Rating:  Summary: My absolute fav book, but this make wasn't all that great Review: Jane Eyre is my absolute fav book, but I thought this make of the book was WAY too melodramatic. I don't believe the portrayal of Mr. Rochester was all that great in this movie. He was really melodramatic. This movie also skips A LOT of scenes from the book that I really enjoyed. This movie just wasn't all that great. The book is always great though! I've read it countless times and never get tired of it.
Rating:  Summary: Ehh..... Review: This version superbly and accurately portrays Jane's character but does an awful job with Rochester. Rather than gruff but lovable, he seems harsh and almost mean-spirited. All of the humor and vulnerability of his character are absent in this film, probably leading viewers who have not read the novel to see him as a mere selfish jerk. Rochester is one of the most complex and sensitive characters in literature and this film does him absolutely no justice. This version also cuts some of the most important, inspirational and beautiful lines in the novel. The love scenes are completely butchered which, if you have read the novel, is a TRAGEDY. The film cuts lines from both Jane and Rochester in these scenes. Rochester also does a terrible job delivering the lines he does retain, making them sound less romantic than I could possibly describe in words. The development of the relationship between Jane and Rochester suffers dramatically as a result of these problems. The Timothy Dalton version is infinitely better in all respects, and anyone considering buying this one should see the Timothy Dalton version first. It is more complete, interesting, accurate and moving. And the acting is WONDERFUL. =)
Rating:  Summary: It's Okay If You Don't Love the Book Review: While this production is worth renting, it is not faithful to the book because of its omissions, and I found Ciaran Hinds to be a very unsatisfactory Mr. Rochester. The script highlighted his unsavory features (he is a deceiving adulterer, after all) to such an extent that his romantic and heroic qualities were insufficient to overcome the detriment to his character and likeability. In the book, his evil deeds are swept away by the force of his personality and the depth of his love. I also felt that while Timothy Dalton looked too young in the part, Ciaran Hinds looked too old and a bit worse for wear. The Timothy Dalton version is the most satisfying in terms of completion of plot. It is indeed straight from the book, as someone noted, and what a book it is! I think it takes quite some nerve to edit Charlotte Bronte to this extent.
Rating:  Summary: I just can't like this version. Review: Jane Eyre is one of my very favorite books, so I simply cannot like a film version that leaves out important details. I liked it when I first saw it, but had the nagging feeling that something was missing. So I re-read the book, and discovered exactly what was missing -- about 1/4 of the book. Among the scenes that were missing were the other reasons behind Jane's return to Thornfield.And then there's Samantha Morton. I cannot think of a film where I liked her, so that is another strike against this version. Some have said that Timothy Dalton is "too handsome" to play Rochester. Perhaps he is. But he is such an incredible actor that I will forgive him. *grin* I do appreciate Ciaran Hinds, and it pains me to say that I did not like him as Rochester. I read someplace that he hadn't read the book before making this film. Well, it shows. He rants and raves too much; there was no subtlety in his performance. And subtlety is something Dalton understood in his performance. An adaptation does not need to be a word-for-word translation from page to screen, but it does have to retain the spirit of the original for me to appreciate it, and this version does neither, so I cannot find much to like about it.
Rating:  Summary: This is sooooo good! Review: If you liked Pride and Prejudice (a&e), Ang Lee's Sense and Sensibility, Paltrow's Emma and Ciaran's other of this type, Persuasion... this is even better. Why? It is the passion; these actors do an excellent job:what chemistry, what angst. I loved it!!!
Rating:  Summary: Good For Insomniacs, At Least... Review: About all this movie did was put me to sleep. I have seen every major version of "Jane Eyre" around, and this is just about the worst. The screenwriters have cut and pasted the the story into something that shares nothing but a title with Bronte's novel. But it's not just the butchery. The actors in this movie show little emotion-they spend the whole movie mumbling to each other in drab, monotone voices. It's like watching Jane Eyre performed by the cast of the X-Files. Sigh. If you want to see what the real "Jane Eyre" is like, try the BBC version with Timothy Dalton and Zelah Clarke. This movie is just weird.
Rating:  Summary: The book will always be better! Review: Yes, there were a couple parts of this movie that were good, but after reading the book I believe they'll never come close to how Charlotte Bronte would have wanted it. 1. Why was little Jane smiling in the "Red Room" scene? 2. Miss Ingram was not that pretty. 3. Jane appeared quite snotty to Mr. Rochester in the beginning. 4. It didn't show a gradual enough transition from "Master and governess" to "in love", and they might as well have skipped the whole part on St. John and his family for the insignificance it seemed to the whole movie. Instead, they could have NOT skipped the scene where Mr. Rochester disguises himself as a gypsy (or whatever you call it.) Overall I was very disappointed but then it could have been that the whole time I was comparing it to the BOOK and how much more heart-wrenching the book was! I probably would have liked it more had I seen it first before the book. I recommend renting this BEFORE buying!
Rating:  Summary: Lacking... Review: Although this is a fabulous novel written by Charlotte Bronte, (and NOT Jane Austen...sorry reviewer from Union, NJ) the movie is a poor adaptation of the two main characters. It seems to follow the plot farely well; however, the William Hurt and Timothy Dalton adaptations are better.
Rating:  Summary: Ciaran & Samantha Are Great! Review: I don't think it is possible to make a screen adaptation of "Jane Eyre" that is as touching, and thoroughly moving as the book! The story is a true masterpiece from the mind of Jane Austen. This version COULD have been a masterpiece also, but it went wrong in a few areas. Changes in the dialogue, and excluded details left it lacking somewhat. BUT, the performances of the lead characters, Ciaran Hinds (Mr. Rochester), and Samantha Morton (Jane Eyre), were very passionate and moving nonetheless. Far better than the lack-luster job done by Timothy Dalton (I still love him, but he wasn't right for the role). Though not exactly true to the Rochester of the book, Hinds does come across as being stern, and abbrasive, yet vulnerable, he keeps most of the defining characteristics of Austen's Rochester; and Morton does well as the strong-willed, yet naive Jane, who would not be persuaded to compromise her standards. The Storyline: Jane Eyre is a young woman of eighteen, who after spending eight years (six as a pupil, and two as a teacher) in a rather strict boarding school, "Lowood Institution", yearns to explore more of the world, to get out of her monotonous routine. To that end, she advertises for a position as a governess, and is soon enlisted for a position at "Thornfield Hall", to be the teacher of a young girl, Adele. Upon arriving to the mysterious estate, she begins to adjust to her new situation, her new pupil, her new life. But what a strange place "Thornfield Hall" is, and even stranger is its master, Mr. Rochester, her employer! A very abrupt, uptight sort of man, full of resentment, yet quite intriguing to Jane. Though intimadated at first, she soon learns to understand him, and even to like him, and as he learns more of her nature, and she of his, a friendship blossoms. Indeed they become intrigued by one another. In fact, more than friendship blossoms, for Jane falls in love with this, this seemingly hard-hearted brute! True, Rochester's heart has been hardened by life's trials, but it is soon softened by Jane's love, by her sweet nature, and compassion. They both find what they have been searching for... true love... the kind that scorches like the sun, and soothes like the rain! But there are secrets in "Thornfield Hall"... deep, dark secrets which soon escape and seemingly crush Jane and Rochester's hopes for happiness! What will the outcome be? This is a very entertaining version. I like it better than the others despite its flaws. It is good, but could have been grand had it stuck more closely to the book... which was perfect. But Ciaran Hinds, and Samantha Morton are great, and so make the movie what it is. As long as you are not looking for an exact representation of the book, you will enjoy this movie. If you are a Jane Austen "purist" though, you might be more satisfied with the Timothy Dalton version, which stuck almost entirely to the book (except, when it comes to the passion of the novel). This version though, is worthy of being part of anyone's "period piece" collection. I thoroughly enjoyed it! :)
Rating:  Summary: TOO SHORT Review: As I have every video ever made on jane eyre & read the book repeatedly since the age of 12( over 20 yrs ago) i have to say this is one of the best videos i have come across, the only problem i have with it is that it is too short and cuts out some of the best parts of the story. the acting is first class and i feel sorry the actors were sold short by the shortened story line