Rating:  Summary: its good Review: I seen it, it was scary and interesting
Rating:  Summary: the best movie among the CHILD'S PLAY series. Review: i had seen all the child's play movies before and i had to admitt that this one was the best among the other.Not only it has a good story but it also have a strong characters.It;s not only scary but also funny especially when chucky and his bride fooling other innocent people.I really looking forward for it sequal.
Rating:  Summary: bride of chucky, should be banned for its stupidness. Review: first off, how could a doll kill people, i know its possessed and stuff but can't they just get like 5 really big people and have them sit on chucky. because all i know is that if some stupid little doll came running after me with a knife, i would kick it accross the room and than step on it. if only the people in this movie knew that. with that said and done, the first one was good, the second one was okay, the third one was annoying and this one is just beyond annoying. stop the series you are ruining it!
Rating:  Summary: Chucky Gets Lucky ( U tell me, Jennifer Tilly is a babe ! ) Review: The best movie ever made of Chucky ! Here, in the fourth part of the series Child's Play, an old girlfriend of psycho killer Charles Lee Ray Tiffany ( The babe Jennifer Tilly ) get the rest of Chucky who was in a policial station since Child's Play 3. Them, she bring he back to live, but, Chucky kill he's own girlfriend and put her soul in a doll with a wedding dress and they marry. After that, we see death, sex (!) and rock'n'roll. I love it ! I love it ! Five stars ! Brilliant !
Rating:  Summary: "Why dont they stop?" Review: This movie is dumb! Why does the director keep making chucky movies? I hate these movies. Great,now i have to see privews of this on tv! ! bet in 2,000 there will be childs play 5!
Rating:  Summary: Stunningly BAD Review: This movie absolutely puts the rest of the CP series to absolute shame. It's just a slapstick movie with forced laughs and dry humor, and almost no horror. Gone is organization -- they threw in a plot involving an amulent, and Andy could be in hell for all we know. This movie really drops the CP series' quality and honestly, may be the worst movie I've ever seen. The plot is weak. The only plus is good acting, at least by Jesse (Stable) and Jade (Heigl). The movie isn't worth a buy; barely worth a rental. I do give it credit for not having as many "bloopers" as the first three - editing's been done to the max. But there are a few that I won't mention. Still, the first three had plot holes. This movie technically, unforutnately, has no hole in the plot. It just introduces a new element, which is weak. I think they either could have left the CP then-trilogy alone, or just made something better. But I could see the CP idea getting lame anyway. Leave it alone...
Rating:  Summary: Jennifer Tilly bumps otherwise average movie up a big notch! Review: Although I am a horror fan I have never been a fan of the slasher genre and had never planned to see this movie, but I just happened to watch it by accident one night and was very pleasantly suprised.What places this movie a cut above the usual moronic slasher flick is an OUTSTANDING performance by Jennifer Tilly as Chucky's "bride" Tiffany. I had never seen her in a starring role before, and the whole time she was on the screen I kept asking "Who IS this chick? She's great!!" and couldn't wait to look up her name in the closing credits. -- Definitely not the usual quality of acting you'd expect in this type of B-movie. After she meets her demise and is transformed into a doll, the film becomes more predictable and gradually descends more to the level of your standard Chucky flick. The late great John Ritter's talents seem wasted here in a pretty cardboard role, and unfortunately the two teen leads are never more than the typical generic "kids in distress". But director Ronny Yu does seem to have some notion of his film's place within the horror genre, and there's a wonderful and inspired nod to classic horror and "The Bride of Frankenstein" during Tiffany's transformation sequence. Nice little touches like this, and the fact that this movie does not take itself too seriously and often seems more like a parody of the slasher/Chucky genre, made it even more enjoyable for me. I hear that Jennifer Tilly will also be involved in the sequel currently filming, "Child's Play 5: Seed of Chucky", which should make it interesting. But I actually wish they'd go back and do a PRE-quel to this movie, focusing on living woman Tiffany's life before bringing back Chucky. -- She is one deliciously twisted, mean and sexy momma! This movie has not made me a Chucky fan, but it definitely has made a new fan of Jennifer Tilly out of me. In conclusion, if you're looking for a fun, mindless and light movie just to waste a couple of hours on, this one isn't bad.
Rating:  Summary: More funny Review: I like the Child's Play series and though I personally think the first one is the best, this one is good in its own way. Bride of Chucky has much more humour, a lot killings in more unique ways and an extra doll. If you like the Child's Play series, you will definitely enjoy this one but if you never liked the series, I doubt you will find anything enjoyable about this one.
Rating:  Summary: Good 90's Horror flick That Doesn't Take Itself Too Serious Review: Sadism, loads of black humor, and a gratiguous amount of gore bring "Bride of Chucky" to a somewhat higher level than the previous sequel (even though the original 'Child's Play' is, thus far, the most impactive). As far as sequels go, "Bride" may even have gained the series the "cult classic" status.
Dourif lives again voicing the maniacal serial-killing Cabbage Patch Kid, rescued from the slammer's "unsolved" dept., by a slick n' sexy best girl, Jen Tilly. Once back at her trailer-park paradise, Tiffany (Tilly) attempts some hokey voodoo to revive her dolly dearest, but to (apparently) no avail. Enter Manson-wannabe new boyfriend Arquette, who wants some 'Le Petite Morte,' when Tif realizes that the spell worked after all. After Arquette meets a grisly end, Chuck and Tiffany discuss thier marraige, a surprise to Chuckie, and a laughable one. Bad move #1. Tifany cages the brat, and decides to pop in 'Bride of Frankenstein,' while taking a little bath. Bad move #2. Chuck breaks out, electrocutes the tub-slut, and transfers her spirit into a bridal doll she gave her hubby as a joke. The jokes on her of course, and from there, it's all blood-and-guts to the point that the tiresome sub-plot doesn't amount to a bucket of red karo syrup to the viewer.
Director Yu means well, and for the real psycho/gore-hungry thrill seekers, the acting abilities on part of the primary and lesser cast members is fairly pleasing. What will have most hooked to the film is it's unique utilization of Rob Zombie music, cheap thrills, and excellent black humor to keep the story rolling.
Heigl and Stabile play two teens who find themselves chauffering the dolls to Chuck's grave-site in order to unearth the medallion, that can bring Tilly and Dourif's souls back to life. Ritter has a bit-part as the ill-fated cop/caretaker of Heigl's Jade, that get's a bit more nosy than Chucky can stand.
90's cultish atmosphere is suitable for the overall cheesiness of the film, complete with a haunted graveyard-during-a-thunderstorm climax. (Makes the anticipation of "Seed of Chucky" all the more nerve-rattling.) One of the many types of movies that you'll want to rent with some friends on a late Friday night, with a large bowl of butter-lover's popcorn with the lights off.
Saw it, liked it more than I thought I would,(but returned it to the video store anyway,)
Rating:  Summary: This One Is NOT Hardcore Horror Review: Chucky should never be comedy. The jokes aren't funny, and I don't even know if SEED OF CHUCKY is any good because that's what it's turned into already...comedy. I thought that would be cool, but now it's all just gone silly. I used to enjoy this, but I've come to the conclusion that Chucky movies NEED to be horror in order to be good, but....it's changed over the past few years.