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A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A true Maverick; Kudos for Kubrick!!!
Review: This is a very good film, as artistic in nature as 'Natural Born Killers, and permeating with the 70s. But it isn't a movie for one that is easily offended (prude). Its humor is slightly twisted...In what other movie, can you see a woman being attacked by a large ceramic phallus? While it is slightly difficult to find this (not at most rental houses), it is well worth the effort; I actually purchased this movie before seeing it or reading any reviews (on whim I guess), and found it most enjoyable. I actually watched it two times in a row because I had never seen a film like it, and really enjoyed it, rape, murder, and all! I was surprised by the sexual content...This isn't at all suitable for anyone under 16 for obvious reasons. Anyways, i shall not drag on with the history of Kubrick films like some other reviewers. Arument abridged; Find this movie and WATCH it (oh yea..especially if ya liked 1984!)

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Read the BOOK!!!
Review: This movie is so over rated. If you want to be amazed, read the book by Burgess, that will knock your socks off. The book is way better because it ends with Burgess original ending, something the movie doesn't end with. I wont tell you what happens just in case you do want to read it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The greatest film ever made!
Review: This is personally my favourite film of all time, and one of the greatest films ever made. I don't really need to say anymore! But I will anyway also the performance from Malcolm McDowell as Alex DeLarge is one of the best performances by an actor in a motion picture!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: "...he ceases also to be a creature capable of moral choice"
Review: A Clockwork Orange is among Stanley Kubrick's most analyzed films. In a way, it is a sort of political Rorschach test. An essay in a major newspaper contemporaneous with its release proclaimed that Liberals should be outraged with the film and make a point of staying away from it. Other reviews claim to find evidence that it clearly slams right-wing Conservatives. So which side is correct?

After many, many viewings, I would say both. Stanley Kubrick, although he seemed basically left of center (as are most artists), was, above all, intellectually honest. He seemed to understand that extremes in political thought, regardless of ideology, end up taking us to the same, unpleasant territory - one where freedom evaporates and a ruling elite controls everything.

In the film, a young street punk named Alex (Malcom McDowell) and his "droogs" (friends) systematically victimize a number of people in graphically horrible ways. He is caught, sent to prison, and "reformed" with a horrific (and plausible) bit of operant conditioning (known as the Ludovico Treatment) that makes him physically sick at even the thought of committing a violent act - even in self-defense. This, of course, opens an opportunity for those he victimized to get their revenge in the third act, without fear of reprisal by the "reformed" Alex.

Conservatives who like the film claim that the Minister of the Interior who champions the Ludovico Treatment must be a flaming Liberal, trying to "turn the bad into good" by "converting" Alex into a model citizen. He is clearly opposed by more Right-wing "establishment" types - the prison Chaplain, and the prison Governor. Yet - if this is so, then Mr. Alexander (who exacts near-fatal revenge on Alex while furthering his own political causes) would have to be a conservative, too, and clearly, he is not.

Liberals who claim the film as their own point to the Fascistic undercurrents of the Very New Broom - the just-elected government that hires young hoodlums into the police force, practices brainwashing, and then tries to cover it all up by manipulating the press.

In truth, Kubrick was very careful not to indicate very clearly what side was being skewered by his satirical rapier at any given time. Both Left and Right have periodically taken up "reform" or "law and order" or "personal liberty" as causes. What I take from the film is that brainless adherence to any particular ideology is foolish at best, no matter how well intentioned.

The key to understanding A Clockwork Orange is a speech given by an unlikely character, the prison Chaplain. He is, until this scene in the film, portrayed as a bit of a buffoon, and not someone we should take seriously. He becomes the moral voice of the story, saying, simply, that when a person can no longer choose between right and wrong, he or she ceases to be a person in any meaningful sense of the word. Robbing someone of moral choice is a grave sin - at least as bad for society to commit against the criminal as whatever sins the criminal may have committed against society.

Really, people who call themselves Liberals OR Conservatives could find reason to be offended by A Clockwork Orange. People who try to think for themselves, regardless of their political leanings, will find something of value in it.

The new digital video transfer and remastered Dolby 5.1 audio are welcome improvements over previous video releases. The film may never have looked or sounded better. There are, however, no extras on the disc, save a theatrical trailer and the expected alternate languages and subtitles.

In all, it is a perfect companion to Anthony Burgess' novel ' itself a brilliant piece of political and social satire.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A ClockworK MasteR oF a MoviE
Review: Raw, daring, holy with all that is out there for one to think feer love and to never want to be confronted with. A clockwork Orange is one of the best movies I have ever seen. And the other of the best are at paralell. Malcolm McDowell (Alex) is great is this Kubrick masterpeace. Talk about a music score, Beethoven one of the greats and what better movie to feature this great work? "None". If you love have liked some of Stanley's stuff in the past or just all out love him this this is not one to miss. The Old school punk culture really got a kick out of this one and I can't say I blame them .......... Words can not say how you feel after watching this movie. Try it for kicks and Viddy well , Oh my brothers. Viddy WeLL

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ultra-violence,sex,drugs, and other fun things
Review: i first saw this movie at the age of 11 i believe and it didnt really offend me as much as people think it should but thats beside the point. im 16 now and this is still one of the greatest movies that i have seen or ever will see. i know thats a pretty strong statement but its true. it has every thing, great direction, cinematography, acting (malcolm macdowell fits the role like a glove), and musical score. if you dont believe me buy the movie, i promise you you won't regret it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: " LA HOMME ALEX" [Three strikes? Yeah!.....].
Review: If you're over 20 and under 30 and have never seen this - you have been seriously deprived, and in need of this therapy.

A unique imprint of an alternate universe, not sci-fi, in layman's terms - "don't tamper with social patterns" - could be described in rap as: "A prophetic picture of putrid puberty; protruding pulchritude, pathetic parenting, prison's potent punishments and polluted politics". Sound familiar? A satire about "civilization", fortunately Mr. Kubrick chose the novel by Burgess, and did not base it on the contemporary Manson.

Sets, *music [Wendy Carlos, *worth getting the complete score not used], costumes, AND the performances by Malcolm McDowell [that 2001 Starchild] and Patrick Magee [previously the definitive DeSade in "Marat/Sade"] remain supreme. Many imitations, this one's so special! A seductive, multi-faceted jewel in your DVD collection, worth many visits.

TRIVIA: Mick Jagger was also on the list as ALEX.

For "HER" version - see "La Femme Nikita".

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 30 years old and still ahead of its time
Review: Made in 1971, this was considered a very brutal film for its time. In 2001, I still wonder why this movie is only rated "R". It contains a lot of scenes of rape, nudity, graphic violence, and other mayhem that I believe caused it to be banned in several countries. But it has also won praise from many critics and is considered to be a cult classic.

Set in near-future England, this film tells the story of Alex. On the surface, Alex (played by twenty-something Malcolm McDowell) is a typical teenage boy who engages in meaningless conversations with his parents, puts on a good show in front his counselor... and does other things to keep up appearances. However, Alex is a gang member who indulges in every sort of impulsive criminal activity possible while listening to Beethoven to psyche himself up.

One night, Alex and his gang break into a lady's house. The rest of the gang is outside while Alex struggles with the lady until he eventually kills her. After Alex leaves the house, his gang turns on him and leaves him to fend for himself until the police arrive.

Alex is sent to prison. After a while, Alex wants to reform. He has a chance when a new behavioral experiment called the "Ludovico" treatment is in need of guinea pigs. Alex volunteers. The experiment is a brainwashing method that causes Alex to be sickened by any form of sex or violence. It even causes him to be sickened by Beethoven's music.

After Alex is released from prison, several things happen. His family disowns him, his former friends are now police officers that assault him, and the experiment has other side effects than just eliminating his urges. He is no longer able to defend himself when attacked as well.

This is not an easy movie to watch with the numerous physically and emotionally violent scenes, but it does make you ask yourself a few things. Is society justified in destroying a predator by creating a victim? Or who needs reform the most: the criminals or the society that continues to punish them after their legitimate sentences have been served? The film is not one that offers any quick or easy answers, yet it shows a perspective of societal problems that is equally timely for 1971 or 2001.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Clock Work Orange is Amazing!
Review: This movie brings you through a journey of a man, a murderer, a victim of society. The irony is great, the plot is clever, and no matter how evil the main character seems to be, you won't be able to hate him, infact you actually feel sorry for him! A Clock Work Orange is more then your average good guy bad guy flick, this carries a message about humanity and the twisted way we all work. Excellent film, if I could give it more then 5 stars I would.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I was curred alright.
Review: This is a excellent film and it's Stanley Kubirck's best film. The ultra violence in this film is not excattily gore, blood, and decapitations. It is more like beatings and rape. Malcom McDowell fits the role so perfectly, it is scarey. The score is absolutley amazing. It mixes new age with classical music. It even haves some humor mixed into it. I would not recmonned this to anyone that is not strong stomached or one of those is aganist violent movies. I would say that anyone who likes science fiction, Malcom McDowell, Stanley Kubrick, Anthony Burgess (wrote the novell), or cyber punk stuff should see this movie.

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