Rating:  Summary: Actresses MUST have something better to do... Review: Not as violent as I feared it might be, nor quite as pornographic --- I was prepared to be unable to finish it --- the movie was, nonetheless, unnecessarily graphic. The sex was real but the male members were limp, so perhaps that makes it OK. I don't know. Given what the movie sets out to do, it was well done. Still, these actresses really must have something better to do. Don't waste your money --- if you want pornography this won't do it for you, and if you don't want pornography, it still won't do it for you.
Rating:  Summary: Not a very good film Review: This movie has created a great deal of hype concerning it's extraordinarily violent content and cut up porn scenes. The writer/director would have you believe that this matierial is groundbreaking stuff, but it isn't. Nothing in this ever goes beyond exploitation. If you watch this movie and 'I Spit on Your Grave' then you will find this one even more ludicrous. The motives for the main characters actions aren't even close to the girl in the other movie even though the two feel similar. Some have compared this to Thelma and Louise, the truth is that Thelma and Louis didn't use its material to exploit the evils of society and this one does. It does it like most exploitational films so it as well, in an amateurish fashion with little to no sophisticated camera work and really bad dialogue because the emphasis is on realism, not dramaticism, right? A story like this could happen, but does that mean it would make a good film? Also, at a running time of 77 minutes how can this film feel any way except half baked. To me this film only had the message that woman have the power to kill man and have sex with a man whenever they want, and in whatever order that they desire. I knew that, but did a film have to be made in order to emphasis this evil. By the way, I don't mean to imply that males doing the same thing are any less evil, I'd feel the same way if the sex of the lead characters were changes, it was just that bad.
Rating:  Summary: a cinematic kick in the [rear] Review: don't believe all the exaggerations about how horrible this movie is, or about how graphic it is. true, there are *very brief* shots of penetration, but nothing close to pornographic. as for the violence, there is a great deal of blood, but nothing exceptionally gory. and the production values are solid enough: the picture & sound are up to par, if not above average, for a true indie film. all the complaints and criticism about these subjects are just ways to distract those who haven't seen BAISE-MOI from the subject at hand, which is the issues confronted by the film itself. i was blown away by how thought-provoking this movie is, by how it turns the tables and places women in a position of power we rarely see in film. BAISE-MOI is a movie with a point to make, and it chooses not to be subtle about it! say what you will, but who among us hasn't imagined what it would be like to turn around at those cat-calling construction workers and put a gun in their faces? a truly astounding film indeed...the only reason i didn't give it a 5-star rating is because the movie is TOO SHORT and i wanted MORE extras on the disc!
Rating:  Summary: SEE IT TO BELEIVE IT ! Review: I have seen this DVD in it's uncut form,and I do not know if this is the DVD that amazon.com is selling,but nevertheless i have never seen anything quite like it.The case describes it as Thelma & Louise with actual penetration, and allthough it is not as well shot as that movie and certainley not as well acted if you are after the mix of hard porn and people being blown away you will love this.(AS I HAVE STATED I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS FILM AMAZON ARE SELLING SHOWS IT ALL )It really is the most sexually explicit film that does not come from a porno shop ever seen as far as I know.It is amazing what you can get away with if you call it 'art' nowadays.I wonder if this film was made in Britain,not France, it would be getting released like this .I doubt it somehow.The fairly depressing story revolves around a couple of lowlife girls in prostitution ,drugs etc who meet up by chance and because they are fed uo with being abused and even raped by men they go on a killing spree.Unfortunatley,which put me off the story a bit,instead of going after the evil criminals and pimps who did it to them ,they just start killing innocent civilians as well ,basically anyone who gets in their way.This continues thruogh the film building a fairly high body count until it climaxes in a final bloodbath.but despite the sex and voilence quota being high,the fuzzy picture and obvious low budget effects are noticeable,so do not expect a masterpeice.However you have to see this to see what they are getting away with in this film,especially the sex.The dvd is in passable stereo with some fairly brief extras such as a gallery,nothing special but better than none,but as mentioned the picture fairly dismal.Let's hope this a the start of a new breed of movie,the ultimate sex&violence crossover.More please(but only in the movies though folks,seriousley!)
Rating:  Summary: No where near as bad as other reviewers said Review: I found the movie to be nasty and fun. The violence was a little too cartoony for me to take very seriously (although that one in the sex club was nasty)and the sex was good, but I kind of liked the dialogue and overall thought the movie was ok. The dvd's transfer wasn't terrific and there wasn't much on it besides the movie. I would have like a commentary or interviews with the stars to see what they made of the movie, but that is life. Overall, three stars and two of those are for the filmmakers [for making] this movie. Ok, flame me...
Rating:  Summary: Amateurish...and worse still, totally unaffecting. Review: If you want cinematic gut punches, go for a film that's actually quoted in Baise-Moi and shown in one of the sequences: Gaspar Noe's I Stand Alone. Baise-Moi is amateurishly filmed, extremely poorly written, and just not really all that interesting -- its only saving grace is the somewhat surprising fact that its two ex-porn-star leads actually have some cinematic presence. Small compensation for what is basically and sex-and-gore flick done by people who have no idea how to make a film. I don't know what Virginie Despentes' original novel was like, but if its story is anything like the lame excuse for a plot in Baise-Moi the movie, then it's a book to avoid indeed. Baise-Moi's "script" is nothing more than a paratactical series of events with no connection to one another, no logic, and not an iota of emotional effect. The dialogue is laughable, kind of an unholy marriage of bad bravado with Militant Feminism 101. Most grievously, Despentes and co-director Coralie Trinh Thi have crafted incredibly shallow characters through which to say what they want. Beyond the fact that they are angry and have been exploited by men in their lives, we know nothing about Manu and Nadine. At points where there's a chance to let them express some internal complexity, the characters are sabotaged by bad filmmaking. For example, Despentes and Trinh Thi inexplicably ellipse the first time Manu commits cold-blooded, premeditative murder, thus destroying the most important step in Manu's future as a character. When the two women first meet, we have snippets of badly scripted dialogue, and then immediately we see them dance semi-naked to the radio, and that is this movie's excuse for characters bonding. The awful scripting is then married to preposterous filming. I can understand why they opted to shoot handheld on video, but shooting every scene in extreme close-up has the effect of flattening any peaks and valleys this movie could have had. Absolutely heinous editing makes the supposed shock sequences flatter than a pancake. The shooting of Manu's boyfriend and the strangling of Nadine's roommate (shown in parallel) are both rendered harmless and ridiculous by bad filming, so that you can only tell what happened by inference. And too much bad music keeps interfering with the action onscreen, possibly a crutch to disguise how poorly this film was edited together. Unfortunately, the music only serves to deepen the stink. Despentes and Trinh Thi both insisted that this film is supposed to be a horrific comedy of sorts, that you're not supposed to take it seriously. And yes, outrageous comedy can often be an unusually effective vehicle for unexpected pathos. Too bad for Baise-Moi, then, that not only does it fail at pathos or social significance, it also doesn't draw laughs, or shock, or even make you care enough -- all due to bad execution. In fact, the only element that makes this movie less than a complete bust is that Karen Bach and Raffaela Anderson have some interesting moments. Where the script fails, sometimes Bach and Anderson almost rescue it with their surprisingly watchable performances. This was especially unusual given the horrendous supporting cast, so I suspect credit is due not to the directors but to the actresses themselves. At any rate, the accolades this film has received positively baffles me. I've seen better executed home movies than this. While the idea of a more explosive, no-holds-barred version of Thelma and Louise appeals to me, Baise-Moi falls flat in its intention.
Rating:  Summary: Try to watch it a second time Review: Maybe if one wouldn't keep their hopes up. The characters are interesting, but it's just too short.
Rating:  Summary: Avoid this movie, it is not worth the 77 minutes Review: When I saw the DVD of this movie, I immediately bought it, even though it is a french film (Most french films are kinda "off"). My expectations were very low and the moment I saw the menu screen, I knew that I made a terrible choice. The movie feels like a home video (which is not bad), but zapping through the chapters (and it's only 77 minutes long), I couldn't find anything interesting about the film. Zero. The actors are ordinary, the dialogue is lame, I guess the only positive thing about this film is that I can hear how the French really "curse," for a lack of anything nice to say about baise-moi. If you want something gritty and so-called "real," try to find the movie "La Haine," it plays better. Baise-moi, no thanks.
Rating:  Summary: rent, if you can Review: chances are if your looking at comments for this movie, there isn't much my or anyone elses words are going to kill your curiousity. to put it bluntly, the sex, although explict, is barely there. of the 77 some minute run time, it takes perhaps 5 total minutes. the violence of the rape scene and killings are somewhat graphic, but not nearly as shocking or graphic as one would think with this films hype. as for the dvd itself, it is horrible. 6 chapter stops. full frame- not sure what it's OAR is but it looks chopped, but perhaps that was due to lack of talent or on purpose as a style? the transefer seems horrible, i haven't scene the film anywhere else to compare, but it is sub-vhs. again could of been done on purpose, but i don't know. for me, someone who enjoys "video nasties" this movie is very disappointing. if you like and enjoy shot on video no budget horror movies, then you might as well get this. but if you are looking for something that lives up to it's "warnings", i think you'll only find dissapointment. if you can, rent it first.
Rating:  Summary: Controversial? Review: I had watched the French DVD version of this film so all this ideas about it being banned in France is not true, what really happened was it was originally released in French cinema for a 16+ age ratings but was withdrawn and re-classified as 18. In Baise Moi the plot of the movie was suppose to be female vengence against patriach society but the violents by the two female protaganist were not only indiscriminate but almost an equal number of men and women were killed so did not really send the message that they were striking a cause for feminism. Personally I felt this film is not really groundbreaking for the simple fact that all explicit sex scenes, including the lead actresses, were performed by porn stars. Some may argue that you must see the film for what it is and I dont disagree, but I have also seen many adult movies made from the 1970s-2000 while the main aim is to titillate some tried to embrace mainstream eliments in movies such as, `The Green Doors, Devil in Miss Jones, Deep Throat' in the 70s to more recent porn flics in `Uranus Experiments, Operation Sex Siege, Apocalypse Climax' etc, often porn films adopts a parody to mainstream movies as a slight departure for the actor and actress to try out something new while still maintaining the objective of any other porn films. Perhaps it is also correct to consider `Baise Moi' as a porno parody to `Thelma and Louise' though the real ground breaking factor to `Baise Moi' is perhaps not its content but the way it was marketed for public cinemas rather than as an adult movie destined for the DVD/video market.