Rating:  Summary: I'm so happy it's out on DVD Review: This movie rule's but it's about time they put it on DVD Pink Floyd is great and this movie shows just how smart they were.
Rating:  Summary: Unlike most walls, this one brings down the house, yo! Review: "So you thought you might like to go to the show?" Well, here's your chance again. The Wall is a mix of great rock and profound and sometimes disturbing imagery. The music is that of the great Pink Floyd, of course. And the movie is the vision of the then leader of The Floyd, Roger Waters, whose artistic integrity and strong will were both boon and detriment to the band during and after the making of the movie. But politics aside, The Wall is just visually and aurally spectacular. The 20 minutes of interspersed animation are grotesque and compelling at once, and the weaving together of live action scenes, animation, and the timeless rock soundtrack make this movie well worth the investment. Prepare to be mentally stimulated.
Rating:  Summary: A must have DVD! Review: An unbelievable adventure.... A video that you will see something new every time you watch it... if you are a Pink Floyn fan then buy this NOW before it goes out of print like the VHS Tape did at one time.....
Rating:  Summary: ITS ABOUT TIME THEY PUT THE WALL ON DVD!! 10 STARS!! Review: If you dont eat your meat, you cant have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you dont eat your meat??!!The Wall is about a man named Pink - and how he builds THE WALL, then how THE WALL comes crashing down on his head. We all build our own little wall to protect us from the nasty things life throws at us, and sometimes those nasty things can tear down our wall, exposing us before the world - making us feel small and hopeless. This is what happens to Pink. Set to the music of Pink Floyd, the movie is like a long music video with live actors and some wild animation sceens, and a powerful message. This is a movie that will make you think, and you will want to watch it more than once. A MUST OWN for any Floyd fan, as well as for those who just enjoy films that stimulate the brain!!
Rating:  Summary: The Final Cut Review: Most clearly put, this movie is a spellbinding artistic masterpiece. It will evoke every possible emotion and leave you wanting more of even those that are "negative". Roger Waters knew when the album itself, a masterpiece all its own, was made that he wanted to eventually make an accompanying screenplay. The fact that the music of The Wall forms a story on its own is a testament to Waters' vision. There is very little script in this movie, it is more of a visual aide to the music itself, and allows us to see what Waters really wanted us to see when the album was originally released. It is like an art gallery more than a movie, where each scene is full of both powerful meaning and subtle expression. It spotlights the roller coaster ride of Pink's tumultuous life, who is reportedly based on several influences. From Roger Waters' own personal past, to his views on the influence of drugs on music and performance, to thoughts of the mentally unstable former member of Pink Floyd, Sid Barrett, this movie will both shock and move you. I honestly cannot describe this movie and give it the justice it deserves. You simply must see it. As for the DVD itself, the remastering is truly phenomenal. From start to finish the video is crisp, and the sound.. my god the sound. I dont know if I will ever find a movie which possesses equal richness of sound. This DVD uses both senses to their fullest potential. Some person commented that the widescreen format meant losing a portion of the picture. Au contraire, widescreen is the only picture where you capture everything through the eyes of the director's camera. It is the full screen format which loses the sides of the picture by stretching and trimming to a (roughly) 4:3 ratio. Unfortunately however, being only available in widescreen format on this DVD, those viewers with small televisions might be faced with a vertically short, albeit complete picture. The DVD extras and menus are incredible. This is the first DVD I have seen which has menus to configure your sound system for optimum performance (speaker position and test). And the sound.. did I mention the sound? This movie and DVD version deserves far more than 5 stars, and is the definitive "Final Cut" of Roger Waters' vision.
Rating:  Summary: Good Album, Good Film Review: This is a great movie if you watch it a couple of times to understand it. There is a plot to the movie and it takes a brain to understand it. Anything thats made by Pink Floyd takes in depth thinking to fully understand. This movie is way more in depth than just a kids dad dying when he was young. Theres the whole theme of hate with the hammers theres color themes that change throughout the movie and I could name off a whole list of things. If you only have 1 or 2 Pink Floyd CDs and you dont know literally anything about the band or its history then dont buy this movie, but if your a big Pink Floyd fan this is definetly a must.
Rating:  Summary: Cynicism run amuck... Review: It seems to me that Roger Waters has us all fooled, that this was actually a parody of the highest order. If you watch the interview with him on the bonus materials on the DVD, you can almost see him smile when he discusses the inspiration for this film. It's a film that we read into it what we will. To a small degree, it is autobiographical (most everyone knows about the incident when he spit on a fan during the Animals tour). Taking that as a leaping off point, he takes the conclusion of the absurdity of the rock star life to its logical end. And it is brilliant. Pink Floyd was simply not the same after the breakup. It is visually and viscerally stunning. I used to watch this over and over again and it seemed to tap into what I was feeling at the time and it provided comfort, a sense that someone else could relate to the isolation and loneliness I felt, even in the midst of people. I had to replace my vinyl record several times because I listened to it so much. The movie provides eye candy for the songs. The plot is quite simple: Pink ('by the way, which one's Pink?') is a rock star whose about had enough of the excess and snaps, journeying into his brain way too far. We see the meltdown unfold and follow the transition to something much more frightening, gaining a vision of just how far human vanity can take us. The songs and the visuals form a cohesive whole. Sure it's pretentious and takes itself too seriously at times - but isn't that the point? It works. It's one of the darker takes on this life but it nails it brilliantly. You'll find that many of the scenes are bigger than the context of the film. Many of them could be related to events in the political or social sphere of then and today. It's a bit dated, perhaps, or I've merely gotten older. But the extras on the DVD make it worthwhile, including the video for 'Hey You' featuring footage that didn't make it into the film.
Rating:  Summary: Superb film, Superb DVD Review: I am partially biased to this film because I am a huge Pink Floyd fan, but I will put that aside for this review. This is one of the greatest "Rock Opera" movies I have ever seen (if you even consider it a rock opera). It has brilliant cinematography. Great effort was put in to attention to detail. In this film, everything is where it is for a reason. The story is wonderful. I believe that it is something everybody can relate to. Building up an emotional wall to attempt to combat the horrible things that occur in all of our lives, and the trauma that comes with the building of this wall. There is so much more to it than that though. So many references, so much deep symbolism in every scene. Some anti-war, anti-establishment undertones. On top of all of this, the DVD is wonderfully put together. Every menu screen has been put together with a different pink floyd song and scene from the movie. There are many great features, including director commentarys and makings of, interviews, cut footage (the "Hey You" scene that was cut out of the film), original trailers, production stills. It is wonderful. This is a wonderful DVD to own in my opinion. I have had it for a while now, and I still have not finished going through everything that is on the DVD. You won't regret this purchase.
Rating:  Summary: Pink Floyd: The Wall - Welcome my son..... Review: I was a Pink Floyd fan throughout my younger years, but The Wall to me is still one of the most wonderfully well-produced albums of all time. I must have seen this film in the theater over 20 times during my high school years. And now, seeing and hearing this film on DVD has 'remastered' my appreciation for this entertaining visual and audio experience. At first sight, the graphics work on the package and the disc itself is attractive. the animated flowers are beautifully portrayed on the disc. The inner pamphlet is a simple mini poster, with movie and DVD credits. I was hoping for a little more to read, but I guess not this time. I popped the DVD into my player and was immediately introduced to the main menu. You have 4 choices....the movie, the extra features, scene/song selection and audio selection. Let's first talk about the audio selection, titled "Set The Controls". You have a choice of 5.1 surround and PCM stereo surround. **TECHNICAL NOTE-If your DVD player has 3D sound enhancement, you must turn this off for this disc. Having that feature on will lower the sound quality from this disc** You also have a "system set up" choice. It gives you specific sound tests and directions on volume and surround elements. A nice addition, kind of like the THX optimode on other discs, but slightly different. The next menu button is titled "Any Title You Like". Under this, you get to choose subtitles if you wish. Your choices are Spanish, French or English. You get to choose scenes by song, of course. Unfortunately, these choices are only numbered, there are no descriptions of the scene or the song. So, it may take a few tries to find an individual scene. You also have a choice to watch the film with the song lyrics below the picture. This is pretty cool. It reminded me of those "Pink Floyd Karaoke Parties" that I never went to! Anyway, it would probably be taken more seriously to those not too familiar with the lyrics. The final button, titled "A Soucerful of Features", contain all the supplemental material. You have your choice of two documentaries, titled "The Other Side", "Retro Part One", and "Retro Part Two". "The Other Side" is a piece produced around the time The Wall was released, and it's great to watch. There is a lot of behind the scenes footage. "Retro Part One and Two" are recent documentaires containing rather new interviews with Roger Waters, Alan Parker and others who worked on the film. Both of these documentaires are fascinating because it is well known (to fans), that Roger and Alan had very different views as to what the film is about! A lot of behind the scenes stories and information. They are put together very well and a pleasure to watch! You also have the choice of watching the film with commentary by Roger Waters and Gerald Scarfe (animation). These commentaries have great behind the scenes information throughout the film. Roger Waters is especially a pleasure to listen to because he laughs (which is rare), and he gives the commentary a more personal experience since the film is semi-autobiographical. He even mentions a story about Syd Barrett (the founder of Pink Floyd). This commentary is outstanding. The final piece of supplemental material is when you click a button titled "Oddities". These pieces of supplemental material include the trailer, photographs from the movie set, paintings from the film, a music video of "Another Brick in the Wall-Part 2", and a sequence of the song "Hey You" that was not in the final cut of The Wall. That's all the supplemental material...well worth it too! The only two complaints I have are these buttons that you can press that give you 10 second sound bites from the film, and the slowness of the menus. After you select something, you need to watch 10 seconds of video before you are allowed to make your next choice. Menu design and graphics is pretty good, but should be MUCH faster. OK, so I watched the film and the high definition transfer is incredibly beautiful. Colors are deeply saturated with a sharp picture and wonderful clarity. The transfer is very impressive! Sound quality is a mixed bag. The production track sounds dated, not too much range but not at all annoying, just noticeable. The music is unbelievable! The soundtrack was remastered from the ORIGINAL MASTER TAPES. If you've never heard The Wall on a surround sound system, you are in for a big treat. The music sounds almost perfect, with some hiss, but nothing to complain about. There were times I heard instruments that I didn't remember from the album....incredibly clear, wonderfully recorded music. I can't say enough about the musical soundtrack, it comes alive on DVD. Pink Floyd never sounded better! In conclusion, I recommend this DVD to EVERY Pink Floyd fan, and to those who want to hear a unique, musical experience and watch a beautifully photographed film. I must add that the animation is absolutely wonderful. Gerald Scarfe has included his great creativity throughout the film! The disc loses points ONLY for its slow menu navigation. Other then that, Pink Floyds The Wall on DVD is wonderful. Tons of extra footage, a beautiful transfer and unbelievable sounding music. A great DVD to own whether you live inside or outside the wall! Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: this is a great dvd and expresses the exact feelings that pink floyd was trying to express through this album. alot of people dont understand this movie and thats why they give it so few stars but they just dont understand what pink floyd is about. Buy it today