Rating:  Summary: Sheer genius. Review: I am not a stoner, nor a drunk, or anything else of that nature. But I LOVE Pink Floyd. I am a fan of their music with Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, and The Wall. So, as you can imagine, when I heard about a film adaptation of The Wall album, I was immediately excitied. This film lives up to these expectations. The album has been enhanced with an orchestra; the film uses little-known actors, minimal dialogue, animation + special effects, and, of course, the music. They took film director Allen Parker, Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters, who shrotly after quit Pink Floyd (this is a loose autobiography of his life; for example, his father also died in battle), a satirical cartoonist, an orchestra director, animators, and more people with very diferent ideas for this film. The film isn't flawless, but it is great and somewhat essential to a Pink Floyd fan's collection. Good DVD, too, although the menus take a while to load. This is brilliant acting, filmmaking, animation and special effects (for the time), and of course, brilliant music. Thank you for taking the time to read my review and fel free to leave me a helpful/not helpful feedback. God Bless America!
Rating:  Summary: Odd, creepy, gruesome, BRILLIANT Review: I am a big Floyd fan, and this movie (along with the CD) was something else. It tells the story of a man called PINK who has had such an awful childhood and life that he has built up walls (not real ones, mental ones) between him and the real world. Even though this movie is good, I didn't understand one single part of it. My favorite scene was the Another Brick in the Wall part 2 sequence, where the children destroy the school. (...) I totally wanna do that to my school!" The animated sequences are brilliant too. let me just warn you, this movie is violent, gruesom, frightening, (...)but all in all. I give it A+, two thumbs up, and a scratch on my head because I have no idea what the hell is going on.
Rating:  Summary: "Spectacular Failure???" What movie did THEY see?! Review: I don't get it...how can film critics continue to fail in their reviews of the conceptual film that so perfectly visualizes Roger Waters' utterly brilliant concept album "Pink Floyd The Wall"? Why can't they seem to appreciate a movie that all Pink Floyd fans I've ever known (including myself) find to be such a tremendous interpretation, albeit it at times an admittedly depressing one?What we have is a character study of A Big Rock Star who could be anyone but is actually a combination of two former founding Pink Floyd bandmates, Syd Barrett and (project mastermind) Roger Waters. The rock star ("Pink Floyd", played by Sir Bob Geldof, pre-"Band-Aid" and knighthood) has had a rather interesting life which is shown in flashback (and the occasional animated hallucinatory) sequence to World War II (where his father, like Roger Waters' own dad, was killed in action in Italy). Awkward in childhood without a father (unusual in those days) and castigated by schoolmasters (at one time busted during class for writing "poetry" -actually the lyrics to the Floydian signature piece "Money"), Pink eventually hits it big, marries...and then begins to lose control of it all, eventually leading to the meltdown that is occurring in...what is supposed to be a hotel room in the Hollywood Hills during yet another tour. It's a bit mainstream to be considered an "art flick", but it has settled comfortably into "cult flick" status, deservedly so. Roger Waters' original inspirations that led to the Wall" album -increasing distance between the artists and their fans, alienation from societal institutions such as school, the death of a father Roger Waters never knew, the eventual insanity of close friend Syd Barrett- are all well-covered and simply enough portrayed so that subtle symbolism is never needed. The movie stands as a perfect visual accompaniment to the album...and in fact is a bit broader, particularly considering the extra themes written for the flashback scenes involving Pink's father. For me the best of the smorgasbord of extra features is the commentary track, if only to actually hear Roger Waters' input and insights (and his brilliant Irish accent when mimicking Bob Geldof). Waters has a deserved reputation for being a bit reclusive when dealing with the media, so getting a chance to hear him discussing one of Pink Floyd's defining moments is particularly enjoyable for me as a Pink Floyd fan. He DID make it a point to mention that he thought the film was a bit too dark and didn't reflect the humor that he felt was found throughout "The Wall" as an album. I listened to "The Wall" again after hearing that comment and have yet to understand what the hell he was talking about. If there's any humor in "The Wall" at all, I've never heard it. It always seemed as brilliant and as heavy and darkly depressing as the movie is...which is probably why I've always liked the movie. See it if you haven't. If you've ever wondered what Pink Floyd was about, see this movie. Like the band itself, you'll either love it passionately or you just won't get it at all.
Rating:  Summary: Utterly Disturbing... Review: I rented this DVD last nite... I have been a major Pink Floyd fan for several months now, and ever since listening to the wall, I had wanted to watch the film. I say film, because it would be wrong to call it a movie. There is no traditional dialouge, its more like i gigantic music video. I am torn as to whether or not I even like this film. I love the album, love the music, and love the lyrics, but this film destroyed what I had imagined the story looking like, and left me with a very odd feeling. At times I thought this film was wonderful, yet at the end of it I literally felt like I was gonna throw up in the bathroom. Certain images were spectacular, like the "Another Brick In The Wall, pt.2" scene. "Run Like Hell", however, was a bit too much for me to take, especially with the graphic depiction of a woman being raped by one of Pink's footsoldiers after he beats up the woman's boyfriend. This was not the only sexually explicit scene in the movie, for as any fan of the album knows, there is a whole section on dirty women... lots of breasts in that scene, and not to mention the hardcore depiction of Pink's cheating slut of a wife screwing her boyfriend. The best parts of the movie were the animated ones, and for the live segments, Bob Geldof is perfect for the role with his satanically-good looks during the "In The Flesh" sequences, but as a whole I would not recommend this movie to anyone, and if they do see it, they should be prepared to be disturbed.
Rating:  Summary: Wall live DVD Review: Any news of the possiblity of the 1980-1981 Wall live performance may ever come to DVD? Apparently, the video exists somewhere and the audio that we all heard a few years ago in "Is there anybody out there?" is excellent.
Rating:  Summary: Intricately detailed (& visually stunning)paranoid narrative Review: As a long time Pink Floyd fan, I saw this film for the first time on its opening night. The crowd was packed, noisy; mostly teens, early twenty-somethings, they expected a concert film. I was lucky to see it in one of the last truly large screen houses while it was in its prime. I was initially concerned by the talking and laughing of the sold-out crowd. Soon, there was no worry. It was the quietest full house I've ever been in. I looked around at one point about ten minutes into the movie. Mesmerized. Mouths open, no laughing, no talking, no popcorn eating. Why an anecdote instead of a review? That's the most pointed thing I could say. No other movie has so grabbed an audience, defied their expectations, and held them in thrall like Pink Floyd The Wall. 3 strong personalities collided: Roger Waters, Alan Parker, and Gerald Scarfe. By all rights, it should have been a mess. Amazon reviewer calls it a fascinating failure. There is nothing failing here. The narrative works on a number of levels. The paranoid rock star who sees himself as a fascist youth leader is only one of the more superficial. Take a look.
Rating:  Summary: Mind Blowing, Genius Review: This movie brought a new demention to DVD. Roger waters is an awesome movie writer. This movie totally blew my mind. It's Impossible to not like this movie. Whoever doesn't, well there's something f*&%#d up in your head. The best movie I've ever seen
Rating:  Summary: Dark, Sinister, and Enjoyable Review: I am not a person that would normally be inclined to watch a movie such as this. Music just is not my favorite thing. There are people out there who love music, spend a lot of money on it, and know every important song from every decade. Whatever. Me, I listen to music when I feel like it, and expend no more effort than that. I rarely buy an album, and I normally listen to talk radio. So why on Earth would I like this movie so much? It's simple; it's an entertaining movie that symbolizes the struggle within men to make sense of their existence. The Wall is the semi-autobiographical story of Roger Water's life. Made from the musical album that shares it's name, The Wall takes us through the ups and downs of a fictionalized rock star (representing Roger Waters) and explains the difficulty of losing a parent at a young age, shows the pain of having an overprotective mother, and numerous other elements to life. Finally, this movie is entertaining. For a movie that lacks a lot of dialogue, and is just based on symbolizing the aspects of the album it's based on, The Wall does not bore. I say this movie is easily worth the price of admission.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Bad Review: Pink Floyd made some awesome music, but this movie is pretty bad. I find it really hard for anyone to be THIS messed up in the head.