Rating:  Summary: Superb performances, great show, only weakness is editing. Review: This is a must-have for fans of the musical. The cast is exceptional, and the performances are simply the best.
Rating:  Summary: "Definitive" its not --- this Kitty needs some work Review: Andrew Lloyd Webber's spectacular musical, CATS finally got to video. Millions of would-be theatergoers, and fans sat down to watch this new interpretation of one of the world's most famous musicals, now on direct-to-video for our enjoyment. However, what was hyped so much, tends to fall rather flat placed in this generic, boxed, catatonic state. Sure, all direct-to-videos are not bad, but having taken CATS and put it into this environment, it falls short of being truly spectacular. Here are the reasons why.First, I've seen CATS live on stage over 28 times, with several different CATS companies, since it opened on Broadway in 1982. I've seen the original 1st National Tour, the original Los Angeles cast,the 3rd National Bus and Truck tour, as well as several incarnations of cast members from the current 4th National. Also I've been to see it in the famous Winter Garden Theater. And in 1997 I was one of only 4 fans to actually be at the CATS Gala when the show broke A Chorus Line's record. What a night that was! Talk about energy! Energy that is sorely lacking in this video and why I am so hopping mad about it! What I've experiended sitting in the darkened theater can never compare to this choppy, badly sung, terribly danced, shortened piece on video. They have taken CATS and completely homogenized and boxed it up for sale on your local store shelf. This in itself is pure commericalism that detracts and actually brings down the live stage show---which is how the show was originally meant to be viewed. "It's an experience really, people can't quite put down what it is, but they go and have just a wonderful time. There's a tribal aspect of the show, of the loner who wants to come back to her tribe, her family." --Cameron Macintosh, Producer This is the heart of CATS. The excietment of seeing it live on stage as it was meant to be. To put it up on screen is fine, but something is LOST there that can never be replaced. Actually sitting in the front row and seeing the cats performing "Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats" and leering out that into your face, hissing, clawing and scratching, is no longer there. What's the point really? This is terribly apparent during the opening numbers. Who are the cats performing to? Do they like doing this? Is there a reason for them to be upset? They are performing to an EMPTY junkyard. Also the lack of audience apprieciation and applause makes the transitions from song to song, almost painful to watch. Should you clap along at home? It's these kind of things that were forgotten or just brushed aside that really trashes the experience of watching it. You are just a spectator at home, you are not involved in the actual process of watching. The microwave beeps, you rush up to get something, the phone rings; all this as the show is running---something true and unique has been lost. It's like being at the actual Super Bowl or watching it at home. Yes, it's apples and oranges, but one is uniquely better than the other. The live show is what makes CATS sing, not this badly packaged video. Second, the video was rushed, the actors were rushed, everyone wanted to throw this thing out to make a couple of extra bucks. Sure it's done quite well for itself, and has introduced kids to musical theater. But don't let this video become like another movie version of other classics. Do we all agree that the "King and I" movie is the definitve version of the musical? Or is it the Broadway show? You choose. If you think its the movie, then you are hugely mistaken. But that is what people are doing here, with CATS. Give me Yul Brenner live onstage (too bad he passed away) instead of a Techincolor flick anyday. That's the difference. Sure, Brenner's performance is captured for all time, but they did it RIGHT the first time! Anyone who sees that movie knows a classic when you see it and that movie ranks up there. But how many people go to see the revivals of that in their local town, or on Broadway, hum? Regular families, not high brow New York sophisticates? There is a difference I say. And people are not getting it. Also they took the British production of the show and marketed that for American audiences. Some people don't know a thing about the show and remark that the cats are singing in British accents. ???? Also they hacked the British production to bits, so much so that people who've seen the video now complain that the actor's costumes are wrong and should be changed. This for B'way audiences. Changed!!!!??? IMHO the B'way costumes are ten times better than the UK ones and the actors are trained more in catlike movements and such, due to the American's love of spectacle. American's are much more discriminating and we see a lot more--what's false and what's true--that our level of spectacle is a tad higher than the rest of the world. Why do you think they revamped the whole show for American audiences? The cats actually LOOK like cats in America, while the British cats are "toned down" for UK audiences. Wouldn't want them to look "too" catlike, now do we? But that is just the culture. But when people complain about changing the show so that it runs just like the video version. I have a huge problem with that. Or changing anything about the show. It should be left as is--all the improvments have been done to it--don't cut or alter any of it. Many numbers were cut from this video. The Gumbie Cat number in Britian has Mistoffelees tap dancing with Jenny for a bit, and the music was lengthened for their tap duet. Not so on the video. Not even the cockroaches get to tap a bit--no, it's just cut to the chase, with no thought put into the transitions at all. Just cut and paste--it's so amaturish that one wonders who exactly DID the editing. Local high school students? Even tv news guys behind the scenes can do better than that! Another pet peeve. Growltiger's Last Stand is missing from this. The whole thing. Why? Because Sir John Mills, cast as Gus, was unable to take up the demands of performing as the swashbuckling Pirate Cat. Listen they had the Asparagus character in there--hasn't anyone heard of the old "switcheroo" where a younger character takes over from the main one to do parts of the movie? Asparagus could have taken over, played the part of Growltiger, and all the CATS fans would have been overjoyed. However, I guess that building a new set (gosh--we're spending MONEY here!) would have been too expensive and the fans could have lived without seeing it anyway! Bull! Overall, the video has more bad points than good. I'm fishing for good compliments here. Okay, Elaine Paige, Michael Gruber, and Susan Jane Tanner. Why Susan? Even though her voice is terrible, she sounds like rocks being rubbed together--she was an original London cast member, and came back to play the role like Elaine did. I have my reservations about Elaine--so many other actresses I've seen have done way better than she does, but Susan came back and valiently strapped herself into a catsuit and tried to "save" the Gus number. The Gus number is one of my absolute favorites in the show, and to see it fall so short here is really painful. If only they both could actually sing! I found the lack of cat interactions dissapointing here--my eyes would wander about onstage to "catch" something happening in the background, but alas nothing here. Michael Gurber is a saving grace as Munkustrap here. He's the best part of the show. Im tired of talking about Jacob Brent, let someone else do it for me. My advice: Save your money, hoard it like gold, then spend it on an afternoon at CATS on Broadway. Treat yourself to a front row seat and watch what happens. You won't regret it. Then go home and watch the video directly after. See what you think then.
Rating:  Summary: An enchanting, breathtaking musical. Intoxcatingly magical! Review: Cats is A wonderful world of color, music, dance, and emotions. Only cats can take you so far out of reality, yet you still can relate. Once you see this musical, your life is not, and canot be compleat without it. It is more than an dream come true. If you beleive in magic, whatch this vidio!
Rating:  Summary: The magical quality was captured brilliantly. Review: This video was a blessing to all music and theatre lovers.I think that the magic of this musical were captured beatifully in this video. The cast was exceptional to name a few who stood out,not that thats an easy thing to accomplish because they all were very believeable,were the sexy Rum tum tugger,the brilliant dancing of Mr.Mistofelees,the incomparable feline quality of Etcetra and of course the breath taking,Elaine Paige.I was disapointed to see that there were people who critisized this video harshly and compared it to a live performance. Of course it cant compare to a live show that goes with out saying but how often can you have a live show playing in the comfort of your own house.I was also shocked to see that people critisized not only the remarkable Webber but also the cast. I ask these people to look in a mirror and attempt one thing those people did. As a performer my self i realize that people often take for granted the work dedication and talent that goes into a show of this degree. i can only say that i hope most people can appreciate this fun,magical video and the amazing cast and enjoy it the way Cats is supposed to be enjoyed
Rating:  Summary: So great I had to review it again! Review: Yes, there's more to say. I gave Michael Gruber two thumbs up(Hey, he deserves it!), but after reading the review by Charles Kent I have to applaud some more. The entire cast is awesome. Coricopat and Tantomile are just plain cool. Et Cetera is the most cat-like(pouncing and batting). Cassandra has the best makeup. It can go on and on. I caugt the swearing blooper too(come on Rum Tum, kids don't need to see that). There are many more mishaps as well. Munkustrap sends some sweat soaring from his nose when Tugger's music starts. Bombalurina's glove travels up and down her arm during "Macavity" and Pouncival disappears in the background a few times. Munkustrap,Demeter, and Bombalurina move instantly from the tire to the floor about three times during "Mistoffeles"; and Victoria appears to have a gray makeup stain on her hip. Mistoffelees loses his plaid shoe in the Peke and Pollicle battle, but it is back on his foot when the camera angle changes. But, all these bloopers make the movie that much funnier. Oh yeah, kudos to whoever played bari sax during "Mistoffelees". It souds great! The same goes for whoever played trumpet in "Macavity" and "The Old Gumbie Cat". Again, two thumbs up to Michael Gruber for his singing. I think my favorite part of the musical is when he and John Partridge sing their duet in "Old Deutoronomy". John has an excellent voice, but Michael has him beaten. Mike's better looking too (My apologies to those numerous reviewers who think otherwise). Anyone who has not seen this yet needs to see it, unless they just don't like music. It is definitely worth buying. One last thing; on behalf of all my fellow bagpipe players, I must say that Rum Tum Tugger's football and candy cane contraption is hilarious. His facial expression is just right: deep concentration and a touch of what might be called confusion. (To all those other pipers out there, I'm just joking!)--Becky
Rating:  Summary: WE LOVE THIS MOVIE CATS!!!!!!!! Review: We love this movie! We especially love Rum Tum Tugger! He's SOOOO CUTE! so is Mr Mistoffolees! But I guess our fave charecters would be Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. In fact, we watched the movie over, and over, and over... We have the old brochue book, the new official book, and have posters. We wake up to this movie sometimes at 5 in the morning. Lauren(One of "we") slept once through it, and thought she saw the whole movie, she loves in so much! We watch it any time we can(we rent it..we're getting it soon) Although are favorite five i order are: 1)Mungojerrie&rumpleteazer 2)Rum Tum Tugger 3) Mr Misstoffolees 4)Etcetra 5) Bombalaurina. We're singing Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer for a talent show. We hope to meet Jo Gibb and Drew Varley one day, and act in the play when we're older. We have the old version album, and hope to soon see it live. We just can't get enough of this movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: I Love this video!!! Review: I've seen this movie ten times and I love it more each time. The thing is, Everytime you watch it, you notice something else. I LOVE Rum Tum Tugger, and my two favorites are Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, along with Mr. Mistoffolees and Grizzabella, but I like Bombalaurina and Jemima has a beautiful voice... I love the whole movie. It's so magnificent. I'm buying the movie soon(I've been renting it)and i'm getting the official book, I constantly borrow my friend's old CATS book, and I can play MEMORY on the piano, and soon many more songs from it. I LOVE It so much. If you're thinking about watching it than do so, because it's so fantastic, it'll blow your minds! (If you know where I can get the muzic to these songs, pleeze email me!!!)
Rating:  Summary: I'm obsessed with CATS, but the movie was rushed. Review: Ok, here's the deal. Weber and all gave a group of three international casts (New York, London and Germany)4 0r 5 weeks to finish the film. All the casts had to work under gruling conditions to the point where (even on film) Drew Varley (Mungojerrie), was seen in the background gasping for air in the background after his duet with Jo Gibb (Rumpleteazer). IT WASN'T THE CASTS FAULT THAT THE MOVIE WAS RUSHED YOU GUYS! The editing, if one could notice, was horrible and very noticeable to the eye. If you've ever seen the real performance in New York or London, even Germany, nothing beats a live musical. After the song, Gus the Theatre Cat, was suppose to have been another song called Growltiger's Last Stand, where Gus thinks back to his younger days playing the role Growltiger. That was completely taken out of the movie. The production of the movie also cut Gumbie Cat's tap dance act and Mistoffelees' solo dance. The casts were completely exausted, not being allowed to rest, which on the video is clearly seen. Yes, I love the Broadway Cats. But Andrew Lloyd Weber, since he directed the movie, ripped apart the magic of the real thing. Truly, I am disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Cats falls short of it's initial promise Review: The Video, whilst sufficiently entertaining, lacks the energy of a live performance, which is cental to the enjoyment of Cats. Elaine Paige tries valiantly to revive her original Grizabella, and certainly gets the pathos of the character spot on, but the impression one gets is of a song sung thousands of times, and has bred the inevitable contempt. However, she does sing Memort as flawlessly and magnificently as only she can. John Mills is horrendous as Gus the Theatre Cat and why he was ever cast remains a mystery. Star power is all very well but really. Talk about being miscast! Brian Blessed was sorely missed as Bustapher Jones and Old Deuteronomy, and John Partridge managed to camp up The Rum Tum Tugger to a rather ridiculous degree. All in all, the video fell short of my expectations. Sir Andrew, on the other hand, cannot be faulted for his exquisite score, and kudoes to T.S. Eliot for the script!!
Rating:  Summary: Two Paws Up! Review: I have seen CATs on stage over 60 times, and I "discover" something new every time I see it. I have found this to be true of the video as well. I am somewhat surprised, however, that the RUG allowed it to be released with the editing as poor as it is. I am disappointed that verses were cut from the Gumbie Cat (Jennyanydots) and Mungojerrie & Rumpelteaser numbers (the best number in the show, as far as I'm concerned), as well as the total elimination of Growltigger's Last Stand. But I was delighted to see Ken Page reprise his role as Deuteronomy - I love that voice! Michael Gruber is the best Munkustrap I have seen. I was also glad to see Tony Timberlake in the production, although I feel he should have been the one to play Gus the Theater Cat, as he has done in London. I have CATS on video and DVD. I prefer the DVD version. The picture and sound are much better than the video. It has the widescreen version, given you more of the action and different angles. It also has The Making of CATS, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Yes, it's true that the video will never take the place of seeing CATS on stage, and even with the nasty job of editing, I still love it! >^..^<