Rating:  Summary: Exciting and Thought Provoking.. Review: Those two words sum up my feeling on this film. Thought my review is one of the hundreds here ^.^ I thought i should share my thoughts on this film which has moved me in a new direction. First of all, this is a GREAT family film, ok....the scene with Mrs. Potiphar is a bit *bizarre* and it does seem to imply something more.... (But i think one of the best parts of movies like this are scenes like that, ones you can watch early in life and then look back when your older and go YIKES! lol..) ok..going on..-four words- MARIA FRIEDMAN KICKS #%@#!!!! She ties this whole production together and has an amazing chemistry with the rest of the cast, the thought provoking part is with this(chemistrys like the one between the Narrator and Joseph is very dangerous to a fanfiction driven 15 year old spazzy teenage girl^.^) Anyway, my little cousins LOVE this movie and watch it whenever I come over(me being the big Maria Friedman fan). Donny Osmond is wonderful as Joseph, especially during "Close Every Door" and Benjamin Calypso (we understand how hard it must have been to not laugh during that) Robert Torti is a hysterical pharaoh, and everyone just is sensational!! This is a definate DVD to add to you collection!!!!!!!!!! Spread the colored coatness!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Anybody got any Tylenol? Review: Hmmm....how to sum up "Joseph And The Not-So-Amazing Technicolor Screamcoat?" Well, it stars Donny Osmond, Joan Collins, and a bunch of singing five-year-olds. How much more proof do you need that this is a complete waste of existance?It starts off with a bunch of screaming little kids running around in an auditorium, presumably at an elementary school. This goes on for about fifteen minutes. Really. This was enough to give me a headache. Then again, considering how the rest of the movie went, I would've been happier just watching that for the next two hours. Why do I hate it? Well, for one thing, THERE IS NOT ONE SPOKEN LINE IN THE WHOLE THING! EVERYTHING - YES, EVERYTHING - IS SUNG!!! Yes, I know this is a "musical" - but even "Grease" has regular spoken dialogue. Also, the makeup and acting - it could not possibly be the least bit cornier. The whole production looks like the kind of dream you'd have after eating some old enchiladas you found in the back of your fridge. What an insult to everyone and everything. Do I really need to continue going on about how bad this movie is? I think not. Just don't watch it, and you won't need to run to your local drug store and pick up ten cases of Advil. Snoochie Boochie Noochies!
Rating:  Summary: sound is good, not perfect Review: I bought this the other day for my daughter's 9th birthday. I was a bit worried about the sound after reading some of the other comments here. Well, I am no audiophile, but there is definitely something not quite right about the sound. But at worst, it sounds to me at times as though the visual and audio are a tiny bit off-sync, so that you lose the impression that you're actually watching them sing. Not often, but it's noticeable. And I agree with other comments about a number of the costumes being too suggestive. Having said that, my daughter loves this DVD, and we also got the original Broadway cast CD, so we are all Joseph, all the time (for now).
Rating:  Summary: Give me my DVD, my amazing DVD! Review: There are some actors/actresses who were born to play certain parts, e.g., Yul Brunner and the King of Siam. Well, Donny Osmond IS Joseph! After seeing this, I cannot imagine anyone else playing Joseph so well, and so poignantly. Donny has the truly perfect voice and charisma for this role. I've have seen brief clips of other stage performances, and have heard the other stage soundtracks, and they just don't have it! One important thing that seems to be lacking in the previous encarnations is an enthusiasm for the role, something that comes through loud and clear with Donny Osmond. There simply is no other "Joseph" than him. He is truly an underrated performer. It was great choice to film this as a "movie" on sets, rather than just filming a stage show. While that would have been interesting, especially to those who had seen the play, it would not have done justice to it the way this did and would not have allowed for the varied staging that is evident here. The casting is excellent in my opinion, although I understand from several friends who saw the Stage Production here in Boston back in 1996(ish), the Stage Elvis (Johnny Seaton) and Narrator (Janet Metz) had a higher level voice control and stage "presence" than is so evident here ("simply awesome" us how one friend put it), the two certainly turn in stellar performances and their performances are entertaining and riviting. They both have quite good voices, and Pharoah really morphs with Elvis! Given that this play was, at least originally, staged with children in mind, the costuming is a bit on the risque side, and could certainly have been done without. Andrew Lloyd Webber also missed an excellent opportunity that might be missed on most people as far as history and factual storytelling goes. When approached by "Mrs. Potiphar", Joseph actually ran away from her, leaving "his outer garment behind", and she then falsly accused him of attempting to rape her,which is really why Potipar was so enraged. This would've added a whole other dimension to the song "Potiphar" and made his false imprisonment all the more "unjust", which in turn, would have added to the poignancy of Donny's best song in the show, "Close Every Door", but, hey, that's Hollywood! ONE WARNING! This will leave you singing and humming the songs for weeks and weeks on end! Donny Osmond will never again wear that "Amazing Coloured Coat" but as long as you own this DVD, he'll never really take it off for the last time! By the way, don't pass-up the CD featuring Donny Osmond from this Stage Tour. It is simply awesome! In many areas, the tempo and pacing of the songs is better than in this DVD. They make a truly wonderful set!
Rating:  Summary: JOSEPH JOSEPH IS IT REALLY YOU Review: I wondered if a family oriented movie, Joseph - King of Dreams that also had a pro religious theme could come out of Dreamworks. Like wouldn't you be suspicious if the present day Disney management did a pro-religious movie? But, J-KOD the cartoon movie is not bad. Certainly i think they made a worthy movie. Only thing is that my kids didn't like it as much as I did. Given the choice, they preferred Joseph and TATDC starring Donnie based on the long running play. And they prefer this version, not because Dreamworks dropped the ball, but because the music is just awesome by comparison. Check out the cartoon version by dreamworks as a rental. then checkout the movie based on the play.
Rating:  Summary: "Give me my colored coat, my amazing colored coat!" Review: Brazil has no musical comedy's tradition and there are few opportunities for us Brazilians to keep in touch to what Americans and British wonderfully create in terms of musical plays. So I do consider myself lucky for finding the Los Angeles cast original soundtrack of "Joseph..." in a CD store nearby, some years ago. I had no reference at all about the play but the previous works of Weber & Rice ("Evita" and "Jesus Christ Superstar") that were staged in Brazil some decades ago. My wife and I became unconditional fans of "Joseph..." and eventually bought this DVD in order to see "on stage" all those songs we deeply love. We got really impressed with the splendid work we purchased: Donny Osmond is a perfect Joseph, Maria Friedman is a fascinating Narrator and the whole cast shows such an enthusiasm in their performances that it is impossible not to fall in love with this film version of the play. I strongly recommend it as an excelent purchase for the whole family.
Rating:  Summary: Introducing musicals to kids Review: Joseph is a wonderful way of introducing your child to musicals. This musical has so many ways of reaching the child inside all of us. My mother gave this VHS to my child as a birthday present. We watch it at least once a week if not every day if my child could. The length of this musical is such that it keeps even really young children entertained for it's duration. My child now sings some of the songs and has asked her music teacher in school to get a copy. Thank you Mr. Webber and Mr. Rice.
Rating:  Summary: This is awesome! Review: I know people complain of Maria Friedman, but it's still goood because she at least gets the facial expressions right. Although the shortest proffesional musical I've ever seen, it's one of the best I've seen. Donny Osmond is the perfect Joseph, and I love the cast in GO GO GO Joseph. Worth buying, especially the dvd for its DTS capabilities.
Rating:  Summary: Good production, poor sound Review: This is a fun staging of a fun show. Certainly not deep, thought-provoking theater, but a fun little show nonetheless. However, I must echo the sentiments of those reviewers who said the sound on this DVD leaves much to be desired. The sound level on the vocals is extremely inconsistent, with some soloists being nearly inaudible. In fact, the sound on this disc is so poor I must grudgingly encourage buyers to opt instead for the VHS version, which doesn't have this problem.
Rating:  Summary: JOseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Review: Two college friends (Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber)got together to write a light musical for a school project and years later it becomes an international hit with productions being mounted everywhere from small elementary schools to lavish Broadway extravaganzas. Who'd a thunk it? But this DVD is able to give the viewer both the flavor of seeing that "Next Door Neighbor" in the local production as well as all the glitz that broadway has to offer. The staging is superb, beginning in a small English scholl auditorium, we are rapidly transported to Broadway and back again (With enough stops in between to give any travel agent a dizzy spell). The acting and singing are superb, with the most unlikely of "Teachers" finding their way into the Biblical story of Joseph. The staight-laced piano/music teacher is transformed into a bomshell of a seductress (Joan Collins). The Headmaster becomes the head of the house of Isael, Jacob (Richard Attenborough), And that former Teen Idol , and now Game-Show host, Donny Osmond, is wonderful in the Title role of Joseph. And you'll never guess what character shows up to to portray the Pharoh (Pharoh, isn't another name for "The King") The story is artfully narrated by the singing and acting Talents of that star of the London stage, Maria Friedman. Entertaining for all ages, do not miss the opportunity to see the transformation of this moving Biblical story into a thouroughly Entertaining piece of theater that has a message fo everyone.