Rating:  Summary: This Movie is Great Review: I orignially rented this movie because there are spoofs of it everywhere and I wanted to understand what they were making fun of. This movie has completely changed my opinions on Susan Surandon (sp?) Barry Bostwick (sp?) and Tim Curry. I like them even more. They display talents that I did not even know they had. I have rented it everyweek for the last month. It is an amazing piece of film and I would love to br part of a movie like that.
Rating:  Summary: A SINFUL INDULGENCE Review: i have to admit that the first time i was offerred to see this movie i balked at it and said it was groos and dumb. boy was i wrong. the movie is hilarious and one of my favorite movies of all time. i love the music and i am a new obsessive about musicals and this ranks up there with any musical out there. reason being that the songs are so unique and quirky that you cannot help but like them. when i heard that there was an anniversary edition coming out i was there the first day to buy it. the discs are loaded with extras and they are all really cool. the characters are unforgettable and tim curry give his best performance ever in this movie. he has the character nailed down to an art and his performance of sweet transvestite is worth watching over and over again. anyone who does not like this movie needs to get a sense of humor because this movie makes things funny in ways never imagined. this whole movie is dedicated to the extreme and that is what makes it special. when a movie goes to the limits of imagination the movie takes on a whole new meaning. this movie is a total experience and needs to be seen at least once and if you ever have the chance go to a midnight showing with audience interaction it only makes the movie that much more special.
Rating:  Summary: The best cult movie ever made. Review: This movie is my favriote. it has been my favriote since i was 7 and it is still my favriote. Tim Curry is also my favriote actor this movie movies is a all time classic i could on and on forever about the great song that you are going to be singing to yourself for weeks to come, and the great costumes and just all around freaky atmosphere the movie sets off about THE MASTER and his SEXUAL APPITITE. witch is kind of weird but hey if it floats your boat.
Rating:  Summary: THE most overrated movie of all time. I want my 2 hours back Review: First off, I am not adverse to the bizarre, the freakish, the twisted, or the outlandish, or even the gender-indenty-problem-ish. As proof, I offer that I will soon own MEET THE FEEBLES.What can I say about this movie? Maybe a lot of people lost their virginity to it at a drive-in. It's the obly explanation I can offer as to why such a huge cult following is attracted to such a cheap, inane, boring, unamusing piece of garbage that goes by the name THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW. Weird doesn't even begin to describe how far beyond norm this is, but I do not hold that against it, in and of itself. What I do have against this movie is that, quite simply, it isn't interesting or funny. Tim Curry's performance and the parade of oddities, while certainly shocking, are not amusing, entertaining or funny by any fathomable means and do not serve any purpose except to simply be messed up for the sake of being messed up. It takes a perverse genieus to make so many outlandish, bizarre things seem so boring. Imagine the BIG LEBOWSKI, with the dude and Walter replaced by a boy scout and his whiney girlfriend wandering around in a haunted house with freakish things happening, minus the wit, humor, style, and worthiness, and you have some idea of what this film accomplishes on levels of stupidity and pure badness. I offer the musical numbers as an example. "I'm a sweet transvestite, from Transsexual, Transylvania." What part of that is supposed to be amusing? Beside the fact that has no wit or subtlety, its also juvenile and immature. If there had been something interesting going on with the transsexual theme, it might be fun, but it's simply THERE, and we're supposed to be amused by it, as if the fact that transsexuality EXISTS is funny in and of itself. I am aware that film has ahuge cult following. I must defend myself from them. I suppose if I liked the film I can imagine what my positive review would be. But I did not like the film a bit. The viewing experience it offered probably accounts for a great number of those who value this movie for the nostalgia it offers rather than its content, but as for the rest, I just don't know what to say. Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe there is some greater, ingenieus satirical concept buried beneath this freak show of musical numbers and sex "jokes", but it'll be a cold day in he1l before I ever, under any circumstances, use my valuable time on this planet to search for it.
Rating:  Summary: Give Yourself over to Absolute Pleasure! Review: Rocky Horror Picture Show, a cult classic that has remained a favorite for over 28 years. Dedicated fans still flock to the theatre each Friday and Saturday night dressed as their favorite transsexual. Perhaps it the music and the excitement, perhaps it is that erotica and utter sexuality that seems to exude from each and every cast member. Whatever draws us to Rocky Horror, it has kept us coming back again and again. This film defines decadence, and I think that for millions of people the movie represents the ghost of an entire era. Years ago RHPS was home to a group of virtually homeless people who, at the time, were not accepted by society. Out in today's world if you walk around wearing almost gothic-like makeup and 7 inch stilettos people are most likely to take one look at you and automatically make a false judgement. Whereas, at Rocky Horror, people are most likely to take one look at you and automatically make a judgement if you AREN'T wearing outrageous makeup, racy laungerie, and stilettos. It's both ironic and intriguing, and the thought of theatre virgins getting initiated at their first RHPS viewing always gives me a kick. For close to two hours the audience becomes the innocent and naive Brad and Janet, and we allow ourselves to partake in the forbidden fruit that is Rocky Horror. A combination of glamour, sex, eccentricity, and hidden meaning is combined altogether to create the story line. If you were to search for a moral hidden in this movie, you would find it during the floorshow scene, where a large portion of the cast starts swimming in a large pool, continually singing: Don't dream it, be it.' This expresses the whole purpose and meaning of the movie. Many people in today's society have fantasies (sexual and nonsexual), but are too afraid to act them out. What makes the characters in RHPS differ from us is the fact that they are not afraid to act out all of their perverse fantasies. They are comfortable with themselves and have no shame, much unlike us (the audience). Also, take notice of the expression, 'Rose tints my world, keeps me safe from my trouble and pain.' Each character repeats this after singing a verse at the floorshow. Perhaps Richard O'Brien was trying to portray to us how everyone has something that they use for comfort, some kind of distraction that keeps them going on when times get hard. At the very end of the movie, the narrator says: 'And crawling on the planet's face, some insects called the human race. Lost in time, lost in space, and meaning.' I believe he is saying that yes, we humans are lost in meaning. We have lost sight of what life is all about, having fun and experiencing it to the fullest extent. Whereas, the transsylvanians have not, because they are enjoying themselves and ignoring all consequence and all rationality. They just do what they do and to hell with what others think, and isn't that the way it should be? To the untrained eye RHPS appears to be a mindless, immature movie that makes no sense. Those who say that have obviously not looked deep enough into this film. Also, you can't enjoy the movie to its full extent if you take it too seriously. Let yourself go, and have fun with it. That is truly what Rocky Horror Picture Show is all about. Whether you view this timeless story at a theatre, at home, or at a play, you are sure to leave wanting more. RHPS is neverending, and years and years from now millions will still be viewing it. Any true RHPS fan will tell you that it is our absolute duty to keep the spirit of Rocky alive and to be sure that it is not forgotten, no matter how long it has already been around. There are rumors of a RHPS remake with a new cast. We must protest this and boycott this!!! Rocky just isn't Rocky without Richard, Patricia, Little Nell, etc, and most of all...TIM CURRY! He not only portrayed Frank as dangerous and manipulative, but he made him sensual and completely irrisistable as well. Frank N. Furter is that guy that you know you shouldn't indulge in...but you really, really want to, despite your better judgement. Without Tim, RHPS would never have made it, and whether you're a fan of Rocky or of Tim or of both, we owe it to him to make sure that it is the movie with the ORIGINAL cast playing every Saturday night, not the new one. This movie is not just a movie...it is an unstoppable force and it has a true life of its own. 50 years from now (as long as I age well) I'll still be dressing up in my tattered fishnets and ghoulishly seductive makeup, parading down the street to the theatre for yet another night of mindless fun and dancing and laughing, reciting each and every word of Audience Participation and each and every word of the original script...which is memorized easily if you've watched the movie or seen it in public over a hundred times (like me, lol). Those of you reading this review who have never seen RHPS will think that I'm an obsessive lunatic. However, those of you reading this interview that are true Rocky fans are probably nodding your head and agreeing with every word that I am saying right now ... I recommend this DVD for anyone who wants to let go and have fun, you are sure to find yourself singing along with all the music. C'mon...there's no crime in giving yourself over to pleasure!
Rating:  Summary: the best movie in history Review: when i first saw this movie i thought it was stuppid but now i cant get enough of it i dont know what iw ould do without it.
Rating:  Summary: The Musical of ALL Musicals Review: Who could ask for anything more than Tim Curry in fishnets? This movie may be extremely campy but, it is one of my all-time favorites. While the plot may be stupid, the movie is the extreme genius of Richard O'Brien. How he came up with this - I will never know - but, I don't think I would ever want to (it might ruin the magic for me). The story of a young couple stranded late one night because of a flat tire who find their way to the castle of Dr. Frank-n-Furter and his 'people'. Brad and Janet go through the "Time Warp" and get to meet Rocky before the strange night is over. Magenta will always be my favorite! This movie is one to have forever. It's a good party movie as well as the perfect Halloween movie for you and your twisted friends. If you've never seen it - I suggest you watch it as soon as humanly possible.
Rating:  Summary: Feeling groovy? Then this is for you! Review: I first saw The Rocky Horrow show in the theater at the midnight showings with other fans and it was an amazing experience. I was hooked from the start. The music is the first thing that gets you. It is fantastic! The cast is electric, especially Tim Curry as Frank-n-Furter. His singing is superb and his facial expressions are just too funny! People are not supposed to take this movie seriously. It is simply poking fun at B-movies and old sci-fi flicks mixed with sexual inuendos and gender-bending. I personally think it's a great mixture (and I'm as straight as they come) and guarantees fun for all. I was lucky enough to see The Rocky Horror Show live on stage last night and it was wonderful. The audience participation is second to none. Go and experience it if you can, but buy the film first so you know what to expect and then you must buy the soundtrack and turn the sound up loud! You won't be able to help singing along and dancing. Let your hair down and enjoy it!
Rating:  Summary: rocky horror rocks Review: what a funny movie... it will make you want to go see it at a theater.. and that is realy fun.. Tim curry is amazing, i love the music
Rating:  Summary: Can't Help but Love It! Review: "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is a movie I can never grow tired of. This film is full of craziness and fun - one that never ceases to amaze me. I watch this film every Halloween when it's on television and find myself singing along and imagining myself as some of the characters. Unfortunately I have been unable to experience this film in a theater with other fellow Rocky Horror fans, but what I've seen of the viewings on tv, they are truly something to behold. I would highly suggest this film to anyone who would like a good laugh and some great fun! You won't be disappointed!