Rating:  Summary: Sophomore Horror! Review: Slasher movies have never really done anything for me. Not even a sense of sick fascination of seeing people dispatched in various gruesome methods by two undead psychos. Is this fun? What the hell is wrong with you? Yeah it's just a movie, and a stupid one at that with a plot that could've been scripted by a crack-head or a 3yr old, but at the end of the day it's just a movie. The ending is predictable. Freddy is annoying with his villiany and Jason is just some retard with a machete. I was in a theater with a bunch of teenagers cheering everytime somebody got wacked on screen. There's just something terribly twisted about that. This isn't horror, there's no suspense, there's absolutely no plot and the only catharsis comes when someone gets predictably killed. The fight between Jason and Freddy in the end is short and dull. I await the coming of an actual horror film, not this trash.
Rating:  Summary: Welcome to my Nightmare Review: This was freddy's movie. The story was most given to freddy and most of the time and freddy kicked jasons butt more than other way around. After seeing this we all know who the true master horror villian is- freddy. He is way more wicked and smart than jason. Freddy is also more cruel than jason. Jason is a big lug who is controlled by his mommy- hes really a tortured little kid inside and freddy got him there and found his weakness. I was expecting alot more from this movie- its so so. The original nightmare on elm st and friday the 13th were better of course but this was entertaining to a certain extent but i expected more.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Darn Good Movie Review: I Have To Admit, after watching this movie, I had to go out and buy it. Its not a SCARY as can be type movie, but a decent thriller. And I recommend it to anyone who likes just that type of movies.
Rating:  Summary: FVJ TOP RATE Review: I saw it on the cinema, i litteraly weed myself laughing, I saw this DVD, I nearly had a heart attack laughing, ' Man The Torpedoes! ' . I jest U not, this is ACE! ( for those of u with a sense of humour lol ). but its a shame that Kane hodder ain't Jason :-( , but then I love Jason X which he was doing :-)
Rating:  Summary: Grudge Match Review: To be honest, after more than 20 years, countless sequels each one varying in quality, I had all but given up on the Nightmare and Friday horror franchises. Having said that though, I have always enjoyed intellegent and fun scare fests. Freddy VS Jason fits that criteria and is better tban I thought it would be. Dream master Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund needs help to escape from Hell, and get his power back, so that he can continue his reign of terror against the teens of Elm Street. He enlists the help of Camp Crystal Lake killer Jason Voorhees (Ken Kirzinger) to do just that. As Jason begins to kill for Freddy, Lori Campbell (Monica Keena), her boyfriend Will (Jason Ritter) and her best friend Kia (Kelly Rowland), among others, who try to figure out what's going on. Soon though, the teens find themselves in the middle of a battle between these two forces of evil, when Jason turns on Freddy. The two horror icons battle from Elm Street to Camp Crystal Lake. Director Ronny Yu, screenwriters Damian Shannon, Mark Swift, David S. Goyer and the rest of the production team made a slick looking film. There seemed to be a real effort to get back to the basics of each series. Does the movie make total sense? Not at all times--but I was still able to have a lot of fun, as these two go at it. The effects and action are well staged. I think if you go into this expecting anything more, of course, you'll be disapointed. Take Freddy VS Jason as a romp and you'll be well served. New Line's Platinum 2 disc DVD set has some fine bonus material. Disc One features a solid audio commentary with Yu, Englund, and Kirzinger. Englund and Kirziger talk icon status and working together. Yu's enthusiasm is apparent as well. Viewers can watch the film in either the full-screen or widescreen formats. Disc two begins with over 15 minutes of deleted and alternate scenes, complete with optional commentary. Most of the footage is incidental type stuff but still, fun to watch. I'm glad they discarded the original ending But you can decide for yourself. There's a generous amount of behind the scenes featurettes including stuff on the film's development, screenwriting, set design, make up, stunts, photography and visual effects. You also get to see storyboards, still and publicity galleries. Watch for the tongue in cheek weigh in of the two combatants (a must see) and the Ill Nino song "How Can I Live", from the soundtrack, music video. There's also a number of trailers for other New Line releases. To top off the extras, both discs have some DVD-ROM material including, script-to-screen and trivia subtitle viewing modes, the ability to edit your own fight scene, sound bite files, and weblinks. Mega-fans of either series will eat this stuff up. As a pure guilty pleasure, this casual fan, enjoyed Freddy VS Jason much more than I expected to
Rating:  Summary: Freddy Vs. Jason- Different but not scary Review: After viewing Freddy Vs. Jason, I was pleased. It was slightly better than decent but rather dumb. It was entertaining for one thing and more funny than frightening. Reprising his role as the burned pizza-faced child killer Freddy Krueger is Robert Englund. Stuntman Ken Kirzgener takes on the role of the machete-wielding killer, Jason instead of Kane Hodder. As for a plot, well it's a bit compelling and interesting, Freddy doesn't have his full power of invading people's dream. So he resurrects Jason from his grave to start killing teens again. Though when Freedy has gained his full dream-invading strength he realizes that Jason has been manipulating him and doesn't want to share, we finally reach the "vs." part of the film. A battle in a boiler room and a finale at Camp Cyrstal Lake is where the two showcase. Destiny's Child Kelly Rowland, Jason Ritter and Monica Kenna are the [physically] active teens and heroes of this slasher. Hong Kong Director Ronny Yu lends some wit and martial art action to the film. Freddy Vs. Jason is rated R for Pervasive Strong Horror Violence/Gore, Gruesome Images, ... Drug Use and Language. This one is pretty packed in terms of content and receives a well-earned "R" rating. The gore exists of beheading, impalements, etc. The are a few explicit [physical] situations and nudity. Some drug use, drinking as well and strong profanity sum it up. This is one of the goriest films of the year, but certainly not scariest. I spent most of the time laughing then jumping out of my seat in shock, the finale is just hilarious when you think of it. Worth seeing in theatres but I'm not sure I'll be owning this one on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: (*&())_)&^%%&*()*&%$!@# Review: This movie could have been way better though it was somewhat good, ever diehard fans of Jason or Freddy will walk out of the theatre or living room scratching there heads at this completely bogus film. Im not going to say that I did not enjoy it but i will say that I walked out only made that this could have been something way more than it was.
Rating:  Summary: Who wins? Who cares? Review: This film isn't too bad. If you can ignore some of the plot holes and some inconsistancies in the story then you should be able to enjoy yourself a fair amount. You've heard the story by now, freddy is forgotten, he wants to keep scaring and so he dreams up a plot to turn the only killer who is arguably as unstoppable as him, jason vorhees, on the forgetful kids who don't remember him. Apparently freddy is powerless without them. It's basically an excuse, albeit an ingenious one (by both series standards) for more frequent bloodletting and violence. Only this time the emphasis isn't on horror, but action. For this reason, if you go in expecting some serious horror, you will be disappointed. However, if you go in expecting some hardcore action, then you will most likely love this. The pro points are it's not too bad a plot to throw these two titans of terror together, and i applaud that the makers have made a decent effort to connect the two. It contains one or two minor scares, most involving freddy as he regains his past power, and most genre fans will be pleased by the copious bloodletting. The score, well, it's hardly special but it fits the movie well. The acting is poor apart from the two leads, who play freddy and jason. The fight scenes towards the end have a certain gory panache to them. Plus it boasts the novelty value of seeing the two fight on screen for the first time. Plus, by the standards of the films other sequels, it is pretty good. The con points are on balance slightly greater. Most of the acting is terrible, and the film offers no surprises at all. It is pretty ineffectual as a horror and as a result is only enjoyed as an action movie. You see relatively little of Jason and the film decides to focus on freddy, who i felt perhaps shouldn't have dominated the film as much. The ending is hokey i thought and i really, really wanted to see a definite winner, and i'm sure i wont spoil it for you by saying there isn't one. For a well budgeted production such as this some of the effects are surprisingly hokey. But the main point of detraction, is the title of the film in believing you to expect freddy vs. jason. As it is, the two only cross swords (or in this case finger knives and machete) in the last 15-20 minutes. You would expect them to at least fight for half the film and to meet up several times. There is a brief dream sequence of freddy battering jason but it's only a dream, and i wanted to see a conflict in the real world, which was held from the viewer for far too long. So what does the film do to fill in the gaps? Why, freddy and jason kill more teens. Boring! Seen it before. Plus, in my honest opinion the greatest horror psycho slasher is left out altogether: Michael Myers. At least an appearance would be nice, as im sure he could wipe these two clowns out. But that's the ownership for you. Overall it's only worthy of average marks of about 2.5 stars, but the superior DVD which is exploding with features rounds it up to 3, just. So see it, and perhaps enjoy it as a slick package.
Rating:  Summary: DEAR GOD WHY! Review: Why dont they just stay dead! I hated this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Um...Say that again? Review: Excuse me? To all the people out there who think that Freddy dominates the movie, well, I've got 3 words for you: YOU'RE DEAD WRONG. (No pun intended) This is more Jason's story than Freddy's. It delves into Jason's mind so that the audience will know the little 11-year old, tortured kid behind the hockey mask. Ok, well, I do admit that Jason is somewhat retarded. (When he and Freddy fight at Crystal Lake Camp. Can you say "Fingers?") 1. Jason actually has a purpose for killing people: revenge for his and his mother's death. Freddy, well, he's just a sadistic sicko that enjoys torturing kids and teens. 2. Jason is really intelligent sometimes. For instance, the rave scene where that jock gets killed with the flaming machete, that is Jason being smart. If he was really dumb, then why don't we see him tramping through the cornfield still waving that machete around? 3. Freddy is a downright coward. He's afraid of getting hurt, while Jason just charges into the killing with a devil-may-care attitude. He doesn't care if that person's alone or with a bunch of people. 4. And for the humanists who think that this movie is sick and wrong, Jason doesn't torture his victims, just follows the kill and repeat method. Whereas Freddy digs deep into the victim's brain and finds their fears and after a long, long time, eventally kills him/her. And I like how they cut out the first ending. It had to end on Freddy and Jason, not two teens having sex.