Rating:  Summary: FANTASTIC MOVIE, PERFECT DVD COLLECTION!!!!! Review: I saw this movie in the theaters the first week it was out. I was quite pumped up to see it because I'm a huge fan of David Fincher (his only flaw being Alien3.) Boy oh boy, was I not let down!!! This movie blew me out of my seat and it took weeks for my jaw to realign after it fell to the floor! My friends and I couldn't stop talking about it for weeks! To this day, and forever, I believe it is one of the most ingenious films ever made! Ultra cool, ultra violent, and the characters are well developed! When I heard that they were relesing the film on DVD as a 2 disk collector's edition I nearly passed out! But, like most of you might remember, there was a 2 month delay in the relese of the movie. It was originally going to be released at the begining of April, but then got pushed back to June! So after crying for 2 months, I summoned enough strength to go buy it! Just like at the theaters I was blown away by the DVD!!! The picture and audio are FLAWLESS!!! Whomever reviewed it for amazon and gave it only 4.5 on picture/audio shame on you!!! You need to lay off the drugs and review it again! In all honesty, I strongly feel that this is the best dvd set yet to be released! I haven't gone through all the supplements simply because it'd take days to do so (no kidding either.) To sum it up for you hip cats out there, perfect movie, perfect dvd, buy it now!!! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!
Rating:  Summary: Buy or rent this right now! Review: I've read the scores of comprehensive reviews of this extraordinary film here at Amazon.com, and there is little I can add to them. So, all I will do is give my own ten short and punchy (pun intended) reasons why "Fight Club" is a must-see DVD:1) The complex characters. I loved the way viewers can look on the actions of our heroes as maybe a little strange (and even feel outright revulsion as the "fight club" concept flowers among their hundreds of followers), yet we can still identify and sympathize with the cultural pressures that drove them to develop their unusual outlet. 2) The bizarre, jaw-dropping scenes. Swiping discarded human fat from the dumpsters at the liposuction clinic so that our heroes can make designer soap from it and sell it back to fat-cat women blissfully unaware that they contributed the main ingredient for its manufacture? I was on the floor! 3) David Fincher's direction. Never over-directed, never under-directed. Just right. 4) The "Sixth Sense" style revelation about four-fifths of the way in. It was clever and surprising, and provided yet another reason to watch the film a second time, to catch all the subtle clues planted early on. 5)All the extras in the DVD edition. It takes a second disc to fit them all. Nuff said. 6) The amazingly funny scenes. Even the throw-away lines had me rolling, like when we learned Tyler was the defendent in a class-action suit filed as a result of the high urine content in the soup he was serving at the hotel restaurant where he worked! 7) The crystal-clear DVD transfer. What a picture! 8) The great packaging, colorful and eye-catching. And I loved that the booklet with the DVDs proudly included as many negative reviews of the film as positive ones. So subversive! 9) The great acting. Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Helena Bonham Carter, and-- yes!-- Meat Loaf were all perfectly in tune with the material and made us totally believe in them, despite the crazy situations in which they found themselves. And Meat Loaf accomplished that while wearing large female breasts for the duration of the film! 10) The closing moments. What vision! We see tender words exchanged in the foreground between two of the major characters (I don't want to give too much away here) while outside the window behind them unfolds the strangest, most apocalyptic vision seen in a movie in recent years. I didn't know whether to laugh or stare in amazement, so I did both. I made the mistake of missing this film during its theatrical run (temporary insanity on my part), but had a ball discovering it on DVD....
Rating:  Summary: Excellent two-disc DVD with lots of extras Review: The FIGHT CLUB DVD is an achievement of super-loaded extras, including TWO DISCS of material. The first disc contains the movie with fun stuff like the commentary tracks (FOUR -- count 'em, FOUR commentary tracks) and dubbing in French (watch part of this just to see how great dubbing is these days), and the second disc features tons of engrossing stuff like behind-the-scenes featurettes, a music video, storyboards, trailers, and much more. If you'd like to appreciate FIGHT CLUB in a deeper way, this DVD is a good way to begin. The amount of information on this DVD is astonishing, and the design is artistic but keeps with the feel of the movie. If this is the regular release DVD, I can't imagine what the special edition will look like.
Rating:  Summary: Clearly a must-see ! Review: The perfect medley of "PULP FUCTION" for the original way of shooting and montage, of "USUAL SUSPECT" for the quality of scenario & monumental epilogue and of "THE MATRIX" for the special FX which are present to serve up the scenario and not to make it consistent...
Rating:  Summary: This is how every dvd should be presented Review: If you like the DVD experience and enjoy the extra stuff that comes along with most of them, then this is a DVD for you. TONS of extra little goodies, so many that they had to be put on a separate DVD. The film is great also, but I am so happy with the total package and all it includes. As I said, they should do every dvd this way.
Rating:  Summary: Fight Club Review: Fight Club does have a great deal of violence, it is true. If you take that as a given, then you ready yourself to see some very important questions that this film brings into focus. Anyone who wonders about the consumerist vision of life will certainly see things differently after viewing this film. It will at least bring into question the search for material things and what that means. I believe another part of this film has to do with men. According to the film, men need to connect with others in a very physical way. It seems as though the only way they can feel anything is by being extreme - in everyway. I think this is a rather limited understanding of maleness. The writer, however, wants to express something about males....I can only guess this from the fact that most of those who make up the cast are male. There is only one main female in the cast. I believe the philosophy expressed can be one that all can hold whether male or female. Is this a useful way to see men? I don't really think so....however, even with this stereotypical vision of males....I think the film has a great deal to offer all people. All people who really want to question, law and order, who want to question what is taught about success and so on. All of the actors were well cast and should be applauded. The writers and director should be praised for creating a worthwhile film, one that makes people think, and this, certainly needs to be rewarded!
Rating:  Summary: I can't believe A film of this quality exist Review: David Fincher is definitely a great Director, his first movie was ALien 3 (Maybe the worst alien made), but not for that is a bad movie. The he made Seven, one of the most succesfull thriller movie made, the game, a good film but not terrific. Then I buyed this DVD because all my friends say that Fight Club is the best of the best, When I saw it, I have to say that is true The fight Club is one the best 10 movies ever made. The plot is inteligent and the same time full of irony, Brad Pitt made one of his best work doing Tyler Durden, but who take the show is Edward Norton his perfomance is brilliant, perfect, and definitely his has to be nominated to an oscar, and win it. The movie is amazin, but more amazing is the DVD version, two disc, in the first we have the movie, with no two or three audio comentaries, FOUR AUDIO comentaries we have in the disc. The movie is anamorphic and look terrific, is THX certified and is one of the best video transfer I ever see, except Bugs Life that is a digital direct transfer. The sound is Amazing definitely one of the most interactive sound, I think that for that was made th 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround. The second DVD has more aditional material than any DVD made, has pictures, promotional videos, even the Spanish promotional videos, Special effects, deleted scenes, and many surprise. If you want a excellent movie and a terrific DVD, this is the best choice you can do. I recommend this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Edward Norton is a very good and underappreciated actor. Review: This movie is very strange. It had a very wierd start. But once he(Edward Norton) met Tyler(Brad Pitt) the story started to pick up and get more interesting. If you don't mind violence and a wierd story this movie is filled with great actors and some good plot twists. I recommend it to anybody.
Rating:  Summary: Fascist Chauvinism At Its Most Amusing Review: This is a definetely a movie for men. It is 100% pure testosterone, blending unmerciful and horrific violence with nihilistic conviction. It is also a sardonic look at the American society and the mechanical agendas we keep day in and day out, working towards our ultimate goal which is the immortal sin: materialism. Fight Club not only scoffs at our civilization, but it forces us to envision a totalitarian society in which we live only for self-destruction and elimination of order. Pure anarchy and unadulterated rage. What could be more fun? Even though I'm a woman and this film literally slanders the female counterpart, I was able to look past that to see that the story does make a significant and amusing point in all its glorified madness. "The things you own end up owning you" is a pitiful but inevitable statement made by the prime minister of chaos himself, Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). He explains in so many words throughout the scattered scenes that we are but mindless consumers drowning in the money-minded occupancy of our twisted souls, and that in truth we are nothing more than living, breathing shells all bound by the same animalistic natures. Soon after the foundation of Fight Club is created, a nationwide following ensues and Tyler's steadfast minions devise a plan to annihilate all major credit card companies and all records pertaining, setting the world's infinite circle of debt back to zero. Following two steps behind is a soft-spoken victim of society, nameless and impressionable. He appears to be Tyler's right-hand man and develops his killer instinct for rebellion and rage. You soon learn that this "Jack" is the one behind it all, Tyler Durden the resulting fabrication of his sudden and inexplicable epiphany. The camera work is creative, flashy and strewn all over the place, the story moving with the emotional adrenalin of its characters. This could be classified as an action flick, but it doesn't contain even half the eye-candy car crash/fire/explosion exhibitions that normal action movies are saturated in. Fight Club packs the punch with its corrupt ideals and frenzied motivation, making it a unique classification for the action genre. None other than David Fincher could have done the movie justice with its dark, surrealistic mood and spectacular performances from its leading men. He seems to get the best out of Brad Pitt, whom I, for quite some time, considered a very mediocre actor and at best just another pretty face. Edward Norton barely needs guidance here, the perfect picture of the unassuming and compliant citizen turned masochistic and vengeful mutineer. As for Helena Bonham Carter, she's an endearing attachment, but more than anything she's a fifth wheel. The movie could've been done without her and not much would've changed except for the exaggerated sex scenes, which were mostly added for humor anyway. If you're looking for a movie that has an acerbic approach and a wild streak like you've never seen, a movie that makes you question the way you live and how you think, then head in the direction of Chuck Palaniuhk's convulted tale. Your hopes will more than be met.
Rating:  Summary: Not just a great DVD, but a collector's item! Review: This is one of those rare films that keeps getting better every time you watch. Smart, subversive, funny, and just plain brilliantly crafted, Fight Club is one of the best movies of the 1990s. Based on a novel by Chuck Palahniuk, this movie tells the story of an exhausted and strung-out Gen-Xer played by Edward Norton who "befriends" Tyler Durden, played by Brad Pitt, and creates Fight Club together to rebel against the consumerist society that they feel powerless against. All hell breaks loose when Tyler feels that things should be taken to the next level and Edward Norton's character finds himself again caught up in a world he believes he doesn't have any control over. There's a sublime twist at the end, and it took me several viewings to catch all the subtle nuances that hinted throughout the movie that things are not as they seem. Both Edward Norton and Brad Pitt do a fantastic job in conveying a sense of hopelessness and nihilism and their violent reactions against society. Forget about the asinine controversy surrounding the film, because this is a film to watch, think about, and then watch again. If that weren't enough, the DVD itself is jam-packed with outtakes, still gallerys, commentary, behind-the-scenes, production notes, and a slew of goodies on two discs. Let's not forget the great packaging design, which makes this DVD one to keep and cherish for years to come. If only all DVDs came this way! Now, all I have to do is get Edward Norton and Brad Pitt to sign this thing. . .