Rating:  Summary: Slapped Away Review: What can I say...this movie was bad. But in a good way...yes darlings there is a difference. Madonna's acting was indeed wooden...but something tells me she wasn't acting at all. And her male co-star...well let's just say if I was stuck on a deserted island with him, I kiss his feet and do his laundry too. This really is a camp and future cult classic, and deserves it place next to "Glitter", "Showgirls", and "Crossroads". The best part...watching Madonna get slapped, and that alone is worth the price.
Rating:  Summary: I've Definitely Seen Worse Review: The criticism dumped on this film from every direction is unwarranted. It's a mild melodrama, and Madonna is certainly shown in a different light from her stage persona (and among some beautiful scenery) -- it's not a hack-acting horror. Watching the movie, I couldn't help thinking about how she has been blasted, not just for acting performances, but in general. No law required me to pay money to watch this Madonna DVD -- but there are laws requiring that I help pay for things I don't use (public schools) or want (crop subsidies). There's no law preventing other entertainers from competing with Madonna, either as singers or actors -- but there are laws strictly limiting competition with the U.S. Postal Service. Madonna has to provide for her own health care and retirement -- but our national senators/representatives have bestowed upon themselves lavish medical and retirement programs, all funded by us taxpayers. Seen in that light, as a successful private-sector entrepreneur who has provided entertainment to millions, Madonna is an honorable individual. And significantly moreso than many of her critics.
Rating:  Summary: I was swept away! Review: I was swept away by Madonna's performance and the film in general. I wanted to see this film because of course Madonna is in it and because it got such bad reviews that I wanted to see what was so awful. I watched this film expecting the worst and I got totally the opposite. I think that this was a very enjoyable film to watch. In fact I was impresed with Madonna's performance. I think that Madonna has definitely improved in her acting skills and this film proves it. Madonna gives a very nice performance and a character that is believable throughout the film. I think the film was well done and the beautiful settings and cinematography add to the viewing pleasure. The film has a different ending that is quite sad and not your usual for a Hollywood product. Overall this film was enjoyable and the best Madonna film since the 1987 "Who's that Girl".
Rating:  Summary: Not so bad ! Review: I've seen Swept Away in the movies in France and I was very surprised ! I don't understand all the hatred against this movie that I found pretty good. Madonna is far to be the best actress in the world but her performance here is not bad. The meditarranean landscapes are beautiful and the music is really splendid. And what to say about the end of the movie ? A very strong end ! Don't listen to the critics, they hate Madonna... but she's still here and forever !
Rating:  Summary: Madonna's surprise Review: I saw this film one Sunday afternoon as a fan of Madonna's and yes, I was curious to see if this was as bad as critics had said. But after watching the film, I couldn't understand why critics hated it so much. To be fair, Madonna, like any artist, is subject to criticism. The book, "Sex" and films like "Shanghai Surprise," and "The Next Best Thing" were just ill-advised projects that did nothing for her or her talent. But "Swept Away" is the perfect choice for a Madonna film. Casting Madonna as a middle-aged housewife only shows that Madonna, whose fame and personality has always benefitted from her vanity, is embracing middle-age and is finding parts suited to her age. I like how Madonna is shot in "Swept Away". There are harsh close-ups, she is not made to look like a goddess, and her hair at the beginning is quite charming. In fact, I found Madonna's performance to be quite poignant. I liked how she played the brittle side of her character, and gradually let her guard down throughout the movie. So many people have complained about how unlikeable the characters were, but I liked how the movie did not gloss over the less glamorous side of the characters, and allowed them to be seen in less flattering lights. After all, passionate romances verge from love to hate, and this movie certainly showed that. Madonna seems to be at another low point in a career of mostly highs (this is probably the worst its been since the post-"Sex" phase). I think the criticism being directed towards her at the current time is mostly unwarranted. And I hope that in years to come, "Swept Away," like the 1980 film "Heaven's Gate" will be rediscovered and re-examined again.
Rating:  Summary: Somebody stop the madness Review: When will Madonna get out of denial? The girl CANNOT ACT. She is HORRIBLE! The only films she did OK in were "Desperatly Seeking Susan" (she basically played herself- not exactly an acting stretch), "A League of Their Own" (again, playing herself, except in the 40's), and "Evita", which required no speaking parts- it was basically a 2 hour music video. I think that Golden Globe went to her head, because she seems driven to keep the momentum going. Alas, Madge, you may have a knack for riding on the wave of controversy, but you have no acting skills: accept it and move on. Aside from that, this movie could have been a decent remake if Guy Ritchie hadn't tried so hard to recreate everything exactly the same. This is a director I've loved ("snatch", "Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels"), and "Swept Away" is defenitely directed in the signature Guy Ritchie style, but it isn't enough to keep this leaky rowboat afloat. The fact that he gave Madonna the lead role was a huge mistake, too. Just because she's your wife doesn't mean you're obligated to throw work her way. And given Madonna's latest ho-hum CD release "American Life", I'm not sure what lies in store for her. In any case, don't bother buying this movie- wait for it to come out on cable...or to show up on "Mystery Science Theater 3000", as it's sure to do.
Rating:  Summary: Ignore the critics! I really liked this film!!! Review: Madonna was unjustly criticized in the media for this film! I found her character very humorous and her acting quite good! I must say, I had to back track a bit to catch what her co-star was saying, his accent at times made him a bit difficult to understand! Good story, though. I found myself anxiously awaiting the outcome of the movie's end. Will they end up together? Will she cave under the pressure of her elitist husband and friends? Good, good , good movie! I definitely enjoyed this more than Guy Richie's other films....Yay Madonna,thanks girl!
Rating:  Summary: Not as awful as they said - WORSE! Review: When Madonna first appeared in films, I was in high school and believed that the scathing reviews that always seemed to follow every film she made were just prudish, negative reactions to her provacative image. To a 14 year old MTV lover, Madonna playing herself with spikey hair, short skirts and a tough-cutesy phony New York accent was entertainment. When I recently saw "Swept Away," I hadn't seen anything she'd done in Hollywood since "Dick Tracy," which I remembered enjoying. I'd seen the original "Swept Away" and wasn't enthralled by it - especially since it seems so dated now. The film seems to be on PBS all the time and always has been, even before the hype surrounding the Guy Richie/Madonna version began. This is why Guy Richie's remark to the New York Times about how he was re-making the film because he'd never seen the original, and because HE hadn't, most people hadn't! But, this arrogance aside, I was curious to see how his version differed from the original. The problem was, Richie tried too hard to make an exact replica of the original, even casting the son of the original sailor. (An accident, he and Madonna claimed. Um, sure). The soundtrack was so similar, I wondered if it was the same, and if not, there's a definite copyright violation there! Then, shot for shot, the new version copied the original. The only thing that Richie really offered was a diffrent ending in which the sincerity of Amber is preserved by a nasty trick by her husband. This killed the movie for me (if it wasn't dead already) - the whole point is that the mores of upper class society are too strong for Amber to resist, even though she sincerely loves the sailor. Richie seemed too concerned with having the audience like his wife and to avoid judgement of her character. What a cop-out! But even that isn't the biggest problem. Madonna'a acting isn't as bad as you've read - it's worse. I never thought much one way or the other about acting as a "skill," but seeing a truly dreadful actor (who appears in and ruins nearly every scene) really makes you appreciate those with talent. Madonna's performance is stiff, self-conscious and unconvincing, and her voice is so utterly without infliction, I actually found myself embarassed for her. You can't help but blame Guy Richie for putting her so out of her element. He should know better. Madonna is and always has been an interesting music personality, but she doesn't belong in the movies. Many highly visible singers/musicians have sucessfully and convincingly made the transition from music to movies/television (David Bowie and Deborah Harry in just about everything they've done, Glenn Frey in tv's "Wiseguy," Queen Latifah in "Living Out Loud," even Adam Ant in various quirky roles) and some have repeatedly shown themselves unable to pull it off (Sting in just about everything he's appeared in). Madonna belongs in the latter category. For once, the critics are completely on the mark.
Rating:  Summary: damn funny and not bad...what's so bad about it???? Review: By the critics's total bashing of this movie (esp. Ebert and company), I thought this movie would be some kind of total disaster. Much to my surprise, it wasn't. Thank goodness I am independent minded enough to decide for myself what I will watch and not go by the critics or by the box office numbers. I found Madonna funny and totally believable in this little cute film (even if her acting ability isn't the tops--she did just fine for this role I think), as was Adriano Giannini. Having an Italian boyfriend myself (who DOESN'T slap me around, just to be 100% clear) I totally understood the passion shown by Giannini's character towards the end as he falls deeply in love. I loved the scenery...as well as the music which was Greek/Italian. I also found those Greek crewmen to be hilarious. What can I say...I'm a sucker for light hearted yet passionate films with a touch of humor that take place in the beautiful Mediterranean. Call me crazy, but I thought it was well-made and fun, and anything that makes me laugh these days is a winner in my book in any case, and most films these days aren't even so amusing anyway. No, it isn't serious and perhaps it isn't even made to standard American tastes, but I liked it...so there!!
Rating:  Summary: Mediocre attempt at filmmaking by Guy Ritchie...... Review: I watched this one with a bit of caution. I was curious to see what the outcome would be. I liked Guy Ritchie's previous films, so I thought, despite all the bad press surrounding this film, I'd give it a shot. Well, here it goes... It was mildly entertaining, but it wasn't great at all. Madonna can't really act all that well, and needs to stick to her day job. She was great in "A League of Their Own", but in this particular film, you could tell she was trying really hard to make the best of it, but it just didn't work. The script by Ritchie was full of unbelievably corny scenes and bits of dialogue. The scene where Giancarlo Gianni and Madonna play charades in the cabin by the beach is unbearable... Other than all of that, the scenery is beautiful, and like I said, its mildy entertaining...enough so that you can make it through the entire film. BARELY make it through, rather. SKIP IT or watch if there is absolutly nothing else to choose from.