Rating:  Summary: Marvel and New Line Cinema do not mix... Review: Well there is a strange story about Blade and Blade II. When they made the first movie in 1998, New Line was owned by Ted Turner, and thus was a different company that Marvel was dealing with. They made the movie, it was a success, so they signed on for two more pictures. Then they made Blade II in 2001, but by then New Line was now owned by Time/Warner (which owns DC Comics, Marvel's biggiest rival). So now they found that they were doing business with their biggest rival and they did not like it. But there was nothing they could do. They had made the agreement to do two more movies and they had to live up to that agreement. It's not a surprise that Warners tried to sabotage this movie every step of the way, by insisting on rewrites, dealying the budget, and even going so far as to keeping top directors away from the movie. But despite that, they made Blade II and they have one more to go. After that Marvel needs to stay as far away from any business owned by Time/Warner as much as possible.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome horror action film Review: If your here then u are considering buying or reviewing the movie Blade 2. I remember when i saw the first Blade. I was dragged by a friend to go see it as Wesley Snipes just didn't interested me and i didn't really want to sit through 90 min of him. However, from the opening night club scene to the climax i was captuvated and thought that they would never top it.Well they did... The director of The Devils Backbone has brought a frentic, hyped up action adventure in the form of Blade 2. Where the first relied more on the vison, beginnings and drama of the Day Walker, Blade 2 pushes the story of half man, half vampire into overdrive. This films shows that sequal can be successful in capturing the element of orginality from the first and then pushing it into a new realm. Gulermo Del Toro created a film that moves at a speed and actually manges to successfully master the combination of action, suspense and horror. The reapers are a truely effective villan and the sheer site of 100's of then crawling along sewers walls is sure suspenseful bliss. This movie succeeds in creeping you out why giving you that 'WOW' factor. From the opening scene at a European Vamp Blood Bank you will be hooked if you are into decent horror if not above average action horror film. Wesley Snipes IS Blade and it shows in this film that he has made the charater his own through his ability to provide a convincing and more humours version of Blade, (as opposed to the first film where the charater was full of self-hatered and serious). Visually the film looks very Europeon with Del Toro choosing yellows, blues, greens and reds to overglow the action on screen. The storyline is solid and really excels in providing more of the mythology behind the vamps and extends it with the introduction of the reapers and the father of all Vamps. Infact getting more inside the hierachy of the Vamp side was a point of stroyline that i really liked, (where do i get a blood bath, yummy). Overall, if you liked the first one, like horror, like vampires, and LOVE a good high adenalin action film - LOOK NO FURTHER. Blade 2 recieves 5 stars for me because its delievers what it promised and is a good example of the more modern day action film and how sequals should be done.
Rating:  Summary: blade II - not a vampire movie Review: after watching blade 1, i got my hopes up too high. fairly ok in vampire lore, nice effects (remember this was pre-matrix) and the lone hero fighting against nearly impossible odds. the sequel is everything you have learned to expect from sequels: crap. ok, as a zombie movie i guess its average, but its definately not vampires he fight against. and since they are almost impossible to kill, its more boring to watch since you realize the whole time he dont stand a chance, its just those profit-hungry producers that want to squeeze a last penny from you. plus, the special effects and choreography is not even near matrix, and that movie was made 3 years before this one. still, if you want an action movie, its action. if you want anything else, go stare at a wall. i promise, it'll be more interesting. get drunk before watching it, and if possible, have a lobotomy. thats the only way to appreciate this movie.
Rating:  Summary: More Blood Sucking Monsters! I Love Them! Review: This is the continue part of Blade 1. There's now super vampires that are developed from vampires. They suck not only humans blood. They suck also vampires blood! This is what I love! They have to cooperate, Blade "The Daywalker" and the vampires against the supervampires. Always when a super vampire bites...becomes new super vampires. Who is an enemy? Who is actually a friend? This movie is great! It tells lots about trusting. You cannot always be so sure about everything...
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the original, but still kickin' lotsa butt! Review: Blade is back, and he's more ticked than ever...seeing that he has to team up WITH vampires to fight off a mutant breed that's drinking the blood of both human's AND vampires. Double up the action and the weapons, but take away the level of gore the first one had and you pretty much have Blade II figured out. The DVD once again is sprawling and will eat up whatever time you give to it. A must have if you already own the first one. Those who aren't familiar might want to check out Blade first, and go from there.
Rating:  Summary: a not bad sequel Review: I really liked this vampire movie, though its not as good as the first which was really excellent. A lot more blood with some messed up new nemesis'(the effects for how they suck the blood is great, must taste yummy). Snipes is always cool is this part and I think it fits him and I think its his best role, being the daywalker. The action hits cool with some new vampire slayings and there's one dopey scene in which Blade and that chick fight by the highlights, I mean come on you can tell that's fake, but the other effects are way cooler. I just hated that Danny John Jules (Cat from Red dwarf) had to die in the sewers as a lot of those Reapers came up and killed him. A good time. ...
Rating:  Summary: Buy It, Watch It, Enjoy It Review: In the great tradition of movies, the sequal has outdone the original. There are a few CG fight scenes (Blade vs. Messenger Vamps) and (Blade vs. Nomak) which only add to the quality of the movie. The princess seems to be a biologist, the Bloodpack wouldn't stand a chance with Blade, and the Reaper's seem to posess some intelligence. They easily attack the group in the nightclub and the sewers. There are a few questions about some of the scenes. How does Nomak know martial arts? How could Whistler turn after he killed himself; unless he didn't shoot himself. What was Chupa going to say when he started "A man without fear"? Are there any limits when it comes to Marvel Comics and the movies? Most important, will there be a third? I recommend this movie to anybody who either collects Wesley Snipes memorabilia or anything relating to Marvel Comics.
Rating:  Summary: more bloodlessness Review: Your rotten reviewer will keep things short, children. In case the title fooled ya, this is the sequel to Blade - with Mr. Wesley Snipes (after watching this flick, I have this urge to speak of Mr. Snipes with only the greatest reverence) starring as daywalker, a sort of a mutant hybrid of human and vampire. As we learnt in the first "Blade" flick, Blade has all the powers that come with being one of the undead (including a killer fashion sense and an attitude to match; also he's really quick with a samurai sword and can absorb punishment that would kill lesser comic-book heroes). For reasons that have beguiled the vampires, he has none of their weaknesses (not by the rising sun is he repelled). At war with the other vampires (whom he calls "suckerheads"), Blade uses killer moves, a samurai sword that seems to have a mind of its own, various gadgets and his attitude. The vampires, besides their considerable numbers and powers have amassed a more mundane sort of oppressive energy - they've gone corporate, forming large business entities to prepare for their acension to the top of the food chain. Having dispatched a would-be Vampire king in the first movie, Blade is offered a chance to fight alongside the vampires when a mutant race of vampires called Reapers sets its appetites on the "suckerheads". With sideways-opening mouths, super-speed and a heart almost completely encased in solid bone (my stake won't work! Would you believe that this has never happened to me before?), the Reapers stalk vampires much as vampires hunted humans. Against the advice of his friends - including Kris Kristofferson as a crusty mortal who's endured so much suffering, he might as well be one of the dead - Blade joins the alliance and soon joins the suckerheads in annihilating the reapers. Dangers aside, Blade reasons that the pact will allow him to get closer to the vampires than he's ever been able to before, and anyway, should the reapers nosh the vampires to extinction, they'll add the human race to their menu. So, why doesn't this movie completely rock? For one thing, it's so dark that it's hard to tell what's going on during the fast battle-scenes. Also, sexed-up for battle, our hero and his not-so-loyal band of undead foot-soldiers are encased in body-armor, armed to the teeth and shielded with their glasses - it's like watching a movie about action figures. The characters walk and talk like soulless AI characters in some hopped-up videogame. (Unfortunately, I caught this flick about the same time "Demolition Man" was on, and it was enlightening to see how much more spirited Mr. Snipes was in that flick.) Our badguys die in predictable and uninspiring CGI pyrotechnics, and speak in a pastiche of four-letter words and pseudo-hard boiled tough speak ("yeah? Take off your sunglasses and say that, punk!") "Blade II" is supposed to be about tough guys, but it's not very tough at all. If ever a movie needed the "Simon Phoenix" treatment, this is it.
Rating:  Summary: more bloodlessness Review: Your rotten reviewer will keep things short, children. In case the title fooled ya, this is the sequel to "Blade" with Mr. Wesley Snipes (I'm tempted to stay respectful after seeing the killer moves employed in this flick) starring as daywalker, a sort of a mutant hybrid of human and vampire. As we learnt in "Blade", Blade has all the powers that come with being one of the undead (including a killer fashion sense and an attitude to match) without the weaknesses (not by the rising sun is he repelled). At war with the other vampires (who have accumulated enough corporate power to turn the human race into their own private butcher shop), Blade uses killer moves, a samurai sword, various gadgets and his attitude to make up for his being outnumbered. Having dispatched a would-be Vampire king in the last flick, Blade is offered a chance to fight alongside the vampires for a change, now that they are both the prey of a mutant race of vampires called Reapers. With sideways-opening mouths, super-speed and a heart almost completely encased in solid bone (my stake won't work!?!), the Reapers have made the vampires their entree much as vampires have done for humans. Against the advice of his friends (including Kris Kristofferson as a crusty mortal who's endured so much suffering, he might as well be one of the dead) Blade joins the alliance and soon fights alongside the odious vampires. Dangers aside, Blade reasons that the pact will allow him to get closer to the vampires than he's ever been able to before, and anyway, should the reapers nosh the nosferatus to extinction, the human race will be next on their menu. So, why doesn't this movie completely rock? For one thing, it's so dark that it's hard to tell what's going on during the fast battle-scenes. Also, sexed-up for battle, our hero and his not-so-loyal band of undead foot-soldiers are encased in body-armor, armed to the teeth and shielded with their glasses - it's hard to appreciate somebody getting whumped when you can't see the somebody behind the armor. The characters walk and talk like soulless AI characters in some hopped-up videogame. For me, I caught this flick about the same time "Demolition Man" was on, and it was enlightening how much more spirited Mr. Snipes was as Simon Phoenix in that flick. Our badguys die in predictable and uninspiring CGI pyrotechnics, and speak in a pastiche of four-letter words and pseudo-hard boiled tough speak ("yeah? Take off your sunglasses and say that, punk!") "Blade II" is supposed to be about tough guys, but it's not very tough at all. There's a battle royale between Blade and the Boss Reaper himself at the film's climax - complete with dislocated and re-located limbs, but it's much too clever (i.e., way too much CGI) for it to connect. If ever a movie needed the "Simon Phoenix" treatment, this is it.
Rating:  Summary: Watch to have fun and you'll be fine Review: If you go into this movie with the idea that there will be consistancies between this and the first OR the idea that this is a vampire world that looks like "Buffy" then you'll be disappointed. Instead watch it to see Wesley Snipes kick ... and be kicked, watch it for the freaky new vampires, and watch it for the fun of kung fu sword fighting. I saw it with three other women friends and we thought the eye-candy was sweet!