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Suicide Club (Suicide Circle)

Suicide Club (Suicide Circle)

List Price: $24.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Don't take it so seriously
Review: I had a great time with this flick. It didn't change my life or say anything profound. I don't watch films for my social commentary/satire, I watch them to be entertained. If they accomplish that, so what if you have no idea what's going on.

The tone is set within 2 minutes. Around the 30 minute mark the huh? factor takes over.

Look past the lack of character development and holes in the plot. Who says you need those elements anyways? I watched SC with my wife, and we both ran the gauntlet from shock/disgust to laughing histerically. We sang "Mail Me" for 2 days. That song is too funny. And that really bad music isn't accidentally put as a backdrop to the horrible acts you're watching. You could say that it's used to numb the viewer to the seriousness of the suicides, just as the growing MTV culture and "Dessart" always puts on their happy face. Different people will see different things. Thats not the point.

The point is: watch it, don't take it too seriously, and you might have a good time. Then buy the soundtrack.

5 stars -- one of the 10 best films of the year

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The film for f***d up people who enjoy controversial cinema
Review: I just spent $13 to buy this DVD since it seemed pretty interesting from all the reviews I read about it. Bad idea, huge waste of money. I believe the general consensus of everyone that watches this movie with me was this movie's fu**ed up. It's obviously satirical, but it was trying too hard to be artsy. There's really bad subtitles, which gives you an idea of what they're trying to say but comes out corny or stupid. Lots of the scenes in the movies don't make sense and once again comes off as stupid. There are some disturbingly sick parts, but aren't enough to be gory. It wasn't scary at all. Althoung it was disturbing, and had really bad flow/organiztion in putting the story together. It definitely had potential in becoming a really cool movie, but seemed to do everything it could to make it become the worst it can.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Hellish Nightmare You Soon Won't Forget
Review: I never knew about this whole subculture of Asian "shock' cinema only until I happened to have stumbled on the film "Audition" and ever since I've been hooked. This whole line of films from the Orient has to be the most original, bizarre, violent and intriguing films on the market today which for the most part, unfortunately, will probably never be seen by the public. That is until its Americanized and bastardized, which is unfortunate. Well, enough of my ramblings. Let me tell you about my latest delve into this underground market, the "Suicide Club", which is a pretty sick and twisted look at today's youth. There are a few scenes that don't particularly work well and some will leave you wondering, "what the hell?", but overall this is one helluva ride that's pretty dark and disturbing.

"Suicide Club" opens right away with a bang and never lets up right up until the very end. It begins as 54 school girls waiting on the subway platform all clasp hands, count down to three, and then jump in front of an oncoming subway car!
Even as the boxcover told me this I really didn't know what to expect and it still came as a complete shock as blood and body parts are strewn across the train, passengers, and onlookers. Gruesome to say the least. This though is only the beginning as more teens begin throwing themselves off buildings, sticking their heads into ovens, and just a frenzy of various suicides. As the suicides mount the police are drawn in, especially after finding a carry-on bag with the contents I'll leave up to your imagination. The police are led then led to a mysterious website, by an unknown caller, where it has been keeping track of the deaths by colored dots and nothing more.

Thrown into the entire mix of this is a pre-teen pop group that seems to be popping up all over and on everyone's tv's! This madness continues to spiral out of control and then in a slight twist midway we are introduced to a bizarre cult, led by an even more bizarre leader. This part of the film took a turn that just didn't quite fit in but it was still dark and edgy as this cult leader was one of the sickest villains I've seen in quite a while. I won't give away any details but let's just say that his victims are kept tied up in oversized cloth bags on the floor in an abandoned bowling alley! Sounds bizarre? It is and its even worse then that!

The suicides mount until the ending culminates to what you would think would be a clean and tidy ending but kudos to Shion Sono who takes us onto this dark journey only to leave us in the "middle of the road". You'll know what I mean after seeing it. This film is totally not for everyone, the faint of hear, or those with a weak stomach. I found it fascinating, intriguing and couldn't wait to see where I was going to be led next. Bravo for yet another Asian horror film that dares to overstep the boundaries and take the viewer on a hellish nightmare or a ride! I read where this film was a response by the director to bring Japan's rising teen suicide rate to the forefront but whether it was or not I'm not sure. It surely doesn't voice an opinion but rather uses that as a stepping stone for its decline into madness. If you like graphic, violent, twisted films check this out, its one you won't soon forget!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: One of the wost films I've seen. Ever.
Review: I took this film not knowing what to except. This movie was on tha wall of "Employees favorites" in our local Blockbuster. Well, if I'll find the guy who nominated this movie I'll definately ask him for my money back.

More to the point - this movie is NOT a thriller - there is no logic, no explanation, and lots of loose ends. It only show bizzare, unrelated event, and some (not too many) gory details. If you do take this movie after reading this, hoping that maybe "This Amir guy did not get it", and "There must be something good about this movie" please come back later and write your honest review...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Disgusting, Misguided, Stupid
Review: I turned this movie off right when a man randomly starting crushing puppy skulls with his high heeled shoes (note: they were alive.). This is the most disturbing movie I have ever seen. I do not flinch watching Kill Bill or Bravehart, and Saving Private Ryan's gore did not catch me as particularily over the top. However, this movie and its makers are morally reprehensible. Do not watch this movie, it will degrade the morality of the viewer. If you like this movie you have no soul.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The potential was there, but...
Review: I was extreamly let down by this movie toward the end. But I'm getting ahead of myself. The movie opens (as i'll bet you've read by now) with 54 smiling school girls throwing themselves in the way of an express train. At the scene, appeares a bowling bag. Upon discovery, the guy who ends up being the most main character (there are a few) finds in the bag, a very long roll of stitched-together human skin. Following this are several bone chilling scenes, including on atop a schoolhouse.

This is the basic outline of "Suicide Club". Sounds great, doesn't it? Well, i tought so, what with it also being refered to as a social commentery. And it really is good, except toward the end. There's actually a villian. WHY!?!?! It seems like the "social commentary" they were going for was thrown on hold because they wanted to see what it would look like if someone looked like a cross between Dr. Frank-n-Furter from "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and Emma Peel from "The Avengers". Curious? Well, you can SEE the guy in the end of this movie, in a scene (fortunately not THE end)the just resorts to cheap thrills.

If you see this movie, do your very best to ignore it once "the bat" is kidnapped, and pay attention again once you see the girl who was landed on by her boyfriend. She does some quality sleauthing. Anywho, i though it was a worthwile rental.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Genesis Crashes The Party
Review: I'll say that this was a very good movie overall. I like how the movie keeps refering to the connections we all share. It really makes one do some self-analyzation. I also liked the message that independence is selfishness and cowardice, and that we should be watching over others in case they need us. It's better not to try and make sense of everything that happens. That will just drive you crazy. If nothing else just enjoy the mystery that the film offers. The only reason I gave this movie a 4 out of 5 was because of the character Genesis. He and his gang had absolutely no place in that movie. If you're going to pay homage to Genesis P-Orridge then do it in an already crappy film.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Don't even try to make sense of it
Review: If you are not used to watching Asian films, (especially Japanese ones) then know this: a lot of them are weird and bizarre, especially Suicide Club. There are a lot of things that I find strange and ridiculous in this film, but geez, some viewers just need to sit back and take it in, instead of over analyzing it. This film is basically here to gross you out and keep you in suspense. The plot is strange (and kind of funny) but why are people expecting Academy Award material? Yes, there is a moral to this story that warns us about how society will rott even more if we bathe in pop culture...so we must find out what really is important in our lives..blah blah blah. Anyways, this film makes more sense than the last 2 Matrix movies.

Do not watch this film if you can't stand the sight of blood (I'm pretty good when it comes to bloddy scenes in a film, but this was just too much). Also, people need to lighten up and get over about how twisted and disgusting this movie is. This isn't the Care Bears Save Christmas. Try reading the descriptions before you rent or buy movies silimar to this.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I'm Pretty Sure I Liked This Movie
Review: It was definitely confusing though. Immediately after finishing the movie I couldn't decide if I liked, or really did NOT like, "Suicide Club". I think much of the criticism stems from this being a Japanese social commentary, which is constructed very differently from American movies. There's no attempt to tie the loose ends or reason out the actions of the characters, although it's possible that some of the meaning was lost in the translation. Americans like their movies to make sense within the context of an overall plot. Making sense was not a top priority in this movie - the commentary was.

The central question is the relationship of self with respect to modern pop society. Regardless of WHO was doing the killing or HOW they killed, it is the degradation of core values in the face of pop commercialism that is symbolically killing the youth of Japan. In asking the question "what is your relationship to yourself", the older generation could not comprehend the paradox because they could not relate to the pressures and unknowns plaguing the younger generation. In their quest to understand their relationship to themselves, the younger generation turns not to a stable core society but to pop culture, which in turn kills them (via suicide).

I think the execution of the film would make much more sense to native Japanese, or perhaps they would not be as critical of the plot holes. The movie does meander, and the subplots are never fully explored or resolved. And yes, the whole character of Genesis seemed contrived, especially since I had no idea who he was or what he represented. Didn't like him torturing pets. Really didn't like his singing.

As for the violence, the movie isn't that gory. Certainly "Seven" was far worse, or for that matter "Kill Bill". In fact the blood scenes weren't done that well, but the cheerfulness the kids have before their suicides is chilling.

This is a good movie. The idea of cute Japanese girls slaughtering themselves alone is worth a look, and the social commentary is quite interesting. Just be prepared to end the moving asking "But what about..."

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Frustrating
Review: It's one of those movies that annoys one royally, not because it's ineptly made, but because it's well-made but squanders a lot of potential.

The opening scenes are remarkable and memorable. Fifty-four girls go to a train platform, laughing and joking, and as a train approaches, almost playfully take hands and jump under the train's wheels, where they're all killed in some amazingly explicit footage.

The suspense is mounting...what is causing the wave of suicides among Japan's youth? What is the meaning of the strips of skin taken from each corpse, found in a bag at each crime scene, sewn together in a grisly chain? What is the meaning of the website that logs the suicides as they happen, before they're reported or even discovered?

Unfortunately, the story is largely unresolved at the end. After getting off to such a great and intriguing start, it seems as if the writers and directors had no idea of where to take the story or how to end it. Plot elements are dropped. Important characters disappear halfway through. Insignificant characters suddenly take center stage. Time is wasted on red-herring subplots. The conclusion is a garbled mess that will leave the viewer scratching his head. The film comes to a stop rather than a satisfactory end.

It's too bad, because the first half is so good and haunting. It's frustrating to see it veer off into surreal, pretentious nonsense.

There's a great story here, waiting for a cohesive ending. With the wave of Asian-horror remakes on the way from Hollywood (DARK WATER, THE GRUDGE, etc), I almost hope some producer will take the first half of this movie and make a more comprehensible ending for it.

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