Rating:  Summary: The Satanic Rites of Dracula Review: A perfect combination of a vampire movie & Satanic thriller, Christpher Lee makes another memorable appearance as the fiend of the Night. There is quite a plan behind this particular world domination. Dracula recognizes the power of viruses, thereby commissioning a "defrocked" scientist to develop another 'black plague' to decimate the earth of its living inhabitants. The dark disciples involved are essentially 'The 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse' who will bring about mass destruction. Blood Rituals, forboding ceremonies, in which the hoary hosts of Hell are summoned, & a black altar upon which a nude virgin reposes ever so seductively, at The High Priestess' bidding, a beautiful round black Baphomet table, around which the cultists gather is present here --- in sort of a "Knights of Satan" manner. The Satanic Rites of Dracula is an 'occult'-classic that should be in every Satanic horror fan's collection.
Rating:  Summary: Hammer film's Dracula Finale Review: Hammer film's Satanic Rites of Dracula is the final Christopher Lee role as Dracula in the Hammer series. The movie sets Dracula in the modern world (set a few years after Dracula A.D.1972) with the great Peter Cushing as his antagonist. I loved this movie and thought it a brilliant conclusion to the Hammer line. Dracula has been revived into the modern world and is functioning as a reclusive wealthy industrialist set on introducing a deadly plague into the world. Dracula is obsessed with taking revenge on the Van Helsing decendents and intends to use them as pawns in his diabolical plan. This film has somewhat of a James Bond feel yet maintains the the mystery and suspense of previous Hammer incarnations.
Rating:  Summary: Dracula at his worst? Review: Hammer films is famous for producing some of the most effective vampire films ever. This, however, is not one of them. Our protaganist this time around centers himself amidst a group of supposed witches in a coven. One finds out shortly what the purpose of this group is for and what Dracula intends to use their services for. In short, this makes for a very poor plot and low budget effects, we only see Dracula approach one female victim and even then we are spared the horror of her fate. For reasons that are only purley historical was this released on DVD. Hammer fans will be disappointed by this installment, and one can see why that studio shortly thereafter ceased making films.
Rating:  Summary: SLOOOOOOOW MOVING Review: It's London in the 1970's, and Scottish Yard investigators think they have undiscovered a case of vampirism. Unbelievable, it becomes terribly apparent that the culprit may be none other than dracula him self, secretly plotting to unleash a fatal virus upon the world. this movie is only 87 minutes and it seems like it takes at least 4 hours to end! this movie makes no sense and the only reason why i gave it 2 stars is because it has vampires in it!
Rating:  Summary: Worst of the Hammer-Dracula series Review: Let's see...Dracula is hardley in this movie to start off with, there is very little vampire action, the plot is complete nonsense and features a totaly unnecessary occult sub-plot (which was used purely for the fact that Satanism and the occult was popular during the 60's-70's), and features the weakest ending possible...Yet somehow, this movie IS entertaining and worth getting if you're a hardcore Dracula/Christopher Lee fan, or you find weird/obscure/bad horror movies fun.
The good news is, Peter Cushing is in the movie alongside Lee, so that helps, and there are literally dozens of cheap bargan bin issues of this movie on DVD available. I got mine for only $3 and it was in widescreen taboot! If you MUST see this movie, rent it or try looking in the budget-cheapo bins at Walmart!
Rating:  Summary: Evil of the Vampire. Review: London ~ 1974. Dracula (Christopher Lee) is undead and plotting mayhem. With a select group of powerful men, the Prince of Darkness plans to unleash an upgrade of bubonic plague. This is the inherent vileness of evil, according to Professor Van Helsing (Peter Cushing). Van Helsing is a descendant of the 19th century vampire-slayer. He and his delectable granddaughter, Jessica (Joanna Lumley), join the battle raging against the menace from beyond the grave. Michael Coles repeats his role from "Dracula A. D. 1972" as a police inspector with a silly Buster Brown haircut that only the '70s could tolerate. A remote country house, full of devil worship and bloody ritual, conceals the vampire coven. Dracula's screen time is limited, but his first appearance is a great Hammer moment. The kiss of the vampire prevails, as fearful female captives become eagerly wanton women, consumed with unholy bloodlust. Instead of typical Hammer heaving bosoms in diaphanous gowns, there is good old bare-breasted nudity. Family viewing, of course, is not encouraged. Lee's towering image in the flowing black cape, and his menacing demeanor transcend mere acting and dialogue. This virtue carries the film over some weak points. In addition, never miss an opportunity to view Lee and Cushing together. Dracula's drastic plot to lay waste the world is one way to find final release from his peculiar malady. No more potential victims left alive. This is the last of Hammer's Dracula series. The ending is a little weak, but otherwise the series goes out in a blaze of glory. This movie is great fun for genre fans and Hammer Horror-Heads everywhere. ;-)
Rating:  Summary: Stay away from this turkey! Review: Not worth watching unless you like silliness. Dracula gets hold of a viral plague that can wipe out the Earth's population? So, if he unleashes this plague, who's going to be left for him to feed on? Dracula belongs in the 1800's, not the 20th century. Even having Professor Van Helsing in this film does not help matters. Thank goodness Christopher Lee knew what he was doing when he decided to not make another of these movies. It was time to hang it up for sure. An all-time Hammer turkey to avoid all together.
Rating:  Summary: Warning! Buyer Beware! Review: OK, first let me say that I love this movie! Count Dracula decides to wipe out mankind with a super-plague, just so he can finally die. Just thinking about it makes me drool! He has a host of eeevil helpers, including chained-up vampire babes in the basement! Lots of fanged action! There are also satanic snipers, a mad scientist, motorcycle-riding hitmen, a naked sacrifice, etc.,etc., etc. Not to mention the fact that both Christopher Lee (Drac) and Peter Cushing (Van Helsing) are awesome! Plus, as an added bonus to any / all AB-FAB fans out there, Joanna Lumley (Patsy) plays Van Helsing's beautiful, red-headed granddaughter, Jessica! Now, I got that out of the way to warn folks that this DVD has another title. It is also known as "Count Dracula And His Vampire Brides" (I think it should've been called "Dracula: Apocalypse" or something). Hope this helps someone to NOT buy two copies of the same movie...
Rating:  Summary: stop hating ya'll-Mod is not for goths! Review: There are alot of nasty reviews of this movie. I mean I guess I can understand why someone would hate this: if they took Dracula seriously and if they shop at Hot Topic and wear pentagrams. Geez, it's just a movie. This movie was great, aesthetically the movie is very pleasing. The scenes are intriguing.Oversaturated color gave it a very artistic look. The movie is so mod not goth, very period mod look: hip pointed-toe boot wearing biker gangs, teased hair and slick suits. The music was fantastic. The composer was Cacavas, if the soundtrack sounds familiar, it is because he did the scores for tons of mod films. He even did the Hawaii-Five-O stuff.
Alot of people are hating and are saying that Dracula belongs in the 1800s. That is bogus. This film is unique because it is modern. There are like a bazillion gothic, cold-castle, German villiage, same ole' same ole' plot vampire films.Now that is boring. I want to see something new. I want to see Dracula's good taste in lounge furniture. I want to Dracula's sheepskin wearing, big sunglass sporting motorcycle gang snipers.
I highly recommend this film for those that can appreciate beautiful and symbolic things (lots of interesting symbolism). And for those that want "realistic fangs" and a long ratty haired cast, go watch "Bram Stocker's" for like the millionth time.Ok.
Rating:  Summary: Dracula is really dead or is trying to be Review: This has to be the worst of the Lee-Cushing Hammer Draculas. One has to wonder if they had a film - lame - and they said - HEY lets put Lee in his cape in here and we will make money. Idiots! Sorry, I love Lee, Cushing and the other Dracula films but Hammer was in it for the bucks here and nothing else. The fact it was released under various titles tells you something, Satanic was one, but there was "Dracula is Dead and Well and Living in London" or uninspired "Count Dracula and his Bride". I mean that is ALL they could come up with? Sequel to A.D., charming Joanna Lumley takes over from Stephanie Beacham as Van Helsing's granddaughter. Cushing is back as well. So bad it's sort of good...lol. Count Dracula decides to wipe out mankind with a super-plague so he can finally die? Well, I am sure they thought it sounded good on paper. Of interest to Lee-Cushing fans, but others will yawn.