Rating:  Summary: AHORA TODO ES POSIBLE Review: Hubo una epoca en que pensaba que habia obras que nunca podrian llegar mas alla de las paginas de un libro, ya fuera por su exesivo coste de produccion o por sus temas complejos, alejados del gusto de las masas. Pero ahora que he visto GORMENGHAST creo que ya no hay limite. Una novela como Gormenghast no es una novela facil, sin embargo, la sensacion que tanto ha maravillado a sus lectores ha sido fielmente (casi fielmente, mejor dicho) atrapada por esta miniserie, sorprendente, hermosa y totalmente alejada de los canones del cine comercial fantastico. Gormenhast muestra un mundo fantastico coeherente y creible dentro de su marco: un gigantesco castillo, hogar y prision de la famila noble Groan, un verdadero laberinto de calles de piedra, un mundo sorprendente de tejados interminables y cielos multicolor donde la critica social hacia la sociedad inglesa llega a transformarse en un drama tremendo sobre la naturaleza humana, el amor, el desamor y la busqueda de la libertad mas alla de nosotros mismos, de nuestras fronteras. Gormenhast es un gigantesco castillo, hogar de la noble familia Rohan. Su heredero, Titus, ha nacido y tiene por delante el destino seguro de convertirse en el nuevo amo de Gormenhast. Pero un extranio chico, escapado de las profundas cavernas del castillo, inteligente y carismatico, transformado por una infancia de carencias en un ser lleno de sombras, triztezas y locura, comienza a infiltrarse en la familia de Titus, sembrando el odio y la discordia, convertiendose en el nemesis numero uno del heredero y en un hombre de influencia y poder en la corte. Sera este pues el verdugo de Titus o la salvacion del alma de este futuro heredero. Gormenghast es algo que nunca has visto. Lo que gastes en esta pelicula lo recuperaras con creces, porque no solo te llevaras una pelicula excelente. Te llevaras una obra de arte, una miniserie de cuatro horas destinada a convertirse en un una pelicula de culto. Si hablas espaniol, la pelicula no tiene subtitulos en ingles ni en espaniol, pero cuenta con Close Caption (los subtitulos para la gente sorda en ingles). Si no eres muy bueno para el ingles, te advierto de una vez que no es una pelicula facil de entender, de leer tampoco...aun asi sigue valiendo la pena
Rating:  Summary: Better than The Fellowship of the Ring Review: Having seen both films, this is unequivocally a better choice. There is more story, more imagination and vastly more interesting characterization. It will hold you, which LOTR does not.Since I have not read the books in either series, I do not have a preconceived bias, which I suspect must be at the root of much of the interest in the LOTR film.
Rating:  Summary: A Gormanghast Review: this was the best movie I've ever seen it is the type of movie that you stay up untill 3:00 AM watching. It made me cry and laugh. When i first saw this movei on BBC America I was mezmeized by the spescial fx and the acting it is the type of movie you want to see again and again and again and again ect.
Rating:  Summary: beautiful Review: Gormenghast is an exquisite movie. I've just started the books, but I'm told that the movie sticks very well to the story. The sets and costumes create a whole new world. The characters are engaging and real, even though it is a complete fantasy and couldn't be any more different from our way of life. Gormenghast, locked in its own traditions, is self-sufficient and enclosed, and as such can be held in one's mind. It needs no outside references to support it, as other worlds may; it is completely itself, thank you, and no help needed. The pointless conventions, the stringent rules, the stylized characters and their madnesses and deaths all belong there, and are not interrupted by our daily lives. While watching this movie, you are lost, and when you finish it, you talk about it for a while, then sort of snap out of it; the two worlds of Gormenghast and your life are completely separate. It can be a little difficult to watch; it is extremely intense, and there are some not-so-pretty sights. Steerpike's terrible paraphrasing of one of Fuschia's childhood rhymes, "I'm as mad as bad can be--watch me kill your family!" as he dances around two corpses is not for the faint-hearted. The top performances are Steerpike, a former kitchen boy who is on his way up, Fuschia, the sister of Titus, the 77th Earl of Groan, Lady Groan, Titus's mother, and Lord Groan, Titus's father. You are drawn into the world of Gormenghast, as you are into the Lord of the Rings (though the worlds, the movies, and the books are all completely different and no comparison beyond that of the reality achieved by their authors is intended). I loved the story, the world, and the characters, as I am sure I will enjoy the books.
Rating:  Summary: An extremely compelling, well told story... Review: I write this review without having read the Gormenghast novels, so my review is probably less partial than some. I really loved this miniseries. This tells the story of the land of Gormenghast. An excellant cast gives the series a life of its own, developing characters to perfection. Despite the fact that it is four hours long, I couldn't stop watching until I was through. Recommended for all.
Rating:  Summary: An extremely compelling story, well told... Review: Having never read the Gormenghast novels, I cannot compare the video set to them, so my review may be a bit more impartial because of it. All in all, I loved the program. Gormenghast uses its four hours well developing a great cast of characters. Once started, you won't want to stop watching this great series.
Rating:  Summary: Masterpiece! Review: The BBC miniseries, Gormenghast has few words to describe it. Dazling, breathtaking, amazing, these are all fitting, but they cannot contain the entirety of such a masterpiece. The actors, sets, costumes, music, all of it flows together to create the splendor of Gormenghast. Stellar performances are given by all, with Rhys-Meyers topping them all. He's so good (and good looking!!), almost all attention is drawn to him! Bravo, I say. Bravo!
Rating:  Summary: Poised to buy the DVD Review: The BBC's triumphant production of the first two books in the Gormenghast trilogy was a feast for the eyes, and a treat for those of us who delight in witty dialogue. I am eagerly awaiting my copy of the Gormenghast DVD (which I may be getting for Christmas, I hope, as I have dropped so many hints already). If I don't get it, I'll be back here to order. I think the widescreen format and digital quality makes this a must-have to fully appreciate the considerable artistry to be found in Gormenghast. I would encourage anyone out there who can to get the DVD instead of the VHS. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly Wonderous! Review: Superb, the best - hard to believe this was not a major motion picture but a BBC made for TV mini series! Jonathan Rhys Meyers in his wicked darkness and genius as the cunning Steerpike - how could one evil villian be so damned sexy, I'd be his Fushia anytime! heh heh... Seriously, worth the wait for this marvelous beauty to come back into stock! Let the wonderlust of Gormenghast consume your mind at least for a few hours...
Rating:  Summary: Oh the stones! the stones! Review: Excellent adaptation of the first 2 books in the trilogy.I hope there will be other versions because the Gormenghast mythos is a worthy subject that merits many interpretations. All the actors deserve praise,but special kudos to the ones who played the roles of Sepulcrave,Lady Groan,Prunesquallor and sister,Flay,Barquentine,Swelter and of course Steerpike. Please read the books to find out what started this all.Enjoy!