Rating:  Summary: one of the most uncompromising films of the decade Review: baise moi is perhaps one of the strongest, most graphic and disturbing films i've seen in some time. you will either love or hate this film and there is practically no middle ground here. having said that, it's easy to understand why this film has established such cult following as all the films most folks would likely compare it to are already deemed cult classics. baise moi may remind one in many ways of thelma & louise, i spit on your grave, or perhaps natural born killers at times although the sex scenes are far more graphic than just about anything we've seen before. in a day and age where society has fashioned negativity or rage to be entertaining or intriguing, this film oversteps that boundary in an almost perversely frightening but ironic leap which will leave many shocked and others cheering. our lead actresses here give excellent performances and the handheld camera movements may be a bit much for those not quite accustomed top this film making style. baise moi is living proof perhaps hell hath no fury like the woman who is scorned. love it or hate it, baise moi is brutally honest and uncompromising in it's feminist view of male encroachment. definately not a film for younger audiences nor would i suggest watching this film with dear old mom and pop.
Rating:  Summary: *Not Disturbing. Crap Porn* Review: This is a weak, pathetic attempt. Maybe it's just a low budget Euro-trash porn. The plot: hideous girls (one a rape victim and the other a hooker), meet up and drive around France killing people and plot revenge on the male species. Very boring and disgusting porn due to the grotesque, epicene cast. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. Not a soul on earth would want to "baise" these girls!
Rating:  Summary: Junk Review: The box claims that this movie is Thelma and Louise with penetration. It's more along the lines of the imfamous tripe called "I Spit on Your Grave". If you are after porn, buy something else, if you are after a good movie, buy something else. Here's the plot, if you can call it that, two women drive across France killing innocent people in gruesome and sickening ways. Every once in awhile they have sex. That's it. On the technical side, this DVD has the worst picture of any DVD I've seen where the source material was post-1930. It's very grainy and looks like it was shot with a home-quality 8mm camcorder. The quality of the manufacture of the disc itself was in question as I hade to put the disc in the player over and over before it would play.
Rating:  Summary: Not Impressed Review: Baise-Moi was thoroughly disappointing. The acting, plot, and the sex scenes are nothing to talk about. Don't buy it, don't see it. It would be a waste of your time and money.
Rating:  Summary: Be ready to get shocked Review: Like the title says: be ready to get shocked! the bottom line is this: YO SEE EVERYTHING!!! The story is about two hurted, bored women who go an a killing sprey. They're not crazy, they just lost hope. With no respect for life, including their own, they drive through France killing, sexing, drinking, stealing ctc etc... And you see every little detail.Yes it's very easy and simple to qualify this movie as an sick porn movie with too much violence. But then you would cleary mis the message(if there is one?) This movie makes can make think about all lot of things. And one picture can say more than a thousend words, let a lone 1,5 hour. Watch it and think...don't watch and judge the makers.
Rating:  Summary: Plagiarism and exploitation, not art! Review: This movie is only an unimaginative mix of Thelma and Louise and Natural Born Killers. Exploitation, that's all!
Rating:  Summary: Gun fetishising is cool? Brain dead, boring and fascist Review: I just saw this film. First, don't let any wankeur or wankette tell you this is a milestone in th'art of the kinema. It aint. Basically a boring, underscripted road movie, it relies entirely on the sex and violence to get a (publicity, audience, etc) reaction.It needs to rely on shock because there's nothing in the editing, camerawork etc that's any more than run-of-the-mill competent: roughly as good as an episode of an afternoon soap, in terms of actual quality. But the afternoon soap would win, over all, because though its script will be pretty much drivel, it will still be, on average, better than the script here.It's true that _Baise moi_ ups the ante on film violence, and some people seem to think that makes it a milestone in film. Nah, sorry. Any fool can set that record - a record that I don't see as having any value or merit; is there anyone who really thinks: "Oh, what we need in films is more pointless and affectless violence?" But another film will soon come along and set a new record.And then there's politics.Female rage, check. So it must be sort of feminist? Nah, not really.The lead characters kill about as many women as men (though it's a fairly witless politics that thinks random killing is "revenge", regardless of the gender of the victims). And guess what? Though the lead characters sometimes kill men and women to rob them, or for laughs, mostly people in this film get killed for having sex. Radical, yes? Nah, radical no. Pretty much same old same old, in terms of gun fetishising, pro-violence movies. As the lead characters murder the men and women in a sex club, I couldn't help thinking how much your basic Nazi would love this movie: big guns on the screen, and wasting the preverts, just because they're preverts, yay! And make no mistake: the violence is presented uncritically by the film-makers: everything in the way the violence is filmed is intended to have you on the side of the people with the guns, and laughing at the victims as they die; like any fascist guns-r-good movie, but cross-dressed. This _is_ just another badly made exploitation film. The 77 minutes felt like hours, to me. There's no plot, and the dialogue, characterisation etc are way below contempt. The film-makers try to get by on random sex, which is fine, but the emphasis is much more on random violence, which I can do without. We all can, really.The film has two merits that nearly justify the minimum one star. First, the way the early rape was filmed was appropriately horrific and confronting; for a very short time I thought this wasn't going to be a brainless exploitation flick. But the film soon disillusioned me on that point. Second, the two lead actors, I should say, are really good. Both turn in acting appearances that far outshine anything else in the film. They both deserve to be in better films. And since I'll bet the porn films they were in were much less violent than this, the fact is: they already have been.Cheers!
Rating:  Summary: MORE MOVIES LIKE THIS PLEASE!!!!! Review: Wow! I loved this picture. If I have any complaints, it would only be that I wish the picture was more sharp, but I think they made it that way for a reason. This picture took a lot of courage to make, and to the director's and the two actresses, kudos for making it. I have reviewed a lot of movies here on amazon, and if you have ever read my reviews you know I love shock value in a movie. "Ilsa-She Wolf of the SS", "Red to Kill", "Henry-Portrait of a Serial Killer", just to name a few. Needless to say, I'm a bit jaded with what is put out in todays society. Well this movie is one of the guttiest films ever made. If you have a problem with this film, get a grip! I've been waiting for the day that the adult industry and mainstream films made the connection, and I think this is the start of things to come. If MTV can show what they are showing, and regular tv shows can give MA-TV ratings, then why can't they make movies aimed at an adult audiance? If parents can't control what their kids watch, who's fault is that? Certainly not the director's, nor the store that sells the movies(unless they sell them to under age kids). So what's the problem? Give the movie a rating it deserves and let the adult audiance choose if they want to see it or not. Some people say that there is no reason to show such explict sex and violence in a film. Well I disagree. If it is unnessasary sex and violence then yeah, they have a point. But in some films it is important to the story line, as in "Boise Moi". For example, now try to have an open mind and listen to what I'm saying. Take the rape scene in this film. Now we all know how awful a crime rape is and how much it affects the victim's life. I think anybody who commits such crimes should be executed. But think about this, your watching a movie and two girls are raped. But instead of seeing the act, the director shows a little struggle then basicly implies the act without showing it. Then the two ladies, go on a killing spree picking victims at random(inoccent people). Whould you really sympathize with the killers or would you just say, they shouldn't do that, they should just get help? Now take the same situation, but this time the director doesn't hold back and shows you everything. The girls are dragged to an empty looking warehouse, are punched and headbutted in the face till their bleeding pretty bad. Then their clothes are ripped off them, and you see the rapist actually penatrate the girls as they scream and try helplessly to fight them off. Then they just leave the girls lying on the concrete floor abused and bleeding. Now would you have sympathy for those two women? Well let me tell ya, me personally, I could understand the frustration and rage these girls felt and I'm not even a woman. I was so angry after that scene that I actually had to stop the film for a few minutes and settle down. That's the difference of having or not having shock value in a movie. It turns your emotions up a level. Movies that simply imply things don't usually get you that worked up. That's what films are supposed to do, play with your emotions. That's why we watch them. Now, different people watch different movies that bring out these emotions in other ways. Some people like tear-jerkers, some like romance, while others like horror. There are a million different genre of films out there. But in these movies the scenes that draw on these different emotions aren't implied, there shown. I know, I know, your thinking this is not the same thing as a romance or a tear-jerker. But that's my whole point, let the public decide what they want to watch and what emotions they want stirred up. We live in the greatest country in the world, and we are free to watch what we want, under the first amendment. So why are the censorship laws so strict here? I have a eighteen month old son, and like I said it's up to the parents to make sure their kids don't see these types of movies. That dosn't mean that we, as adults, shouldn't have the choice to see them if we so choose. So if you feel liking seeing a excellant adult film, get this movie. It's definatly one of a kind, I just hope it's not the last of it's kind. NEVER FORGET 9/11/01!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Gone in sixty seconds Review: Tonight, as the end credits rolled up the screen, the cinema patrons stood up in unison and there was a rush for the exits - within sixty seconds it was just me and a friend alone with a lot of red drapery. Never have I seen a cinema empty so quickly or conclusively - usually there are at least a few stragglers: the afficianado who must know the name of the best boy and the gaffer; the bearded man with a large plastic bag and a camouflage jacket; the woman in the Dizzy Gillespie glasses chatting to the man with the shaved head and the black turtleneck - but even these characters escaped for the safety of the real world. This is a film from which you might well want to run away. * Prior to viewing this, all I knew about it was that it was French, that the title was quite funny (it does not mean 'rape me'), and that it was billed as 'provocative' and 'uncut'. After viewing it, I felt I had seen a poorly executed attempt to shock people into recognition of (cliched) gender issues. * The violence was as gruesome as in a zombie movie or a Steven Segal flick (I make this distinction as I have it on good authority that, contrary to all appearances, Mr.Segal is not, in fact, a zombie) - farcical violence, true, but also dull. The sex was real but unflattering to those partaking and to those viewing - the rape scene in particular was brutal, but the aftermath, indeed the film as a whole, trivialised the crime. Guns were fetishised (how original), and this fetish was satirised (how original). The central characters were lost and unloved, and, for me, this was a dim flicker of redemption, in that they evoked some sympathy, but otherwise they exhibited only a rudimentary humanity which meant their fate was robbed of much, if not all, interest. There seemed to be some kind of implicit thesis about race issues in France, as many of the minor characters appeared North African or Arabic, but this was not explored in any enlightening way. The cinematography was forgettable, and the dialogue lame. * There really seems little point in seeing this film. It seems safe to assume that most people potentially interested in seeing a 'provocative French film' would already know that women's sexuality can be exploited by men. Would they find gratuitous gruesome murder and humiliation entertaining, or humorous, given the director considers the film a black comedy? I somehow doubt it. The director has a low opinion of her audience - it seems she considers us stupid. Catherine Breillat is several leagues above this in sophistication - see one of her films if you want to see a similar terrain mapped with intelligence and incisiveness, and a touch of humour.
Rating:  Summary: 12 MINUTES CUT OUT & NON-LETTERBOX = DONT BUY IT! Review: If you can't handle the movie's material, then grow a backbone! but for REMSTAR to not even release the FULL VERSION (this is cut by 12 minutes) and present it in FULL SCREEN format (original aspect ratio is WIDESCREEN) is more shocking and despicable than the film! DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY on the U.S. version! there are other UNCUT/LBX DVD versions out there (I know the Asian version has BOTH theatrical & hardcore versions on 1 DVD!) the only way to show these GODHEADS at the U.S. releasing companies that WE, the people that put food on their table and allow them to have the lifestyle that they do because WE PAY FOR THEIR LIVES, DO NOT WANT CUT-FULL SCREEN GARBAGE such as this release! email or call REMSTAR and complain about this and force a RE-RELEASE of this great film! (film 5 stars)