Rating:  Summary: Brilliant assault on the mind Review: This is Fincher at his best. Even in Alien 3 you could see the man has more talent than the rest of Hollywood combined. Every movie keep getting better. Seven and The Games hinted at what we see in Fight Club. Imagine what is next.A Brilliant movie by a brilliant director. A must buy on DVD
Rating:  Summary: Previews are decieving... Review: I saw the preview for this flick a couple of times, no doubt wasting my money seeing some comparatively worthless movie. It looked so incredibly stupid. I mean, come on. "Fight Club"? It looked like "The Matrix" meets "Mortal Kombat", the former of which is overrated and the latter is just plain lame. And what was up with that stupid soap? But when I saw Fight Club for the first time, the soap became an integral part of my daily life. I was blown away. Edward Norton is absolutely unstoppable as the narrator, and Brad Pitt combines a certain sexiness and bad-boy sensitivity to create Tyler. David Fincher has created a masterpiece, and after Fight Club, you won't look at the world in the same way. Previews can be decieving! I'm forever thankful that my best friend forced me to watch it. "My eyes are open."
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant !!! Review: Excellent acting and even better directing make this movie a masterpiece. I must admit, I was quite surprised with the outcome. Without giving too much away, all I can say is don't read any other reviews because some of them give away too much info. Ok, that does sound very self-righteous, but I mean it. If you haven't seen this movie yet, STOP at this review and see the flick. It is WELL WORTH your 2 hours and 20 minutes. This movie was so misrepresented with it's trailers, I (A bigtime action and fighting-genre fan) didn't even have the desire to see it on the big screen. I expected a movie about continuous and pointless blood-spilling fights -- what I saw, was a movie that I will never forget. A materpiece of society's woes. I would reccommend that ANY adult (for the violence and adult themes) movie fan should see this movie, and I can almost guarantee that after one viewing you will wish to see it again. Trust me, I'm not a Brad Pitt fan, and I didn't even know who Edward Norton was before I saw this flick (I do have a life, and I have seen his face, I just couldn't remember him in any film), but the duo are absolutely DYNAMIC !! This movie gets 5 STARS !!!
Rating:  Summary: Don't Be Fooled Review: I remeber when I first saw the trailers for Fight Club. I thought it looked really stupid. I said to myself, "Oh great some kind of macho action movie where Brad Pitt runs around topless to attract women and beats up Edward Norton to attract the guys." I figured after this movie all my mindless highschool peers were going to be starting their own fight clubs and "not talking about it." Later on the pieces of the puzzle started coming together. I found out that David Fincher was directing. Being a huge fan of Seven I thought I would give it a chance and sat down in the movie theater one night. Two hours later I had never been so happy to be proven wrong. And I was proven very wrong. This movie is amazing. I forgot that unlike other Hollywood pretty boys, Brad Pitt has integrety and would never make a movie like Titanic. Fincher Pitt and Norton are just the ultimate combo. And the DVD comes with 2 discs worth of the movie and extra stuff in a really cool package too. See this movie immediately. It's a wild ride with meaning and fun. It will make laugh, squirm, and think.
Rating:  Summary: Best DVD Yet Review: Besides the movie being excellent which I'm sure you've read in other various reviews, the actual DVD itself is the best one out so far... When you first buy the DVD, you're going to be amazing to see the casing this one has. The case resembles an oversized wrapped bar of soap with the words Fight Club across it. You pull out the inside sleeve to find a lot of amazing artwork and a booklet with various interviews in it. The first disc is the movie itself along with commentaries by David Fincher, Chuck Palahniuk, and others. The second disc is loaded with extras, from artwork, to outtakes, to behind the scenes footage. It's all great and the menus are displayed wonderfully. If you buy any DVD this summer...let it be Fight Club.
Rating:  Summary: A Modern Masterpiece! Review: I thought this film was superb, and I think this may well become a cult classic in the same way Blade Runner did. Fight Club rehashed those tired urban/material alienation themes in such a new way I was shocked at how good it was. OK, let's start from the beginning. I wasn't expecting much from this film. I don't normally like Brad Pitt, and the critics panned it at first (though I see they've since changed their tune) I thought what the hell, however, and went. I am SO glad I did. I found it thought provoking and original. This is going to shock people, but I preferred this to American Beauty. Blasphemy, you shout! Kill the unbeliever! Well, let me explain. I found American Beauty a bit predictable and stereotyped. I could mouth what some characters were going to say before they said it, and while the characters had depth they were a little cliched e.g. the strict homophobic colonel who is gay himself. However, nothing in Fight Club was predictable. I was hooked from the opening minutes, and never knew what was coming next. I am so glad I didn't know what the twist was at the end, because it simply blew me away. How well you accept the twist will be determined by how 'involved' in the film you are by the end. Story? Well, let's say that Norton, disillusioned with materialistic modern life starts to go to recovery/therepy groups eg testicular cancer in order to find real emotion. This leads to him meeting Marla (Carter) and Tyler Durden (Pitt), who act as a catalyst for the action. I refuse to spoil the film by telling you more. Sorry! The performances in this film are rock solid. I actually think these are award worthy, particularly Norton. The direction is a bit MTV in places, but it's not overdone and it is always appropriate. The script is fresh and just wonderful. The Dust Brothers music is perfect for the disenchanted victims of modern life. Not everyone is going to like this film, and even though I thought it was great, I can understand that. The violence is realistic and unrelenting, while some may find it hard to sympathise with the main characters. Others have said that the film doesn't have a message. I think it did, but in a way I think what you take away from this film is going to rely heavily on what you brought in. If you've never felt like an outsider, or can happily accept modern life's pros and cons, then I don't know if you'll find much in it. However, I know a lot of people found this film really spoke to them in a way I'm not really literate enough to convey. The DVD is astounding in the level of care and attention it has received. You'll spend hours going through everything. If you do see this film either try to catch a showing on the big screen or watch the DVD. Do NOT watch the video. The film has some very strong blacks, and with videos I've seen it's either too dark to see what's going on, or they've lightened the film so it loses its impact. I also found the dialogue became muffled and difficult to understand. If you're thinking of waiting for this film to be on TV, don't hold you're breath. They will NEVER EVER allow this film to be shown uncut! I really strongly recomend you see this film. You may not like it, but I do think you'll respect it.
Rating:  Summary: It's amazing how boring a movie like this can be. Review: Fight Club was one of the most boring movies that I saw in 1999. Amazing isn't it considering how much action and violence were in it. I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF HOLLYWOOD MAKING MOVIES LIKE THIS AND AMERICAN BEAUTY THAT ARE ABOUT BORED RICH WHITE BOYS WHO HAVE NOTHING ELSE BETTER TO DO WITH THEIR LIVES THAN TO PUNCH EACH OTHER'S FACE OUT OR LUST AFTER TEEN-AGE GIRLS. Why don't they do something constructive like charity work or helping out at a homeless shelter? Now that would be a twist and something original that Hollywood never thought of.
Rating:  Summary: Whiny Man, No Sanity Review: Fight Club, directed by David Fincher (Seven, The Game), is a visually stunning film with an incredible beginning and a wonderful cast. Too bad the film went downhill. Based on an insanse book by a writer who never believed in paragraphs, the movie is filled with darkness, chaos, and mayhem. Edward Norton plays an unidentified narrator, who has an equally anonymous life. It's so anonymous that even he doesn't know what his life consists of. He meets a manic-depressive named Marla Singer (Helena Bonham Carter), the greatest character of the film, who graces the screen in dollar dresses that were once worn at funerals and weddings. Then, our hero meets Tyler Durden, and the film makes a huge mistake. Tyler encompasses everything that one should not aspire to be. He's a terrorist/philosopher/maniac/megalomaniac who preaches to the X-generation, making soap and bombs and telling everyone that they are worthless and meaningless. Fincher shouldn't have taken this route, it's teenaged, unbelievable, and uninteresting. And it's a shame too. The beginning so is amazing, that if Tyler Durden were not in the film, this could have been an incredible film. Anyway, Durden, played by Brad Pitt, convinces insecure men that they can find a zen like state by beating each other up. The idea is funny, but the reality isn't, and the film devotes an hour to this concept. Then, things get worse... as does the film. Just watch the first twenty minutes, then turn it off. Or skip through the film and watch the scenes with Marla.
Rating:  Summary: I am Jack's movie reviewer. Review: Even though no-one is allowed to talk about Fight Club, I felt I had to. This film brilliantly portrays a man losing his grip. Violent yet beautiful, dramatic yet comic. Excellent performances from one of the best actors around, Norton, and also from Pitt. Should have won academy awards being one of the top 2 movies last year. Do not miss this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Best of 1999, hands down! Review: There seems to be one constant in "professional" reviews of Fight Club it seems that each reviewer finds this film to be somewhat confusing and disturbing. I would have to say thats the way I first felt, then I watched it again, and again, and again. Fight Club isn't about fascism, homoeroticism, or machismo. Fight Club is a film about taking back control of reality from the invisible societal forces that run our lives. Fight Club is about being fed up with complacency and doing something about. The dark and compelling story is complemented perfectly by Pitt and Norton's acting and taken even further by Director Fincher's unique vision of the modern world. Perhaps with the exception of The Game there has never been a Fincher movie without grime and decay, Fight Club takes this beyond the sets and into a metaphysical realm. If you are looking for a well made and well acted film that will provoke thought then this is for you. If you'd rather sit at home in your plush environs and watch the news...this is definitely for you.