Rating:  Summary: FIGHT CLUB...ED NORTON'S BEST WORK Review: This movie made me think. It made me think of who we are in ourselves. Are we one person, or are we two in one body? Fight club personiphies (forgive my spelling) the concept of an insomniac creating an alter ego to cope with his troubles. for instance...Ed norton blows up his apartment and then he blames it on tyler, his imaginary friend. This is by all means an excellant movie. it is one of my favorites, and this special edition 2 disc is awesome. it has tons of extras and is very collectible. if you haven't seen it, don't buy this. you have to see it first and let it sit with you awhile. don't believe any of the one star reviews. they are just mad because they can't comprehend the indepth concept of this masterpiece. THIS IS NOT A WHITE GUY MOVIE AS ONE OF THE ONE STAR REVIEWERS SAID. A white guy movie would be Joe dirt, which was funny contrary to popular belief. Thank you for your time, and I hope you make the right decision.
Rating:  Summary: FINALLY THE SPECIAL EDITION IS BACK Review: I have been praying for this day to come, The special edition is back in print and now I need to start saving up for it. Fight Club is such a brutal portrait of today's consumer culture. It goes down to the very bottom and shows us what can happen to us all. My god, this movie kicks. Go out and buy buy buy buy.
Rating:  Summary: entertaining but not anything like the novel Review: Well, for those of us who struggled with Chuck Palahniuk's dark, unsettling, and extremely confusing novel, this movie provided a "quick reference guide". For those who haven't read the book or put it down after several pages (can't blame them), it makes for a good -er- entertainment. Of course, that is, if your idea of entertainment is watching weak guys beat each other to the pulp. The movie managed to shred off all of its society-challenging roots. What remained was neither disturbing nor challenging. Consequently, there was no real drama in the characters' lives, they're just looking for an outlet for all the testasterone. (The support group gigs actually proved just humorous rather than appalling). While some might just go to the weight room or a good dojo, these guys chose to start a fight club. The movie glosses over the lives that these guys lived prior to the onset of events, so it's not easy to grasp why they all of a sudden becoming freaks. Palahniuk's book certainly provided more background, grotesque as it was. This is certainly not a movie for the intellectuals, but neither it is a movie for a bunch of guys getting together for some beers and a flick. It's mildly disturbing, but not nearly as disturbing as it could have been. Ed Norton is his usual ice-cool self, Pitt is his un-usual intense alter ego. No one looks convincing in fight scenes with those personal-trainer-assisted musculature and choreography. Another "could have been" movie from Hollywood.
Rating:  Summary: Art. Review: There are moments when Fight Club loses its pace; when moments drag. Put aside this one flaw, and put it aside you must, and you're left with a piercingly intelligent deconstruction of modern life. It is a movie perched on an overhang, with just enough height and distance to give a snarling, infuriariting perspective on a society that has turned us into docile husks. Ever feel that sinking emptiness inside, the hollow, clawing demise of your soul? Ever wish the plane you were on would crash, putting you and a couple of other hundred meaningless lives to rest? Fight Club tells us why it is so important to live, and what it means to take control of your life and scream to the heavens that you matter. Even if you don't.That's where Fight Club begins for it's lead character; a man trapped, looking for a way out, knowing that he can't escape it alone. He needs a hero; a savant; an angel. And into his life walks Tyler Durden, a roaming, phantasmagorical Christ figure, ready to grab him by the neck and beat him into consciousness. I don't want to tell you more, but rest assured that the dialogue is crisp, insightful, and wonderfully real. The story is crystalline, full of metaphor, nuance, and irony. It is also breathtakingly violent, showing us how much we all need the equivalent of a sharp, short, shock to the face, to spit a few teeth into the sink, to feel the sting of lye burning through skin, through sinew, into bone. Pain may be the most real thing we have. It's the only thing that may make us listen--to ourselves and others. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt shine, but so do the rest of the actors. The cinematography is lush at times; macroscopic at times; flamingly good. The directing is a wonder. Films rarely are this good; stories are rarely so timely. And as you watch the final moments unfold, they may put current events in a very different perspective. Thank god this movie was made; it would not have been made later--as you will learn. Watch it.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT MOVIE!!!!!!! Review: One of Edwaed Norton's best movie's ever. This movie is very well put together, and keeps your attention from begining to end.
Rating:  Summary: DVD to end all DVDs. Review: This is one of the best dvds around, not to mention one of the best movies out of the 90's. It's out of stock, but try as hard as you can to get this. Even if it takes an arm and a leg, it will still be worth it to get this wonderful dvd.
Rating:  Summary: I am Jack's opinion towards this movie. Review: First off, let me say that this movie is about much more than a bunch of people fighting. Actually, that is not the point of the film at all. The fight clubs are a form of propaganda. All though this motion picture is stated as a comedy, i think you will be thinking about convoluted ideas much more than laughing. This comedy might be alot more clever than you would expect. The movie is about a depressed, insomniac half a lunatic man who has a vision about the world and humanity. The character's inability to sleep is the fuel for his audacity and his crazy actions which no one else would even think about, let alone attempt. In the movie he tries to save himself from the world in which everybody is captive and lost, by creating an organisation. He then tries to save himself and his "girlfriend" from himself and the organisation he has created. The film is bombarded with articulate little phrases that are diversified and as meanigful as they are meaningless, which is about the extent of the movie's humor. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are the perfect match for this flick and their acting was impressive. Easily influenced minds might leave this movie with new world concepts for the next few hours. And for all the little girls who are uncontrollable Brad Pitt fanatics because *blah Blah blah he's sooooo cute blah blah blah, you might find yourself sticking someone else's face on your room's walls. This movie is certainly not for everybody and some people will be blinded by the film's hardcore facade and will miss the depth of it. Let me just give you a glimpse of the movie's bold humor quoted from the principal character's mind when he was interiorly expressing his rage against one of his oponents: " I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every panda that wouldn't sc**w to save it's species. Anyways it was kind of hard to write a good review without revealing too much information.
Rating:  Summary: I can't believe it got so many rave reviews! Review: My God! Really! Everybody I know hated this movie! The first half of it was brilliant. Cool, noir atmosphere, beautfiul dialogue, great acting, beautiful action, interesting theme... Then in the later half, the movie falls apart. First of all, unlike the book, the movie was visual and therefore unable to hide it's major twist for a long time. When I read the book, it was like 'Oh my God! So that was it! So that was what was happening!' Since I already read the book before I saw the movie, I knew what was happening all along so I have no say. But my brother and his friends, all of whom watched the movie first, caught on in first twenty minutes and things became kind of stale after that. Then there's the sheer impossibility of it all. Yes, it's a dark fantasy not meant to be realistic in the fist place. Yet the book managed to stay true to life and believable because of the blase manner in which it is presented and the foggy atmosphere of the book. The movie tries too hard for too much and in effect makes itself look ridiculous. The director tries to make everything too cool, so that there's nothing but coolness. The bare suppressed seething rage of the book is nowhere to be seen. Brad Pitt struts his muscles and cool yellow sunglasses, Norton becomes a super-anti-hero, so what. I believe that the movie would have been a lot better if it had kept true to the book's version of the story. This is bad screen adaptation at its worst. The ending was a standard Hollywood "Everything's gone and done now, let's be happy and party!" kind of happy ending. God, PLEASE. This simply isn't that kind of movie! It's meant to be about rage, about loss, about self-contempt, and about all that it promised in the beginning. Going for a cheap trick end, though, it ends on an unbelievable turn and will leave a lot of you disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: One day it will be recognized as the classic that it is. Review: It was dissapointment all the mixed reviews this film got on its release. I think it was a victim of its own marketing actually. A lot of goombahs expected a movie about guys scrapping it out Van Damme style and then were disspointed that it was actually about screwing with people's perceptions of power and glory rather than power and glory itself. Ed Norton is perfect as a suit and tie guy who just gets sick of his mindless consumerism. He meets Tyler, played to perfection by Brad Pitt, who inspires him to take his life into his own hands and they begin exorcizing their own demons through cathartic underground fight clubs. Soon, they spawn a revolution...from there the movie begings its mind-play with the viewer. Freedom, loyalty, courage, anarchy, obsessiveness...all are explored here in their most extreme forms. I must say that Pitt was perfectly cast as the ego to Norton's id. Who doesn't wish they had the perfect appeal that Pitt embodies? You'll see what I mean after watching the flick. And be prepared to view it again and again. An underrated gem whose cult only grows bigger as the years go on.
Rating:  Summary: first rule of Fight Club. dont talk about Fight Club Review: awesome, in your face, bloody, brutal, brillant, sometimes over the top, bashing, gory, nasty, comical, disturbing. David Fincher's second best film next to Se7en. Brad Pitt can act and he can fight and so can Edward Norton. The fights are awesome and the suspense never stops. The finale I never suspected, which was great. and theres a lot of sex and moaning in this one as well and some big juggs on Meat Loaf. Watch and enjoy