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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent, movie you've got to see it!
Review: I thought this movie was great! Being an Italian movie you can expect some gore and explicit scenes.The setting is in an old theatre in Berlin where some care-free people go to see a movie. One girl turns into a demon and she scratches another person and she turns into one and so on.The poor survivors must find their way out of there but they have some problems.You need to see this movie, you will not regret it if you are a horror fan!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Argento's biggest mis-step to date(That I have seen)
Review: True it can be fun on a boring night or day, but Demons has little else to offer. Like most other Argento films, Demons does have moments of uter brilliance(only this time they are very few and far in between). I'm guessing him and Lamberto Bava were trying to make a better Night of The Living Dead, they failed miserably. The only thing to recommend in Demons is the excessive gore fx(which aren't bad and there's plenty of them)and the truely awful acting. If that's your cup of tea this is your movie. Also, there is a very good hidden message about,"Do movies make people murder?", but by the end you will probably forget all about it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I know where these Demons came from..
Review: ..the influence of Dario Argento! This preposterous Italian gore moviehas to be one of THE most blatant Argento rip-offs...but it gets awaywith it, as director Bava is actually a close associate of Argento,so it could be classed as an "hommage". The plot involves arandom group of people who are given free tickets to a film screening,but once inside the cinema, they find themselves trapped in anightmare as demons from the movie take over the building! Theresloads of fun to be had along the way, as the various characterssuccumb to demonic possesion and/or meet messy deaths. The leadingfemale actress bears an unmistakeable resemblance to Jessica Harper in"Suspiria", and her arrival at the gothic cinema is alsoobviously borrowed from that same movie. Acting ain't up to much, butthe effects are great, especially the painful transformation of thefirst victim, who crashes dramatically through the screen, and the"film within a film" is a spot-on pastiche of films of thegenre...hang on, that includes THIS movie...But Bava is a cleverdirector, and has lots of bright ideas about how to carry the actionalong at a cracking pace, so you certainly won't get bored. It's aperfect Halloween rental, and very entertaining. Did well enough tospawn a sequel...but that's another story.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Simply awful.
Review: I have been a zombie fan my whole life. This flick caught my attention due to the numerous positive reviews. In my humble opinion it does not come close to the Romero films. It really is not worth buying. If you are intrigued by the reviews please rent it first. If it wasn't for Sergio Leone, I'd be ashamed to admit I'm Italian.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: so bad it's (almost) good
Review: If you crossed "Gremlins" with "Last House on the Left" and "Night of the Living Dead," you'd probably come up with something like "Demons," a grandly overblown horror farce which unfortunately has none of the virtues of those films. At random, people are picked for the premiere of a new film, but when the audience begins to turn into the title characters, the survivors can't escape the theater and are left to do battle with the drooling beasties. All of this is a lot more interesting than it really is, basically because director Lamberto Bava (who brought us the MST3K favorite "Devil Fish") is no Dario Argento. Most of the events are utterly unbelievable (a helicopter falls through the ceiling for no reason), the dubbing (and acting) is bad, and the soundtrack (featuring a wide range of has-been 80's metal bands) is laughable. "Demons" is no "Deep Red," but might be a hoot if you view it with an open mind.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Italian Surrealistic Shock Horror
Review: Folks, these films are not intended to be the greatest technical achievements in film. Nor are they supposed to follow traditional, predictable and boring continuity.

This film and others like it are designed to set a very dark and disturbing mood. You're supposed to feel uneasy. You're supposed to immerse yourself in this bizzare and often incomprehensible alternate reality where you don't know what is real and what is not.

If you're expecting and hoping for the usual expository chaff that the "too-stupid-for-anything-else" public is accustomed to, look elsewhere.

If you want to experience an often disturbing, sometimes funny and completely surreal experience, pick this up...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Reliving My Youth
Review: I must have seen this film originaly when i was about 7 and i loved, so when it was released on dvd i had to buy it. Upon watching it again it still had the same affect on me. The effects are no where near as good compared to todays films but compared to the films that were around at the time it was far superior. This is worth watching if you like old horrors and dont expect loads of special effects that you demand from new films

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: In my top ten horror list for sure
Review: Although cheesy in terms of plot, nevertheless "Demons" is a great horror flick that can actually do what it is supposed to do, and scare the heck out of you-not for the squemish. Very stylish and creepy bloodfest. Highly recommended for all ghouls.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Demons - KILLER!
Review: First of all, this wonderfully hellish movie is bloody bloody bloody! I have seen this a couple of times and it just keeps on getting better and better everytime! That one guy that gets 7 inch razor sharp demon nails buried deep within his poor ol face is very very sick! Ouch! There are so many great highlights in here, you just have to see this to believe it.. Great gore, excellent atmospheres, and ugly, UGLY looking demons, all of this makes up for a perfect horror movie. BUY THIS!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Boring Waste Of Time
Review: I can't believe the reviews I am seeing for this film. It was awful. It was so boring that I actually found myself scanning through the disc to get to the good parts. Unfotunatly, there were none. So 80's it's sickening. I think that the Friday the 13th films at there worst were still better than this. If you are unfamiliar with Italian horror films, I STRONGLY suggest that you rent this first and see if it is for you before buying it.

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