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A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange

List Price: $19.97
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Save England
Review: Brilliant cinematography; I always love seeing a well-thought-out (not-entirely-) fantasy world. Always hated the (ab-)use of The Thieving Magpie by Rossini; the piece is simply a fun, boisterous diversion. I'm sure that Kubrick meant that to highlight the droogs' pursuit of boisterous fun, but the piece doesn't fit the film and the film doesn't fit the piece. Out of place and ruins the moment. The moog-Beethoven is another idea that looked better on paper. It mutes the tones and the beauty, and the futuristic sounds are jarring and stilted; I know that's the point, but give us the full-on traditional symphony orchestra, we'll fill in the irony ourselves, given the context. As with the Lord of the Flies, this film could only be peopled by Britons; a country with such a pronounced and deeply felt sense of morals, which has been so badly betrayed by its violent elements. Unlike America, which always seeks to rationalize its mistreatment of others because of its desire to be perfect, the violent Briton seems simply to revel in being contrary. The horror of this cautionary tale is enlarged with the fact of the government addressing the problem with an incomplete understanding and a faulty tactic. Like so many others on this site, I can't watch this film, or others like Trainspotting, over and over. This is not the Britain I was raised to believe in. It may be all too true-to-life, but you football mafia thugs out there, make it stop. Treat people well. You're destroying Britain, and you're betraying it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Real horroshow
Review: One of the greatest films of all time and a must see for any real film buff. this movie astounds me every time and i think Stanley Kubrick is a genius.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Of a Modern Age
Review: This is a classic tale of the importance of free will. It's violent, but subtle. Malcolm McDowell does a phenomenal job as Alex. Also, Kubrick seems to displays some of the intriguing aspects of Burgess' novel, and turns the novel into cinematic art. This film is worth watching.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A view exempt of inhibitions
Review: I think it is no coincidence that the victims of Alex and his droogs were vile vagrants and snobbish bourgeoisie bastards. I felt Alex's pleasure as he whipped Jesus. Beautiful film. Down with hypocrisy - up with truth and the human spirit shown in it's true colors.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: I absolutely love this movie. It is one of my all time favorites (along with the crow and silence of the lambs) It is disturbing and yet seems to prove many points. I saw it about two years ago when I was 14. I was blown away. People say music causes violence and I think this just helped disprove that theory. It is great, and the bad acting seems to me to be done on purpose just to center the story more around alex . malcolm mcdowel was great. I love it and think everyone should check it out

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Read the book before you see it......
Review: Read the book first. That's the usual advice. We've seen cinematic decimations of literature in recent times. Hunter S. Thomsons' Fear & Loathing a prime example in that the film essentially insulted the book. Kubrick however, manages to offer a scintillating and extremely intelligent representation of Burgess' cold vision of future youth. Admittedly it appears dated (the vision of the future seemingly as 70's as ever), but the core of this masterpiece comes straight from the title itself....Clockwork Orange, the impostition of something mechanical upon a natural subject. A task that ultimately fails. The end is especially chilling, the implication of a rapidly degenerating society that seeks not a long-term solution but rather a quick-fix remedy. A topic so very relevent today.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A very good film
Review: I think the film is really amazing I have never read the book but i`d like to. The story is really good. The director {stanley kubrick} is a very good director.I`ve seen lot`s of his films and think or of them really exciting.I think it should be in the top ten of drama.It`s about four people going around doing horrible and violent things...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Bit Dated But Still Original
Review: Your basic Kubrick shot: three walls, the floor, the ceiling, and the actors in center. This gives the eye no escape. Each shot is a self-contained box. Each a work of art. I can't think of another film at the moment that captures nihilism to its essence. Such as, the use of favorite pieces of classical music with violence. Even I felt a bit uncomfortable with Beethoven's ninth being played along side film footage of Hitler, but then that's the whole point. The scences of violence and rape don't go beyond their purpose. They are clipped after their point is established. The whole film bites with satirical wit about society, government, religion, and humanity. All that aside, this film is just a visual rush. The clothes are a tad dated. The synth version of Beethoven's ninth was not exactly to my liking. This film should be seen by adults only.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: not again...
Review: I will only say that while I can appreciate the artistic and social aspects of this piece, merely the THOUGHT of watching this film again makes me nauseous. I saw this film when I was about 11, on a cable channel. The effect that the violent rape scenes had on me still haunt me to this day. I make this entry simply to warn anyone who is sensitive to violence. The film makes a powerful statement but you must be willing and prepared to be shaken to the very core of your soul and disturbed as you've never been by a film. I can NEVER watch this film again.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: good movie
Review: This is a very, very good movie. It is great art and the plot and themes are amazing. There is a sense of immaturity throughout the movie. Stanley Kubrick must've been a very immature person, but that doesn't detract from the movie's quality. Malcom McDowell was amazing. He makes up for the other "half-characers" throughout the movie.

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