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Fruit Is Swelling

Fruit Is Swelling

List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $17.96
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funny/Billiant/Erotic
Review: A movie about an 8 year old who becomes a women over night. The consequence of this is hilarious. I had not seen this movie when I bought it, but I thought it sounded interesting. I watched it the night it arrived and loved it. Lots of T&A for the guys and a funny and clever plot for the girls, this should be at the top of the lists.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Funny/Billiant/Erotic
Review: A movie about an 8 year old who becomes a women over night. The consequence of this is hilarious. I had not seen this movie when I bought it, but I thought it sounded interesting. I watched it the night it arrived and loved it. Lots of T&A for the guys and a funny and clever plot for the girls, this should be at the top of the lists.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A delightful fairytale
Review: I agree totally with "A viewer" about this movie. Somehow, if this was made in the USA, it would end up as either some Disneyfied morality tale totally devoid of sexuality/eroticism or just the opposite...adolescent sleezeball comedy. I really enjoyed it because it maintained a humorous, playful, fairytale quality even during the more adult scenes. Sexuality is dealt with as part of life...nothing more, nothing less.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sexy and very sweet
Review: I didn't realize that this was a Category III film (roughly equivalent to NC-17, Category III is usually applied to soft-core porn) when I bought it, but that turned out to be a good thing, because I might not have bought it and discovered this charming film otherwise.

The story: an 8 year old girl named Peach (in the subtitles, anyway) keeps trying to learn about the adult world, and is continually lied to or told that she'll find out such things when she grows up. She wishes that she were grown up already, and wakes up to find herself in an 18 year old body. With a little help from her older sister, she explores that world, falls in love, and has her heart broken.

If this movie were made in the US, it would never work. It would be a disgusting voyeurism about an 8 year old girl going out and having lots of sex in an adult body.

But this film is a modern fairy tale about an 8 year old girl learning about love (of which sex is an essential part, but only one part), and how she retains her innocence while losing her naivete. As such, this is a far better film than I would ever have expected.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This is a strenge type - III movie.
Review: This is a Type - III (HK's rating for X or NC-17). This story is about a 8 years girl who want to be grown up so her and her friend wish at the wishing tree to be grown up and the next morning she finds herself with a body of an 18 year girl and the mind of an 8 year old still. So set out to learn about the world and along the way she falls and love and gets hurt and wishes to turn back it to an 8 year girl only to change her mind and whats to turn back into an 18 y/o but it is too late because shortly after her last wish the tree burns down so she can't turn back. There is a surpise at the end that yu will have to see for yourself to believe. The Type - III is for the sex scenes in the movie. (I have the DVD form.)

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