Rating:  Summary: Not much fun. Review: Review of Demons A group of people stuck in a big movie theater have to take on hideous demons. Very popular Italian gorefest has some really excellent make-up effects and a fun premise, but it's just not entertaining. The lighting's too dark, the action is confusingly filmed, and the story keeps cutting back to a useless subplot about a coke-snorting gang! Props to the lead actor, though, who looks like a cross between Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Dolph Lundgren! Stick with Sam Raimi's The Evil Dead or Night of the Demons for a much scarier rollercoaster ride with a similar premise. * 1/2 out of *****
Rating:  Summary: Great Italian Horror and Gore by Bava's son! Review: Rock and Roll, Zombies and Demons, Gore, bad dubbing, excellent lighting, drugs and boobs...Italian style! Can you go wrong???? Directed by Lamberto Bava (A Blade in the Dark, Macabre)and produced by Dario Argento. Lamberot once served as underlings of his father Mario Bava, Dario Argento, and Ruggero Deaodato. These are his best peices and certainly the slickest looking. Demons takes place at a movie theatre where Demons tear through the screen and come into reality while the second one (Demons 2) the zombies come through a television screen! THe effects are awesome, no cheesy computer effects like we see today. The effects were done by Italian gore godfather Sergio Stilalvetti, a true Italian veteran who worked on alot of Fulci stuff. Great film for a midnight watching. Any gore film that has soundtracks by the Scorpions, Billy Idol and Motly Crue to name a few should be checked out anyway. Also, look for Miachel Soavi's cameo as the masked man who gives the girls the movie tickets. Soavi is the guy that brough us Cemetery Man, Stage Fright and the Sect. Enjoy these, you can't go wrong with the double disk set, they look fantastic!
Rating:  Summary: Amateur reviews with extremely poor spelling & grammar Review: See Thomas A Avallone's review of Demons & Demons 2.Sure it's dated, just like those Mario Bava films from the 70s, but that's probably because they weren't actually made today. Dario Argento's movies look dated, so do John Carpenter movies - but who can argue? Halloween looks dated, Psycho looks dated too, and what about Dawn Of The Dead, Clockwork Orange, The Exorcist etc. The very fact that some of these films look like they were made in any particular decade, is usually a subconscious reason for wanting to watch them in the first place. Stick to Scream, if you want an up-to-date movie - but not for too long eh.
Rating:  Summary: Two classics for the price of one... Review: These are two of the best Italian horror flicks that you will ever have the pleasure of feasting your eyes upon. They are simply fantastic. The special effects more than make up for any plot holes you might encounter here. These movies are truly a feast for your eyes, not necessarily your brain.
Rating:  Summary: Demons 2=Evil Dead 2 Review: This is one of my favorite horror films of all-time. I'm not a horror expert like others, but I enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed Jackson's DEAD ALIVE, Raimi's EVIL DEAD, Romero's DAY OF THE DEAD, and more than say...Fulci's THE BEYOND. Why? *It's got great gross-out effects(man-made gore, none of that 'clean'-looking cgi gore), esp. the human-to-demon transformation scenes. *It's fast-paced with good action. These demons move fast and are quick. After seeing this you won't feel sorry for hapless victims who can't outrun slow zombies or who are so clumsy that they bump into them. *It has a sense of style. Visually impressive, with the movie-within-a-movie scenes and the part where the demons run in slo-mo down a hall with eyes glowing being standouts! *Great music. Excellent Italian new wave electronic score opens and closes the credit sequences in the first film. 80's songs(these being 80's films) are present throughout both films and are a mixed bag(#2 ends with 'Rain' from the Cult...which is good). True, the dubbing is bad, but if you dub SEVEN SAMURAI, SEVENTH SEAL, and CITIZEN CANE badly, they aren't gonna come across as great either. Besides, are you watching these expecting to see those types of films? Overall, if you liked one you'll like the other, but admittedly it will be a case of seen-that, been-there. But at least make it a priority to see the first. Plus, a few extras with a nice image transfer make this dvd a must buy(or at least a must see), esp. for those looking for an antidote to all those teen/cgi-fx/hollywood-type horror films. Don't take it too seriously, and you'll have a blast, get grossed out, and even scared...and that's what it's all about right?
Rating:  Summary: Demoni: Euro-gore at its best. Review: This is one of my favorite horror films of all-time. I'm not a horror expert like others, but I enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed Jackson's DEAD ALIVE, Raimi's EVIL DEAD, Romero's DAY OF THE DEAD, and more than say...Fulci's THE BEYOND. Why? *It's got great gross-out effects(man-made gore, none of that 'clean'-looking cgi gore), esp. the human-to-demon transformation scenes. *It's fast-paced with good action. These demons move fast and are quick. After seeing this you won't feel sorry for hapless victims who can't outrun slow zombies or who are so clumsy that they bump into them. *It has a sense of style. Visually impressive, with the movie-within-a-movie scenes and the part where the demons run in slo-mo down a hall with eyes glowing being standouts! *Great music. Excellent Italian new wave electronic score opens and closes the credit sequences in the first film. 80's songs(these being 80's films) are present throughout both films and are a mixed bag(#2 ends with 'Rain' from the Cult...which is good). True, the dubbing is bad, but if you dub SEVEN SAMURAI, SEVENTH SEAL, and CITIZEN CANE badly, they aren't gonna come across as great either. Besides, are you watching these expecting to see those types of films? Overall, if you liked one you'll like the other, but admittedly it will be a case of seen-that, been-there. But at least make it a priority to see the first. Plus, a few extras with a nice image transfer make this dvd a must buy(or at least a must see), esp. for those looking for an antidote to all those teen/cgi-fx/hollywood-type horror films. Don't take it too seriously, and you'll have a blast, get grossed out, and even scared...and that's what it's all about right?
Rating:  Summary: Demons Rule! Review: This is the ultimate collection of two of the most goriest films of the late 80's: DEMONS ONE & TWO! Now (basically for the price of just one of the movies), you get BOTH films by horror filmmaker team of Dario Argento & Lamberto Bava. If you liked THE EVIL DEAD, NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, or anything from the horror-filled 80's, this two disc set is for you! Great sound in 5.1, a cleaned-up visual, and a nice box too! Get it or be doomed by Demons!
Rating:  Summary: A must see horror Review: This movie was HILARIOUS. It had all the gore you want in a horror movie. Itallians are the only filmmakers that have the balls to make horror movies like these, not like americans that shy away from gore (except Tobe Hooper's Tx Chaincsaw Massacre). This movie is perfect for watching with friends and drinking beer, and the laughs will come.
Rating:  Summary: The first of the 2 tedious DEMONS Review: This review is in regard to the first of the two DEMONS movies (I am in the process of seeing part 2). My reason for seeing DEMONS was because Dario Argento was producer and i've come to expect good stuff from him as a director and Claudio Simonetti of the rock group Goblin does the music.I have never seen his other work but Lamberto Bava seems to have garnered much acclaim for his work on films like MACABRE so when fans of him and Dario first saw this they claimed this wasn't what they expected from L. Bava. Especially someone who's father, Mario Bava, was so talented. Looks like he did not get as much talent as he should have from dad. The short and dumb plot is about two girls who recieve complimentery tickets to a secret movie screening. At the screening demons jump out from the movie and posses memebers of the audience and the surviving members try to escape.The movie features graphic gore and violence and it is so filled with it that you will eventually feel numb toward it. The characters are dumb stereotypes (...) The guys act all big and strong and the girls run around screaming and yelling to their guys to do something.In an age where women like Neve Campbell are the heroes this will not go well with some people. And let's not forget the bad acting. Pretty much everybody in here acts like the only acting experience they ever had was in their 5th grade school play (as a footnote one of Dario Argento's daughters, Fiore Argento, appears in the movie. Asia Argento appears in the sequel.) So if your by yourself get ready for a tedious and braindead movie. But this movie is actually somewhat enjoyable if you bring a couple of friends over to see it. It's great to make fun of it.
Rating:  Summary: Be prepared. Review: When I was about twelve years old my brother and I snuck into Demons at our local theater. This movie scared me really bad when I was young and after watching it agian I can see why. Demons is a good film that is loaded with blood, gore and shock. This was produced by Dario Argento an Italian director who worked with George A Ramero on Dawn of the Dead... The movie is about a movie theater that re-opens and has a free screening. Once at the theater the people there see that it's a horror movie and settle in for a good ride. A prostitute puts on a mask in the lobby and cut's her face, somthing that happens to one of the people in the movie, and once he turn's into a Demon so does she. From there all hell breaks loose. Literally. This was a well made horror film. It also is a bit of a surprise to me becouse I am not a big fan of the Italian horror scene. The make-up and monster effects are very convincing and scary. Unlike some horror movie's (Zombie, City of the living dead, and Don't go into the woods etc) the movie's monster's are very effective. There are a few scenes of shlock but the movie is such a nice surprise that you can look past all of that. I should not have to tell you that you will not get the same effect watching this movie at home as in the movie theater but it is still a scary film to watch. Just be warned this is a groy, graphic, violent film that is un-rated for a reason. Demons 2 was a good follow up but not nearly as good as the first. 2 deals with an apartment highrise and a party. I personally think the makers of 2 realized that most people would see this movie at there home and not at the theater so they made it more for the vhs/dvd viewer in mind. I gave the movies 4 stars becouse the first movie get's 5 and the second 2. A quick side note. While my brother and I were in the theater he met some firends of his. We all dicided to watch the movie together. At the end of the film one of his friend got a nose bleed and to this day I have no idea how I kept from running, scearming from the theater.