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Formula 51

Formula 51

List Price: $14.95
Your Price: $13.46
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A.k.a. " 51st State" in the UK , either way this is rubbish.
Review: This is truly appalling. Name change alert, always a bad sign. I shudder to recall seeing this and only then because it featured scenes shot at Anfield, home of my beloved Liverpool Football Club. Even that recourse was denied me when it featured badly integrated shots of look-alikes prancing around in red shirts. I would have asked for my money back at Blockbuster if I hadn't had been so embarrassed to admit out loud to seeing it.
The 'plot' features Samuel L Jackson wandering around Liverpool with Robert Carlyle in tow, trying to offload a supposed super drug while being chased by Meatloaf (!). Oh and slap in a bit of rave music and clubby footage that'll look good on the trailer. The review says it plays like "Tarantino on the Thames". You are having a laugh. For a start this is set a good 200+ miles away geographically, and light years from even the worst of the big chinned one's work. I am cringing at the adverts in the press for this as it does British film and film-makers a tremendous disservice. Assume the other reviewers must be in the pay of the Production office trying to sucker the uninformed into parting with their cash; trust me this is embarrassingly bad. The Mr Creosote ending just adds to the question how and why this got off the back of the beermat it was scribbled on. Not one for the filmography for all involved and not one for your collection.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Classic ¿ One to Cherish
Review: This movie has it all. I was in hysterics during a significant portion of this movie and any film that does that should be in your DVD collection. Far better IMO than the hugely overrated 'Pulp Fiction' but along similar lines. Call it Pulp with humor and you'll get what I'm talking about. Go buy it!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty good
Review: This movie is a great one. I saw it because my friends said they liked it. I thought it was funny. I recommend anyone who likes to have a good time with a movie to see this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funniest film I've seen all year!!!
Review: This movie is totally, absolutely off the wall. Nuts in the extreme. It's an American style genre, the action comedy, but with a British twist. Samuel L Jackson is hysterical and the movie is so tongue in cheek it's almost a tongue in somebody else's cheek. VERY VERY FUNNY. You have to see it just for the uhm, bodily function scene and the explosion at the end. That's all I'll say about that. SEE IT!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not a waste of time at least
Review: This movie was good to start out, muddled in the middle, and a small recovery at the end. Samuel Jackson does well, Robert Carlyle is awesome, and Emily Mortimer is great. Where this movie fails is in the complete lack of backup characters. Meatloaf is terrible, but not nearly as bad as others that go unmentioned here. The file has some great visual scenes, a good musical score, and decent dialogue. The movie succeeds at balancing humor and action. One just wishes a little more effort was put forth by all participants.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good for an evening's entertainment.
Review: This movie was really fun. It may have been hard to keep up with for some folks that like a lot of action with not many plot twists (ie van damme, segal) but if you like a movie to keep you guessing about who the bad guy is right up to the end, you'll enjoy it. I only can give it 3 stars though, since it's obviously a long way from a 5, and then there are so many better films that would be 4's. I'd give it a 6 1/2 on a scale of 1-10. Good for an evening's entertainment!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Funny Movie
Review: You either loved this movie or you hated it. Thats what it came down to. I thought it was really good, dont go to this movie for the action though, but its a frickin hilarious comedy. Sam Jackson proves once again that he is the coolest man in movies today. The only problem i had with this movie is the constant, constant swearing. I dont care if they swear a few times, but they must have used it every other F-ing sentence. But other than that this is a great movie. Some confusing parts but go see it anyways.

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