Rating:  Summary: not as predictable or flawed as many seem to think Review: scanning the negative reviews posted here, the nay-sayers seem to be divided into two camps: those who say the movie was too predictable; and those who say they can't believe the ending. presumably, one reason the latter group is incredulous is because they didn't see it coming. funny how you get completely opposite views.me, i didn't see the ending coming, but i do think it made perfect sense. many objected that spacey and linney undermined their own cause by their "stunt". i don't agree. first, the full story wasn't meant to be disclosed to the public, only to the reporter. second, and more important, the ending was not done solely to prove a point, as many have suggested. in fact, linney was already terminally ill and spacey's fortunes had fallen to the point where he had little to live for. the so-called "stunt" was really a way to make their lives - and their inevitable deaths - more meaningful. making a point about capital punishment was only one part of it, the public dimension. there were very real private considerations as well. many also commented that the ending didn't make sense. i think it does. spacey knows that he's used winslet to convey his public AND private message (to his son). it's to assuage his guilt that he sends the tape at the end. how does he know that winslet won't tell all? because she's proven that she can be trusted to respect the confidentiality of her sources: if she won't betray "kiddy porn scum", why would she betray an innocent man? but even if the public doesn't know the whole truth, won't spacey still be an "anti-captial punishment nuthead" (to paraphrase one reviewer) in winslet's eyes? maybe. and only she would know. but judging from her reaction at the end, i'd say, if anything, she felt great compassion and understanding for spacey. compassion for his suffering. understanding of his actions. and i don't know what the reviewer was watching who said spacey had a "dull" look in his eyes when he gazed in the camera in the last scene, but i can't recall the last time i saw a look of such profound sadness. it was a very moving moment. there are many other objections that don't stand up under scrutiny. for example, one reviewer commented that the linchpin of the story was the tv confrontation between spacey and the governor of texas where spacey supposedly wasn't able to name a single innocent man who had been mistakenly killed. the reviewer couldn't believe spacey didn't have a comeback since there apparently have been cases where just such a travesty has happened. leaving aside the question of whether this is the "linchpin", if you listen closely to this scene, the question wasn't "name one man who has been mistakenly killed?"; it was "name one man OUT OF THE 131 WHO HAVE BEEN PUT TO DEATH IN TEXAS DURING MY TENURE who was innocent?". there's a big difference between these two questions. the gov was answering for his state's record, under his watch. he's saying "show me where I'VE made a mistake. if you can do that, then maybe i'll reconsider MY STATE'S policy." this makes sense. why should the gov of texas answer for other jurisdictions or administrations? he should, and only can, answer for his own actions. which is exactly what he does. another reviewer objected that it was obvious what spacey was up to when he hired an "incompetent" lawyer to defend him. "the film is too predictable", he cried. actually, the lawyer wasn't incompetent at all. if he wasn't effective, it was BY DESIGN: he was in on the scheme from the very start. this is revealed near the end when we see the relation between the cowboy and the lawyer, especially the transfer of money. counsel "botched" the defense because that's what spacey wanted. so maybe the plot wasn't so "predictable" after all? there are other objections like these that also fall apart on closer examination. i could go through them one by one, but i don't have the time or space to do that. MY only objection is that the film does occasionally go over-the-top in making its points. it does get a little preachy. this is more an aesthetic and artistic flaw, however, than an ideological or polemical one - more how the message is conveyed than what the message is. good film. definitely worth a rental, and maybe even a purchase if you're a big spacey fan. to the naysayers i'll just say: watch the film again, and then tell me if you still think it's "too predictable" or flawed.
Rating:  Summary: One of Spacey's best Review: A good thiller with great twists and turns in all the right places. Not only is this a good, thilling movie, it is an insughtfull look at the death penalty and "Texas justice". The flim has very good charecters. The redneck lawyer, the young news inturn, and the student with an ax to grind. The most powerfull and and intreging scenes are the ones in which Kate Wislet (also gives an excellent performance) interviews Gale from behind glass. Gale is a Harvard phiosopher who is stongly opposed to the death penalty. His world is turned upside down when he is put on death row. it is emotionally reaching to watch his family life suffer (suburd filmmaking). Wislet plays a journalist with a shady past. She and her young intern must race the clock to save Gale. Intense, sometimes unwatchable parts. Age 15 and up.
Rating:  Summary: Predictable Nonsense Review: I would like to start off by saying that if you have yet to see this movie you may not want to read my review. In order to discuss a movie, in which the biggest flaw is the plot, requires that I discuss the plot. The biggest problem with this film is that it tries way to hard to impress and ultimately falls completely flat. The movie's attempts to convince us that Kevin Spacey is completely innocent are ruined as soon as you wonder why the hell it took him so long to get someone to help clear his name. Spacey claims that he just wants his son to know that he was innocent, but is willing to die. A logical person would realize that it might be better to actually be released for you crime and then go see your son, but Winslett's character lacks any and all logic so she buys the story. Perhaps I'm too cynical but if the Usual Suspects has taught me anything, it's that Kevin Spacey is EVIL. My next big complaint is the fact that Winslett's attempt to save Spacey is thwarted by her car over-heating. Her car had over-heated earlier in the film and the cruel hand of fate saw to it that it over-heat at the exact moment she was trying to save a life; what irony! Worse yet is how melodramatic this scene is; I actually broke out laughing at this part of the film. The last swerve in the film is so incredibly inane that it's almost impossible to find the right wording to insult, but I'll try. So, Spacey's dead and Winslett feels bad because she wasn't able to save him. A package arrives for her containing another videotape, which reveals that Spacey was all a part of the suicide to make a political statement about the death penalty. Let me get this straight; Spacey is fine with everyone knowing that he died to make a point so long as they don't know that he was in on it? So he then sends a tape to a reporter proving that he was? Huh? Well, maybe that's not the case; maybe he sent it just for her benefit. But then that raises this important question: what's the point of that? He's dying but for some reason he wants to shock the reporter that tried to save him? The Life Of David Gale tries way too hard to swerve you, and as a result you can figure out the ending about half way through it.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Kevin Spacey Review: A very strong story and supported by the fact that is based on a true story. It doesn't really matter if you are pro or against the death penalty, it will leave you with a big question mark. Although some scenes seem obvious they are not. This is a must see movie!
Rating:  Summary: The Life of David Gale - A fairly suspenseful movie! Review: After watching this very good movie on DVD I would definitely have to say that it would've been nice to have watched it on the silver screen. "The Life of David Gale" is a remarkably well told story that albeit fiction could very easily be a true story based on the convictions of those who agree with either side of the death penalty debate. From the overall theme or premise of this story to the performances, "The Life of David Gale" is most definitely a very good story that falls into the category of films which makes you think your way through it. Although many films in this particular genre suffer at the hands of predictability, this film doesn't in the least. Performance wise, Kevin Spacey does his normal great job of playing your somewhat average to just above average American in this film. I believe that is what most people find appealing about his performances in major films; he's pretty much your average guy. I believe that prior to watching this film the only thing I had ever watched Kate Winslet in was "Titanic" and we all know how well that worked out for this beautiful British actress. Her performance in this film is a very good one; it would be nice to see her in future films. Laura Linney does her usual job of great acting in this film as well. No matter what films I've ever watched her in she always gives a compelling performance. Director Alan Parker does a wonderful job with this film from every aspect of telling this story. The amazing thing about how he directed the film is that when it comes to the death penalty debate, he keeps the film itself neutral, not leaning too heavily in either direction, despite his own convictions. The Premise: Kevin Spacey plays David Gale who is a Harvard graduate working as a professor at a Texas university. His life is about to take a major turn for the worse as his marriage is falling apart and he's accused of a rape he didn't commit. Despite the rape charge being dropped he loses all credibility to include his job and his status as a leader of an anti death penalty organization. He then finds himself being charged with and convicted for the murder of a close friend of his and he gets the death penalty... Move forward six years and it's less than a week away from his execution and he finally decides to give an interview but only to Bitsey Bloom (Kate Winslet) who takes it upon herself to prove his innocence... What follows from there is a film that I would definitely recommend to any and all who are fans of films in this genre as the film is a highly intriguing and fairly suspenseful one. {ssintrepid} Special Features: -Feature commentary with Director Alan Parker -Deleted scenes with optional Director's commentary -The Making of "The Life of David Gale" -The music of "The Life of David Gale" -DVD-ROM Features -Theatrical trailer
Rating:  Summary: Not a True Story, But a Good Story Review: Usually, I am turned off by movies that are over two hours long. It takes me a long time to put one in the DVD drive. However, this movie came to me through a DVD circulation club, and the reviews from the group said that this movie was fantastic. So my husband and I sat down with it shortly after receiving it. The movie captivated me. At first, I kept picturing Kevin Spacey's character as the same person from "Pay It Forward," which I also greatly enjoyed. And Kate Winslet I had just seen in "Quills," so I just couldn't get over the fact that this was the same person as that (new respect for her -- no longer the damsel in distress from Titanic and Quills). But then, I got caught up in the storyline. Now, I half-guessed the end (which always gives me the extra thrill -- when it's not TOO blatant; I like playing couch potato Columbo). However, when I woke up in the middle of the night still thinking about this movie, I knew it had struck a chord. For me, this was a fine piece of cinema - a book brought to life. Now for the bad news: I was disappointed to learn that contrary to popular belief, the story was not a true one. This always adds something to a movie like this. I wanted to compare it to Dead Man Walking (I still will -- much better). But if you like a good drama, I recommend giving this one a try. Now that I've seen the movie, I found some negative reviews (not so hard to find them). I maintain that I really enjoyed the movie and did not see any plot holes or hypocrisies, although I can see where those reviewers are coming from. Still, I urge you to see the movie and then read the negative reviews; even with flaws, I think it's a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Are you a Kate Winslet or a Kevin Spacey? Review: Maybe you are dumb judge and jury? Maybe you are a foolish public prosecutor? If you guessed Bruce Willis was a ghost, knock a star of this review. Read this next statement carefully if you want to see this thing. All depends on it. Kevin Spacey plays a professor who is against the death penalty because he believes it is faulty and there is a margin for error where innocent people may be executed. He has been sentenced to death for the murder of his anti-death penalty activist friend who was dying from Leukemia. He calls up a journalist - Kate Winslet, to come visit him on death row, three days before his execution to help prove his innocents. To be honest if you have not figured out the silly plot twist by now then add a star to this review and go watch it. Half way through this movie me and my friend had to sit out the remaining hour to see our suspicions unfold. I am sure many of you will be doing this too. Silly plot twist and glaring Swiss cheese holes aside - this is actually one of Spacey's better parts to date and he is back doing what he does best. Here he is a cross between American Beauty and Seven. He does perform extremely well on the screen and does some really good drunk acting. The script's dialogue is actually very witty and thoroughly enjoyable. However Kate Winslet does not really pull it off in the American gal department and when she starts crying towards the end, the film is lost. There is also some very silly emotional heart string tugging moments that do not work well. However for every bad scene there is actually a brilliant one. You will enjoy quite a lot about this movie. However when it's bad, it is a real stinker. The brain department in this movie is not on form most of the time and for some reason I came away feeling that the film thinks that it is a lot smarter than what it really is. And maybe that is where the problem is at. So this movie is basically the benchmark for all 3 star movies. When it is good there comes along a bad piece to neutralize it again. When it is bad there is good piece to revive it. However when all is said and done it is more than a little bit silly and certainly goes in the direction of farce. What sounds like a good idea on paper, may not actually work out that well on the screen and here The Life of David Gale is a prime example of a bingo twist idea actually blown out of all proportion and certainly leaving the stratosphere for a taste of that pie in the sky. Seeing Kate Winslet's investigative journalist actually having to recreate a death scene in order to figure it out only begs the question - why didn't she get it sooner? Why didn't the judge see it sooner? Why didn't the jury see it sooner? And why did the pro-death penalty supporters not see it coming? I'm telling you right now the twist is like disco lights just under one hour into the film. Up until then it started quite good. You may be insulted by this movie a bit... however maybe not. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Rating:  Summary: What surprise ending? Review: I don't know why some people say they felt let down at the end of this movie. About 30 minutes into it, anyone should be able to guess how it ends. Just think about it. How did the cowboy know where they were all the time? Why did Gale choose a bumbling lawyer to represent him? Why would he kill his best friend? If you can answer these questions, you can guess the ending of the movie. No surprises. 100 per cent predictable.
Rating:  Summary: great movie, great story. Review: This movie has flawless acting and really leaves you saying WOW!!! The movie has a great message that is still argued about today, the death penalty. There is allways two sides to the story this movie deals with alittle bit of both you have to see the movie to see what happens it's worth it trust me. At first I didn't want to see this movie because my girlfriend rented it and I assumed it was a ckick flick I was wrong real wrong. It's a well made movie with great actors across the board. Like I said the leaves you feeling satisfied. A must see!!
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous...intellectually stimulating Review: Must see...don't watch trailers - its much better if you figure it out on your own. It is not a movie I would watch over and over yet the first time was great.