Rating:  Summary: A review from Mr. Entertainment Lover Review: How can people like this film? It's absolutely disgusting! Instead of laughing I found myself getting grossed out. What's the topic of this film? SEX! That's all the whole film is about. It's a shame really! It could have been better! But never the less it's just a film about sex and death. If you want a good film, see Monty Python and the Holy Grail or And Now for Something Completely Different!
Rating:  Summary: Vulgar, tasteless, sickening and worth every minute. Review: Seeing this movie for the first time when it came out back in 1982, I remember telling my friend, "This is the coolest movie ever!" Coming back to it, I can proudly say my feelings for it have not diminished one iota.Its detractors say, "It's disgusting!" Yes, it is. An impossibly fat man explodes in a miasma of viscera and puke. But if you take note of the personality of the character in question, you could look at it as the Pythonian equivalent of Karma.It's oppnents scream, "It's filthy". Bingo. A stuffy schoolmaster and his wife demonstrate coitus for a bored classroom of schoolboys during sex-education class. During the lesson, the teacher admonishes a student to pay attention. "After all, this is for your benefit," he chides. A man so cut off from his own emotions, that not even sex interests him on a personal level.Its nay-sayers chant, "It's blasphemous!" You betcha. In a production reminiscent of the ones in 'Oliver', a Catholic family, apparently numbering in the hundreds, sings "Every Sperm Is Sacred". Maybe so, but why is papa so anxious to sell them all off for medical experiments?Fans say, "It's clever". I defy anyone to find a more clever song in a movie than "The Universe Song", a hummable Cole-Porterish ditty containing a pocketful of useful factoids about this wonderful material plane which we call home.Python disciples say, "It rings true". It does for me. That's why I laugh so hard.The usual Python targets are all here, all to illustrate a very valuable point. I think it's something like: Life is really short, the world is a confusing mess, hypocrites and scoundrels are plentiful, stupidity is more plentiful than any other substance in the universe. The meaning of life is to try your best to dodge all of this meaninglessness and do so with a measure of personal grace. The meaning of life is in how we face what is thrown at us. The Pythons do it by allowing themselves, and us, to laugh at it.
Rating:  Summary: Best film ever made? Review: I can't believe that anyone who watched this film didn't find it hysterically funny. This is perhaps the Pythons' least-regarded work of all, but it is, in my opinion, their finest moment. As far from the mainstream as you can get this is real cinema. Visually stunning, perfectly acted, and with comedy ranging from tried-and-tested slapstick to things that have never been attempted on film before or since. The fish scene in the middle of the film is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: It will never leave my DVD player. Review: Not since Monty Python and The Meaning of Life, with the execption of Esteban Rodriguez's brilliant "Iconoclast", has there been a film that has had so much influence on so many people. A masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: The worst Monty Python film Review: After classics like "Life of Brian" and "The Holy Grail" this is just disappointing. The famous humour has become stale. The Pythons try to be funny by showing exaggerated violence (live organ transplant) and simply disgusting sketches (the fat man in the restaurant). All of these elements have been done before in Flying Circus, but there they were much better. This movie does have some good sketches, though. I really like the "Every sperm is sacred" song. I'd rather recommend watching "Monty Python live at the Hollywood Bowl". That is much better than "The Meaning of Life".
Rating:  Summary: The Python masterpiece Review: This is Monty Python's finest feature to date. From birth to death, from Mr. Creosote to live organ transplants, this contains some of the best laughs in Python history. Ignore all the anti-hype from non-Python fans about the film being too offensive, that just makes it more fun. So watch it again and again, British comedies don't get any better than this. WARNING: For Python fans only, others will find it offensive, annoying, obnoxious, rude, and disgusting.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Horrible DVD Review: The movie is hilarious, but Universal/Image has made a horrible DVD. The picture makes me wonder whether they used a LaserDisc master. There are no extras whatsoever, unless you count the menu. Worth buying for the movie, but don't expect a special edition. They didn't even include a trailer.
Rating:  Summary: A Monty Python Classic Review: The Meaning of Life makes fun of society undertones. Although it does drags in the middle there are delightful and humorous scenes such as the contrast ideas of reproduction between Catholics and Protestants. And if you have a week constitution please fast forward pass the vomiting sketch.
Rating:  Summary: British Humor Review: I don't see how anyone can not like this movie. Sure, it's "British humor;" a rather aquired taste in America, but you have to appreciate the originality of the movie. Even if some of the jokes seem dumb, the whole pretense of what's happening is funny, and mirrors something about real life (even if it is distorted). But by far, the BEST part about this movie is the short scene in the classroom. The scene itself is mediocre, but what makes it SOOO cool is the entrance of the wife of the school teacher. That's Patricia Quinn! (Magenta from The Rocky Horror Picture Show!!) She is so awesome! I do feel somewhat sad that the only part she could get in this movie involved partial nudity. shes such a good actress, much above that i think. But anyway... all in all this movie is very good. it has some down spots ("middle age" to be prescise), but not nearly enough to qualify it as the "ROCK BOTTOM" of python's acumen. i very much enjoyed it and hey-- the price is right!
Rating:  Summary: Great Moive - pity the DVD is so poor Review: As much as I love Monty Python and this movie - I can recommed this DVD. The picture and sound quality are really poor - just watch the opening shot of the stars to see what I mean. It seems like the DVD was mastered from a really used video tape. There are no subtitles, no second language and the 'extras' are almost non-existent. I know the name of the production company is Handmade Films but I expect better than this from a DVD.