Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Comedy of All Time Review: I recently purchased this edition of the DVD and watched it with a friend who sat there the whole movie going huh? To use the cliché, there are two types of people in the world, those like myself, who think that this is the funniest movie ever made, and those who just don't get it. John Cleese once said that Fawlty Towers was more popular than Monty Python (the TV show) because Python appealed to the intellectual side perhaps this is true. The Holy Grail is an unlikely classic, the troupe went out and started filming with no script and literally started slapping skits together. With one theme surround all the skits, King Arthur's quest for the Holy Grail; the Pythons were able to practice their strongest asset, skits. This movie gets my vote for the best thing that Monty Python ever made, and the best comedy ever made. Here they are in their prime, even after watching it years later it never gets boring, every scene is a classic, along the way we see the genius that made them famous. What other comedy troupe has ever introduced such a wide span of characters from the oh so serious Dennis, arguing politics with King Arthur, to the silly French "Kniggits" who don't make any sense at all. If for nothing else, Dennis's description of Arthur's ascendancy to the throne is worth the price of the movie itself. Repetition is a often used tool in comedy but only the Pythons would take a joke in the opening scene and save it till nearly the end of the movie. Also, what other movie is so audacious to end in such a way as Holy Grail? The highlights of the movie are played by John Cleese as the Black Knight, the French Knight, Sir Lancelot saving a "damsel" in distress, and Tim the Enchanter, however there is not a weak member of the cast, all fill their roles wonderfully, including Terry Gilliam whose bizarre animations fit perfectly in a medieval comedy. I can't think of another comedy that is worth watching over and over again, even after nearly three decades, Holy Grail is, in my opinion, the greatest comedy of all time!
Rating:  Summary: Pure Genius! Review: Brother Maynard, bring forth the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioc! There are so many unforgettable one-liners and subtle spoofs in this movie, that any true fan of comedic cinema would be a fool not to include this in his / her collection. Now, "have at you!" Get it. Now.
Rating:  Summary: "EXTRA SUPER SPECIAL RIP-OFF EDITION!" Review: Yes,we all know that the film itself is the "Sgt.Pepper"of their career.( I say that with all affection ). We further know that the 2 Disc. Set is the best version ever released! ( Even if it doesn't have the full Japanese soundtrack like the original Critereon version...SHHH! ) So....why is it,that less than two years after the original 2 Disc. release,did THIS version get released? And why would you buy it? The Discs. are EXACTLY the same.( Not to mention the original release 2 disc. set is STILL available.) The Script Booklet? ( The original is still available,and WITH all the cool photos.)( And,not to mention,if you put the English captions on,it's the same as having the script book! ) The Film Cell? ( It's not even a unique image. It's the Knights at the Castle of Guy DeLombard,looking up at the French Taunter. ) The Pretty Black Box? ( It's not THAT pretty,and not as black as say,the cover of "Smell the Glove" ) Basically it's a tarted up rip-off aimed at unsuspecting Python fans! Buy the original 2 Disc. Set and save your money!
Rating:  Summary: Barnikay says, "best comedy movie ever!" Review: This is truly an exquisite piece of human achievement! The guys that made this have created many great comedies, but this is definitely the best. One of the most important things that make it the best comedy is the British accents. Join King Arthur as he journeys through the deranged and screwy British landscape on his quest for the holy grail. On his journey he meets some absent minded guards, some political peasants, a psychotic Frenchman, and the most feared creature known to man, The Killer Rabbit! Get it, you empty-headed animal, food trough wiper! NOTICE: You do need at least an average IQ and some kind of sense of humor to enjoy this movie!
Rating:  Summary: You have got to be kidding me Review: Lame and predictable. Mind-numbingly boring. I can't even begin to explain how lame and corny this movie is. Not funny AT ALL. Not one part. If whiny british accents is your idea of comedy, then by all means. Funniest movie of all time? Jeff Shannon must be on some sort of PCP because the whole dialogue is extremely lame and pointless. "I'll ask you three questions. What is your name? What is your quest? What is your favorite color? (Next guy comes). What is your name? What is your favorite color? What is the capital of Arcadia? (or some stupid name of a country)". Gee, who the hell didn't see that coming? Hilarity ensues. Not quite. A flying rabbit biting people's heads off. Next. The communist peasant approaches and is grabbed. Soon we hear him scream HELP IM BEING REPRESSED! Perhaps they were planning on introducing the punchline in a later release. The guy pretending to ride a horse with the guy behind him clapping bowls together maybe was clever the first time. Actually it wasn't. By the the 20th time they did it I was ready to kill myself. I know you people are thinking "yeah well, you just didn't understand the spoof on the King arthur legend". Oh, I understood it alright. Just because a parody makes sense doesn't mean that it is funny. Knights that go "Nee"? Wow, that's clever. I'm sure the creators of this movie were in a meeting thinking real hard about this one when the boss's son comes up with this cockbarf. Let's have a scene where this group of idiotic knights scream "NEE" loudly and obnoxiously until the viewers brains are completely destroyed. This kind of humor is humor that you'll find in after-school TGIF sitcoms like Full House. Who is going to laugh at garbage like this? I sure as hell won't which is promptly why I threw a boulder at my television and punched some guy sitting next to me. I'd rather be shot in the face with projectile diarrhea then watch any parts of this movie again. As you can see I've bashed this movie pretty good and although it is well deserved, I think it's pretty safe to say I'll be hit with a lot of non-helpful votes. Good day to you all.
Rating:  Summary: Sheer brain rot Review: I was convinced by a friend to watch this, and regretted it. I think my IQ dropped about ten points, and would have dropped further had I not fallen asleep in the middle of it. If you find pure ignorance and immaturity funny, then maybe this is for you, but I'd rather spend my money on something that makes sense, makes you think, and means something. I don't understand why Monty Python is so popular, and it embarasses me that it is, specifically among people I know. It's sheer brain rot, and whatever time you spend watching it is a total waste.
Rating:  Summary: Funniest Movie Ever!!! Review: I could watch this movie 5,000 times and not grow tired of it, really. That is just how funny it is. The killer rabit kept me laughing till after the movie, and the coconuts were hilarious. I'm not going to spoil the movie for you as the other reviews already have but I will tell you that this has got to be Monty Python's funniest work yet. "Now go away or I shall tuant you a second time!" - The French Knight(John Cleese)
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: For all you Python fans out there this is great. Everything from the chase the killer rabbit mode to the Japanese dubbed version to the subtitle for people who don't like the film, this DVD has it all. There is but one snaffoo. I think the Pythons designed this DVD case themselves as a joke. There are two disks with one spindle. Supposedly they both fit on the spindle, which is possible, but the problem is that the people who assemble these little DVD box sets are too lazy to put it on correctly. So what happens? The disks get scratched. When I bought it at [We will soon be taking over the world and have a hobby of destroying the economies of small countries]mart mine was scratched so I took it back. I got my new one and it was scratched. I sat with the service person opening every single copy of the DVD only to find that all of them were scratched. Wow-nice one DVD packing people. Lets put some more pride in our work! Anyway the DVD itself is marvelous. Buy it!
Rating:  Summary: Ni! Review: This new packaging of the Monty Python classic is to be cherished by Python fans as much (if not more) for the extras as for the film itself. I have always been a Python fan, and must confess that I actually prefer the series to the films, but the classic scenes in this film make it a must see. The film was shot on a shoestring budget (funded largely by rock music celebrities) in horrible, wet weather by a small cast and crew, with direction from first time directors Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam. The net result is a quasi-historical, utterly warped film about King Arthur (Graham Chapman) and his knights in their search for the Holy Grail. Many entertaining diversions follow, including encounters with the 'Knights Who Say Ni' (my very favorite part of the entire film), a killer rabbit, plus a visit to the surprisingly appealing Castle Anthrax. The extras are what make this version so desirable. Included on the two disc set are numerous diversions, including a couple of documentaries (one made in 1974 on location, and one made for this release.) One of the highlights of this package is the documentary "The Quest for the Holy Grail Locations!" in which Terry Jones and Michael Palin take us on visits to the locations where the film was shot. It is a very interesting and entertaining documentary with footage from the movie compared with how the areas look now; of particular interest are the interior views of the castles. Also included is a collectible film cel made for this edition and a printed copy of the screenplay, so you can follow along, or clear up hard to decipher lines. This and many other little gems on the CD's (such as two scenes from the Japanese version, and a skit in which an older Michael Palin demonstrates uses for coconuts) make this a worthwhile addition to any video library.
Rating:  Summary: one of the angriest farces ever Review: Python have been gurus in my life since I was a kid in the 70s. I've always liked their absurd attacks on every institution in the world, and their staggering creativity and originality. Their TV show is still my favorite thing they've done, but Grail has more than enough to make it classic. I love the filmmaking of this film--Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam are working on a pitiful budget, on location, and for the most part this looks great. Imagine if people in the middle ages had cameras and decided to make a documentary--it might look a lot like this. These directors are clearly knowledgeable about artistic films from directors such as Ingmar Bergman, and their knowledge gives the movie a texture and tone you just don't find in comedies. But this isn't just any comedy. If you're looking for something light and fluffy, you won't find it here. Even the rabbit is a vicious killer! Take the scene early in the film with the guy collecting dead bodies in a plague village for a fee. The animal and human dung, the groans of terminal illness, a cat being beaten to death against a wall, then a man being beaten to death for "nine pence"--you get the idea. But nevertheless the scene is funny. If you like that scene you'll like the rest of the film. Still, it is a mighty angry movie. It condemns the violence behind legends like King Arthur (a towering performance from Graham Chapman, absolutely convincing, one of the finest straight men--even though in real life he was gay--in a movie comedy), organized religion, and western philosophy. One more thing--the characters who make me laugh the most are Tim the Enchanter, Roger the Shrubber, and the Old Man on The Bridge of Death. (Terry Gilliam's presence as actor and director and animator on the movie is a marvel--a great way to see how his career as a great director started.) Like all Python films it has peaks and valleys; some scenes last too long, some are based on a thin concept, some push it as far as mixing the gruesome and the madcap, like the Tale of Sir Lancelot where John Cleese as Lancelot slaughters or otherwise brutalizes a bunch of women, children, and old men at a wedding, rather bloodily--too much here, I think.