Rating:  Summary: A Tasty Flick That Focuses On the Saviour Review: The Pythons make a spoof of the life of Jesus Christ and the Roman Empire. Brian, the quasi-Christ, joins one of the many anti-Roman crowds and becomes a greatly admired figure among the Jews. During these travels we get to briefly view the genitalia of the deceased Graham Chapman. We ultimately get to see Chapman and Eric Idle freeze their buttocks in the process of crucifixion. This one isn't as good as Meaning Of Life. But it's a better flick than most being pumped out in the modern era.
Rating:  Summary: Romanes Eunt Domus! Now write it out 100 times!!! Review: Criterion in their inimitable style have lovingly restored this comedy classic to its orignal Widescreen format from the original negatives. The bonus materials and the Pythons' own commentaries make it an absolute must for any fan. Remember! "Always look on the bright side of life..."(exits whistling)
Rating:  Summary: Holy Hilarity! Review: Life of Brian is not as well known by the movie going public as Monty Python?s classic "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", but it is definitely is as, or maybe even funnier than Holy Grail. This is especially true for people who are familiar with the Biblical stories it pokes fun at. It is perfect satire, for nothing is sacred and everything is a joke. The story revolves around Brian, a very unlucky resident of Judea who just happened to be born the same day the Christ child was born. Missing his chance at glory, Brian lives his life selling animal parts at the Coliseum, dominated by a violent mother who is very "friendly" to the Roman occupiers. The rest of Brian's environment is inhabited by a very wild bunch. The neo- or archo-Marxist group, the People's Front of Judea, battles the Romans daily by holding meeting after violent meeting, plotting against the legions and their arch rivals, the Judean People's Front. The Romans, on the other hand, are led by the Pontius Pilate, who, contrary to Biblical reports, has quite a lisp and an endearing sense of stupidity. When Brian rebels against his mother and joins up with the wild band of revolutionaries, his life is changed forever. Quite by accident, Brian is then thought to be the messiah, although he is quite reluctant in his leadership. Satirically, this movie is absolutely ruthless. Everything is skewered, everything. The performances are all fantastic, especially that of John Cleese, who is just the man in this movie, playing about six separate characters. Joke after joke hits the viewer, which results in just non-stop humor. It's just a wonderful movie by the Python pioneers who really revolutionized comedy. The Criterion DVD edition is great, with tons of hilarious extras that are worth the price on their own. To the people that use this to either justify their atheism or believe it to be an attack on their religion, calm down. It's a comedy for God's sake, why do the opinions of some British comedians affect your outlook on life? Just laugh damn it!
Rating:  Summary: Killing Sacred Cows Review: I must say I'm amazed at other reviews that find nothing "sacrilegious" or anti-Christian in "The Life Of Brian." Now I love the film, I think it's very funny. But that's because I'm not a Christian, and consider the far-fetched doctrines of this (and all religions) fair game for skewering and lampooning. But if a friend asked me what the tone of this movie was, I would answer honestly: brutally mocking, in-your-face sarcastic, and completely contemptuous of the Christ story. I think Christians who don't see this have missed the point and don't seem to take their own beliefs too seriously. Just imagine if a similar film were made about the life of Mohammed. (As perhaps it should be). There would be blood in the streets.
Rating:  Summary: My tradition is to watch it on Christmas Eve Review: ...Overall, this probably isn't the funniest Monty Python work. The Search for the Holy Grail and many of the Flying Circus skits are funnier, so if you are looking to be introduced to Monty Python you may want to try one of those first. But if you are a fan of Monty Python and you haven't seen this, you definitely need to. Oh yes, for anyone that cares about these kinds of things, there is full frontal nudity in the film, but it is very, very brief. A definite must see for fans of British comedy.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Illuminates, Leading to the Light Review: This movie is often decried for being sacrilegious. Quite the contrary! It should be seen by every Christian, as it so illuminates Christian history. But in a supremely enjoyable and funny manner- making it, along with Princess Bride, the top comedy ever. Unless one feels they can not laugh *along with* God, there is nothing offensive in this movie. Here you get to learn why there are so many splits in the church, as people in the very beginning follow the holy shoe or the holy cloak. Or the fight that breaks out in the first scene of the movie (the only one depicting Jesus) over whether, when Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers," he meant cheese-makers or everyone in the dairy industry. How can one not see here a reflection of Christian misinterpretation and subsequent divisions through the ages? In truth, I know of no other work that in such a light-hearted manner shows me truly who I am. Monty Python is always great acting, and even better writing; The consummation of British wit. They take reality around them, and twist it, to show us the reality that lies beneath. Some brief unfortunate gratuitous nudity is easily endured. Watching this movie provides innumerable quotes for future use. ("Splitters!" "What have the Romans ever done for us?") And the final song, which I can't describe for risk of spoiler, and also following reviewer guidelines, is worth the price of the entire video.
Rating:  Summary: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. Review: MONTY PYTHON'S LIFE OF BRIAN isn't as funny as MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL, but the film is still pretty funny. The movie examines one Brian who was born on the same day as Jesus in a stable just next door. Brian's life parallels Jesus' in a number of ways right up to Brian's undeserving crucifixion. The film contains several hilarious scences (the stoning, Latin graffiti) and the film's closing song "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" has become a comedy gem. With that said, the movie can be and is found offensive by many people who find it ridiculing Christianity. I am a Christian myself, but found much of the film to be funny. There were a couple of times that the movie bordered on the offensive (e.g. when Brian is preaching the words of Jesus in the streets of Jerusalem), but overall I could see and enjoy the humor without taking it too seriously. Still, it does make one wonder, why Monty Python examined the life of Brian on a concurrent course with Jesus. Why couldn't they have had Brian living at the same time as Muhammed or Buddha or Confucius? I think we all know the answer to that. The answer justifies many people's rejection of this film and even though I found most of the movie funny, I don't blame them for being offended.
Rating:  Summary: Jesus would have liked this movie. Review: It's not about Jesus!!! It's a relatively accurate account of what life was like in those days...Python style. Religious chaos, Roman hating, a prophet on every street corner. It really was like that!!! Rome had brought unpresidented prosperity and peace to the Middle East and even as today nobody wanted it. True, Python is poking fun at organized religion...with a super space chase scene thrown in without reason...but they aren't being particular whom they are trying to offend. Brian is not Jesus or Mohammad or John the Baptist or anyone else. He's just an ordinary Joe trying to survive in a maelstrom.
Rating:  Summary: You either like it or you don't... I LOVE IT!! Review: Okay, so there's been a lot of controversy over this film. Admittedly, I am a big Python fan, and I think that all of their works are marvellous, but I understand that not everyone can appreciate the Pythonesque humour. This film is probably the most different from the other works of Python, because this story is about one person, not just a bunch of sketches thrown together. The film has a nice flow to it, and focuses mainly on the one character. As for the bit about being blasphemous, you probably will have to decide for yourself. In my opinion it isn't. Christ only appears twice in this movie (giving a sermon on the mount, and his birth) and his roles are of a serious nature. The only scene which could possibly offend is when the ex-leper refers to Christ as being a "Bloody do-gooder". A quote from Terry Jones: "There was nothing funny about what Christ said and what's funny really is the fact that Christ said all these really good things about Love Thy Neighbor and everything, and then for the next two thousand years people are killing each other and torturing each other because they can't quite decide how he said it." Think about that before you go calling this film blasphemous. This film has some very important morals that everyone should consider, and it never directly attacks Christ. As for comparing it to the Holy Grail... you can't. They are both excellent films. They can both be very silly and very hilarious. If you've only seen the Holy Grail, and you liked it, then you should give this movie a try. Basically there are three types of people: 1) People who love all the works Monty Python. 2) People who only like the Holy Grail. 3) People who think it's stupid (maybe they're the stupid ones??) If you're #1, then this dvd is great. It's great having the extra scenes, they're a real bonus, and in my opinion, worth getting. If you're #2, and haven't seen Life of Brian, give it a go. Maybe you'll turn out to be a #1 after all!! And to the #3's, you have the right to your own opinion. A very funny film. The best thing about it, is that even though it has been nearly 25 years since it came out (well before I was born), you'll find that people of many different ages can still enjoy this film. PARVUS: Get a move on, there! MR. CHEEKY: Or what? PARVUS: Or you'll be in trouble. MR. CHEEKY: Oh, dear. You mean I might have to give up being crucified in the afternoons? PARVUS: Shut up! MR. CHEEKY: That would be a blow, wouldn't it? I'd have nothing to do. A very well written film, with brilliant acting from Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin. One of the funniest comedies of all time. "All right. But apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health... What have the Romans ever done for us?" "Brought peace?" "Oh, peace... SHUT UP!"
Rating:  Summary: HAS ITS MOMENTS, BUT ULTIMATELY DISCOMFITING Review: I tried to watch this several years ago and again recently because I am a Terry Jones fan. I don't find MP's brand of humor as funny as their American counterpart SNL, but they do have their moments. I definitely enjoy Terry as the active narrator in many documentaries like Gladiator, Ancient Inventions, Hidden History of Egypt and Rome, etc. Though many reviewers defend it, this movie still makes me uncomfortable. LB is clever and sometimes funny in its lampooning of the mores and customs of the day. An though it never attacks Jesus directly, LB walks a very fine line by including Him on the periphery. Brian's life and actions parallel those of Jesus just a little too closely for me. And the not-so-subtle mocking of Jesus' words is also suspect, i.e. the people mistake Jesus for saying "Blessed are the cheesemakers (instead of peacemakers)" and "Blessed are the Greek (instead of meek) for they shall inherit the earth." The Pythons allegedly titled this Jesus, Lust for Glory early on, but ultimately decided on the less provocative Life of Brian. The Pythons previous slap at Christianity came through the overhyped "Holy Grail", that title being a play on the Holy Grail which was the chalice Christ drank from at the last supper. It's interesting to note that other religions seem exempt from parody though their practices are widely known. The Hindus worship certain animals and elements of nature but have never been satirized as mindless religious lemmings. Likewise for Muslims, whose Mohammed might be shadowed by a Brian-like figure who is a fun-loving bigamist with a penchant for young girls. Or Buddhists, whose god might be shadowed by a figure who is a jolly practitioner of Yoga. Get my drift? This movie justly targets the shallowness of some "religious" people who follow the crowd without knowing where they are going. Yet I also sense a loathing and condescension just below the surface. The Pythons' true genius is in the subtle way they offer their own views on Christians - never embracing them yet tip-toeing around direct repudiation, and somehow convincing many that it's all done in harmless fun. Some here say that negative reviewers just don't "get it." Yeah, I get it, and I don't like it.