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Freddy Vs. Jason

Freddy Vs. Jason

List Price: $19.96
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Bashful's DVD Summary #026
Review: Best:

1) After years of waiting, it's the battle royale between two legendary baddies.
2) The story concept (after many bad drafts) stayed true to the movies on which this one is based. They didn't do anything crazy that might be regretted later (like introducing yet ANOTHER maniac killer into the mix).
3) There's plenty of machete-chopping from Jason (who remains as silent as ever) and knife-stabbing from Freddy (along with his usual bad puns).


1) The new guy who played Jason was tall and skinny, which made him less threatening than the previous incarnation(s).
2) There weren't any truly memorable teenager kill scenes and those parts seemed to be thrown in as filler.
3) Let's face it - seeing two guys who will never die, trying to kill each other, is just a lesson in futility.


If you liked ANY of the Freddy or Jason movies of the past, then you'll want to see this one at least once. Since this disk set has so many special features and the movie itself is a landmark (whether you like it or not), it's definitely worth getting.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: HOOooo hOoOo
Review: Take me out to the ball game take me out to the crowd give me some peanuts and freddy's head I dont care if jasons dead!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Awful
Review: Freddy Krueger had been forgotten by the kids on Elm Street because their parents found a way to make the kids forget about him by giving them a dream suppressant. In order to inspire terror, Freddy manipulates hockey masked serial killer Jason Voorhees through visions of his mother to go to Elm Street and dispatch the kids so the town will think that Freddy has returned. But his plans don't go according to schedule when Jason starts to kill all of his "children," which really angers Freddy. It's up to teens Will Rollins (Jason Ritter), Lori Campbell (Monica Keena) and Kia (Kelly Rowland), along with a few other survivors, to get Jason back to Camp Crystal Lake and Freddy out of the dream world for both of them to kill each other once and for all. What a disappointment. I'm glad I didn't pay $10 to go see this in the theatre. I have always been a Nightmare on Elm Street fan but this was awful!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I know this ground has been covered somewhat, and being a supreme maniac for the Friday movies and the Main Man Vorhees, I'd have to be the first one to say that the only true Jason is Kane Hodder. Still, if we can't have Kane, I have to say the newcomber did a fairly decent job. I think he paid the Main Man a fitting tribute. I guess in a way he suited a certain kind of mold. Jason was quite obviously the lesser of two evils, and definitely a sympathetic character, and there was a mournful quality about this new Jason. When Kane Hodder plays Jason, there's this aggressive efficiency in everything he does. The Kane Hodder Jason was much quicker, and he improvised with all kinds of weapons. I guess they wanted to slow him down, one-track his fighting style, to create the impression that Freddy would have a snowball's chance against him.

Though I'm not a huge fan of the Nightmare movies, Freddy, while remaining the paragon creep of creeps, was pretty kooky. And I think he's much better with his one-liners than he is trying to be a frightening presence. Jason's elemental darkness and Freddy's wise cracking balanced nicely together, I thought. The balance provided the final showdown with the proper Godzilla overtones. And that's what it was. A Godzilla brawl. One of those fights I've always wanted to see but thought they'd never actually do. Of course, since New Line owns Nightmare, Friday, and Texas Chainsaw, maybe they'll do a Jason vs Leatherface showdown, and if so I will be there.

Now, for that chick. Holy Hannah. Without a doubt, the hottest and most three-dimensional chick I've ever seen in any kind of slasher movie. Good God almighty. One of those girls that you can just sit there and watch over and over and over. Sweet Jesus. OTHER SLASHER FILMS: Take a hint from this movie; blood, violence, and HOT CHICKS. Even better, she survived the whole movie. Who says that slasher films are mindless? Rule #1: Preserve the hot chicks, and consider it a wise investment.

The DVD itself pretty much rocks from the floor to the roof. It's a double disk, with about a thousand different extras, featuring a list of alternate/deleted scenes about as long as my arm. Liked the alternate beginning, but didn't care for the alternate ending. Also, on the deleted scenes option screen, go down to the "play all" option in the center of the screen, hit the arrow pad to the right, and they have an interview with the movie makers where they describe the original, albeit cost prohibitive, ending they originally had in mind.

Anyway, two BIG thumbs up, baby. Way up!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A long time coming
Review: The long awaited bloody smackdown between razor clawed killer Freddy Kruger and hockey masked slasher Jason Voorhees manages to be both better and less than it could have been. After spending over a decade in development hell and set to be handled by a handful of different writers and directors; New Line finally managed to set a release for the film. The story surprisingly manages to combine both Freddy and Jason's stories, and director Ronny Yu (Bride of Chucky) covers the film with a surprising heaping amount of blood and gore. Freddy (Robert Englund, more lively in the role than ever before), trapped in Hell, manages to use mindless killer Jason to hack up and instill fear in the kids on Elm Street so he can pick up his old hobby. Eventually, the two slashers face off in a battle that all of us already know how it will end. Ken Kirzinger is bland as Jason; Kane Hodder was undoubtadly the best actor to ever don the hockey mask and his absence is very missed. The rest of the cast, which includes the comely Monica Keena, Destiny's Child Kelly Rowland, and Jason "son of John" Ritter all breeze through the film with no problem. The special effects and makeup and gore are almost top notch, although some of the CGI is incredibly lame. All that aside though, Freddy VS Jason is definitely worth seeing for longtime horror buffs of both franchises, although many might not enjoy it as much as others. New Line's Platinum Series DVD is yet another special features packed set from New Line, and is a definite must own for afficiandos of both series'.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best horror movies ever!
Review: Jason Voorhees vs Freddy Krueger, two legends!
Freddy uses Jason to resurrect himself. Jason comes to Elm Street to kill, so the people in Springwood think Freddy is back. After that Freddy can come again in there dreams. But Jason kills all people before Freddy can get them! So Freddy must first kill Jason. As Jason dreams Freddy try to kill him. After that Freddy is taken in the real world, and Jason is waiting and kicks Freddy's [behind].

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: the same material being reycled with a new title
Review: "Freddy Vs. Jason" seems like the horror fan's dream come true but it is rather boring and unoriginal. Even the sequels of the "Nightmare On Elm Street" and "Friday The 13th" series are much better than this film. I expected to see Jason and Freddy battle it out throughout the film but instead, they just end up killing stupid teenagers like they have done in all their movies. They only fight towards the end of the film and it is a draw. The film kinda gets interesting when Jason starts dreaming and we see what makes Jason tick; his mother (How Freudian) and its kinda interesting how they link up the past films into "Freddy Vs. Jason" but other than that, it is the same material being recycled with a new title. I can't believe this film took so long and went through so many scripts to end up as this pile of trash. "Freddy Vs. Jason" is a real waste of time and you should look for other "Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Friday the 13th" films for a better time.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Freddy Vs Jason...the *real* overkill
Review: I love horror movies and it's very hard for me to find one that doesn't please me, as long as it has blood, gore and all around good fun. So, when I rented "Freddy vs Jason" I had high hopes of being entertained and even wanting to buy the DVD. Boy, was a wrong. First off, Freddy Kruger just isn't the same as he used to be. You want real good Freddy? Rent the orginal "Nightmare" of "Wes Craven's New Nightmare"; I guess Wes just does it best. Freddy was way over doing the lines, the actions, the motions...everything, seeming like just a plain bully inside of a snappy killer that actually is almost frigtening. Jason, who I've never really cared for, comes off as a wounded puppy with it's tail between it's legs, killing again because "mommy" told him to. (For those of you that don't know the story, Freddy brings Jason back to life to kill the kids on Elm Street to make them afraid again so he can haunt their dreams once more). Then there's the human characters, those people that you're supposed to route for, provided the movie's been done right. Jason Ritter, who plays Will, the main male lead, is very good (and very smooth and sexy) in his role, though he doesn't get enough screen time as he needs. Monica Keena, who plays Lori, the lead female, has some promise, especially as a horror movie star because she can scream well and look scared and betrayed quite well too. The rest of the cast needs some serious work, with the exception of Kelly Rowlands (that's right, from the band Destiny's Child) who manages to steal the show with her quick one liners and all around humorous quips. Who knew?

While the plot held so much promise, the movie simply tapers out, with very few interesting scenes that don't make you want to fall asleep where you sit (the best being Freddy's beginning intro, any scenes involving Kelly Rowlands and the scene where one of the characters catches on fire...pretty cool). The effects are bad, way over the top with blood gushing out needlessly and bodies flying through the air (if you want *good* gore, rent "Final Destination 2") and many of the lines are bad as well. If you're looking for a mind-numbing way to lose an hour and a half, good a head and rent it, it does have it's good points. Or, if you love Jason Ritter, this is a great place to see him outside of the television show "Joan of Arcadia."

"Freddy vs Jason" is just proof that once a series is done...it's done and usually the first directors are the best. Freddy's just not scary any more and Jason's too weak. The real question should be "Freddy and Jason vs waste of time."

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AWESOME
Review: "Freddy vs. Jason, place your bets" the trailer boasts. We horror fans druel at the rare possibility of a showdown between two of the biggest icons in the genre with high hopes of a spectacular knock down, drag out hack-a-thon. Of course there is also a good chance that they will disappoint the hardcore fans with a less than satisfying result. I'm happy to report they pulled it off and delivered not only an over the top blood drenched slug fest that more than lived up to the hype and did justice to the style and persona of both characters but also a kick ass movie overall.

I can't understand the few bad reviews that are out there, anyone who is a slasher/horror fan will love this movie which runs like a greatest hits of both Jason and Freddy. The storyline was surprisingly well thought out and makes perfect sense- Freddy needs to send someone to temporarily take care of his killing on Elm St. while he regains his old strength and Jason is the perfect guy for the job. As we all know Jason can get carried away, and he keeps on killing Freddy's victims, stealing the spotlight from Freddy if you will. Freddy realizes he can't control Jason and meanwhile the kids from Elm St. figure out the best way to save themselves is to bring him out of his realm and into the waking world where Jason will be waiting. So the stage is set for the greatest battle in horror history.

In the end, a movie like this should be entertaining, and it definitely is- with some downright scary and haunting images (the scene where we look into Jason's mind is crazy) some of the GORIEST killings ever, and of course truckloads of clueless teens getting naked and partying. They also kept the humor to a minimum which is a good thing. So for the hardcore slasher freaks this is obviously a must see but for horror fans in general I think it'll be a lot of fun too. Check this bad boy out!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: chatchi vs. cousinpaco
Review: In this corner... a former high school gym teacher, horribly burned in a tragic turkey-fryer accident. He has knives for fingers and diarrhea of the mouth. Weighing in at a feeble 150 lbs., from Elm Street -- the man of your dreams -- Freddy "The Dream Warrior" Krueger!

And, in this corner... a hockey-mask-wearing, machete-wielding machine with a serious chip on his shoulder, hell-bent on avenging the death of his decapitated mother. He slices, he dices, he juliennes. Weighing in at a tremendous 275 lbs., residing from the bottom of Crystal Lake -- the man behind the mask -- Jason "The Maniacal Pirate" Voorhees!

With a combined total of seventeen movies between these two characters, it was a just a matter of time before Freddy and Jason faced off in a battle royal. If you ask me, "Freddy vs. Jason" was a TKO before the movie ever started. Jason's 200+ body count total makes mincemeat out of Freddy's pathetic 36 bodies.

As you can see, Freddy sucks. He's a figment of your imagination. A dream with steak knives on his hand. Jason, however, is one mean S.O.B. He keeps his mouth shut and simply takes care of business. No wise-cracks, no invading your dreams -- Jason lets his machete and brute strength do the talking.

Jason has been drowned, hung, chained to the bottom of a lake, turned back into a little boy by toxic waste, blown up, killed by his "sister", dragged down to Hell and launched into space.

Freddy gets sent back to a dream world at the end of his movies.

Who do YOU think stands a better chance of making it into the late rounds?

Well, even though we Jason fans know the answer to that question, the creators of "Freddy vs. Jason" decided to please the Freddy fans by actually having him put up a fight. Sure, he knocks Jason around like a rag doll in a few scenes, but Jason retaliates with his fair share of punishment. This movie delays the inevitable until the very end.

Contrary to what some people (i.e., Freddy Krueger fans) might think, there *is* a clear-cut winner of this fight. A wink at the camera does not a victor make.

Jason Voorhees is the heavyweight champion of the world. Period.

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