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The Tuxedo (Widescreen Edition)

The Tuxedo (Widescreen Edition)

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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This ain't no RUSH HOUR
Review: Let me first state that I love Jackie Chan. I have been looking through a lot of his work after I saw RUSH HOUR (Which is one of my favorite films including its sequel). When seeing this movie at theaters, I was expecting a RUSH HOUR-like film: a film that had good action and good comedy. But was this film like that, NO IT WASN'T! This film was horrible! I will admit that this movie does have a very good plot (probably one of the best plots ever thought of) but it just wasn't funny and mostly boring. And let me add that the action is extremely cheesy. I had waited for this film for a while and I was extremely disappointed. I used to think there was no such thing as a bad Jackie Chan movie until I saw this. No offense to Jackie, I'll always be a fan of him no matter what but I seriously didn't know what he was thinking when he agreed to do this. Anyway before I go on, here is the plot.
Jimmy Tong (Chan), a NY city cab driver, gets a high paying job to be the chauffeur of multi billionaire Clark Devlin (Jim Isaacs). His new job is basically code for Heaven. Jimmy gets to do a lot of things except there is one tiny thing he is banned from doing- going near Mr. Devlin's Tuxedo. Also Jimmy really has no idea what Mr. Devlin does for living. What Devlin does is that he is a super secret agent out to stop a madman (Ritchie Coster) But when an assassination attempt to kill Devlin ends up sending to the ER, Jimmy unwittingly becomes Devlin's replacement in agency when he wears Devlin's Tuxedo. Now jimmy must team with a very sexy rookie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) into stopping that bad guy who plans to poison the world's water supply in a very smart way in which nobody can find out how he did it.
Anyway I would tell more of the plot but then I'd be blowing the whole movie. But it wouldn't really matter that much cuz this movie was bad. Another bad thing in this movie is Jennifer Love Hewitt. I mean I loved her in I KNOW and I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER, and a movie called TROJAN WAR but she is really annoying in this film when she tries to be funny. I guess it's not her fault, it's the writers. It would have been a little nice if we were given some good action. All the fights were boring and not very entertaining. If you do somehow see this movie, don't expect anything like RUSH HOUR. The cover says, "Entertaining and Fun", but believe when I say this movie is so not like that. In conclusion I give this movie 1 star for it's plot and another for the 1 funny scene.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The worst Jackie Chan movie.
Review: Running time: 99 min
Rating: PG-13 (action violence, sexual content)
Grade: C
Starring: Jackie Chan, Jennifer Love Hewwitt, Jason Isaacs and Debi Mazar
My point: The worst Jackie Chan movie

Jackie Chan playing a cabdriver who was hired as a chauffeur for the Special Agent, investigating some kind of secret plot to poison US water supplies. The Agent was hurt in a car blast and Jackie obtained a possession of his super intelligent tuxedo to finish the investigation.
The idea was good, but overacting is not as funny as could be. The story is "sucked out finger" and sometimes even annoying. The stunts on very mediocre level and any Jackie Chan fan (as I am) will be only disappointed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great fun, with a lot of laughs!
Review: This movie is a riot! If I watch a comedy, and that's what this is, and I fall down laughing, then it gets a 5! This movie is very entertaining, with lots of Jackie Chan action. This is a movie where the humor and action are what count, not some sophisticated, complex plot. If you like Jackie Chan style action and fun, you will enjoy this movie, most assuredly! The short time Jason Isaacs spends as the super agent, while a major departure from his best known role as Lucius Malfoy, is really entertaining. And as Amazon.com says in their review, the faux James Brown scene is a show stopper. I recommend this movie to all Jackie Chan fans and all those who enjoy the martial arts humor he has make popular. This movie does deserve a 5!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Five-star entertainment
Review: Tuxedo is a great DVD. While the picture is good and the music unspectacular, the plot is thoroughly entertaining and the film merits repeated viewings. Jackie Chan, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jason Isaacs make a lively cast. Although Jackie Chan does not have as many innovative stunts as in his Hong Kong films, it is considerably better than Rush Hour 1 and 2.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: "Stomach, Head, Stomach, Head!"
Review: Jackie Chan's cool martial arts sequences, his healthy dose of comedy, and the lovely lady his charater fantasizes about are the only real reasons why I like THE TUXEDO. It's a bit sad that wasn't able to give it a full five-star rating, as I have with many of his other movies, but it is, nevertheless, a funny and very enjoyable action-comedy.

The movie tells the story of James "Jimmy" Tong, whose name ryhmes with that of a certain well-known secret agent. He has just landed the job of being the chuaffer to "CSA" agent extraordinarre Clark Devlin (Jason Isaacs), a billionaire secret agent whose high tech tuxedo turns him into a dancer, a speed-demon, and an invincible kung fu machine. He's on the trail of bottled water magnate Diedrich Banning (Richie Coster), who has hatched a scheme to rule the world. After a near fatal bombing injury, Devlin entrusts his Tuxedo to Tong, who goes under the alias of Clark Devlin and is partnered with CSA rookie agent Del Blaine (Jennifer Love Hewitt) to stop Banning.

This is a switch for Mr. Chan. His character has had no prior martial arts training ("Not everyone Chinese is Bruce Lee.") He spends the beginning of the film being hopelessly with an art gallery beauty (Cecile Cristobal) but lacks the nerve to speak up to her. He is so clumsy as to cause a very bizarre bike accident, and has had his license suspended multiple times for speeding, but without a single accident. Tong is, in all, a very swell, likable character.

Hewitt's character, by contrast, may be more despicable than the bad guy. She is plainly and simply a pain in the butt, and Tong himself adresses this. Del Blaine complains about how Tong does his job, calls hid elaborate names like "Dilletante", and is always i the mood to be rude. If she invited out for a coffee, her reply would conclusively be, "I only drink organic green tea." It's very, very difficult to feel an affection for her, and i'ts disconcerting to see Tong stuck with her rather than his dream woman.

That's pretty much how the movie is flawed, but apart from that, it's not bad. THE TUXEDO may not go down in history as Jackie's best, it may not go down in history as Hewitt's best, hell, it may not go down in history at all, but it's still a fun and funny movie, in it's own part James Bond, part Inspector Gadget way.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: And I like Jackie Chan...
Review: Summary:
Jimmy Tong (Jackie Chan) is a great cab driver, but horrible with women. Apparently his cab driving skills have gotten around (not sure how that works) and he is suddenly recruited by a secret agency to be the driver of their best agent, Clark Devlin (Jason Isaacs). Jimmy comes to idolize Clark because he is remarkably smooth with women and a surprisingly nice guy. But when an attempt to kill Clark ends up putting him in the hospital, Jimmy decides to take over his role.

Quickly Jimmy finds out that a large part of Clark's special abilities come from 'The Tuxedo' that he normally wears. It's actually much more than a regular tuxedo, incorporating pretty much every single gadget/device James Bond could have ever wanted and much, much more. It even gives Jimmy the ability to fight, which he didn't have before - he was just a big wimp that could drive fast.

As part of his attempt to be Clark Devlin he is contacted by another agent who was supposed to be teamed up with Clark, Del Blaine (Jennifer Love Hewitt), who is only slightly less dim-witted than Jimmy, and Jimmy has no training as an agent. Their mission: find Diedrich Banning (Ritchie Coster) and figure out how he is planning on getting a bacterial agent into the U.S. water supply that causes... you'll never guess... dehydration.

My Comments:
I like Jackie Chan. He can be pretty funny and knowing that he does most of his stunts, most of which are pretty remarkably, tends to make his films very entertaining. But this is definitely the exception. The problems in this movie are too numerous to count, but I'll start with the story.

So we obviously aren't breaking any new territory with a bad guy trying to make gazillions of dollars using a biological weapon to bring the world to its knees... but how many plots can you come up with that involve special agents? So, I'll give them some leeway on that, but that's all the patience I have. Where the movie goes remarkably off course is when the major plot point/revelation makes no sense: Why does Jimmy decide to become Clark Devlin instead of just contacting the agency he works for and telling him there's been an accident? Maybe if Jimmy were a martial experts, but no - he couldn't defend himself from a crippled old woman without the help of The Tuxedo. Along with this major problem come innumerable story holes and jumps in the story sequence that turn the movie into a sequence of disassociated scenes that make absolutely no sense. So, the storyline has major problems, what about the acting team?

No luck there. Sure, Jennifer Love Hewitt is cute, but her character suffers from disassociative identity disorder (multiple personalities). One moment she's a ditz that can't fight or doing anything right, the next she is kicking people's heads in, then she becomes a seductress, and suddenly she is a molecular biologist. There is no continuity to her performance; it's a messy hodgepodge of cute outfits and silly lines. Sadly, the movie elements that typically make Jackie Chan so much fun, his witty one-liners and inability to understand what others are saying, do not work in this film. He and Jennifer are not a match made in heaven or anywhere for that matter. There is no chemistry; it's almost as though she's impatient with her foreign compatriot and would rather be doing steamy love scenes with Ben Affleck, who's about her same caliber of actor.

There isn't much to like about this film. Frankly, there is almost nothing to like about this film about two secret agents that don't have a clue and aren't even funny while making fools out of themselves. Jackie can and has done better. Jennifer, well, she's young and cute; maybe it will get her somewhere. Otherwise, this is a definite 'do not see', even if you like Jackie Chan.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Worst Movie of the Year
Review: I had the bad luck to watch The Tuxedo on a plane on my way to the Caribbean, and then on a long 10hr flight to Japan, it seemed like a curse to have this movie shown twice on an airplane!
The storyline is weak and senseless, someone who tried to poison the water with..bugs?
Jackie Chan's acting, if it can be called that, is also weak and let's not get into much detail about Jennifer Hewitt's character, this has to be her worst work since she decided she could "sing". Her character is of this extremely bitchy agent who won't stop throwing temper tantrums throghout the whole movie.
This movie is only an excuse to pretend than Jackie Chan can act and to show his "martial art skills" but, isn't that what ALL his movies are about? I think one is enough!
First it was Steven Seagal, then Jean Claude Van Damme, now Jackie Chan, hopefully Hollywood will soon realize that this kind of movies are ALL the same and that the audience is looking for something better to spend their money on.
If you really want a movie that has a weak storyline, acting {is not good} (except for Debbie Mazar, I feel sorry for her having to do a cameo in this "movie") and you will be bored to death..This is the one..

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Film
Review: I saw this film on one of America West Airlines Eastern Bound flights in January. It was a great film, even when you are watching it on a small screen, with small ear phones for listening devices. It was an excellent film. I have this movie #1 on my Rental Queue because I want to watch it again on my DVD Player with Surround Sound. Everyone should add this movie to your Rental Queue NOW! This is an excellent film that everyone should see.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the Tuxedo is a wonderful, funny and brilliant film!
Review: I thought the Tuxedo was a great film! Jackie Chan plays Jimmy Tong, the New York city cab driver that earns the Tuxedo and pretents to be the top secret agent Clark Devlin. The plot is somewhat silly and ridiculious, however what makes up for the movie is the character interactions between Jackie Chan and Jennifer Love Hewitt as Del Blain. I like there on screen relationship as Del Blain Realizes that Jimmy Tong is not Clark Devlin. The Tuxedo is very silly but is absolutly funny and entertaining. Highest Possible Recommendation!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Back to the cleaners
Review: I have been a huge Jackie Chan fan for ages, but it was truly painful watching this one. I am really beginning to miss the good old days, when Jackie was almost completely unknown in the US, but nonetheless turning out some of the best martial arts/stunt films in the world. I remember vividly traveling to an art theatre to see the almost-impossible-to-find OPERATION CONDOR in 1991, being stunned to find a really good VHS print of POLICE STORY around the same time, discovering that a friend had a copy of both PROJECT A and POLICE STORY 2, and finding a local Chinese video store with ARMOR OF GOD and THE DRUNKEN MASTER. At this time, Jackie was simply the best action star in the world, capable of stunts unlike any that had ever been done in the history of film. He could run up walls, jump off one wall through the transom over another door, jump off cliffs and land on hot air balloons hundreds of feet below, and do things with bicycles and motorcycles that defied the laws of physics. And all this while displaying the same sense of humor and charm he still possesses.

But, alas, we all age, and as much as I hate to realize it, age is catching up with Jackie Chan. He is no longer the greatest stuntman in the history of film. He is no longer capable of stunts that demand to be seen in triple replay just to assure us that what we thought we saw really did happen.

And as someone who has loved Jackie Chan through year after year of utterly inexplicable anonymity in the United States, I am absolutely ecstatic that he has finally gotten the recognition here that he has long deserved. I am, however, regretful that it is for inferior films like THE TUXEDO and the SHANGAI films and the RUSH HOUR film instead of OPERATION CONDOR, PROJECT A, and the first two POLICE STORY films. The former films are cute and pleasant enough, but the latter are stunning masterpieces of the genre.

Having seen Jackie at his best, it is hard for me to watch THE TUXEDO. The plot isn't too bad. A computerized tuxedo gives the wearer almost superhuman physical abilities. The trouble today is that much of what Jackie has to do while wearing the tuxedo is assisted by special effects. Most of Jackie Chan's appeal has always been his ability to do things without stunt doubles or special effects. A wildly ill cast Jennifer Love Hewitt doesn't help matters. In fact, there is little to enjoy in the film for the hardcore Jackie Chan fan. I will add that it was good to see the criminally underutilized Debi Mazar in a second female lead.

In fairness to Jackie, he is nearly fifty years old, and while he isn't capable of the mind-boggling stunts of his youth, he does remain one of the more physically active actors in film. Still, I miss the good old days.

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