Rating:  Summary: gutwrenching cheesecore zombie films...yummy Review: Does this film have a good story? NO! Does this film have good acting?...Absolutly cheesy and disgusting zombie flick with some of the most hillarious scenes I've seen in a legit horror film. The zombie shark fight?...classic. How about the wooden splinter through the eyeball...marvelous. If you like great zombie films that serve no real purpose on this earth other than to shock and disgust people who have nothing better to do with their time...get it. I took a star off because their are long boring scenes of dialogue and blah blah before any real zombie massacring takes place
Rating:  Summary: a bloody good show Review: Alot of people call this a "Night of the living dead" ripoff. So what if it is. The film starts (where the movie ends supposedly) with a ship cruising around the NY harbor and then the harbour patrol boards it and out pops a pretty grisly looking zombie who promply attacks the hapless cop. The film is mostly on some caribbean island that's cursed according to the natives where zombies roam free. There is one question I have with Italian (Fulci's) zombie..why are their eyes always closed?? Anyway there some great scenes one an underwater scene with a half nude honey and a water zombie.Then of course we musn't forget Fulci's pre-occupation with eyes, yes there's one of those scenes in the movie. All in all good acting, set location, my only complaint was that goddam background music! it was throwing the mood off. Still a bloody good show
Rating:  Summary: Not Quite What I Expected... Review: I've wanted to see this movie for quite some time and heard many rave reviews regarding the extreme gore (in fact, the original theatrical trailer claims that "barf bags" were handed out to patrons before they entered the theater). I hadn't gotten around to purchasing the original Anchor Bay issue DVD, and then it went briefly out of print, and I didn't feel like paying an arm and a leg (pardon the bad pun) for used ones, so I waited in hopes that maybe it would show up again. Well, lo and behold, Anchor Bay re-issued the DVD, and I quickly bought it with anticipation; after viewing it, I felt that it was not quite what I had heard it was. The special effects were good, but not great (the zombie makeup was better than the actual gore), and the acting and dialogue dubbing were subpar, which Fulci's films are noted for. Overall, I wouldn't say I was completely disappointed, but I wouldn't say I was overly impressed, either; considering that most of Fulci's films were low-budget affairs, the effects were good, but I don't feel that the film lived up to all of the hype and "infamy" bestowed upon it as being so gory and disgusting. I can point out better films that Fulci has made such as "City Of The Living Dead" and "House By The Cemetery".
Rating:  Summary: Zombie Review: This movie is excellent! I love it! It compares good with George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead. And I think the uncut version of this is gorier than the uncut version of Dawn! And also on top of that to keep people satisfied, it has naked women, some bad... zombies, shooting, and some creepy music! What I really liked about this movie is the realistic features, like when the zombies came out of the ground, their eye sockets would be infested with maggots! This movie is also very creepy in parts! And for something original in this movie (if you think the plot isnt already) theres an underwater battle between a zombie and a shark! Very original, gory, creepy movie that should be part of any horror fan's collection!
Rating:  Summary: One of the WORST films ever made. Lucio Fulci is a joke..... Review: Lucio Lulci shows us just agian that enough blood, guts and stage make-up can replace real talent. Well it can't. This is a repulsive, stupid, slow witted, foolish, insepid film. The story is realy non existant. How ever at one point we do see a zombie fighting with a shark in one of the most insane (and I mean that in a bad way) scene's ever shot. When the story finnaly does show up you don't care anymore. By that time you have seen more gore than is needed. The so called Gore era has had it's hits like Friday the 13th and Dawn of the Dead but this piece of [junk] is not one of them.Lucio Fulci is known as one of the masters on Italian horror, along with his fellow countryman Dario Argento, but after seeing quite a bit of Italian Horror I am now convinced that almost no one in that particular field has even the smallest amount of talent. I mean do we really need to see someones eyeball getting rammeed into a stick? Fulci made very bad films (and Argento is no better) and for some reason people think this man is a geinus. I have always said that the best filmmakers rely on there talent more than there FX to get them though. How much blood was in The Excorcist? Movies like this make me sad and angry bscouse we all know of better horror films that don't get the same attention and really should becouse pieces of trash like this take up space. In the end this is just one of the worst films ever made. I have a feeling that even Ed Wood Jr would laugh at this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Probably my favourite Fulci horror film Review: I like Zombie (or Zombie Flesheaters as it known in the UK). Despite being made to cash in on the success of Dawn of the Dead it still stands in its own right. It starts a bit slowly but the pace picks up in the second half, and is positively action packed compared to most of Fulci's efforts. I cannot believe that there are still 23 seconds cut from the UK version of this film, including the infamous spike sequence. It really is not that offensive or particularly convincing. Gianetto De Rossi's zombies are great. It is about time this was released uncut in the UK (it was made in 1979 for god's sake!!). Whatever furore it caused at the time of its release, this now stands as a classic Euro-horror film of the late seventies. Richard Johnson gives quite a good performance, and Sergio Salvati's photography is top notch. My only real gripe is that, during the final battle in the Church/hospital, Fulci replays the same shot of the first 'molotov cocktail' exploding in front of the zombies about five times! On the Anchorbay version, listen to the commentary by Ian McCulloch - it is hysterical in an up-tight English kind of way. I think he was genuinely appalled at the eyeball sequence, and remains speechless for several minutes.
Rating:  Summary: Zombis never seem to get full. Review: Anybody who liked "Night of the Living Dead" alot (like I did) should not miss this film. It is however to my supprise much more complex then "Night of the Living Dead" was. The story begins out side of N.Y.C. with a sail boat slowly making its way to the deck. Two New York cops decide to hop on boad to check things out. One gets his neck eaten by a fat, ugly zombi that seems to come out of nowhere. The other cop shoots it, but still evey zombi that took a bit of a human, then that human truns into a zombi, so the sickness is spreading world wide. The reson is because of an island not to far away from N.Y.C. that has natives living thier who let their voodoo get a little out of hand. "Zombi" is a very well crafted horror/Science Fiction flim, but until the people in the movie get to the island, and then strat geting eatn' one by one the movie is kinda dull. People who are easily botherd will not make it through this without a barf bag. Some of the most gorey muders ever cought on film are on "Zombi" and won't leave the mind easily.
Rating:  Summary: Get Fulci-fied!! Review: Zombie is one cool flick! I've seen this movie many, many times and it never disappoints. Mia Farrow's baby sis (Tisa Farrow) goes to Mahtool (an island in the Atlantic) with Ian McCulloch (someone you never want to go to an island with -- see Zombie Holocaust) and generally finds mayhem and madness Zombie Style! Fulci's zombies are nearly perfect -- rotting skin, worms in eye sockets, the works. Also the pulse-pounding score and eye-popping effects (literally) make this one of the classic zombie films of all time! By now, all Fulci fans already own this one. Everyone else should own it also. This movie gets the highest rating!
Rating:  Summary: Where Zombies can be Zombies Review: Too often, zombies are portrayed as toss-away menaces to society that frighten, gore a bit in some boring, very predictable manner, and then die all too soon. We usually never get that zombie that goes the extra mile, throwing its weight and obviously undead stature behind it. Well, with Lucio, the main characters simply aren't born under a lucky stars that birth dimwitted zombies. From the beginning of the movie, we find ourselves perched on the thresholds of flesh-eating and, by the end, we find ourselves totally immersed in it. It goes without saying that the portrayal of the zombies, from the ways they move when they hunger, to the effects, with many a throat ripe for the plucking, combine with an excellent storyline to balance out and keep the viewer's attention in one way or another. It goes without saying that this movie, with its wonderfully Lucio ending, is fun for the whole family to enjoy. Its a definite to show to little Timmy just before naptime.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Horror classic. Review: One of the most horrifying films to hit the screen. It's a Italian horror thriller import from Lucio Fulci ( Director of " City of the Living Dead" and " The Beyond") about a Group of travelers who have a vacation in the Carribean Isles but a odd Scientist is bringing the dead back to violent life. Scary, Gory and horrifying! please don't reveal the secret ending to your friends. Don't spoil the big suprise, you won't believe your eyes ( unless they are stabbed by a wooden Splinter) when you see " ZOMBIE". Don't show the kids this movie cause it ain't family fun, if you like Guts then you will love Zombie. Also recommended: Day of the Dead, City of the Living Dead, House by the Cemetary, The Beyond, Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, From Dusk Till Dawn and Re-Animator.