Rating:  Summary: Tons and tons of great action! Review: Great Movie!It is a great movie for James Bond fans!
Rating:  Summary: Big step down from Goldeneye Review: Maybe my expectations were just too high. I thought Goldeneye was maybe the best Bond ever, and I'm a huge fan of Michelle Yeoh from her great Hong Kong stuff, so I was hoping this movie would be great--it wasn't. The opening scene in Goldeneye was a heart-stopping world-record bungie jump off a dam in Russia--the opening scene in this one was Bond in a plane blowing stuff up. The big chase scene in Goldeneye was an incredibly wild tank chase through the streets of St. Petersburg--the big chase in this one just completely ripped off the stunt from the 1983 Bond film Never Say Never Again where a motorcycle slid under a helicopter. There was nothing in this one to compare to the tense, very clever Goldeneye scene of Bond slowly rolling the cart of explosives he was taking cover behind in front of the russian soldiers, who were just straining not to open fire on him. Also, there were some problems with the way this one was scored, too. It seemed so out of place to hear the big,dramatic signature Bond theme during a dumb TEST of the remote controlled car. Brosnan is a great Bond, combining the suaveness of Moore, the intensity and irony of Dalton and the physicality of Connery, and Michelle Yeoh has so much charisma and prescence on screen, but this movie was just a generic, explosion filled and not very clever entry into the Bond pantheon.
Rating:  Summary: Dumb One Review: Great sound track and stunt work/effects, but gimme a break! Can the villians get any sillier? Perhaps having seen this right after watching the classic Cleopatra, (Liz Taylor, Rich Burton) affected my judgement, but try it... watch this and then watch something with substance and you will take latter every time.
Rating:  Summary: Pierce as Bond 2nd time around Review: I forgot to add to my previous review.I just cried, as did the other women in the theatre, when Bond goes back and finds Paris dead on his bed in his hotel room. There was not a dry eye in the theatre among the women audience. I really felt sorry for Bond in that scene. It shows his vulnerability and warmth as a person in that scene.
Rating:  Summary: Pierce's 2nd time around as Bond Review: Just wanted to add to my previous review. I do have this video in my library. I think Pierce is the best Bond ever. Really!
Rating:  Summary: Pierce as Bond the 2nd time around Review: As much as I loved Pierce in this one, I feel it could have been more romantic. I loved all of the action, and I think Pierce has brought the character along very well. This time his Bond is a little stronger. I did love the scene between him and Paris. You see a man who truly does still care for Paris. He doesn't man handle her in a chauvanistic way. He is gentle and loving with her. Even though hed does bite her on the lip. That was exciting in the love scene. I wish there had been more scenes like that in the film. I'll be anxious to see what he does with Bond in his 3rd Bond movie, "The World Is Not Enough."
Rating:  Summary: Close but No Cigar Review: This film was good but not worth a full 5 Stars. The point of the movie was a little hard to understand. The plot was good but it was hard to follow. The film was action-packed with top-of-the-line gadgets. The BMW he gets was better than the BMW Z3 that he got in "Goldeneye." Buy this movie for an "action-packed" film that will keep you on the edge of your seat
Rating:  Summary: Great movie! Beautiful preformance by Brosnan Review: Tomorrow Never Dies is a great action movie which also succeeds as a Bond film. It follows the Goldfinger formula pretty well and has all the elements Bond fans know and love. M and Moneypenny have much larger parts than normal, but sadly, Q's scene is rather short. The film is filled with far more sexual innuendoes than usual; it almost become a Moore film in that respect. The ads touted non-stop action and the movie delivered in that aspect. There are more gunfights, explosions, brawls, and shots of Brosnan running that I can count. The stunts are great and well choreographed. Bond's HALO jump looks real, as does he and Wai Lin sliding under the helicopter's propellers (the best stunt in the film). Even the parts that don't involve some life-endangering situation for Bond are also, for the most part, well done. Carver's sinister plan is developed sufficiently, but I never really believed he was the cruel man he pretended to be. The things he does hurt him inside; after ordering the death of his wife, he sits alone at a table, sulking. He did show the usual villain insanity when he compared himself to Napoleon and Caesar. Why do all Bond villains usually compare themselves to tyrants of history? This time around there are plenty of girls for the non-monogamous Bond. First he "picks up some foreign tongue" from a Inga Bergstrom who is teaching him Danish at Oxford. Next he beds Paris Carver. Finally, he and Wai Lin don't respond to cries of "Commander Bond, Colonel Lin, are you out there?" so they can stay and enjoy themselves on the wreckage of Carver's ship. As for Wai Lin, the first Bond-equivalent Bond girl, she was fabulous. For the first time, 007 doesn't have to tell the girl to "stay here and wait for me". He can give her a gun and some limpet mines and she is off. As usual, the locations were breathtaking; they really made Bangkok look like Vietnam. As for Bond in this one, he seemed much more like the spy of Fleming's novels. He womanizes, drinks alone in his hotel room, kills without reservation, and actually gets hurt. Perhaps the best example is when he kills Dr. Kaufman at point blank range. The main problem with the movie is that somewhere during the motorcycle chase it began to go downhill. The chase was too long and what followed it was not all that interesting. Bond and Wai Lin had to go through the cliched "I work alone" bit, and then finally arrived at "ok, let's team up". It just seemed like a waste of time. The scene in the Vietnamese equivalent of Q branch was a nice touch, but again, too drawn out. Then, the ending was terrible. I didn't like most of the final scene on the stealth ship. The edge-of-your-seat tension that many Bond movies have was missing. I never believed that Bond or Wai Lin's lives were in danger. The best scene was when Bond had Stamper shoot the man he just killed so Stamper would think Bond was dead: classic Bond technique. Elliot Carver's death by the sea drill was the worst one since Kananga's death by inflation. It didn't give me any satisfaction and was made too obvious before it happened. Another bad move was to turn Stamper into a typical, muscle-bound grotesque henchman. He really showed a sinister side when he gunned down the 17 helpless men in the water without blinking an eye. After that he just became another one of Carver's big bullies. He never seemed to get the same joy out of killing, and the part where he talks about being Dr. Kaufman's student was just pointless and took away from his character. In the end he fell into the trap that so many henchmen get into: invincibility. Bond stabs him two times and he barley winces. That killed any credibility and finished the ruination of the character. But aside from all these peeves, it was still a pretty good entry into the Bond series: especially with no more Cold War to fall back on. After six viewings of the film I must say that it is one of the most reviewable Bond films in a long time. With the exception of a few scenes, I managed to lose myself in the movie each time I watched it. However, the more I watch it, the more I hate the use of slow-motion. It is just not needed and takes away from the overall quality of the rest of the well-directed movie. Finally, the movie's quality during some of the dimly lit scenes was not too good. It was grainy and looked like the movie was not fully processed before release. The last movie this happened with was The Spy Who Loved Me and it bothered me then too. Still, one of the best entries in years.
Rating:  Summary: It was a thrill that can not be beat. Bond was the greatest Review: There was so much action you had to hold onto your seat. James bond was the greatest in every thing he did. I loved the beginning when he was fighting the Russian in the jet.
Rating:  Summary: Best Bond in 20 years?.. Review: This is my favorite Bond movie since 'The Spy Who Loved Me', and it ranks right up there with the Sean Connery films in terms of being fun to watch. The best parts of this film are the remote control BMW (great scene to watch on DVD) -- and Michelle Yeoh who is FANTASTIC! I would love to see her in another mainstream American action movie.