Rating:  Summary: One Of The *BEST* Chucky Movies!! Review: If you haven't seen this movie you are missing out on a fantastic movie. But I suggest watching the Child's Play movies in order, so you know what is going. I have two favorite Child's Play movies. My two favroites are Child's Play 2 and The Bride Of Chucky. I think that the beginning of The Bride Of Chucky is so funny. I can't wait until Child's Play 2 and The Bride Of Chucky come out on DVD next month, which I plan on buying. If you haven't seen the Child's Play movies I suggest going to your local video store and renting them. Once you rent the movies you will want to buy them, I sure did. My first DVD I bought is Child's Play. I first bought my DVD player because I couldn't find Child's Play on VHS in the stores to buy, but I could find it on DVD. I even have my own Chucky doll (the doll came from a claw machine). Chucky rocks!! I think that Brad Dourif did a fantastic job at playing the role of Charles Lee Ray/Chucky. I just bought the Child's Play 3 DVD from eBay, which is NOT available on DVD in North America. The DVD is a PAL DVD, NOT all DVD players in the USA are PAL compatible. I know that the Apex company makes a NTSC/PAL DVD player which is the player that I have. So if you plan on buying Child's Play 3 on DVD you will have to buy it from either the United Kingdom, Austraila or Scotland. Chucky is the *BEST*
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, but not great. Review: In this one Chuckys old time sweet hart/Goth chick. Jennifer Tilly finds the coped up doll in a bag in the back set of a cop car who's driver she just killed. She stiches him back together in one piece and uses the old voodoo ritual that chucky once used to bring him back to life. When she dose she trys to keep him a locked up in here trailer home. He of course busts out and then kills her and then transters her soul into a girl doll. There's alot more to the plot then that, but I won't give away too much. When I was little I thought this entry in the Child's Play trilogy was the greatest thing since sliced bread, but now its my least favorite one in the trilogy, but I still think its good. The takes away from real classics and "The Bride of Freankinstein", and "Bonnie and Clyde", so its not that it lacks cleaverness at all. Its just that the movie seems more willing to cash in on a goth image and a fabric that's different than the other Childs Play movies. I suggest that you watch the other ones first before you watch this one. If you have not seen the other ones all ready
Rating:  Summary: Chucky Needs to Burn Review: I hated this movie so much, I wanted to pour hot spices into my eyes. "Bride of Chucky" is the worst thing to have ever been created and I'm sorry that I even watched a couple seconds of it. Chucky comes back to kill his girlfriend and performs a voodoo ritual to put her soul in a doll. They make quite the couple and I got quite the migraine! Two dolls in love, enough said. There aren't any big names in this movie and I don't know why John Ritter made an appearance in this bubbling waste! The deaths are gruesome and unbelievable. The dialogue is so bad, I thought I was watching "Blue's Clues". But, "Blue's Clues" is way better and Steve makes this look like the hell. Please don't ever make another movie with dolls again. No more torture.
Rating:  Summary: Cheezy, not scary........ Review: but never the less very likeable and funny. Chucky (Brad Dourif) gets his funniest script yet. The eariler "Child's Play" is a lot smarter I thought. If you want to see this movie, but have not seen the other "Child Play's" yet I suggest you see them first. That way your more up to date on what is really going on. The movies highligt in my opinion was how much this movie made creative use from James While's untochauble classic "The Birde of Frankenstien". This is certainly worth renting and watching(not buying) in my opinion, but I still would not recommend this to just anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Hip, funny sequel [almost but not quite 4 stars] Review: I've come to dread most sequels. Not only are they usually inferior, they also raise the question of just how much originality is squashed by a Hollywood mentality that is often way below that of the audiences they are after. There are exceptions. Aliens was at least as good as Alien. I'd be hard pressed to say which film in the Godfather trilogy is the best. Bride of Chucky is the fourth installment in a series that started with Child's Play in 1988. Admittedly the original was no classic, but this latest movie is at least as good. The first film was a rather clever little horror film in which a serial killer used a voodoo spell which, after he was gunned down, allowed him to inhabit a child's doll. The doll looked innocent and ridiculous, but the terror lay in the idea of an inanimate object's coming to life. I have this fear about my computer. Bride of Chucky is played for laughs, which is why I enjoyed it. This choice, however, may have contributed to its boxoffice failure, because it is perhaps a bit too sophisticated in tone for its target audience. It's a comedy, folks! It begins when Chucky's old flame Tiffany, played with finesse by Jennifer Tilly, bribes a cop into stealing the tattered remains of Chucky, the doll, from the police evidence room. Unfortunately for the policeman, Tiffany is quite the murderess herself, and he's taken his last bribe. Tiffany whisks Chucky off to her trailer home, and reading from "Voodoo for Dummies", she brings him back. He now looks like a little Frankenstein, because Tiffany had to sew him back together again. One thing leads to another. Both have very short fuses, and while Tiffany is relaxing in the bath and watching The Bride of Frankenstein on TV, Chucky tosses the set into the bathtub. The electrocuted Tiffany is now Tiffany, the doll. Meanwhile, there are the prerequisite teenage lovers, Jade and Jesse. For reasons never explained, Jesse lives in a big mansion with her uncle, the local Chief of Police. Maybe bribery is big time in this town. Jesse, who's a swell guy, lives in the same trailer park as Tiffany. Naturally, uncle does everything to break them up, and he's got the badge to help him do it. Chucky tell Tiffany that he can make them human again, if he can get to where his body is buried in New Jersey. Tiffany points out that they are somewhat too small to drive. This is where Jade and Jesse get involuntarily involved. As you'd expect, there's a body count in the movie. But Bride of Chucky is only mean-spirited in the sense that it is a dark comedy. Our doll couple are both psychotic, and no one knows it better than they do. They laugh at their own madness, because they know it's just the way they are. I didn't plan for this to sound like a rave review. The movie is a low budget piece of entertainment, but it is a whole lot better than most such flicks.
Rating:  Summary: He we go again CHUCKY'S BACK Review: Well 7 years has passed i've waited all this time and this is his best outing yet new story new depth new style asskicking soundtrack and now there's 2 of them que the hurmor the screams sick bags and a lot of blood the FX are much better than the others you've got to have this one....And get reday because CHILD'S PLAY 5 IS NEXT ! ! ! ! ! !
Rating:  Summary: Only 1 star Review: After seeing this movie for the first time, and not viewing the previous Chucky film, I was amazed that this movie is classified as Horror. First of all, the movie has no meaning full story line, the two main characters, Jesse and Jade (not the dolls) are set out on a 'road trip' with the Chucky doll, and his obsessed girlfriend who 'turned doll'. The dolls rather cute, than scary and the film rather funny than horror, it is simple to say that this movie is not worth seeing if you are looking for something to spook yourself. It may become a classic horror tale one day, but as a 90's film it has quite not enough what you may expect.
Rating:  Summary: OK Review: Passes the "good or bad test"on the plus side,but is definitely NOT a horror movie.There are several love scenes here,little horror,and not as much gore as CP 1,2,and 3.But i also think it is boring in the beginning,and it is the most PREDICTABLE movie iv'e ever seen.Without seeing it,you'd probably know the story anyway-which is not so with CP 1-3,for Child's Play as a title is not predictable.But this movie-from the instant "tiff"rescues chucky's battered parts,you know what'll happen.The scares here are mostly false,but is sometimes horror-like,for 2 or 3 scenes. The worst part is-this movie was made in 1998 and now it's 2002.I was expecting "son of chucky"In 2000 or 2001!If they don't refresh the Chucky story like done in this film,it will give all these films terrible ratings,which is not fair.I know it has been from 1992-1998 as a gap beetween CP 3 and BRIDE OF CHUCKY,but that was simply becuase of the complex layout they were probably planning.As for the "Son of Chucky"At the end,that should be taken out further and Refreshed-in CP 5!.I need to have a new sequel,and if the makers read other reviews ,everyone else aggress-No Sequel=Bad News.
Rating:  Summary: JENNIFER TILLY RULES Review: Who can beat Ms. Tilly... She is just great in this hilarious Chucky sequal. I think the teenage subplot detracted from the picture though. John Ritter, in my opinion, was not up to par here.
Rating:  Summary: Bride Of Chucky Review: I feel out of place giving this such a low score, but its how I feel! The first time I watched this back in '98 when it came out, I thought it was pretty good. Then I recently watched it again and I thought it was so stupid, these Chucky movies arent scarry at all, I dont understand why people think they are! Its kind of more like a comedy than a horror! But whatever, If you like these Childs Play movies, youll probably like this one!