Rating:  Summary: Blasphemously Funny Review: A very different interpretation on the life of Jesus, we here follow the life of Brian who by pure accident becomes the messiah despite him being a very naughty boy (according to his mother). The only thing I can compare this movie to would be Aristophanes' "The Clouds". While the movie does touch upon some seemingly almost valid criticism, it's primary purpose is to get laughs at any cost. Although I'm not a huge Monty Python fan, I must say that this movie is too funny to at not at least be watched once.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but... Review: It's funny but unfortunately you have to be in the mood for watching dark mental slapstick. Irreverence without offense. Although not reccommended for puritans. Rent it, definitely, if you are a Monty Python fan, buy it.Enjoy
Rating:  Summary: He's Not the Messiah, He's a Very Naughty Boy! Review: I rented "Life of Brian" because I wanted to see if Python could follow up the phenominal success of "Holy Grail". To say the least, "Brian" lives up to the hype. "Life of Brian" is the story of Brian of Nazareth, a poor peasant born suspiciously close to Jesus who helps the Jews fight the Romans. Though a little weird in places, "Brian" is typical Python lunacy. I found myself on the floor laughing at some points. The DVD version is really nothing to gawk at. It's just a few special features, a menu, and great graphics from a VHS. So I guess that the heart and soul of the DVD is the movie itself and that's enough for me. I recommend this for any Python fan. "Life of Brian" is a fun hour and a half of comedy, religion and course language. ...
Rating:  Summary: So, your father was a Woman? Review: Like so few others, LoB is a film that only gets better with time and repeated viewing. It is often unsurpassed in wisibility, and is as intelligent as it is funny. Originally opposed by the church, the film is an excellent look at the stupidity of people in masses - whether within the film or around the time of its initial release. The DVD provides some great insight regarding the latter - including mention of a quote from some newspaper "columnist" insisting that "Monty Python himself was crucified at the end of the film". Really? From what I know, Monty Python was never an actual person. The film is fun to watch alone, or with fwiends - call Woger, Wodewick (the wobber and wapist) and the others, and see the film. That is, assuming that you've been living under a wock for the last twenty or so years and haven't seen it already.
Rating:  Summary: Always look on the bright side of life... Review: In my opinion, the Python team's finest film. Unlike their other efforts, which I have also enjoyed, the film has a continuous story, rather than being a series of sketches. The film does not make fun of or put down Jesus and Christianity. The film makes a statement about how some people seem to lose the ability to think for themselves and act a bit crazy when they assemble together. The whole message of the film seems to be 'Think for yourself and don't follow the masses'. Graham Chapman is fine as the lead part, Brian. All of the other Pythons are great in their various parts. I particularly like John Cleese as Reg, the leader of the Judean People's Front. His 'What have the Romans done for us' bit is hysterical. The Front is reminicent of the activists who have to sit in meetings and discuss things for ages before they do anything. Watch for appearances by Spike Milligan, tbe man who created the great radio comedy program, 'The Goon Show', which the Python's acknowledge as one of their major influences, and also a 'blink and you'll miss him' appearance by ex-Beatle and executive producer George Harrison. Avoid the Anchor Bay barebones DVD which contains only the film and the trailer. Buy the one that says 'The Criterion Collection' on the top of the front cover. This one has a transfer which was supervised and approved by the director, Terry Jones, who also puts in a hilarious performance as Brian's Mother, The Virgin Mandy. The Criterion release includes two commentaries, one with Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, and Terry Jones and one with John Cleese and Michael Palin. Deleted scenes from a 3/4 inch tape that Terry Jones had. 4 radio ads, which feature mainly Mothers of the Pythons (John Cleese's Mother actually won an award from the British advertising industry for her ad) The final extra is an hour long documentary called 'The Pythons' which was shot in Tunisia while the Python troupe were making 'Life of Brian' there. Oh yes, the theatrical trailer is included, too. A very good package of extras for a relatively low budget comedy that was filmed in 1979. As usual, Criterion has put together a fantastic package, which is a must for the Python fan. The song at the end is kinda catchy, too...
Rating:  Summary: Laugh Of Brian Review: British humor is not something just anybody enjoys...but among the best stuff to savor or get started with is anything even vaguely Monty Python. I loved Brian because it's delightfully absurd, slightly offensive, and just plain wicked (in the British slang sense). All Monty Python films must be viewed ad nauseum to fully appreciate every little nuance, every subtle move, every damn line until it's fully etched into your weary little brain and can be recited at a moment's notice in the presence of those people you've probably seen before chattering on about Big Noses and such without realising they were communicating via their nerdy little Python fantasies...but I digress. You can't watch this once. It isn't possible. You shan't appreciate it until it's in your blood. Not for overly religious types or the feint of Faith. Good, bloody fun. Thou shalt purchase Life Of Brian and so mote it be!
Rating:  Summary: No one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle! Review: No Monty Python Fan is to be without Life of Brian. Arguably the funniest comedy of all time. Personally I think it beats "The Holy Grail" any day. There are classic moments in this film like when Brain goes to graffiti the Roman's palace and ends up receiving latin lessons. If you liked "Holy Grail", you're sure to like this film... only you're guaranteed it doesn't end as abruptly! For those of you who have already seen Life of Brian, the deleted scenes are a real treat. You won't ever regret buying this DVD. "He's not the Messiah, He's a very naughty boy!"
Rating:  Summary: "How Shall We **** off, oh Lord?" Review: Above is one of the many irreverant lines from a wholly irreverant film - "Monty Python's Life of Brian". When its original studio pulled the plug on this sacreligious comedy, Eric Idle (one of the Pythons) turned to ex-Beatle George Harrison, whose wry sense of humor and compassionate nature founded Handmade Films, an independant organization that would go on to produce many more cult classics, including this one. The film is loosely based around the life of Jesus Christ - or rather, the child in the stable next to Jesus who is mistaken for the savior, before the wise men realize their mistake, push over the child's mother and make off with their gifts to re-give to the Savior. This child, Brian, goes around Jerusalem in various escapades, such as joining a resistance movement that doesn't seem to be very good at resisting, learning the fine art of haggling, being forced to paint "Romans Go Home" a hundred times over the Roman barracks in Latin after a passing Centurion realizes he's never gotten beyond grade-school Latin Grammar, and, of course, being mistaken for the Son of God. The film lampoons Christianity and indeed organized religion nonstop (a section that's bitingly mocking of Israel's policies towards the Palistinians was cut but appears in the Deleted scenes), and makes a great job of it, too. The film is funny and pointed at the same time, but never preachy as to distract from the humor. The extras, being Criterion Collection stuff, are top-notch, as always. The film itself is littered with wonderful tiny little jibes in addition to the huge ones, layering itself wonderfully. One of the treats is the late George Harrison, the producer, making a wonderful cameo in a garish red robe, muttering "Hello!" in a confused sort of manner. And, to be totally confusing - it's impossible to dissect Python in this manner - you've just got to see it, laugh at it, and check anything that might get you upset, like religious dogma, at the door.
Rating:  Summary: Always look on the bright side ..... Review: Perhaps not the funniest of the Python films (I'd vote for Holy Grail), but certainly the most "on the mark" of all. You can see it as a send-up of the madness of crowds, the radical fronts in the Middle East, and besides the ever-popular "Always Look at the Bright Side of Life", contains my favorite moment of all Python films....when Brian is confronted with the crowds who think he's the Messiah and says" You've got to learn to think for yourselves", and they all repeat in a monotone unison "Yes, we've got to learn to think for ourselves!"... I do remember the controversy when the film was first released, but, at no time does the film treat Jesus himself with less than full respect.
Rating:  Summary: "Blasphemy!" "It was a blast for me, too!!" Review: A great Python film, and actually a pro-Christ film. The film, rather than attack Christ, attacks Christianity. It never mocks what Jesus says or does, only the foolish things said and done by those who worship Jesus (often while conveniently ignoring much that Jesus said). In short, this movie attacks the narrow-minded, unimaginative, hostile mess much of Christianity has become, rather than the very compassionate, admirable ideal Christianity was intended (and still claims) to be. Anyone who complains that this movie is offensive or blasphemous only shows that they have missed the whole point of Jesus, worshipping the messenger without even noticing the message.