Rating:  Summary: From the poor...to the Pope Review: Brotherhood of the wolf is a terrific example of Hollywood de-bunking. In the wake of Crouching Tiger - Hidden Dragon, Brotherhood takes fighting to a new gritty level. Expect mud, snow, blood and action in large helping's. In the age of the Revolution, France is being ravaged silently by a hidden beast that prey's on women in solitude. In the beginning, the creature grabs a blond haired country woman and slings her flopping body around like a rag doll. This was the scene that clenched the question of whether the subtitles would be a problem. Yes, there are subtitles. After a while you forget your even reading. Another thing that always seems to strike a chord in my adrenaline stream, are revenge scenes. Get Last of the Mohicans or Braveheart for prime examples. Brotherhood has a terrific revenge sequence, and you feel for the avenger with every sword slice and blazing arrow shot. How does Brotherhood manage to take a story about a beast and transform it into a epic envolving secret societies, incredible fight scenes, beautiful women, and an abuse of power climbing all the way to the Pope? See it for yourself. It's totally awesome, soaked with adrenaline, and worth your time.~s.a.o.s.~
Rating:  Summary: Beautifully directed, well cast. Review: This was a really beautiful movie; while the film was grainy, the direction and cinematography more than made up for it. I went into it thinking I knew exactly what to expect, but it was pleasantly surprising. Similarly, early in the film, I thought I'd figured out who the bad guy was, but the movie does keep you guessing in places. It's well worth seeing on the big screen, especially since it's subtitled - it's easier (for me, at least) not to miss any action if I don't have to squint to see the subtitles on a tiny television. The cast generally does a very good job, and there really is something for everyone - romance, action, suspense, martial arts, a beautiful-but-flawed-and-mysterious woman, chivalry, sword fights, tragedy, excellent costumes, beautiful landscapes, and a big, scary, ferocious monster, complete with thunderous footsteps. There's a bit of gore, but nothing overwhelming. One slight downside to the film is its special effects; in places, the animation was jerky and looked distinctly fake. However, that's an altogether forgiveable flaw in an otherwise gorgeous piece. The story moves along at a good pace, and has many levels and textures. The friendship between Mani and Fronsac was particularly compelling; their bond was absolutely clear, but not overdone or melodramatic. It's refreshing to me that foreign films such as this one and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon are making their way into the American mainstream; perhaps we're more accepting of subtitles now, and aren't so impatient about that anymore. I very highly recommend this film.
Rating:  Summary: Don't look too closely. Review: As a fan of horror and adventure, I had lofty expectations for this film. It had all the elements that interested me, but it failed to cohesively work all these elements into a single story. The film will pull you in with the beautiful countryside, buxom maidens, the 'noble savage,' and the fight scenes. Then, as if that weren't enough, the writers throw in a young poet, an independent woman, a brothel with a bewitching beauty, a philosopher/adventurer, the Knights Templar, secret societies, a one-armed hunter, the Roman church, a shaman, a monster, poison, a sanitarium, government intrigue, a love story, a hunt, revenge, and the French Revolution all shot with John Woo-esque visuals. Breath-taking? Yes, but not like after a great workout. More like after maneuvering a couch up a flight of stairs. When focusing on the specifics, it seems hard to believe that this film wouldn't be a better film. The problem seems to lie in all the above-mentioned elements being rushed onto the screen to you a feel of something Byzantine. Unfortunately, it does not blend well together. A few scene changes that seem rather abrupt or trite (wait for the 'transition' from the brothel...you will see what I mean). If you are like me, you will get excited at parts of the movie, but will feel a little down when these parts are seemingly abandoned. Don't question the logic, because you will become frustrated. Just enjoy the scenery.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST SEE MOVIE Review: Inspired by actual events taking place during the reign of King Louis XV, THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF revisits one of the rare French myths, that of the "Beast of Gevaudan" which killed a number of persons before being vanquished under mysterious circumstances. For two years, the monstrous Beast had been terrorizing the region of Gevaudan, attacking mostly women and children. It is said to be of colossal size and dragon-like and often rumored of being the devil. All of France was shaken by these inexplicable killings.
Rating:  Summary: KungFu MorrtalKombat Meets SciFi Matrix with a French Twist Review: A supposidly Christain white man with an indian brother and a witch for a girlfriend falls in love with the priest's daughter while tracking down a supernatural beast that looks more like a wolf wearing a dinasaur costume. Amazing? You sure as H-E double hockey sticks got that right!! I wonder what kind of imagination it takes to come up with a fairy tale of this measure. First off, EVERYTHING you think is RIGHT. It is the most predictable but at the same time lurring film I have seen all year. This is an extrordinary film, and an excellent adventure flick but it does have its windfalls. The hype behind it was a bit much, considering it only lasted 2 weeks in the major theaters, but people interested in seeing it will be happy to know that there is very little blood and gore. its mainly carnage shots after the person is dead. As far as subtitles go, by the middle of the movie the viewer can hardly tell they exist, it becomes an inthralling, heart-pounding, intensity ride with very little stops or pauses to talk. I do agree with the review that says the beast looks like the huge rat in The Princess Bride, only with spikes on its back and surgically implanted iron teeth from a bear trap. They played the witchcraft and sorcery card too soon and mixed it with the indian ritual stuff so much it almost ended up an NC-17 version of Harry Potter. With all that aside it is very intriguing and comes to an all too abrupt end. After all the intensity it was probably too hard to slow it down without running it into a brick wall. And sadly it leaves no real room for a sequel which is hard to explain without giving away the ending, so I won't.
Rating:  Summary: What if... Review: A cinematographer, a costume designer and a fight choreographer all got together to make a movie, but forgot to invite a director? The result is "Brotherhood of the Wolf." This film is all flash and style. No one who worked on this film seems to know how to tell a story. There is an abundance of plot points, but very little cohesive storyline. Is it a horror film? Is is court intrigue? Is it a martial arts film? Is it supernatural, or Scooby Doo style? Not even the actors know for sure. In the end, it is all of these things squished together. Every idea was used. The film is a mish-mash of styles and elements lacking a clear vision. The film makers attempted to cover all bases and ended up stretched too thin. A thin plot holding together a visual spectacular works fine for a shorter film, but is painful for a two hour plus epic. Credit were credit is due, however. The film is beautiful, the costumes are lovely, and the fight scenes are exciting. If about 10 of the subplots could have been dropped, and the film could have had focus, this would be a classic. As it is, it only stands as a disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Lived Up to My Expectations Review: A fan of period pieces, I wasn't sure what to expect with this movie. But I walked way feeling my money was well spent. All through the movie I kept wondering what the Beast really was...the peasants of France thought it was a wolf...I guess if you'd never been to Africa you wouldn't think it was a wolf. The scenry in the movie is breath taking. The earthly tones of stone, grass and dirt contrast against a sky that never seems to shine. As if the beast has taken over the working of the atmosphere. The movie can appeal to everyone, if you can stand subtitles: horror, mystery, love and suspense. The plot does take some abrupt turns toward the end. I'd like to see it a again but if you are queezie or against crulity to animals in form don't see with someone that says 'oh no' and covers their eyes every few minutes.
Rating:  Summary: beyond magnificent and excellently acted Review: i was and still am blow away by the spectacular acting and visual effects. this french epic revived the meaning of true friendship and action, there can never be another like it. the cast was also great. the perfect actors and actresses played the perfect parts. beautifully done
Rating:  Summary: Double-Fisted-Kung-Pow-Wow Action! Review: When the flyer for Brotherhood of the Wolf first graced my TV screen, I immediately jumped up from the couch and raced to my computer to check out its website. The realization that the film was subtitled did not dampen my excitement. In fact, I was even more intrigued-and frustrated that I would have to wait so long to find out what French film could offer the horror genre. Moreover, I love werewolf movies, and BotW certainly seemed to be one. Would it stand the test of time alongside such greats as The Howling and An American Werewolf in London ? In a word: no. But not because BotW is a bad film. Actually, it was excellent. Well-acted and suspenseful, this epic kept me guessing right up to the end, even if that end was about a half hour too long in coming. Yet at nearly two and a half hours, it contained enough gore and violence to keep most horror fans tuned in. The opening sequence in which a young woman in ripped apart by an unseen monster was especially gripping. For those viewers also interested in stunning and unusual visuals, this film will certainly satisfy. Still, it has its problems. First off, it adds nothing to the horror genre because it isn't really a horror movie at all. Startling and action-packed, yes, but not at all horrific. Call it a...historical forensic film, if you will, with the emphasis on historical. That's where the other problem comes in. Historical horror is my favorite type. However, 17th century hairstyles and social mores do not accuracy make. Authenticity is paramount. Sadly, BotW blows accuracy out of the water with its Mani character, an Iroquois native transplanted to provincial France. Don't get me wrong: Mark Dacascos is a great actor, though the casting of an Oriental gent as a North American native will raise some eyebrows. More iffy, however, is the Oriental fighting style this native displays. Imagine Crouching Tiger, Hidden Werewolf , replete with roundhouse kicks and walking up opponents faces very, very quickly. This Kung-Pow-Pow action, as well as a somewhat improbably weapon near the film's finish, sticks out terribly, completely ruining all chance of suspension of disbelief. That said, Brotherhood of the Wolf is still a good movie. A movie completely misrepresented as a horror and suffering from an overabundance of artistic license, but a good movie nonetheless. As the first film to be reviewed by Malefica, I give it 3 and 1/2 stars out of 5, with a half being docked for length and a full star snipped off for the glaring inaccuracies. But that scene at the beginning...brrrr.
Rating:  Summary: sadly missinformed Review: I went to see the movie based on all the amazon reviews i had read...2 and a half hours later..(and only because after 2 hours i had to stay to see the ending fiasco...) I was disappointed at my waste of a saturday night. The action scenes were exciting but not enough to keep the story line flowing and engaging. The actors were good but the movie was too long, conplicated and drawn out. The beast was comical. The bad 3D effect used for it reminded me of the old Sinbad movies. Visually the landscape shots were gorgeous...but the melodrama at the end got way out of hand. Could have been great.