Rating:  Summary: David Fincher - The Next Kubrick Review: Most of the "Fight Club" reviews posted here focus on the brilliance of the film and it's message. I, on the other hand, would like to focus on the challenges it provides to it's audience. Having been a fan of Stanley Kubrick for years, I must compliment David Fincher as being the only director working today with a similar passion for filmmaking. Films are a director's way of communicating an art form, and Fincher has managed to do that with each of his releases. "Fight Club," "Seven," and "The Game" are all in my top 10 films for that reason.As human beings we should have a thirst for challenges, and Fincher provides that to his audience with his cinematic creations. To truly love films we must be willing to suspend our belief systems and accept a difference of opinion. Fincher, like Kubrick, causes his viewers to do this. Like it or not, when you view a film by either of these geniuses, you have to admit that it has caused you to re-think aspects of your own life. Because of this, "Fight Club" is worthy of the highest rating.
Rating:  Summary: A Bipolar Film Review: Fight Club is a movie that I very much wanted to like without reservation. There was so much going for it: Every actor fit their role; the script was an almost perfect transliteration of Palahniuk's novel, in that it maintained his dark comedy and retained the book's best lines (like a good adapted screenplay should, Fight Club distilled the source novel: The visuals seemed the ideal extension of Palahnuik's words, as though the viewer might be imagining the images on their own); plus the Dust Brothers' score was energetic and the editing and lighting so appropriate to the film's tone that they seemed to tie everything up into a neat and seamless bundle. Combine this with the overall intensity of the movie and a handful of ingenious and clever effects and there doesn't seem to be much wrong with Fight Club. But it stumbled for me. Just about precisely at the midpoint of the movie, everything fell apart. The personal anti-consumerist, self-discovery-through-descent focus of the first half ("self-improvement is masturbation") gives way to a more overtly philosophical assault on the world at large. The most inventive angle of the movie (and the book) was the internal focus of Fight Club: How people (men) fight to define themselves given a lack of wars or depressions or other external stimuli. When this gives way to the more cliched "man against the machine" (or guerrilla cell against the machine) plot of Operation Mayhem, the movie loses it's real edge. But in spite of this, it still manages one of the best twists of the year. All in all, Fight Club remains a very very good movie, but not a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst films of 1999 Review: Fight Club starts off great. Fincher loads on the music, the witty voice-over and superbly placed visuals. Ten minutes into the film it appears as if the viewer is in for a wry, dark trip. But that potential never comes to fruition. Rather than continuing to build the movie begins a gradual descent into mediocrity and ridiculousness. By the last twenty minutes Fincher has gone into a nosedive, leaving viewers with two choices: hitting the stop button or sitting through this teenage angst-ridden bilge. What started off as a promising commentary on the loneliness and powerlessness of an individual in today's society quickly turns into some nihilistic hokum. Ludicrous plot "twists" (which are obvious to even a five year old) are piled on top of one another to explain the proceedings as the movie becomes more and more silly. By the end, you're wishing Finch were at a Fight Club you frequent so you could have a chance to beat him senseless for making this monstrosity. Not even Ed Norton could save this movie. Brad Pitt's one contribution would be his chiseled form and as we've seen with all his other work, looks don't make a movie. All in all, Fight Club is possibly one of the most inane, childish films I've ever had the misfortune to sit through.
Rating:  Summary: The Men Of Paper Street Review: David Fincher's Fight Club didn't exactly make a big name for itself upon its initial release last year(its box office gross was a mere 36 million dollars), but as nearly every Hollywood Exec. knows, video changes everything. It saddens me a little to think that this film was so easily overlooked by the people who now rush to rent, buy, and review it, but(pardon the cliche)better late than never. Fight Club is a brutal and dirty film(no, not in a sexual sense, but in its grainy stock and the unhygenic characters who love nothing more than to befoul any corporatized or mainstream institution)that lends the viewer a feeling of empathy for the struggling men of Fight Club and their search for individuality in a society more concerned with brand names and fashion labels. I couldn't help but laugh when Tyler and The Narrator(Yes, I know what you're thinking, but let's not spoil the end for those who haven't seen the film or read the book)lured a large number of diarrheic pigeons to a rooftop near a BMW dealership with bird feed, or when an unnamed character placed a "new and improved" version of an airline's safety and evacuation guidelines in all of the plane's seatbacks. I think most of us smile at things like this because we all realize just how dumb "yes men" think we are and its nice to see them squirm once in awhile. Who hasn't, at one time or another, wanted to shake the people around them and wake them up to some sad truth. It's a fact: Corporations think we're stupid. Tyler knows this. And it pisses him off. Fincher does an excellent job of keeping to the heart of the book and each actor, not a single exception, does an incredible job of fleshing out their character's dramatic and humorous potential. This is one of the truly good films of the Nineties. I have yet to meet a person, man or woman, who thinks differently. Run ,if need be, to your local video store. Better yet, just buy it. You'll be glad you did.
Rating:  Summary: Hugely Overrated Dreck Review: An interesting beginning gives way to pointless violence, childish pranks and plot twists for the sake of plot twists. I could kick myself for sitting through the entire mess. I hated this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A great movie with plenty of extra stuff on the DVD Review: This is in my opinion, one of the best movies of last year. The acting is superb and so is the writing. Protests of over-the-top violence in this film leave me a bit confused. Yeah, so there is a lot of fist fighting, but for the exception of one fight, everyone is a good sport whether they win or lose. I'm sure a fight could be a liberating experience because most of us go through life trying to avoid confrontation for whatever reason. That is beside the point, however because there is much more going in in this film and repeated viewings are almost required. The DVD has some great features. You can listen to four different commentaries while watching the film. There are deleted scenes, storyboards, concept art and other cool stuff. This is the way that all DVD's should be made. All of this can be purchased for a good price, considering that there are two DVD's in this edition. Highly Recommended!
Rating:  Summary: awesome Review: I have to say that I loved this movie! It is funny,exciting, and filled with fights. This movie is my favorite. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are awesome. I think you will like this movie!
Rating:  Summary: And I thought "Seven" was a masterpiece Review: When I bought this video I did have high expectations, but NOTHING could have been as high as what I was about to see. This is a true 21st. century masterpiece, not only because of the shockingly realistic violence, but also because of it's philosophy etc. It actually features many of the best sides of my favorite movies; the society critization of "Falling Down", the violent descriptions of "Clockwork Orange", the psychologic elements of "The Shining" of "One Fllew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", the negative effects of power from "Citizen Kane" and the stunningly brilliant humor of the Coen bros. movies. This is a true masterpiece, wich should be rated as one of the most important social movies to date. Plus; the soundtrack is excellent, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter are especially impressive, and the photography is high quality. You don't bump into many of these in your life, I got to tell you...
Rating:  Summary: Sets a New Standard Review: Forget whether or not this is a great movie ... you either get it or you don't. BUT what a dvd package! I really hope this sets a new standard for how movies are presented ...
Rating:  Summary: What DVD's Should Be! Review: OK, we all know that Fight Club is a great movie. The DVD, however, is incredible. This is what DVD's should be. From the funky packaging, to FOUR commentary tracks, from tons of behind the scenes vignettes, a kicka** soundtrack and deleted scenes(the mythical musical number and alternate ending are NOT on the DVD as had been rumored), this is what DVD buyers dream of. The audio is outstanding and will make anyone with a surround sound system go insane. It was worth a couple of delays to get to this finished product. I think that Fight Club will set a standard for what DVD's SHOULD be and we will all be the lucky recipients!