Rating:  Summary: A One Of A Kind Review: This movie is great. After seeing this movie, I felt so happy and full of joy. This movie is going to be very special to me now. I love it. There is no other movie like it. It shows you there is more to life then you could imagine. I am going to be an actor soon and also, by the time I am 40, I will be living in London England, and after seeing this movie, I know I will get there. It also made me even want to act MORE and it even made me want to go to England MORE too. I hope in the near future, I can make a film as good as this one. I LOVE THIS MOVIE. It kind of inspire me. It is also very funny. Anyone and everyone should buy About A Boy. GO GET THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!! (ALSO, buy Badly Drawn Boy who sang and also made a album for this movie. A VERY GREAT ARTIST!!)
Rating:  Summary: All grown up Review: If sibling directors Paul and Chris Weitz, best known for the slapstick teen comedy AMERICAN PIE, were looking to establish themselves as more mature filmmakers, they succeeded handily with this adaptation of UK author Nick (High Fidelity) Hornby's 1998 novel of the same title. Working from their own excellent screenplay, co-written with Peter Hedges, they chronicle the belated coming-of-age of a very immature man who learns some important life lessons from a troubled young boy. Stylish, independently wealthy Londoner Will Freeman (Hugh Grant) has the financial security to do nothing but date indiscriminately, and discovers dating insecure single mothers allows him to ease in and out of relationships unscathed by drama. So he sets about meeting more of them at a single-parents group. Needless to say, one of the children he meets, Marcus (Nicholas Hoult), gets under his skin with a combination of boyish charm and an undeniable need to be loved. The film takes these two friends through experiences that are both hilarious and heartbreaking: Will buys Marcus some hip new trainers (Brit-speak for sneakers), but what can he do when the next day the kids at Marcus's rough school beat him up and steal them? Marcus's wreck of a mother, Fiona (Toni Collette), lonely and suicidal, doesn't quite know what to make of this oddball friendship. Fiona could easily be a ... drip, but Collette effectively evokes the desperation of a person who feels truly alone in the world. Bursting with (but not overburdened by) the pop culture references that are the trademark of both Hornby's fiction and the Weitz brothers' films, this wickedly funny and surprisingly sweet film may be the perfect star vehicle for Grant. He's full of piss and vinegar and has at long last set aside the wobbly, stammering persona best left at FOUR WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL.
Rating:  Summary: The perfect casting Review: The great: One of the things that struck me about "About a Boy" is the casting - every actor/actress looked completely natural in their roles - Hugh Grant as Will, especially. He portrays the 'daddy's money' rich boy perfectly, down to the last line. Nicholas Hoult portrays the desparate son very well too - and who could forget him bouncing around to "Shake Your Ass"? His quasi-romance in the movie is at times hilarious, albeit confusing. The good: First of all, I want Will's car. Secondly, the atmosphere inside his house is such a good setting - the furniture, the entertainment centre, everything. When we leave Will's house, every environment couldn't be better. The bad: At times, this movie is a bit predictable: boy meets girl, everything seems good, boy messes up, girl hates boy. Those scenarios play out all of the time in movies, and it's getting so predictable I knew it before the movie'd started. Other times in the movie, it gets a little old, but not too much. The ugly: What if this movie teaches guys to go to single parents' meetings to pick up chicks? In all seriousness, this movie doesn't have anything ugly... aside from Toni Collette.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Fabulous Soundtrack Review: This movie has some of the best music in it since another favorite of mine - "Rushmore" (if you haven't seen that film you're missing a treat). Hugh Grant is perfectly cast and everyone else is great also. I recommend this movie!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best films of 2002 Review: I was hesitant on seeing this, partly because I had never heard of it or seen reviews of it on TV before, but my mom reluctantly dragged me to the show to see it. Was I surprised. Hugh Grant plays an amazing character, the male version of Bridget Jones, or so I think. His commentary throughout the movie at random points made me laugh, and I love the "SPAT" meeting. The boy in the film did an amazing job, and the bond that forms between him and Will is great. After I saw the movie, I bought the book, and both were equally impressive. No one could have played this role better than Grant, he's perfect for it. This is probably one of his best films, if not the best. When it comes out on DVD, I strongly suggest getting it, or rent it first, and I guarentee you will love it. I was hesitant on seeing it, and I was extremely surprised and pleased!!! The soundtrack is also amazing, done by "Badly Drawn Boy". I suggest getting it if you're a fan of the film, because every song in the film is on the soundtrack.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable and Rewarding Film. Review: Every once in a while a movie comes along that makes you feel better about yourself. The kind of movie that when you are walking out of the theater you feel something special. You know you just saw a great movie. When I saw "About a Boy" last summer I had that feeling. I have never been a huge Hugh Grant fan, but after seeing this film, I can't help but respect him as an actor. Of course it is hard to say how much Grant was acting and how much he was just acting off of life experiences. Grant plays a version of the man's man. He drives a fast car, lives in a trendy London apartment. He has a nice television and all the DVD's and CD's that any man could want. Oh yeah, he also has a seemingly endless supply of money. He also like to meet woman, something that he thinks, could be aided if he attends a help group for single parents. Grant does get lucky and meets an attractive woman, played by Rachel Weisz. His date with Weisz's character sets up the entire movie. I have to meet a person that did not enjoy and appreciate this movie. It is a unique story told in the kind of way that more movies should be told.
Rating:  Summary: BEST FILM OF '02 (Even if you do not like Hugh Grant) Review: Wow- This movie is so special. First, it is a great comedy, full of excellent lines and situations. Second, it is a wonderful drama, excellent plot with deep issues that many can relate with. The casting is great- lots of smaller names (aside from Hugh Grant, who I just loved in this movie.) He is so cute I want to bite him. So see this movie, you will be happy you did. It has something special.. And the best part- since it was based on a book, I was VERY impressed how close they kept the plot. Very refreshing.
Rating:  Summary: HUGH GRANTS BEST FILM SO FAR Review: I already own this, because it is out in the uk to buy already This is a great film with a great cast , the best bit about this film is the dead duck scene,because i saw this film at the cinema and i came out satified that i wanted to buy this film, Hugh Grant is brilliant as Will Freeman, and nicholas hoult is good as marcus as he is picked on as school as he is a hippy and a mummys boy and makes the film so funny, the soundtrack is brillant which makes this a great film.
Rating:  Summary: A winning adaptation of a superb novel Review: I had high expectations when I heard that Nick Hornby's wonderful novel "High Fidelity" was being made into a film. However, I was very disappointed that the film removed the protagonist out of London and into Chicago. The London setting was part of the charm of the book, and turned a wonderful novel with a wonderful story into a mediocre film. So it was with trepidation that I greeted the news of yet another Hornby novel, "About a Boy," being adapted for film. I was pleasantly surprised when the film turned out to be every bit as good as the book. If you are a Hornby fan who was dissapointed with the Americanization of "High Fidelity" rest assured that this film retains it's English charm and self deprecating humour. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: About Nothing Review: I finished watching this movie about 20 mins ago, how I got through it I'll never know. Imagine Having a really simple plotted romantic comedy with thin but easy to understand plot, then imagine having not one but TWO patronizing voice-overs accompanying the picture, narrating it - both of witch go to point out what any one with a brain cell or two should have figured out long ago. Hugh grant is likeable enough (as usual) but the boy (i forget his name) is so irritating, you start to emphasize with the kids that bully him for being strange. But above all this films worst crime is plane and simple Unfunnyness! There was perhaps two points where I laughed, which is not good for a film which bills its self as a comedy and is made by the directors of comedy hits like American Pie. So over all I'd say give this one a miss and rent something else, it doesn't really matter what - its bound to be better than this movie.