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Female Convict Scorpion: Jailhouse 41

Female Convict Scorpion: Jailhouse 41

List Price: $24.99
Your Price: $22.49
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hypnotic Japanese Trash-Art
Review: A masterwork as only the japanese can deliver it! A mix between kabuki-theater, women in prison trash and stylish revenge flick! If you are into entertaining trash with an edge, buy this film now! If you are into linear non-experimental movie, than forget this one...

I'll never forget the vicious female convict scorpion answering the police officers question about the prisoners in the bus... "They're all dead". What a mean motha she is!

By the way, I had no probelm with the disc, non at all.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Incredible movie!
Review: I bought this same film in France. After some weeks, i put in my dvd and it's ok; no problem. About the movie, is wonderfull, hipnotic and simply ludic.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Unforgettable and not for everyone
Review: If you're looking for something out of the ordinary, check out this amazing film. The opening scene alone is worth the price of admission. I saw this at a film festival and knew I had to own it so I could loan it out to other people. This easily makes my Top 10 Best Movies You Never Heard of list.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Warning for Mac G4 users
Review: This is a purely technical comment---I've yet to actually see the film.

I tried to view this DVD in my MacIntosh G4's DVD player-got some sound but the image skips, flickers and generally would not play correctly.

A friend who has the same computer reported the same problem.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An unexpected gem
Review: This is probably one of the few films I've seen recently to really surprise me. I had heard a few things about the film before seeing it, and the scattered details I had picked it up made it sound like standard Japanese exploitation - stylish, violent and misogynistic. All the elements are present in the film for this sort of product - a couple of rape scenes, the torture and abuse of women, a few moments of sadistic gore. Yet, despite these elements, this film is actually explicitly feminist in its outlook (very surprising for a Japanese exploitation film!), and is oddly lyrical and poetic for much of its length. There are few films that one could describe as being simultaneously brutal, sleazy, beautiful, absurd and emotionally affecting - "Female Scorpion" manages the rare feat of producing this strange alchemy. Definitely worth seeing for fans of Japanese filmmaking.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Visual Feast
Review: Well, I think I should cut right to the chase: FEMALE CONVICT SCORPION: JAILHOUSE 41 is quite possibly the most fascinating and visually stunning film I have ever had the pleasure to see ... And that praise comes from fan who loves ( and also admires ) films such as BLACK NARCISSUS, KWAIDAN, SUSPIRIA, and VERTIGO to name a few ...... To simply describe the plot of FEMALE CONVICT SCORPION would be a great injustice .. This is not your run-of-the-mill women in prison film ( although I do enjoy that genre ) ... YES, the story is fascinating and so perfectly simple ... The true beauty comes in the genius of transforming a simple story into a visual and creative feast for the senses, in particular, your eyes ...... But what are visuals without performance ??? ... This film wouldn't know .... The acting is brilliant, particularly Meiko Kaji who, with one glance, can send either a chill down your spine, or send butterflies to your stomach ... Does it sound as if I love this film ??? ... I DO !!! ... I highly recommend FEMALE CONVICT SCORPION: JAILHOUSE 41 .... The colors are breathtaking, and the overall look for the film is awesome ...If there is one flaw regarding this DVD, it is in the transfer: during dark scenes, a "transparent" ( for lack of a better word ) band can be seen down the right side of the screen ... Strangely, this line is NOT visible in the trailer ... This band can also be seen occasionally in BLACK TIGHT KILLERS, a Japanese film released by the same manufacturer .... It's not bad enough to take a star away, but it is noticable during dark scenes ... Simply put, FEMALE CONVICT SCORPION is one of the best films I've ever seen ...

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