as more serene than icy. I think one side-effect of a really great role in a really great flick is that it absorbs the actor playing it. So I wasn't at all surprised to learn that the guys who played Frodo and Sam became very close friends in the course of the filming. And what a great idea to do the whole trilogy at once! That dodges two fatal pitfalls in a project this big, one being cast attrition'in the 'Winds Of War/ War and Remembrance' miniseries, two deaths and a case of actor's boredom made it necessary to replace starring characters Natalie and Aaron Jastrow, as well as Byron Henry. And speaking of boredom, what better way to get around the attention deficit disorder found in much of the moviegoing audience? Now I don't have to worry that they might decide to scrap plans for at least one of the other two. People who are easily bored can whine and yawn all they want'my copies of the other two films are probably already packaged and shrink-wrapped in some warehouse!