Rating:  Summary: Brillante.... una de las mejores de este tiempo!!!!! Review: En pocas ocasiones ciertas peliculas dejan en ti una huella tan grande en tu corazon que definitivamente nunca eres el mismo. Solo me a sucedido 3 o 4 veces en mi vida. Tengo muchas peliculas favoritas pero lo cierto es que "Star Wars" abrió los ojos de mi imaginación cuando solo tenia 4 años, "The Shawshank Redemption" vi lo que un ser humano lucha por liberar su espíritu del dolor, "Contact" como alguien ve mas haya donde nadie queria ver y finalmente en "Cinema Paradiso" logre entender como dos personas de tan diferentes edades pueden sentir amor por algo tan sencillo como una proyección filmica y como todo esto los une a ambos en una hermosa amistad.Mis escenas favoritas, entre otra, fueron la del niño pasando con su madre frente a la "promo" de la pelicula "Lo Que El Viento Se Llevo", Alfredo y Toto ayudan a que un grupo de personas no se pierda una pelicula,cuando el maltratado anciano acaricia el rostro del niño y al momento el chico ya es un joven, ese mismo joven enamorado y sufriendo durante todo ese tiempo bajo noches largas y mojadas... Les digo que si no han visto esta pelicula, no seran los mismos luego de verla. Todo es perfecto... actuaciones, direccion, historia y una de las bandas sonoras mas hermosas que he escuchado en mi vida RECOMENDADA CON TODA ADMIRACION..... A+
Rating:  Summary: BELLA!! Review: Alfredo a projectionist at the movies right after WWII befriends Salvatore (small boy, nicknamed Toto) and teaches him everything there is to know about the cinema. Alfredo is like a father to the boy and teaches him about life and love. The movie is beautiful and has a terrific ending, which will be unexpected but very appropriate. Bring some tissues, you'll be crying tears of joy. A must see!
Rating:  Summary: Unforgetable - to be watched again and again Review: I purchased this video as soon as it was available and have watched it at least seven times (I almost never watch a movie more than once!) I watched it last week after not having watched it in several years and felt just as I did when I saw it for the first time ten years ago in Greenwich Village, NYC. This movie is so moving, so incredible, a wonderful gift for someone you love and for yourself!
Rating:  Summary: One of the Greatest 10 Films Ever Made Review: This picture currently sits in my list of my favorite 10 films of all time. Enough said. Awaiting release on DVD so I can buy it. If you like this, check out: The Big Blue, Field of Dreams, Baraka.
Rating:  Summary: This is the most beautiful movie I've ever seen Review: Several months ago, recovering from major surgery, my sister Ann told me I must see this movie. Today, with hurricane Floyd heading my way, I traveled yet again to that small village in Italy and to Cinema Paradiso. I can't wait to go back and feel the love again!
Rating:  Summary: Oh MY GOD!!!!! Never will there be another..... Review: They say Citizen Kane,and Casablanca are the best. I guess if compared to other movies made in America. But if you wish to make a list of the best of all time. THIS would have to be on the top. Never in all my life of watching and commenting and critiqueing films have I seen anything so perfect! This one should be preserved in a musem. It has crossed the line of entertainment it is a labor of Love. An artisic masterpice! I have seen most movies ever made after doing this as my profession. This movie made before my entering the field eluded me till I found it at the video store. My GOD how did it hide from me! For those wishing to see it on the big screen here in Atlanta a few of us are trying to get it projected at the FOX Theatre in the 2000 Summer film festival. Call them get it going!
Rating:  Summary: Kewl! Review: This film is terrific. Jodi needs to see it. After so many years I still have the desire to watch this movie and I don't usually like to watch movies over and over again. This one is worth it! EXCELLENT.
Rating:  Summary: A movie for the ages Review: This movie about a young boy and his love for movies his simply amazing. It touched my soul the first time I saw it and does so everytime I've watched it since. The ending is powerful and perfect and this movie will stay with you for a long, long time.
Rating:  Summary: Magnífica Review: Esta es posiblemente la mejor película de los últimos 20 años. Puedo verla cien veces y sentir lo mismo en cada ocasión. Injustamente relegada al premio de "Mejor película extranjera" por unos Oscares poco internacionales en su época. Esta es una pieza obligada de todo buen coleccionista de películas. En verdad, me siento ofendido al ver lo difícil que es conseguirla en un mercado que vende tantas copias de filmes insignificantes.
Rating:  Summary: A virtually undiscovered gem. Review: The whole 2 hours will warm your heart. The last 20 minutes will move you. The final 3 minutes will bring tears to your eyes. If not, the music will.